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03-19-2016, 06:54 PM
... I try when possible to stay in the leftmost lane and quickly signal and move over to the right lane and make my turn. That seems very legal, but from what some of you are saying, I could be running into you since you made a right turn on red. ...

I think that's what you're supposed to do, according to the diagram in the link to the pdf I posted above, it's the people that turn from the left turn lane all the way over into the right hand lane immediately after making their turn (i.e., no turning into the left, signalling, moving quickly over, just turning completely into the right lane to start with) that are the problem.

03-19-2016, 07:26 PM
My opinion for what it's worth is green trumps red in most, if not all situations except when there is a sign overriding it as there is in Edmond at 2nd just West of Broadway where a sign says u-turns yield to right turn on red drivers. But what I would like to know is if I am going North, turning West (left) to go to the 7-11 at Hefner and May, how am I supposed to do that? I try when possible to stay in the leftmost lane and quickly signal and move over to the right lane and make my turn. That seems very legal, but from what some of you are saying, I could be running into you since you made a right turn on red. Do I do like some idiots and stop in the middle of the road and wait till all of the folks "SLOWING DOWN" before turning on red drive by before I make my right turn? And yes, the "SLOWING DOWN" was capitalized for a reason since most people don't stop before turning right on red. As a matter of fact, many of them race through to beat somebody turning left regardless of whether there are one or two lanes.
C. T.

I feel your pain but don't think you can legally make that approach into 7-11. By law you have to turn into the left lane. Then you have to signal lane change 100' before you change lanes to get in the right hand lane. Then you have to signal again 100 feet before you turn right. The 7-11 entry off Hefner looks to be about 100' from the intersection so it's sketchy to make a legal turn even if you could turn left into the right lane and there weren't any cars in that lane.

Go straight through the intersection and turn left off May into the parking lot behind the guy making the right turn on red onto Hefner, go around the block or try a different approach altogether.

Now I gotta keep an eye out for that u-turn yield to right turners sign.

03-19-2016, 08:52 PM
Now I gotta keep an eye out for that u-turn yield to right turners sign.

It's at 15th and Fretz, East bound. I said 2nd by mistake. And I'm sure there are others. By the way, unless the law has changed, if there is not a sign saying "U-turn permitted", u-turns are illegal with the exception of wide medians where it is considered two left turns, not a u-turn. I called the police back in the 90's to verify this. I had learned it in drivers-ed in 1959. But, will you ever get a ticket for a u-turn? I seriously doubt it.
C. T.

03-19-2016, 08:57 PM
I feel your pain but don't think you can legally make that approach into 7-11. By law you have to turn into the left lane. Then you have to signal lane change 100' before you change lanes to get in the right hand lane. Then you have to signal again 100 feet before you turn right. The 7-11 entry off Hefner looks to be about 100' from the intersection so it's sketchy to make a legal turn even if you could turn left into the right lane and there weren't any cars in that lane.

Go straight through the intersection and turn left off May into the parking lot behind the guy making the right turn on red onto Hefner, go around the block or try a different approach altogether.

Now I gotta keep an eye out for that u-turn yield to right turners sign.

I find it difficult to believe that anyone that turns right on red has the right of way over a legal left turn. I have always believed that the wording on "right on red" was similar to a yield sign. If somebody fails to yield and an accident is involved they are always at fault. And I'm not convinced that the right turn on red is not treated the same. Maybe a policeman will chime in sometime.
C. T.

03-19-2016, 09:09 PM
My opinion for what it's worth is green trumps red in most, if not all situations except when there is a sign overriding it as there is in Edmond at 2nd just West of Broadway where a sign says u-turns yield to right turn on red drivers. But what I would like to know is if I am going North, turning West (left) to go to the 7-11 at Hefner and May, how am I supposed to do that? I try when possible to stay in the leftmost lane and quickly signal and move over to the right lane and make my turn. That seems very legal, but from what some of you are saying, I could be running into you since you made a right turn on red. Do I do like some idiots and stop in the middle of the road and wait till all of the folks "SLOWING DOWN" before turning on red drive by before I make my right turn? And yes, the "SLOWING DOWN" was capitalized for a reason since most people don't stop before turning right on red. As a matter of fact, many of them race through to beat somebody turning left regardless of whether there are one or two lanes.
C. T.

C.T. , that very same situation exists at the corner of Memorial and Western. When I'm southbound Western and turning left onto eastbound Memorial, and I want to turn into the OnCue on the corner, I, as well as anyone else for that matter has to approach the entrance almost at an angle after clearing the intersection, as the entrance is right off of Western. I've seen this turn made in that fashion in front of OPCD and OCS and it seems like they understand what it takes to pull in there as they have to do the same thing. And forget about continuing straight south through the intersection and turning left into the OnCue if there's any northbound traffic at all on Western.

