View Full Version : I-35 / I-240 Exchange
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SoonerDave 01-25-2011, 11:45 AM I know the highest-profile highway project around here right now is the I-40 rebuild, but I was wondering what the status of the I-35/I-240 interchange rebuild?
Several years ago, I recall ODOT having bought up the nasty apartments to the NE of the interchange in anticipation of the project that was then "several years" (10?) in the future. Other land was purchased, until they ran out of money to buy any more. I recall having seen a bird's-eye view rendering of how the exchange would be rebuilt, but haven't heard much lately.
The afternoon rush hour and the increased volume along eastbound I-240 -> southbound I-35 has made the current exchange arguably one of if not the most dangerous in the city. I just wondered if there was anything like a timeline out there when work might start.
king183 01-25-2011, 11:50 AM Definitely needs to be redone quickly. I quit going that route on my way home not only because it was slow due to congestion but also because it was so dangerous. I've seen several wrecks right there, one of which literally came within 2 inches of hitting me.
SoonerDave 01-25-2011, 12:07 PM Definitely needs to be redone quickly. I quit going that route on my way home not only because it was slow due to congestion but also because it was so dangerous. I've seen several wrecks right there, one of which literally came within 2 inches of hitting me.
Sadly, its rare for me NOT to see an accident on the eastbound side of that highway between Shields and I-35 during afternoon rush hour. Fortunately, my route takes me a bit against the grain, as I'm going *west* heading home and avoiding the opposite side. Hope they get that thing rebuilt soon.
BoulderSooner 01-25-2011, 12:10 PM Definitely needs to be redone quickly. I quit going that route on my way home not only because it was slow due to congestion but also because it was so dangerous. I've seen several wrecks right there, one of which literally came within 2 inches of hitting me.
it is not going to be done until 2019 at the earliest .. more right of way comes in 2015 utilities in 2016 and 17 and contstructrion starts in 2018
SoonerDave 01-25-2011, 12:24 PM it is not going to be done until 2019 at the earliest .. more right of way comes in 2015 utilities in 2016 and 17 and contstructrion starts in 2018
Man, that's incredible. Still nearly a decade away. That's disappointing.
Jesseda 01-25-2011, 01:30 PM Yes they need to make this a priority, it is dangerous going eastbound after the shields exit, i see at least one accident a week there and I only drive that way twice a week
Spartan 01-25-2011, 02:05 PM Definitely needs to be redone quickly. I quit going that route on my way home not only because it was slow due to congestion but also because it was so dangerous. I've seen several wrecks right there, one of which literally came within 2 inches of hitting me.
I got in a bad one a few years ago right there. "Undocumented worker" rear-ended me, I get in a bad mood just thinking about that ordeal.. I'm definitely not one of those people to hold a grudge against an inanimate object like a highway, however. There are idiotic, dangerous drivers everywhere you go. Really, OKC is lucky that wrecks really don't happen that often here.
jn1780 01-25-2011, 02:26 PM it is not going to be done until 2019 at the earliest .. more right of way comes in 2015 utilities in 2016 and 17 and contstructrion starts in 2018
It will be more like 2030 and thats if they actually start construction in 2018. I-44/I-235 is higher up the priority list and that project will take at least 10 years.
Spartan 01-25-2011, 02:37 PM It will be more like 2030 and thats if they actually start construction in 2018. I-44/I-235 is higher up the priority list and that project will take at least 10 years.
No it won't..the Broadway Extension was originally a huge, 10-year vision broken down into several chunks. They first finished the northern part toward Edmond, then a few years ago they did the 23rd and 36th intersections, 2 miles of freeway, and that took 2 years. All that's left now is 36th to 63rd. Probably a 3 year project, 4 at the most.
jonno 01-25-2011, 05:42 PM No it won't..the Broadway Extension was originally a huge, 10-year vision broken down into several chunks. They first finished the northern part toward Edmond, then a few years ago they did the 23rd and 36th intersections, 2 miles of freeway, and that took 2 years. All that's left now is 36th to 63rd. Probably a 3 year project, 4 at the most.
If you look through the eight year work plan all of the phases of this interchange project aren't scheduled yet. This one is going to take a while too unless additional funds (earmarks) are found.
