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11-16-2015, 12:11 PM
Anyone know what the story is on the Jackie Cooper building at NW Expressway and 63rd? It has sat vacant for quite a while now.

It's one of the busiest intersections in town, plus there is an OnCue on the opposite corner and a strip mall with Academy Sports behind the location. Seems like it would be prime real estate for a variety of businesses instead of just sitting there empty.

Anyone know the story on this property? Seems like it would be a great space for something like a small specialty grocery store, like a Sprout's or Natural Grocer.

I drive past this location every day and it seems like such a waste of space in an area where so many new businesses are popping up.


11-16-2015, 02:35 PM
Jackie cooper, not unlike bob Moore group and their vacant downtown dealership. They are staunch capitalists. They're not hurting for income. That will sit until someone comes along and pays what they've had it appraised for.

11-16-2015, 02:37 PM
Also there is a sprouts AND a natural grocer across the street from it less than 2 miles from here. And I don't think either brand does that kind investment/overhaul on a lot like that, at least not from what I've seen.

11-16-2015, 10:52 PM
The business I work for was in an office building directly west between Jackie Cooper and Academy when I started working for them 15 years ago. We moved when our lease was not renewed about 8 years ago and they tore the building down. It has been a vacant lot ever since with a sign up offering the property. Many land owners seem to be just content to sit on vacant or unleased property for some reasons that may only be known to them.

11-21-2015, 08:59 AM
I figured it was something like that - a company with no motivation to sell.

I just used Sprouts or Natural Grocer as an example, but it seems like a great high traffic location that is going to waste.

For some reason it annoys me every time I drive by there and just see it sitting empty; I wish there was something useful in its place.

11-21-2015, 09:55 AM
I figured it was something like that - a company with no motivation to sell.

I just used Sprouts or Natural Grocer as an example, but it seems like a great high traffic location that is going to waste.

For some reason it annoys me every time I drive by there and just see it sitting empty; I wish there was something useful in its place.

Jackie Cooper Electronics does not own that building as far as I know. It was a car lot before they moved in.. In fact,there have been several different car lots there over the years. But Jackie Cooper moved to new steel building (smaller) on Rockwell just north of Wilshire.

11-21-2015, 03:37 PM
The electronics store was an offshoot of the Jackie cooper stereo/tire/alignment/wheel&accessory shop that fronted 63rd.

11-25-2015, 09:51 AM
I wonder who owns the actual property? They stilll have the Jackie Cooper signs all over the building.

11-29-2015, 06:04 PM
I wonder who owns the actual property? They stilll have the Jackie Cooper signs all over the building.

Did a little investigating so maybe Pete will give me a junior reporter badge. The property was sold in March of 2015. The seller was Bar Co investments and the buyer was Provencia Investments. property sold for $3,450,000 but appears to have included two other parcels of land near W Wilshire and N Meridian.

Provencia Investments is an Oklahoma Company that was formed in 2010. Their address tracks back to Mazaheri Properties at 3445 West Memorial Suite I. Bar Co is an Oklahoma Company also that tracks back to 6806 NW Grand which is a residence currently owned by a trust but was previously owned by Jack Cooper and his wife. Bar Co bought the property in 1993 and that was the same time Jacki Cooper owned the property on Grand.

11-30-2015, 08:12 AM

Great job! I'll give you the badge next time I see you.

Yes, Mazaheri bought this property and is planning a 6-story hotel. Working on getting more details.

Also, more retail space coming directly west (south of Buffalo Wild Wings) in the Lakeshore center, which is under different ownership.

11-30-2015, 12:00 PM
From the Mazaheri Properties FB page: Mazaheri Properties and Champion Hotels purchased Jackie Cooper building at NW 63rd and NW Expressway. The property is about 3.5 acres. After demolishing the building, we plan to sell one acre to Dental Depot and Construct two hotels on the remainder of the land. One of the hotels will be Home2 by Hilton.

11-30-2015, 09:55 PM
Also, more retail space coming directly west (south of Buffalo Wild Wings) in the Lakeshore center, which is under different ownership.

As I mentioned previously that empty lot is where the business I work for was located a few years ago. I drive by there regularly and the last time I looked the "pad site available" sign was still up. Has something changed?

12-01-2015, 12:10 AM
Jackie cooper, not unlike bob Moore group and their vacant downtown dealership. They are staunch capitalists. They're not hurting for income. That will sit until someone comes along and pays what they've had it appraised for.

Odd comparison. I think Bob Moore wanted to hold onto their dealership because they had bigger redevelopment plans than just a convention center. Not sure that's Jackie Cooper's move, but hey I could be wrong...

12-01-2015, 06:12 AM
As I mentioned previously that empty lot is where the business I work for was located a few years ago. I drive by there regularly and the last time I looked the "pad site available" sign was still up. Has something changed?


There are specific plans to rebuilt for lease retail space on that site. Building permits subitted, renderings drawn, etc.