Plutonic Panda
03-19-2016, 10:44 PM

03-19-2016, 11:48 PM
I've found that my large truck and Yosemite Sam "Back Off!" mudflaps let people know not to mess with me.

03-20-2016, 12:38 AM
Here, on The Cusps of both Spring and Easter and Sunday, in Oklahoma and elsewhere, I find the juxtaposition of two Postal Threads involving proper behavior, in traffic, by our Host, particularly interesting. It's almost like a Culture Clash without a Culture Crash. The first involved his speeding and asshole cop ticket writer on 10th St. (totally unfair, in my opinion). The second, a conflict with a "citizen" intent on being pissed off at proper driving. What sense can be made of these two incidents? None that I can think of. Other than, Support Your Local Police. (they are, like, the complaint department of the entire local universe sworn to serve and protect. even in L.A.) Or, as I've read they say in Texas (or at least used to): Drive Friendly. (Edited to Add: Or Else. With a smile. Not a simile. =~)

03-21-2016, 11:26 AM
And if you do something rude to me, almost always chuckle, shrug it off, and shake my head at how dumb people can be. I don't take it personal. Life's too short, and giving in to road rage tends to make it even shorter.

i feel like this got overlooked and wish others would subscribe to this.

03-21-2016, 11:41 AM
i feel like this got overlooked and wish others would subscribe to this.

This. So much this.

People nowadays are CRAZY. And, I'm just going to say it, this is a part of the country with a lot of firearms. You have no idea what will set people off.

One thing I have learned is, as dangerous and idiotic as some drivers can be, you will likely never see that person again beyond the 5-10 seconds on the road. Do not give them any more power over your life or well being than they deserve. Don't try and "prove a point" or get a one-up on someone, just let them drive, be crazy and move on.

03-21-2016, 01:00 PM
I gave up on road rage a long time ago. I always tell my wife that when I'm driving I consider everyone else to be an idiot but I also understand that in some situations, I'm the idiot. I've screwed up before and got honked at. I wave in acknowledgement that it was my fault and that almost always settles it. If someone does something "idiotic" to me while driving, I chalk it up to them making a mistake that I've made before and forget about it. The only time I will even honk is if we are in immediate danger of colliding. Life's too short and driving is already too stressful.

03-21-2016, 01:02 PM
I do the "my bad" wave whenever I feel like I may have been in the wrong and usually without anyone even honking.

In this case, I'm very sure I didn't do anything wrong and the guy was right behind me honking and flipping me off. I couldn't bring myself to do the wave but at least I didn't say or do anything in return, which is about the limit of any one person's self control.

03-21-2016, 01:13 PM
You can’t control what you can’t control…..Regardless of what our driving laws say drive with patients in a step by step way that avoids giving others cause for anxiety and you’re usually ok.
I see very few RR problems in the suburbs….. but more in central OKC.

People tend to bring their driving habits with them no matter where they go.

I have made this observation…A seemingly high disproportional number of I-35 accidents from OKC south involve vehicles with Texas license plates!

03-21-2016, 04:13 PM
I think if all motorists were required to take some form of motorcycle training, and view traffic from a motorcyclists perspective, they would see the left/right turn lane useage differently, and stay in the closest lane after their turn, and then signal over to the next lane after their turn is made.

Bill Robertson
03-21-2016, 06:21 PM
I think if all motorists were required to take some form of motorcycle training, and view traffic from a motorcyclists perspective, they would see the left/right turn lane useage differently, and stay in the closest lane after their turn, and then signal over to the next lane after their turn is made.As a pipe dream I wish everyone rode a bike. I notice so much more on the road than any non-rider I know. As a rider you HAVE to notice EVERYTHING around you.

03-21-2016, 06:45 PM
Agree 100%. I became a much better AUTOMOBILE DRIVER after I started riding bikes and ESPECIALLY after repeated MSF and other training, which I have continued to do every year or so even though I began riding years ago. It entirely changes your perspective on the road and other drivers when you don't have a safety cage around you all of the time. IIRC, there are some countries where riding a motorcycle is perhaps not a REQUIREMENT for getting an automobile license but is intentionally available earlier with the inea being you will learn more about the road while on two wheels than on four.