Snowman 01-25-2011, 06:10 PM on i44/i235, with every bridge i235 goes under between 36th to the interchange and the entire interchange and ramps having to be rebuilt I have a hard time imagining just 4 years of construction, but hope your right.
jn1780 01-25-2011, 07:00 PM No it won't..the Broadway Extension was originally a huge, 10-year vision broken down into several chunks. They first finished the northern part toward Edmond, then a few years ago they did the 23rd and 36th intersections, 2 miles of freeway, and that took 2 years. All that's left now is 36th to 63rd. Probably a 3 year project, 4 at the most.
This is what okcpulse said in the other thread about funding.
Funding is one problem, but funding methods are another. ODOT is forced to be a pay as you go agency because the state is barred constitutionally from borrowing money to fund road construction. There was some flack about the money used to fund the expansion of Broadway Extension. Ultimately the courts ruled that GARVEE bonds cannot be used to fund road projects. That is why Broadway only took two years to widen.
Of course, I know things can always change with either changes in the economy or federal government stimulus projects, but as of right now these projects are being built one ramp, flyover ramp, bridge, etc at a time with a year or two gap between bids.
Spartan 01-25-2011, 08:57 PM If you look through the eight year work plan all of the phases of this interchange project aren't scheduled yet. This one is going to take a while too unless additional funds (earmarks) are found.
Right, I don't doubt that the work won't be done ten years from now, I'm just saying that's not a ten year project. For most of that time, there will be zero visible work being done on the project, and the project manager at the ODOT office will just be twiddling his thumbs watching Judge Judy every day in his office until the funding arrives for the project.... that's just how this stuff goes.
Larry OKC 01-26-2011, 12:23 AM Think Spartan is trying to say that it is a 2 to 3 year project that will end up taking 10 years or so. In one of these threads and think it was in a recent Oklahoman article that it is indeed a 10 year project at this point.
on edit, was posted over in the "I-235 / I-44 Interchange" thread
2 highway construction projects begin in OKC area in 2011 (Oklahoman, 12/29/10))
A rebuilding project at the Interstate 235 and Interstate 44 interchange in north Oklahoma City that begins next year could potentially last up to 10 years because much of it remains unfunded, state Transportation Department officials said Tuesday.
complete article here:
SoonerDave 01-26-2011, 07:23 AM I have no statistics on the accident rate on either I-235@I-44 or I-240@I-35, but I have to think someone should be willing to push the latter somehow, because at some point there's a toll to be taken in the cost of injuries and property damage arising from the I-240 situation...
KayneMo 01-26-2011, 05:51 PM How many vehicles use the I-240/I-35 interchange per day?
It would be really awesome to see this rebuilt to look like the High Five in northern Dallas.
Snowman 01-26-2011, 07:06 PM How many vehicles use the I-240/I-35 interchange per day?
It would be really awesome to see this rebuilt to look like the High Five in northern Dallas.
200,000-ish if you count all directions, but not nearly enough to build that complex a structure.
BoulderSooner 10-09-2013, 12:13 PM phase 1A for this project east bound 240 to south bound 35 starts in 2015 ..
the next phase is 2018 ..
venture 10-09-2013, 01:24 PM phase 1A for this project east bound 240 to south bound 35 starts in 2015 ..
the next phase is 2018 ..
Here let's actually be more detailed...
Jan 2015 - Utilities, Right of Way acquisition, EB 240 to SB 35 rebuild. Phase 1A
2016 - Nothing
2017 - Nothing
2018 - Phase 1 Interchange work
2019 - Nothing
2020 - Phase 2 interchange work
2021 - Phase 3 and 4 interchange work
So project completion is probably 10 years out from today.
SoonerDave 10-09-2013, 01:29 PM Here let's actually be more detailed...
Jan 2015 - Utilities, Right of Way acquisition, EB 240 to SB 35 rebuild. Phase 1A
2016 - Nothing
2017 - Nothing
2018 - Phase 1 Interchange work
2019 - Nothing
2020 - Phase 2 interchange work
2021 - Phase 3 and 4 interchange work
So project completion is probably 10 years out from today.
Geez, that's depressing. Lots of people are going to continue to have wrecks and get hurt there for this kind of bureaucratic largesse....
OKVision4U 10-09-2013, 01:34 PM 200,000-ish if you count all directions, but not nearly enough to build that complex a structure.
