View Full Version : Undercounter LED lights 5600k
04-08-2016, 04:01 PM
Hello, I am looking for some undercounter LED lights with a 5600k temp. Can be 6000k but not less. I looked at Home Depot, Wallyworld and Bedford today and was out of luck. Home Depot only had 3200k and wally world the same. I have lights for the videos I make and they are all 5600k . I need to put a strip under the cabinet to help remove shadows and would like to put one under the stove vent as well. I would like to go local, but if not I guess I will buy online and wait.

Thank you

04-08-2016, 04:34 PM
I think 5600K is going to be tough to find locally. Just a quick check on 1000bulbs and they had nothing over 4000K color.

Might be kind of a specialty. Let me know if you find something local.

04-08-2016, 04:40 PM
Try Andrew's Lighting

04-08-2016, 05:36 PM

I have used them for many, many products and they have outstanding selection and service. I also use 1000bulbs, and think highly of them for bulbs especially, but SBLED has the market cornered on FIXTURE selection and off-the-beaten-path stuff.