03-22-2016, 08:44 AM
I used to ride a motorcycle, yet, more recently, as an occasional pedestrian, I've learned to carefully watch out for people in cars making right turns even if the crosswalk signal indicates it's OK to cross the street. It's been my observation that half of them are on cellphones and the other half have their heads up their asses.

03-22-2016, 08:48 AM
^^^ I was running home from the Y the other day and had pressed the crosswalk sign at 5th and Broadway to cross 5th. As it turned to Walk , I started to run across but 2 cars barreled through, the first one honking at me like it was my fault. Needless to say I pay attention more carefully now.

03-22-2016, 09:03 AM
^^^ I was running home from the Y the other day and had pressed the crosswalk sign at 5th and Broadway to cross 5th. As it turned to Walk , I started to run across but 2 cars barreled through, the first one honking at me like it was my fault. Needless to say I pay attention more carefully now.

I don't "run" (nor do I ride motorcycles or bicycles), yet I believe "The Rules of The Road" say: 1) Red Means Stop. Green Means Go; 2) Always Make a Turn Into The Proper Lane; 3) Always Yield the Right of Way to Pedestrians; 4) [lots of other stuff involving actual driving rather than simply steering].

03-22-2016, 09:37 AM
Downtown stop lights needlessly place pedestrians and cars in conflict with one another. Since OKC is a car-based culture where many assume that if they are in their car they have the right-of-way - actually the opposite of the truth - they often grow angry and aggressive towards people in the crosswalk.

I experience or witness this several times a month, and as pedestrian activity increases downtown and elsewhere, it is only a matter of time before someone is hurt or killed.

It can quite easily be remedied by programming lights in this way in pedestrian-heavy areas (most downtown signals already accommodate this and the only expense would be the labor to reprogram):

About a year ago we formally requested that one of these be done at Reno and Mickey Mantle, but so far have gotten zero traction with the City.

03-22-2016, 09:50 AM
^^^Good Suggestion. Yet, wouldn't the "reprogramming" of "drivers" be more effective in both the short term and the long view? (well, that or robotic cars). Sorry, I digressed. the topic is Road Rage.

03-22-2016, 10:04 AM
the other half have their heads up their asses.

Looking for their cell phones ...

03-22-2016, 10:21 AM
On the topic of dash cams, yesterday morning my wife was on her way to work, southbound Kelly between 15th and 33rd, in the #1 lane next to the curbed median, when an ijiot in his big dark compensator pickup came flying up from behind, and as he passed her on the right, came over in her lane, running her into the curb and damaging her left front wheel. She she laid on the horn as he came over and he kept on going. If she had a dash cam in her vehicle, it may have been possible to capture the tag # and identify who's truck it was to pursue charges, or at least replace the wheel.

We are taking BBates advice and looking into cameras for both our vehicles.

03-22-2016, 10:35 AM
Looking for their cell phones ...

That, or the bag o' weed (mary-j-wanna) illegally imported from Colorado. =~) Yet, seriously, folks, I'm happy that the Local Transportation Gurus, in the big buildings, downtown, adopted my two traffic flow suggestions (double left-turn lanes onto Memorial from the northbound exit ramp of the Hefner ParkFreeway and double left-turns lanes from Memorial onto southbound Meridian). Having said that, how about we all take a tip from Texas and simply Drive Friendly? =~) Because, as the old license plates used to say, "Oklahoma is OK." This simple suggestion could work wonders in terms of curbing Road Rage. De Veras?

03-22-2016, 11:14 AM
^^^ I was running home from the Y the other day and had pressed the crosswalk sign at 5th and Broadway to cross 5th. As it turned to Walk , I started to run across but 2 cars barreled through, the first one honking at me like it was my fault. Needless to say I pay attention more carefully now.

My method when this happened to me while walking downtown Chicago (usually every single day, sometimes multiple times/day) was to smack the trunk/rear quarter panel of the offending car with an open palm (incurring no damage, but scaring the hell out of the a**hole). Probably won't work quite as well here due to the culture being massively different (carrying weapons, compensator pickups (thanks for that, rezman) lots of a**holes, etc.), they'd just stop and shoot you. :)

03-22-2016, 11:20 AM
^^^ . . . and isn't that simply one of the hidden costs in regard to embracing diversity? (edited to add: rezman: copyright "Compensator Pickups" before someone else does. =~)

03-22-2016, 11:35 AM
OK . . . How about this: Road Rage (to get back "on-topic") is like a Tennis Game. If you allow yourself to get as angry as the [asshole] "response-able" for YOUR emotional reaction--rather than well-reasoned response-- everyone loses. On the other hand, you can choose not to hit the ball back over the net. Game Over. You Win. =~) And, if you are riding a motorcycle--when some dumbass in an SUV nearly kills you--a pocketful of gravel, placed in the wind, as you pass the scofflaw, will make everything even. =~)

