View Full Version : Utility easement and landscape destruction

04-27-2016, 01:03 PM
So curious if anyone knows....

My mother just spend the past year or so landscaping her backyard. This included bringing in tons of soil, planting trees, and putting down really high quality fescue sod. Additionally, she just leveled off an area specifically for a deck she's putting in by her pool.

Well the city of Edmond came in this week to do utility work. No warning, took down fence sections, ripped up giant holes in the yard, and the equipment they used destroyed quite a bit of the sod (even where they weren't working).

Now I understand that a) they have the right to access to do this work and b) they'll do some restorative work on the yard. But my question is will they restore everything up to the quality it was before, and do we have a right to ask/expect that?