Why do we have to wait until the "count" is high enough for the BEST in engineering? Don't we deserve the Best in engineering today?
OKVision4U 10-09-2013, 01:39 PM Geez, that's depressing. Lots of people are going to continue to have wrecks and get hurt there for this kind of bureaucratic largesse....
The worst part is the Fatalities that will be counted in the next 10 years. That is the COUNT that should matter. We have to wait 10 years , spend $200 mil, and it still will only be a Mediocre Product.
Snowman 10-09-2013, 01:44 PM Why do we have to wait until the "count" is high enough for the BEST in engineering? Don't we deserve the Best in engineering today?
We don't have the money today, for that type of structure we don't even have the money when it is being planned to be reconstructed and there is some reasons to believe that is not the best way to spend it if we did.
SoonerDave 10-09-2013, 01:54 PM We don't have the money today, for that type of structure we don't even have the money when it is being planned to be reconstructed and there is some reasons to believe that is not the best way to spend it if we did.
Then, in my book, it costs absolutely *zero* dollars to do the *one* thing that will mitigate against at least a good portion of the accidents at this location: Immediately and permanently close the EB on-ramp from Shields. I know it will hack off the folks who go up Shields to get on I-240, but they can go to SE 89th and head east to I-35, and loop right back on to EB I-240 from there. Heck, they can go a unit west and board EB I-240 at Walker. Either way, that Shields on-ramp has to go.
This won't solve all the problems, because cars migrating to the SB I-35 ramp from I-240 will still do so, but it eliminates the "scissoring" traffic caused by the inflow of the inbound traffic at the same location.
Something of substance has to be done at this location before ten years passes.
OKVision4U 10-09-2013, 01:58 PM We don't have the money today, for that type of structure we don't even have the money when it is being planned to be reconstructed and there is some reasons to believe that is not the best way to spend it if we did.
Please give me a little more detail, if you would please? .... I'm still wondering why we only "except / approve" the Sub-Par product called Oklahoma Interchanges.
BoulderSooner 10-09-2013, 02:01 PM Then, in my book, it costs absolutely *zero* dollars to do the *one* thing that will mitigate against at least a good portion of the accidents at this location: Immediately and permanently close the EB on-ramp from Shields. I know it will hack off the folks who go up Shields to get on I-240, but they can go to SE 89th and head east to I-35, and loop right back on to EB I-240 from there. Heck, they can go a unit west and board EB I-240 at Walker. Either way, that Shields on-ramp has to go.
This won't solve all the problems, because cars migrating to the SB I-35 ramp from I-240 will still do so, but it eliminates the "scissoring" traffic caused by the inflow of the inbound traffic at the same location.
Something of substance has to be done at this location before ten years passes.
east bound 240 to south bound 35 gets redone in 2015 ..
venture 10-09-2013, 02:17 PM east bound 240 to south bound 35 gets redone in 2015 ..
So in the book of a road planner...the blood spilled for the next two plus years until that section is done is still alright? Let's be honest. The project starts in 2015...I really doubt the "fine" folks at ODOT and their contractors will really get that portion of the project done that year.
Larry OKC 10-09-2013, 02:17 PM SoonerDave: I have always wondered about that area and am asking honest questions...what are the stats for the Shield's onramp? How does that compare to other areas of the City? In other words, is that area above the norm (accidents, injuries & fatalities)?
SoonerDave 10-09-2013, 02:41 PM SoonerDave: I have always wondered about that area and am asking honest questions...what are the stats for the Shield's onramp? How does that compare to other areas of the City? In other words, is that area above the norm (accidents, injuries & fatalities)?
I would very much like to know, Larry. I don't have the stats, just my own eyeballs as I drive the westbound side of that road every workday on the way home, and I don't think its an exaggeration at all to suggest that there is some substantial accident at that location during rush hour at least two out of the five regular work weekdays (M-F). I would say, but without the same level of confidence, that at least one of those accidents required ambulance transportation for at least one of the involved folks. I don't know how I'd go about collecting or researching that data, but it surely would be nice to have.