03-22-2016, 12:09 PM
My method when this happened to me while walking downtown Chicago (usually every single day, sometimes multiple times/day) was to smack the trunk/rear quarter panel of the offending car with an open palm (incurring no damage, but scaring the hell out of the a**hole). Probably won't work quite as well here due to the culture being massively different (carrying weapons, compensator pickups (thanks for that, rezman) lots of a**holes, etc.), they'd just stop and shoot you. :)

You could also add,.... in your best Al Pacino voice ... " I'M WALKIN HERE, I'M WALKIN HERE!"

03-22-2016, 12:25 PM
Actually, it was Dustin Hoffman. Al Pacino might have done a fair imitation, yet it was Dustin Hoffman, as Ratso Rizzo. =~)

03-22-2016, 12:29 PM
They don't have this sort of problem (Road Rage) in Canada, yet, if they did, I'd like to see the Trailer Park Boys' (Jullian, Ricky and Bubbles) response to the situation. Eh? =~)

03-22-2016, 12:31 PM
Actually, it was Dustin Hoffman. Al Pacino might have done a fair imitation, yet it was Dustin Hoffman, as Ratso Rizzo. =~)

Indeed it was Dustin Hoffman. I stand corrected. .... Well they did kind of look alike. :/

03-22-2016, 01:30 PM
My method when this happened to me while walking downtown Chicago (usually every single day, sometimes multiple times/day) was to smack the trunk/rear quarter panel of the offending car with an open palm (incurring no damage, but scaring the hell out of the a**hole). Probably won't work quite as well here due to the culture being massively different (carrying weapons, compensator pickups (thanks for that, rezman) lots of a**holes, etc.), they'd just stop and shoot you. :)

I've kicked a few cars and thrown a few ball bearins. I know I've caused damage, but not out of road rage but rather self preservation. The only response I've gotten is one time when someone pulled over to yell at me, and I explained the thousand dollar fine and six month suspension for moving into my lane. They were quiet then. For all those talks about carrying, I don't believe road rage shootings are all that common, nor more common here than not cc States.

03-22-2016, 01:37 PM
I needed to run an errand in the part of the Urban Sprawl loosely referred to as 63rd and May (over there near the Meat Market Refractory, Sprouts and Whatnot). After surviving the drive down May (which definitely needs a left turn lane at only the cost of repainting the striping) I found myself next to a Porsche. I think it might have been a Carrera. Perhaps a Targa Carrera. Just for the fun of it, I timed the left turn signal and honked just as the arrow turned green. I gave the Porsche driver a thumbs up and a smile as I passed him. No Road Rage was included in that picture. =~)

03-22-2016, 01:41 PM
Indeed it was Dustin Hoffman. I stand corrected. .... Well they did kind of look alike. :/ Perhaps to the Untrained Eye . . . or Aye . . . whatever. =~)

03-22-2016, 03:12 PM
I've kicked a few cars and thrown a few ball bearins. I know I've caused damage, but not out of road rage but rather self preservation. The only response I've gotten is one time when someone pulled over to yell at me, and I explained the thousand dollar fine and six month suspension for moving into my lane. They were quiet then. For all those talks about carrying, I don't believe road rage shootings are all that common, nor more common here than not cc States.

I know, hence the smiley. In Chicago, it seems most folks ignored the smack, and most of them were taxi drivers, and probably used to that kind of thing...

03-22-2016, 03:15 PM
...After surviving the drive down May (which definitely needs a left turn lane at only the cost of repainting the striping) ...

I've often wondered about this - May from 59th to Wilshire (at the very least, from 36th to Britton would be nice) needs to have center left turn lanes the entire length, but from what I remember seeing it probably wouldn't work - not enough space on the sides before you get into where all the poles are to widen it (nor the money or wherewithal), and I don't think it's wide enough to just be restriped. :(

03-22-2016, 05:24 PM
On the topic of dash cams, yesterday morning my wife was on her way to work, southbound Kelly between 15th and 33rd, in the #1 lane next to the curbed median, when an ijiot in his big dark compensator pickup came flying up from behind, and as he passed her on the right, came over in her lane, running her into the curb and damaging her left front wheel. She she laid on the horn as he came over and he kept on going. If she had a dash cam in her vehicle, it may have been possible to capture the tag # and identify who's truck it was to pursue charges, or at least replace the wheel.