12-07-2015, 05:48 PM
Bar Co is an Oklahoma Company also that tracks back to 6806 NW Grand which is a residence currently owned by a trust but was previously owned by Jack Cooper and his wife. Bar Co bought the property in 1993 and that was the same time Jacki Cooper owned the property on Grand.

Barbara Cooper Investments :tiphat:

12-10-2015, 03:02 AM
The one thing that I wish the city would enforce is the removal of signage once a business vacates a property. Defunct business signage makes the city look low class.

04-21-2016, 05:33 PM
Someone is razing the old Jackie Cooper Electronics building at NW 63rd and NW Expressway. They already have most of the southern side down.

04-21-2016, 05:53 PM
I work with a guy named Jackie Cooper.

04-21-2016, 07:27 PM
I bought a car off a guy who worked for a guy named Jackie Cooper

04-21-2016, 07:46 PM
superman worked for a guy played by jackie cooper. -M

04-26-2016, 08:04 AM
Okay, here are the plans...

For the old Jackie Cooper site, there will be a 6-story hotel, a Dental Depot and a future hotel.

Lakeshore Shopping Center directly to the west (under separate ownership) will be expanded where the old enclosed mall was demolished. Buffalo Wild Wings is also expanding into the former Garbanzo space to the east.

04-26-2016, 08:06 AM
I didn't get a pic but went I went by yesterday, almost everything had been demolished.

04-29-2016, 06:50 PM
This SUCKS!!! I live one block south and don't want a six story hotel as my primary view from my front porch! Why doesn't stuff like this, in direct view of an established neighborhood, get announcements of public meeting required to be given by mail the neighborhood? I would have fought this! (Most likely lost, but would have fought anyway)

Plutonic Panda
04-29-2016, 10:54 PM
It may suck for you, but move out of the city. OKC isn't this small town anymore. People like you are incredibly annoying who have this small town mentality and just because because you don't want to see things that big cities have you bitch about it yet you live in a big city. wtf to that.

04-30-2016, 01:35 AM
It works the same way in small towns. You buy a lot to build a house with a splendid view of downtown and nearby countryside. A year later someone blocks the view by building a two story house.

04-30-2016, 08:01 AM
If you buy a house near NW Expwy or 63rd or any other major commercial corridor you should not only know that developments like this are going to occur you should EXPECT them.

04-30-2016, 02:50 PM
Finally I'll a place to crash after I eat too many chicken wings at beedubs ; )

05-02-2016, 09:47 AM
Some have States this will be one of the "Value Place" extended stay hotels... The renderings don't appear to indicate such, but it is hard to tell. Anybody know?

05-02-2016, 11:13 AM
Some have States this will be one of the "Value Place" extended stay hotels... The renderings don't appear to indicate such, but it is hard to tell. Anybody know?

Rendering looks like a home2 suites by Hilton.

05-02-2016, 11:15 AM
Yes, Home2Suites will be the flag for the one hotel shown with detailed plans.

Not sure of the 2nd proposed hotel.

05-02-2016, 02:27 PM
I think we could fit a few more things in this section, am I right? Throw in a Supercuts, Payday loan, and a Midfirst Bank? Maybe a Jimmy Johns too?

01-10-2017, 08:27 PM
From today:

05-02-2017, 03:32 PM
Construction trailer means work should start in earnest for the 6-story Home 2 hotel at this site.

Plans have not yet been filed for the 2nd 6-story hotel to be built to the immediate east but I believe it will be a Tru by Hilton.

05-08-2017, 07:37 PM
Construction trailer means work should start in earnest for the 6-story Home 2 hotel at this site.

Plans have not yet been filed for the 2nd 6-story hotel to be built to the immediate east but I believe it will be a Tru by Hilton.

I pass by daily and I REALLY hope they put a stoplight at 63rd and Tulsa. If somebody tries to turn left in the morning, I'm late for work!

05-08-2017, 10:44 PM
That part of the city is cancer for traffic. Pretty much all of NW Expressway is.

05-09-2017, 09:41 AM
That part of the city is cancer for traffic. Pretty much all of NW Expressway is.

Yes, there is nothing "express" about that street anymore!!!

05-09-2017, 09:43 AM
I pass by daily and I REALLY hope they put a stoplight at 63rd and Tulsa. If somebody tries to turn left in the morning, I'm late for work!

Yes, either a light or a 'no left turn' sign during busy hours.

Roger S
05-09-2017, 09:47 AM
Yes, either a light or a 'no left turn' sign during busy hours.

No one pays attention to signs any more.... or lights..... Probably best to just put up a barrier..... Some people don't pay attention to barriers either but at least the barrier always wins.

05-09-2017, 02:17 PM
No one pays attention to signs any more

I'm looking at you, people that ignore the no turn on red sign on Eastbound 23rd at Classen (by Walgreens). You know who you are (pretty much everybody).

Roger S
05-10-2017, 07:25 AM
I'm looking at you, people that ignore the no turn on red sign on Eastbound 23rd at Classen (by Walgreens). You know who you are (pretty much everybody).