See, for me, many of the upgrades and changes to various roadways in the OKC area are due to very practical things like easing congestion, rerouting, accommodating more current road use information, replacing old structures, and all of those are perfectly reasonable motives. But this business of seeing someone in an accident, typically multiple times per week, potentially seriously if not fatally injured, with the design of the interchange largely the reason, just compels me to get off my duff and grump about it somehow. If, for whatever reason over whatever period of time, OKDOT made this mess, I think it should be incumbent on them to make cleaning it up a priority. Even if part of that long-term solution includes a short-term nuisance of closing an exacerbating entrance ramp.
OKVision4U 10-09-2013, 02:58 PM Then, in my book, it costs absolutely *zero* dollars to do the *one* thing that will mitigate against at least a good portion of the accidents at this location: Immediately and permanently close the EB on-ramp from Shields. I know it will hack off the folks who go up Shields to get on I-240, but they can go to SE 89th and head east to I-35, and loop right back on to EB I-240 from there. Heck, they can go a unit west and board EB I-240 at Walker. Either way, that Shields on-ramp has to go.
This won't solve all the problems, because cars migrating to the SB I-35 ramp from I-240 will still do so, but it eliminates the "scissoring" traffic caused by the inflow of the inbound traffic at the same location.
Something of substance has to be done at this location before ten years passes.
I think the main problem is caused by the ( 10 lbs trying to fit in a 4 lbs bag ) theory. It's the Lane 3, E Bound 240 turning South / Lane 2, The E Bound 240 Turning to the N 35 / Lane 1, Single lane for E bound only / Lane 4, Shields On-Ramp. ....they all do this in a window of quarter mile. The clover leaf is the primary problem.
The ONLY solution is to spend money. Do this the correct way. ( whatever the price is?'s ok ) The drivers will not complain for a superior product. But spend $200 Mil, ...wait 10 years, and give us a death trap, again ????? Well, then we are back to where we started ??????.
SoonerDave 10-09-2013, 03:51 PM I think the main problem is caused by the ( 10 lbs trying to fit in a 4 lbs bag ) theory. It's the Lane 3, E Bound 240 turning South / Lane 2, The E Bound 240 Turning to the N 35 / Lane 1, Single lane for E bound only / Lane 4, Shields On-Ramp. ....they all do this in a window of quarter mile. The clover leaf is the primary problem.
The ONLY solution is to spend money. Do this the correct way. ( whatever the price is?'s ok ) The drivers will not complain for a superior product. But spend $200 Mil, ...wait 10 years, and give us a death trap, again ????? Well, then we are back to where we started ??????.
Oh, I agree that a proper redesign of the interchange is the only real solution, but if that's a decade away, or even two years before anything is even started in terms of Phase 1 of X, something needs to be done in the short term that doesn't bust a budget. That's why I so heartily push the closure of the eastbound onramp to I-240 at Shields. Shut that puppy down now, put up barricades, flags, barrels, and "Severe Tire Damage" obstacles.
Not much, but its a start.
OKVision4U 10-09-2013, 04:03 PM Oh, I agree that a proper redesign of the interchange is the only real solution, but if that's a decade away, or even two years before anything is even started in terms of Phase 1 of X, something needs to be done in the short term that doesn't bust a budget. That's why I so heartily push the closure of the eastbound onramp to I-240 at Shields. Shut that puppy down now, put up barricades, flags, barrels, and "Severe Tire Damage" obstacles.
Not much, but its a start.
I am 100% w/ ya. Let's do the easy things today. That would take pressure off that area w/ the Shields Ramp closed.
jn1780 10-09-2013, 04:27 PM Oh, I agree that a proper redesign of the interchange is the only real solution, but if that's a decade away, or even two years before anything is even started in terms of Phase 1 of X, something needs to be done in the short term that doesn't bust a budget. That's why I so heartily push the closure of the eastbound onramp to I-240 at Shields. Shut that puppy down now, put up barricades, flags, barrels, and "Severe Tire Damage" obstacles.
Not much, but its a start.