We are taking BBates advice and looking into cameras for both our vehicles.

Glad to hear your Wife is ok but it sucks about the damage to your vehicle. I am adding "compensator pickup" to my lexicon.

03-22-2016, 06:53 PM
I, too, like the term "compensator pickup."

03-22-2016, 08:11 PM
Glad to hear your Wife is ok but it sucks about the damage to your vehicle. I am adding "compensator pickup" to my lexicon.

Thanks Mel, I appreciate that, and I'll pass that on to her.

She wasn't hurt. Just a little shook up, and a whole lot of mad. She recently purchased that car new and it has all of 3000 miles on it.

03-22-2016, 09:49 PM
Thanks Mel, I appreciate that, and I'll pass that on to her.

She wasn't hurt. Just a little shook up, and a whole lot of mad. She recently purchased that car new and it has all of 3000 miles on it.

I would be a bit upset too. This makes me want a to get a dash cam that much more.

03-22-2016, 09:59 PM
I've had some time to think about my incident and also read what everyone has to say about driving in OKC in general...

It occurred to me that there is a great polarity here, in that most people aren't in any hurry -- much more so than in a place like in L.A.

On the other hand, the small minority of lunatics really stand out as a result. So, you have this inherent conflict between the easy going majority and the psychos.

In L.A., you learn to get busy really quickly. It's actually dangerous if you dawdle and don't get into the flow of things. So much so, that law enforcement there spends most their time trying to keep things moving rather than trying to set speed traps.

Now, every time I head out in my car I see most people taking their time and then always a few that are weaving in and out, frustrated as hell. And I think that is what leads to conflict.

03-22-2016, 11:02 PM
I used to speed and weave in traffic all the time. Then I did the math. In a metro OKCs size, with how our traffic goes, what does that extra 10-14 miles an hour, a quick turn, or missed light subtract from my travel time? 5 minutes on a good day? Is that worth a $200 ticket or my or someone else's life?

When I want to race, I head to Thunder Valley, or the Sherrifs track days. Otherwise, take a breath, relax, and know you'll get to your destination just a few minutes slower, and alive. But I'm probably just getting old.

03-23-2016, 12:27 PM
Now, every time I head out in my car I see most people taking their time and then always a few that are weaving in and out, frustrated as hell. And I think that is what leads to conflict.

Yep, and from what I remember the difference between speeds of the cars is a big factor in accidents, not just speed. If only the people "taking their time" (pokiest drivers I have ever seen are in this city/state) would just wake up and get out of the left lane, and let the faster drivers just go past, things would work, but we have poky *and* stupid drivers, which is a recipe for disaster (today - flashed my lights at least 50 times at a grey-haired old lady in a big-ass SUV camping in the left lane of the Hefner Parkway going south at 63-65 MPH, and she never even had a clue she was doing anything wrong, not even after I passed her on the right, laying on the horn all the way, she stayed in that lane backing up traffic for 1/4-1/2 mile as I watched in my rear-view mirror).

03-23-2016, 12:29 PM
I used to speed and weave in traffic all the time. Then I did the math. In a metro OKCs size, with how our traffic goes, what does that extra 10-14 miles an hour, a quick turn, or missed light subtract from my travel time? 5 minutes on a good day? Is that worth a $200 ticket or my or someone else's life?

When I want to race, I head to Thunder Valley, or the Sherrifs track days. Otherwise, take a breath, relax, and know you'll get to your destination just a few minutes slower, and alive. But I'm probably just getting old.

I'm old and I still speed, but don't weave around - like you said, waste of time in the city. On the open highway out of the city without stop signs or lights, however, it's a different story, and sometimes worth it if you're travelling far enough. :)

03-23-2016, 02:52 PM
All my cars have dash cams now.

Brian, what brand(s) would you recommend? What are some of the features you've found useful?

Bill Robertson
03-24-2016, 06:48 AM
A bit off subject but: Monday morning we were sitting at a red light, in the center lane, eastbound, at NE 36th and Santa Fe. A car went through the RED left turn light without even slowing down. This morning I was sitting at a red light, in the left lane, westbound at SW 54th and Portland. A car went through the RED right lane light without even slowing down. Neither time had the light recently changed or any other reason to just blow through the red light. Twice in one week. Scary!

03-24-2016, 12:51 PM
^^^ I see that more than twice a day on some days, you can probably see that as many times as you have fingers and toes if you sit at Memorial/May between 4:00 - 6:00 PM on a weekday. Today was uneventful, though, left lane on the parkway was clear all the way down to 39th. :)

03-24-2016, 03:03 PM
I see this a lot... BIG problem around here. They'll stop when the pole turns red.

