View Full Version : New license plates on the way

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06-23-2021, 02:46 PM
Agreed. I have a 46 star plate. I love it. This isn't mine below but you get the idea. I've received compliments from quite a few people. Simple but catches your eye.


I have the same plate. Someone called me a communist once for it. It was perplexing.

06-23-2021, 03:05 PM
I have the same plate. Someone called me a communist once for it. It was perplexing.

Ahhh, yes. The very same reason why the flag was decommissioned because of fears that the color red showed an affinity to communism.

06-23-2021, 03:15 PM
Ahhh, yes. The very same reason why the flag was decommissioned because of fears that the color red showed an affinity to communism.

I just thought they didnt like red and were afraid of Latin.

06-23-2021, 04:07 PM
Agreed. I have a 46 star plate. I love it. This isn't mine below but you get the idea. I've received compliments from quite a few people. Simple but catches your eye.


The red 46 flag is a great flag design. labor omnia vincit is a great state motto. This license plate rules.

06-23-2021, 04:41 PM
The red 46 flag is a great flag design. labor omnia vincit is a great state motto. This license plate rules.

I have it and love it. Great design.

WheelerD Guy
06-23-2021, 05:30 PM
I've noticed that a lot of Republicans tend to get the 46 star "red flag" license plate.

Wait, I thought they all got the “Don’t Tread on Me” plates to go with their Gadsden flags?

On a related note, the National Weather Center plate is the best one available. It’s just a beautiful design. A little surprised that the state wouldn’t make it the standard.

06-23-2021, 08:35 PM
Wait, I thought they all got the “Don’t Tread on Me” plates to go with their Gadsden flags?

On a related note, the National Weather Center plate is the best one available. It’s just a beautiful design. A little surprised that the state wouldn’t make it the standard.

It’s okay, but would be so much better with white lettering

06-23-2021, 11:30 PM
It’s okay, but would be so much better with white lettering

Agree. I have seen it several times in person and honestly can't believe the design got approved because of how hard the lettering is to see.