View Full Version : Thank you Henry Hudsons
Bill Robertson 03-15-2016, 09:36 PM For the first time since I've been playing league pool we played in a non-smoking bar. Since I don't smoke and don't like smelling like smoke (my wife likes it less than I do) I loved playing in a non-smoking bar. Thank you Henry Hudsons Hideaway for going non-smoking.!
stile99 03-16-2016, 07:29 AM Doesn't matter, the druggos will just stand right outside the door anyway. Had a very pleasant meal at Louie's last night. Pleasant until it was time to leave. The cloud of smoke I had to walk through was not a very nice dessert, and I immediately smelled like smoke. To top it off, this morning my allergies have informed me I won't be breathing today.
TheTravellers 03-16-2016, 02:19 PM I thought that there was a 25-ft smoke-free zone starting at the doors of any building/business, thought it was universal, but maybe not (I see signs on all kinds of businesses that say "No Smoking within 25 feet", but maybe it's only for certain types of businesses)?
Jersey Boss 03-16-2016, 03:00 PM I thought that there was a 25-ft smoke-free zone starting at the doors of any building/business, thought it was universal, but maybe not (I see signs on all kinds of businesses that say "No Smoking within 25 feet", but maybe it's only for certain types of businesses)?
Probably an enforcement issue. Cops at every door?
Bill Robertson 03-16-2016, 03:02 PM Walking past a couple smokers is still WAY better than 4 hours of sitting somewhere that the smoke is so thick you can see it.
TheTravellers 03-16-2016, 03:07 PM Probably an enforcement issue. Cops at every door?
Another solution - a customer telling the manager and the manager going out to tell them to move?
Uptowner 03-16-2016, 08:19 PM Yea. I agree with softtail. Smoking outside is quite different than pre-ban when having breakfast at my local greasy spoon diner included a cloud so thick you could cut it.
But some of these comments border on ridiculous. Even in california where the 25ft rule exists people still smoke on sidewalks. Or calibasis where the whole town is smoke-ban, people still do...hiding in crevices and parking lots outside restaurants like criminals. Actually...they are criminals lol.
I just can't believe that in the 2 or 3 seconds it takes to walk outside of Louie's...any louie's, that someone would smell like smoke and have an allergic reaction for upwards of 24 hours. The fact that they called them "druggos" only confirms my suspicion.
The only 25ft rule I'm aware of is education and state funded facilities. And to pressure a manager to ask people to move away from the entrance on a patio? C'mon dude. Imagine getting brow-beaten by someone who doesn't like the smoke, then getting brow-beaten by someone you just asked to pick up all their **** and move as far away from the door as possible. Let the smokers have some space. Especially with the inevitable smoking ban in bars...The only place they'll have left is casinos and outdoor patios.
At the end of it. Lets just celebrate and thank establishments like the hideaway and the sipango going smoke free on there own choice. I quit several years ago and can no longer go to my old haunts because of the smoke.
TheTravellers 03-16-2016, 08:46 PM ^^^ Patio wasn't mentioned in the original post, was assuming he meant that there were lots of people standing just outside the door on a sidewalk smoking (I don't eat at any Louie's often enough to know if they have any patios at any of their locations), which I've had to walk through before and it's not great, but tolerable, as you said, for the few secs it takes to walk through. Patios are fine for smoking, that's kind of what they're there for, and why we don't eat outside at R&J or any other place (along with the windiness of most days).
stile99 03-16-2016, 09:40 PM ^^^ Patio wasn't mentioned in the original post, was assuming he meant that there were lots of people standing just outside the door on a sidewalk smoking (I don't eat at any Louie's often enough to know if they have any patios at any of their locations), which I've had to walk through before and it's not great, but tolerable, as you said, for the few secs it takes to walk through. Patios are fine for smoking, that's kind of what they're there for, and why we don't eat outside at R&J or any other place (along with the windiness of most days).
I can confirm the one in Yukon does not have a patio, or at least didn't as of yesterday. As for any 25 foot limit...smokers seem to take a perverse pride in smoking while standing directly under a no smoking sign. They seem to have no interest in any 25 foot rule as Uptowner notes. As for whether or not allergies can be activated quickly...ah, I see you have no allergies. Pray you do not develop any.
TheTravellers 03-17-2016, 10:33 AM I can confirm the one in Yukon does not have a patio, or at least didn't as of yesterday. As for any 25 foot limit...smokers seem to take a perverse pride in smoking while standing directly under a no smoking sign. They seem to have no interest in any 25 foot rule as Uptowner notes. As for whether or not allergies can be activated quickly...ah, I see you have no allergies. Pray you do not develop any.
Trust me, I have allergies - every time I mow or dust/vacuum the house, I have to load up on Benadryl. Cigarette smoke doesn't bother me if I just walk through it on the way to somewhere, but yes, if I have to actually be in it for any length of time (usually at least 30 minutes), it will be unpleasant later on.
whorton 04-29-2016, 02:08 PM Are there actually still some Henry Hudson's in the city?
jerrywall 04-29-2016, 02:12 PM Are there actually still some Henry Hudson's in the city?
Quite a few.
ctchandler 04-29-2016, 02:50 PM Quite a few.
Thirteen counting the newly named "Hudson's Public House" in Bricktown and Edmond.
C. T.
Bill Robertson 08-31-2016, 03:48 PM Hudsons Hideaway is one of our pool league stops. We were there last night and rumor is that business has dropped off enough that they are contemplating going back to smoking. DAMN!!!!
Probably an enforcement issue. Cops at every door?
Yes, enforcement issue.
No, "Cops at every door."
Tell the frickin' manager, and make them do their job,or don't patronize the place.