03-25-2016, 04:28 AM
I've had some time to think about my incident and also read what everyone has to say about driving in OKC in general...

It occurred to me that there is a great polarity here, in that most people aren't in any hurry -- much more so than in a place like in L.A.

On the other hand, the small minority of lunatics really stand out as a result. So, you have this inherent conflict between the easy going majority and the psychos.

In L.A., you learn to get busy really quickly. It's actually dangerous if you dawdle and don't get into the flow of things. So much so, that law enforcement there spends most their time trying to keep things moving rather than trying to set speed traps.

Now, every time I head out in my car I see most people taking their time and then always a few that are weaving in and out, frustrated as hell. And I think that is what leads to conflict.

^^^^ hahaha YES. What a perfect summary. I lived in monte nido(the canyons above Malibu) living in a friend of a relatives garage apartment while trying to make a go of it in LA. I use to fly like a maniac to make downtown in under 2 hours. It was always a gamble between the 1 and the 101. But when the 101 hit that stride, where 5 lanes of traffic are going 80mph bumper to bumper with porches shooting the gaps at 100+. It was beyond surreal.

Eventually I switched to a motorcycle so I could split the lanes. Which Mr Wall, along with a handful of other Oklahomans takes great issue with.

Which I still do, which yes, in OK is illegal. Just like speeding, which we all do, oh ye owners of glass houses. But only in situations of completely stopped stopped traffic, when I know that red has 2-3 minutes on its cycle. Right turn from 23rd to Broadway is perfect example. Dude in the front is blocking 10 cars from turning right. It's a 3 minute light. I'll just ride the right side of the lane. It's no more illegal than all the cars that rip through Carl's Jr to skip the light.

Anyway. That's not the point. Pete nailed it. Since I've been back home for over 10 years and nowadays I just go with the flow and try not to get too worked up. There's no point. I see people dash into the next lane to gain a few car lengths. Only to get behind an even slower car and dash back. It's also frustrating that a normal car can't see around all the huge pickup trucks. My solution? I got an even bigger pickup:) But I can't believe the amount of people who do the shake and bake nascar move around my vehicle only to see that there was no where to go in the first place. I get cut off a lot. But it's worth the vantage point.

White Peacock
03-26-2016, 08:23 AM
As a few have noted above, red light runners are the worst thing about driving in OKC. I really didn't notice it before moving to Portland, but after moving back, I was in an accident within two weeks of arriving. An unlicensed, uninsured woman blew through a red light in her pickup truck that she didn't have registration for, and crashed into me.

A few years later, some prick flew through the red light at Memorial and Portland and turned my car into an accordion.

I really don't understand: red lights are not a suggestion! The first accident was at lower speed, but the dude on Memorial was probably going 50, in a very large SUV, and could have killed me. The city really needs to figure out a way to enforce traffic lights.

03-26-2016, 08:48 AM
I see it almost daily. And I only have a 5 mile commute after moving back into town a little over two years ago, but It can be seen anywhere around town, at any time. Not just to and from work. When I'm stopped at a red signal, especially when I'm first in line and the signal turns green, I got in the habit of pausing a couple seconds and really checking the other traffic before proceeding. It's something that I picked up from all my years of riding motorcycles.

White Peacock
03-26-2016, 09:13 AM
I see it almost daily. And I only have a 5 mile commute after moving back into town a little over two years ago, but It can be seen anywhere around town, at any time. Not just to and from work. When I'm stopped at a red signal, especially when I'm first in line and the signal turns green, I got in the habit of pausing a couple seconds and really checking the other traffic before proceeding. It's something that I picked up from all my years of riding motorcycles.

Yeah, I don't sprint on a fresh green anymore. Between riding a motorcycle and driving around with my kid in the car, I'm tons more cautious now.

03-26-2016, 09:22 AM
Yesterday I saw a great example of how the easy-going meets lunatic and almost ended badly.

I was driving west on 39th just west of Classen. That stretch is 4-lane but not heavily traveled.

In the far east-bound lane, a truck had parked and there was a small forklift in the 2nd east-bound lane unloading it.

Just as I am about to pass this situation, A guy comes flying eastbound and rather for waiting for traffic on the other side of the street to pass (including me) he lays on his horn and just veers into the westbound lanes, almost clipping the forklift and another car in the process.

Now of course, this truck should not be stopped there at all let alone taking two lanes but all this guy had to do is not be driving 20MPH over the speed and/or slowed down slightly, then make the pass.