HAHA... I've seen those people! .... Pretty sure they are the same ones making left turns here (,-97.5301282,3a,15.1y,6.62h,96.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sigkCi5Q4jFbhZNDc-MIArQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en)!

09-04-2017, 10:54 AM
Has anyone heard any updates to the plans or vendors for this project? The blueprints at the beginning of this post look like the new strip center over at Memorial and May where the new Salata restaurant is. The feel of that center is pretty nice - I hope this development is just as nice with some good tenants.

As others said - with the increased traffic it will bring, 63rd and Tulsa really needs a stoplight.

09-04-2017, 11:13 AM
The strip center project would be by the owner of the shopping center and there hasn't been any movement. I suspect they are just fishing for tenants.

Everything under construction now is driven by Mazaheri Properties, as they own the triangle of land to the east of the center.

09-04-2017, 07:02 PM
The project is coming along nicely. The steel frame for what I am guessing is the shopping center is erected. There wasn't much visible progress over the early part of the summer, but you can easily see the progress now.

09-04-2017, 07:29 PM
The project is coming along nicely. The steel frame for what I am guessing is the shopping center is erected. There wasn't much visible progress over the early part of the summer, but you can easily see the progress now.

I believe the steel framework you see is for the hotel. I don't believe any work has started on the strip shopping center.

09-13-2017, 06:13 AM
Took this last night.

Hotel is well along but no movement on the neighboring retail expansion, which is proposed for that dirt/grass area directly south of Buffalo Wild Wings.

09-14-2017, 12:44 PM
You never really realize how close NWX comes to Lake Hefner, or at least I never did. I know it's a park, but it would be cool to see a dense, mixed use development right along the water there. Easy access from NWX.

09-14-2017, 12:51 PM
You never really realize how close NWX comes to Lake Hefner, or at least I never did. I know it's a park, but it would be cool to see a dense, mixed use development right along the water there. Easy access from NWX.

Didn't they try that a few years back and were met with a ton of outcry from the surrounding neighborhoods who wanted to preserve the park?

09-14-2017, 01:15 PM
Didn't they try that a few years back and were met with a ton of outcry from the surrounding neighborhoods who wanted to preserve the park?

Not sure. I have never been that familiar with the area. I don't blame the neighbors on the pushback -- but would still be nice to have a dense urban development directly on a large body of water in this city, it's really the only thing OKC lacks that is provided in many other cities.

10-27-2017, 11:39 AM
Does anyone know who the Architect or Contractor for the hotel building is?

Isaac C. Parker
12-06-2017, 10:56 PM
Noticed the hotel had tacked on quite a few stories since I'd last been in this part of the city.

12-23-2017, 06:26 PM
Noticed the hotel had tacked on quite a few stories since I'd last been in this part of the city.

I live near here and pass the hotel on the way to work every morning. They have finally finished building upwards and now are starting to enclose the building. Looks like it will be one of the bigger sized hotels in this area. I've stayed at Home2 Hotels and they are always nice. (They are a Hilton property.) Hopefully it will bring some other nice restaurants nearby.

I love the drone pic posted a few months ago. Any recent photos of the area?

12-23-2017, 06:48 PM
I'll get out there with my drone soon.

12-27-2017, 04:31 PM

12-29-2017, 08:42 AM
Hmmm...Still a blank space where the super slaughter cinema used to be.

12-29-2017, 08:47 AM
Hmmm...Still a blank space where the super slaughter cinema used to be.

this area was far from my stomping grounds back in the day... was the super saver in that field just south of buffalo wild wings?

12-29-2017, 08:56 AM
Hmmm...Still a blank space where the super slaughter cinema used to be.

The grass lot just to the west of the new hotel

12-29-2017, 08:59 AM
That was a great budget theater. Actually done well.

And of course before that it was Lakeshore Mall, which housed the popular Butterfields in the 70's and early 80's.

12-29-2017, 09:02 AM
The grass lot just to the west of the new hotel

gotcha... just as i suspected. i remember there being another in town besides the one on south shields but didn't realize that this is where it was located.

12-29-2017, 09:03 AM
That was a great budget theater. Actually done well.

And of course before that it was Lakeshore Mall, which housed the popular Butterfields in the 70's and early 80's.

wait, what? was this something on the scale of french market mall and south shields mall? don't think i've ever heard of this.

12-29-2017, 09:15 AM
wait, what? was this something on the scale of french market mall and south shields mall? don't think i've ever heard of this.

It was quite small and only one story.

Butterfield's Overland Express faced west (the parking lot) then there was a small indoor mall inside. Kind of like West Park Mall at 63rd & MacArthur which is also now demolished. I think Sun & Ski travel was in there for quite a while.

Butterfield's was a big sensation for a while, pretty much a club at night but they also served brunch. Pulled huge crowds.

My Pi was roughly where BWW is now.

Super Saver Cinema came later and took the entire mall space.