Yeah, and the Shields ramp is going to be closed anyway when the new ramp to I-35 southbound is built. There is no reason to keep it open if its already planned to be closed.
warreng88 11-05-2013, 07:49 AM From the ODOT eight year plan link:
I-35/I-240 Interchange
FFY 2015 Grade, Drain & Surface $16,109,500
FFY 2015 Right Of Way $5,468,991
FFY 2015 Utilities $5,623,800
FFY 2018 Interchange $14,233,431
FFY 2020 Interchange $24,881,850
FFY 2021 Interchange $16,000,000
FFY 2021 Interchange $31,000,000
Total $113,317,572
Plutonic Panda 03-05-2014, 12:51 PM This is what they need to build here:
I don't understand why Oklahoma highway construction is so small scale thinking when we could be building awesome interchanges like this. I've pretty much given up hope for the 235/44 interchange which will likely have regular back-ups in 10 years(the day they finish it, if OKC keep booming and grows faster).... they still have a chance to do this interchange right, so lets hope they do. These inferior hybrid interchanges need to stay out of OKC for major interchanges.
HangryHippo 03-05-2014, 01:10 PM This is what they need to build here:
I don't understand why Oklahoma highway construction is so small scale thinking when we could be building awesome interchanges like this. I've pretty much given up hope for the 235/44 interchange which will likely have regular back-ups in 10 years(the day they finish it, if OKC keep booming and grows faster).... they still have a chance to do this interchange right, so lets hope they do. These inferior hybrid interchanges need to stay out of OKC for major interchanges.
I absolutely agree with this.
CaptDave 03-05-2014, 01:13 PM ^ I think that is one of two locations that type interchange would be appropriate. Maybe I44/I40 - but the 240/35 needs it far worse.
HangryHippo 03-05-2014, 02:06 PM ^ I think that is one of two locations that type interchange would be appropriate. Maybe I44/I40 - but the 240/35 needs it far worse.
I want to see interchanges like that at I-40/I-44, I-240/I-35, and I-35/I-235/I-40 and I-44/I-235. It's too late on the last one I guess, but the other should absolutely be redone with stack interchanges.
Plutonic Panda 03-05-2014, 02:08 PM I want to see interchanges like that at I-40/I-44, I-240/I-35, and I-35/I-235/I-40 and I-44/I-235. It's too late on the last one I guess, but the other should absolutely be redone with stack interchanges.I've got nice little rendering of that. I'll post it, I just want to add some touch ups to make it look nicer.
venture 03-05-2014, 02:54 PM Something of larger scale like that would be appropriate there because of the amount of traffic it handles. I'm not sure an exact replica in scale, but similar in design and more efficient than the old cloverleaf. It's not going to happen though and I highly doubt I'll still be living here by the time they finish it.
Snowman 03-05-2014, 05:53 PM This is what they need to build here:
I don't understand why Oklahoma highway construction is so small scale thinking when we could be building awesome interchanges like this. I've pretty much given up hope for the 235/44 interchange which will likely have regular back-ups in 10 years(the day they finish it, if OKC keep booming and grows faster).... they still have a chance to do this interchange right, so lets hope they do. These inferior hybrid interchanges need to stay out of OKC for major interchanges.
The reason it is being built staggered out is we do not even really have the money to maintain the level of infrastructure we already have, let alone build in extra capacity that just would be nice to have (over the fact that the new structure add significantly larger capacity).
CaptDave 03-06-2014, 09:54 AM The reason it is being built staggered out is we do not even really have the money to maintain the level of infrastructure we already have, let alone build in extra capacity that just would be nice to have (over the fact that the new structure add significantly larger capacity).
But we will be getting a 0.25% income tax cut!! Yay for the $50....
That, and the legislature's unwillingness use of bonds to fund infrastructure when rates are at historic lows, are indications the people of Oklahoma are not being well served by the crowd at 23rd & Lincoln.
HangryHippo 03-06-2014, 09:56 AM The reason it is being built staggered out is we do not even really have the money to maintain the level of infrastructure we already have, let alone build in extra capacity that just would be nice to have (over the fact that the new structure add significantly larger capacity).
Stacked interchanges aren't just "nice to have". They are safer to use.
HangryHippo 03-06-2014, 09:56 AM But we will be getting a 0.25% income tax cut!! Yay for the $50....
That, and the legislature's unwillingness use of bonds to fund infrastructure when rates are at historic lows, are indications the people of Oklahoma are not being well served by the crowd at 23rd & Lincoln.
Exactly. They have no interest in bettering Oklahoma, it's all about the stupid tax cut.
Plutonic Panda 03-06-2014, 01:27 PM Is there any legislation at all proposed to allow ODOT to take out loans for road construction?