And I see this all over OKC... A delivery van or truck of some sort stopped in traffic lanes and people driving too fast and often getting outraged, which can lead to stupid and dangerous decisions.

03-26-2016, 11:35 AM
Didn't you know? If something is blocking my lane, you must cede your lane to me. It's all about me. I'm important. Mommy told me so.

Bill Robertson
03-26-2016, 12:40 PM
I see it almost daily. And I only have a 5 mile commute after moving back into town a little over two years ago, but It can be seen anywhere around town, at any time. Not just to and from work. When I'm stopped at a red signal, especially when I'm first in line and the signal turns green, I got in the habit of pausing a couple seconds and really checking the other traffic before proceeding. It's something that I picked up from all my years of riding motorcycles.I do that too. And it's saved me more times than I can count. I even get honked at from time to time but they can wait two seconds.

03-26-2016, 03:49 PM
I see it almost daily. And I only have a 5 mile commute after moving back into town a little over two years ago, but It can be seen anywhere around town, at any time. Not just to and from work. When I'm stopped at a red signal, especially when I'm first in line and the signal turns green, I got in the habit of pausing a couple seconds and really checking the other traffic before proceeding. It's something that I picked up from all my years of riding motorcycles.

I also try to pause before going when I'm 1st in line and once in a while some bozo behind me starts laying on the horn. It's like they are watching the light and are ready to launch as soon as they see green.

BTW,I also got used to the pause from riding a motorcycle.

Plutonic Panda
03-26-2016, 03:50 PM
^^^^ hahaha YES. What a perfect summary. I lived in monte nido(the canyons above Malibu) living in a friend of a relatives garage apartment while trying to make a go of it in LA. I use to fly like a maniac to make downtown in under 2 hours. It was always a gamble between the 1 and the 101. But when the 101 hit that stride, where 5 lanes of traffic are going 80mph bumper to bumper with porches shooting the gaps at 100+. It was beyond surreal.

Eventually I switched to a motorcycle so I could split the lanes. Which Mr Wall, along with a handful of other Oklahomans takes great issue with.

Which I still do, which yes, in OK is illegal. Just like speeding, which we all do, oh ye owners of glass houses. But only in situations of completely stopped stopped traffic, when I know that red has 2-3 minutes on its cycle. Right turn from 23rd to Broadway is perfect example. Dude in the front is blocking 10 cars from turning right. It's a 3 minute light. I'll just ride the right side of the lane. It's no more illegal than all the cars that rip through Carl's Jr to skip the light.

Anyway. That's not the point. Pete nailed it. Since I've been back home for over 10 years and nowadays I just go with the flow and try not to get too worked up. There's no point. I see people dash into the next lane to gain a few car lengths. Only to get behind an even slower car and dash back. It's also frustrating that a normal car can't see around all the huge pickup trucks. My solution? I got an even bigger pickup:) But I can't believe the amount of people who do the shake and bake nascar move around my vehicle only to see that there was no where to go in the first place. I get cut off a lot. But it's worth the vantage point.I was pulled over the other in a 911 Targa going well over 130MPH and was let off with a warning by CA HWY Patrol. He literally pulled up to my car, told me to slow down because traffic is going to start picking up in a few hours, and didn't even run a background check. Huge difference between what would have happened with a Oklahoma Highway Patrol. Funny enough, I was passed by a couple cars. I generally won't go over 150MPH on highways unless I know the car is built for it. Even then, I'll take it to the track at that point.

It's awesome how fast people drive here so you can blend in. In Oklahoma, I'd regularly drive about 100-110 down I-35(especially going to school) from Edmond until I hit I-44 and then I would slow down to about 75-80 but I would still fly past people like I was still going 100 plus. The only highway that I notice people tend to drive fairly fast on is the stretch of I-35 from Shields to Norman.

I have yet to be involved in one wreck that was my fault, and I think Oklahoman's are just slow drivers(nothing wrong with that) and don't like it when they see someone flying past them. I've had multiple instances where someone has followed me and/or yelled obscenities because of my speeding or such. It's ridiculous.

One time in Edmond I was at 2nd St. and Bryant in the through lane, there is a buffer between the left turn lane and the through lanes, I put my turn signal on and proceeded to turn into the left turn lane and as soon as I started to do that some guy in a van that was about 50 ft. behind me laid on his horn and then started shouting so I sped up to about 60MPH to get some distance between him and me and he flew past me on second and when I caught up to him(I resumed going the speed limit which was 45 after he passed me), he had what appeared to be a glock .40 in his hand just holding it up and looking at me and I immediately got my phone and told him I am calling the police and he put it down, ran the light, and sped off.

