Roger S
04-20-2016, 09:46 AM
As a fan of classic Westerns I try to not let myself get too excited when I hear one of them is going to be remade so I won't feel let down if it doesn't live up to the boots it's trying to fill.
I was pretty satisfied with the True Grit and 3:10 to Yuma remakes so I'm hoping the trend continues with this one because it is definitely high up on my list of all time favorites and it's going to be really hard for whoever has to fill Eli Wallach's boots as Calvera in this movie.
The First Magnificent Seven Trailer Is Brutal, Violent And Glorious, Watch It Now - CINEMABLEND (
04-20-2016, 01:49 PM
Greatest part of modern westerns is those wide sweeping vista shots. I wasn't born in the right decade to see the great classics on the big screen. Rather sitting 24" away from my grandparents magnavox with the blood and the swear words cut out. The hateful eight got mixed reviews, but there's no argument the first 20 minutes is gorgeous cinematography.
Roger S
04-20-2016, 02:03 PM
Unfortunately the more I look into this movie it's not really a remake as much as it is a re-imagining.... Different character names and everything... Only thing it has in common with the original is the name and that the story is based from Kurosawa's 7 Samurai.
04-20-2016, 02:09 PM
Nic Pizzolatto wrote the screenplay, who is best known for his work on True Detective. It looks very good, I'm sure the people who loved the original will mostly complain and those who aren't as attached to the original will like it.
04-20-2016, 02:11 PM
Gonna be tough to beat the original!
Roger S
04-20-2016, 02:18 PM
Nic Pizzolatto wrote the screenplay, who is best known for his work on True Detective. It looks very good, I'm sure the people who loved the original will mostly complain and those who aren't as attached to the original will like it.
Well complaining is what we do best these days..... Personally I think the trailer looked pretty good and now that I realize it's not a remake I'll accept it for what it is and not compare it to the original.
04-20-2016, 02:21 PM
<hipsteron>It was better as the Seven Samurai</hipsteroff>
Kidding aside, I like the original, but I'm anticipating this. I truly enjoyed the True Grit remake, and it doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the original. There are some classics that I think are defined by the actors and their mannerisms in them, but The Magnificent Seven isn't one of those IMO. And taking the broad concept but doing something original? I like that.
Roger S
04-20-2016, 02:31 PM
Kidding aside, I like the original, but I'm anticipating this. I truly enjoyed the True Grit remake, and it doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the original. There are some classics that I think are defined by the actors and their mannerisms in them, but The Magnificent Seven isn't one of those IMO. And taking the broad concept but doing something original? I like that.
I actually thought the True Grit remake was better than the original for the casting.... I never cared for Glen Campbell in the original.
Eli Wallach in The Magnificent Seven was the defining actor and mannerisms in the movie... I'm not sure how Peter Sarsgaard will match that. 6cLnjAfnpgjg8exkHF4FHvu_iYaFX5KyQ2ePV-WkR3g-mmAv9Oiw
04-20-2016, 02:41 PM
Matt Damon did surprise me. I guess one advantage with Glen Campbell is you get someone to do a theme song and help promote the film. Probably a major reason they went with him.
I've heard a rumor that Elvis was considered for the roll first, but would have required top billing, so they went with Campbell instead. Never known how true this was.
Roger S
04-20-2016, 02:45 PM
Matt Damon did surprise me. I guess one advantage with Glen Campbell is you get someone to do a theme song and help promote the film. Probably a major reason they went with him.
I've heard a rumor that Elvis was considered for the roll first, but would have required top billing, so they went with Campbell instead. Never known how true this was.
Had not heard the Elvis rumor before.... Never have been a fan of Elvis as an actor so glad they went with Campbell! lol