View Full Version : What is your biggest complaint about dating?

09-24-2005, 12:49 PM
What is your biggest complaint about dating?

09-24-2005, 02:06 PM
People who lie and tell you they "had a great time, I would love to go out again" then ya never hear from them again. But they got their free meal and drinks and moved on to the next sucker.

09-24-2005, 11:18 PM
My biggest complaint about dating is just trying to meet people who are actually interested in you

09-24-2005, 11:50 PM
I'm right there with you, gbyte. It was not a selection in the poll, though. Trying to meet people that are not only interested in you, but ones that you would be interested in, as well! :) UGH. Dating stinks.

09-25-2005, 02:00 AM
Sweetdaisy I was going to have that choice as an option. Now that I think about it I should have left it on there.

09-25-2005, 08:47 AM
That's okay, OklaCity75. I dislike people who lie, too, so that was a good choice for me.

09-29-2005, 11:14 PM
People who care more about thier sex drive then romance.

dated many many guys.. that just want to have sex on the first date. what the hell???

09-30-2005, 10:52 AM
I know what you mean jenncole...went out with a couple girls and they basically wanted me to stay with them the night while to most guys that is a big "go get it" it really goes against what I am looking for in the whole dating thing so I just do not bother with ever trying to get a second date

I guess that should be expected though when you had to date in college town (when I lived in Stillwater), heh

09-30-2005, 11:02 AM
I know what you mean jenncole...went out with a couple girls and they basically wanted me to stay with them the night while to most guys that is a big "go get it" it really goes against what I am looking for in the whole dating thing so I just do not bother with ever trying to get a second date

I guess that should be expected though when you had to date in college town (when I lived in Stillwater), heh

I am not out just looking for sex either. However, if a woman says she just wants to matress mombo, I am willing.

10-01-2005, 01:19 AM
I am not out just looking for sex either. However, if a woman says she just wants to matress mombo, I am willing.

and that is what separates men from women... in what cases anyway. :)