What I did was illegal and I understand that. But I did what millions of people do here every f@cking day in SoCal yet somehow everyone gets along here. Do that in Oklahoma, well, have fun getting honked at or yelled at.

Another thing I've noticed about people here is they seem honk their horn a lot more, but it's mainly a f*ck you honk and then they're over it. I've noticed pretty much every time I get honked at or I see someone else get honked at in Oklahoma, it almost always means they person who honked is going to pursue some sort of conflict with the other driver until the other driver submits. It's weird.

I have noticed people in OKC are driving faster now. I think OKC is going to get faster paced as the city grows and experiences traffic problems. A lot of people like to discount the amount of traffic that is picking up, but I have noticed from when I first got my drivers license you could fly on almost any highway in OKC during rush hour but now that is not the case. Suddenly everyone is going to wake up one day and realize how bad traffic is after years of news articles reporting about the growing traffic pains in OKC.

03-26-2016, 05:00 PM
I used to shoot the gaps, pass whichever side gave an opening and try to beat my best time on every trip I made.
For awhile now , it's just not uncommon for me to reach a destination, after a leisurely drive, an hour early, and then grab a quiet spot and make/return calls, read email, review papers after I arrive rather than squeeze things in and rush rush rush to arrive in the nick of time.

I watch people do the rush rush boogie and wonder why I ever bothered.

03-26-2016, 06:18 PM
I was pulled over the other in a 911 Targa going well over 130MPH and was let off with a warning by CA HWY Patrol. He literally pulled up to my car, told me to slow down because traffic is going to start picking up in a few hours, and didn't even run a background check. Huge difference between what would have happened with a Oklahoma Highway Patrol. Funny enough, I was passed by a couple cars. I generally won't go over 150MPH on highways unless I know the car is built for it. Even then, I'll take it to the track at that point.

It's awesome how fast people drive here so you can blend in. In Oklahoma, I'd regularly drive about 100-110 down I-35(especially going to school) from Edmond until I hit I-44 and then I would slow down to about 75-80 but I would still fly past people like I was still going 100 plus. The only highway that I notice people tend to drive fairly fast on is the stretch of I-35 from Shields to Norman.

I have yet to be involved in one wreck that was my fault, and I think Oklahoman's are just slow drivers(nothing wrong with that) and don't like it when they see someone flying past them. I've had multiple instances where someone has followed me and/or yelled obscenities because of my speeding or such. It's ridiculous.

One time in Edmond I was at 2nd St. and Bryant in the through lane, there is a buffer between the left turn lane and the through lanes, I put my turn signal on and proceeded to turn into the left turn lane and as soon as I started to do that some guy in a van that was about 50 ft. behind me laid on his horn and then started shouting so I sped up to about 60MPH to get some distance between him and me and he flew past me on second and when I caught up to him(I resumed going the speed limit which was 45 after he passed me), he had what appeared to be a glock .40 in his hand just holding it up and looking at me and I immediately got my phone and told him I am calling the police and he put it down, ran the light, and sped off.

What I did was illegal and I understand that. But I did what millions of people do here every f@cking day in SoCal yet somehow everyone gets along here. Do that in Oklahoma, well, have fun getting honked at or yelled at.

Another thing I've noticed about people here is they seem honk their horn a lot more, but it's mainly a f*ck you honk and then they're over it. I've noticed pretty much every time I get honked at or I see someone else get honked at in Oklahoma, it almost always means they person who honked is going to pursue some sort of conflict with the other driver until the other driver submits. It's weird.

I have noticed people in OKC are driving faster now. I think OKC is going to get faster paced as the city grows and experiences traffic problems. A lot of people like to discount the amount of traffic that is picking up, but I have noticed from when I first got my drivers license you could fly on almost any highway in OKC during rush hour but now that is not the case. Suddenly everyone is going to wake up one day and realize how bad traffic is after years of news articles reporting about the growing traffic pains in OKC.

Plupan, I have a sneaking suspicion that you would drive 150 mph on a Hoveround if it was capable.

It's definitely two different cultures between here and the left coast. Every time I've driven out there, I quickly adopted a "when in Rome" mentality, and drove like they did or else I would have got ran over.

03-26-2016, 07:48 PM
I see this a lot... BIG problem around here. They'll stop when the pole turns red.

That made me laugh. When I say that is more about the green color and the pole. Plus a bit more colorful. Along with it's not going to get any greener or that is the only shade of green it comes in.

Unless the Grandkids are in the car. Then I just growl.