Plutonic Panda 03-06-2014, 01:47 PM It'd be nice if ODOT would take out a billion dollar loan to fund doing these interchanges into stack and doing them right the first time as well as other important road construction. Also it could fund other high-priority road and highway projects such as the Purcell/Lexington bridge.
bchris02 03-06-2014, 02:18 PM For Oklahoma politicians, it's all about being able to have a bullet list of conservative talking points whenever running for re-election. That is the only reason for the tax cuts. In my opinion, people who care that much about job security should be in a field other than public service.
ljbab728 04-14-2014, 12:12 AM
Here’s what Larry Clore, of the state Transportation Department, can tell you, David:
“The department has been working to get this project started for years now, and we are finally getting close to beginning the construction process,” he said.
“We agree that this area needs some work and that is why the project is on our radar and in ODOT’s Eight-Year Construction Work Plan.
“We are currently acquiring rights of way and in 2015 will begin moving utilities. Construction is expected to begin in 2016, and as your reader stated, the Shields ramp to eastbound I-240 will close and the new eastbound I-240 to southbound I-35 will be built.
“There are no plans to close this ramp until construction begins because businesses in the area have been promised access. When construction is complete businesses will have better access in the area and the weaving motion the reader mentioned will be eliminated.”
jn1780 04-14-2014, 06:15 AM "There are no plans to close this ramp until construction begins because businesses in the area have been promised access. When construction is complete businesses will have better access in the area and the weaving motion the reader mentioned will be eliminated.”
They say this, but the plans I have seen in the past doesn't really give people coming from Shields any better access after construction.
Closing a bridge that is about to collapse is also inconvient, but it has to be done in order to insure safety.
bombermwc 04-14-2014, 07:22 AM They COULD set up shields access to eastbound 240, but because it's so close to the junction, it would require flyovers to link the traffic to both the 35 and 240 paths. It would be pretty messy to say the least. The extra downside to this is that there is no other eastbound ramp until you back track all the way to walker...a full mile and SEVERAL lights to the west.
I really would prefer the flyover's done in Texas at every interchange. But ODOT is gonna do it on the cheap like usual.
SoonerDave 04-14-2014, 07:45 AM In the interests of full disclosure, I should note that the letter inspiring that column is mine. It had been a couple of weeks since I sent it, and actually thought they had opted not to respond. I've sent a note of thanks to Mr. Gammill for his time, interest, and responsiveness. I also told him I found the ODOT's response to be entirely less than adequate.
The "businesses have been promised access" is a 1st class lame excuse. They don't contribute one penny to the damage, injury, and inconvenience to the people who are ultimately paying the price for their convenience.
I'm all for accommodating businesses to a reasonable extent, but driving by an accident every other day just so the local car dealer's delivery truck or what-have-you doesn't have to go two or three miles out of his way to get to I-240 E is asinine. Think the folks who get hurt there should get to send those businesses part of the bill.
I'd even support a compromise - if businesses truly have their knickers in a wad over the idea of closing that ramp, then leave it open during the day, but then close it just around rush hour - say from 3pm to 6pm in the evening. Put a barrier on it. But that costs a lot more money than just closing the thing permanently.
Plutonic Panda 04-14-2014, 10:23 AM Yeah, they really need to build all fly-overs and continue that service roads through. Also, if ODOT REALLY wanted to build this right, they'd build a special fly-over dedicated to a Shield's BLVD exit to Northbound I-35, but I'm sure hell will freeze over before ODOT spends that much to build a nice interchange in the current state.
Plutonic Panda 04-14-2014, 10:52 AM Here is another link that works(the original one doesn't work for me for some reason): Traffic Talk: Changes to I-35 on-ramp are planned, Oklahoma transportation official says | News OK (
venture 04-14-2014, 10:58 AM I really have no idea what they could do to make it any better right now. In all honesty, I would knock the whole thing down and start over...but that won't work in the short term. :)
The problem here is Shields is too close to 35. Also, it really is an alternate boulevard for local traffic to take instead of 35. There is no reason why you need access to SB 35 on Shields. Most cases you just take Shields south. Heck, I jump on it anytime I see the exit from 240 backed up and I usually don't lose any time. If people are taking Shields up to get onto 35 NB, then they can be routed back to Santa Fe to enter 240. It isn't that far at all. Exits from 240 EB to Shields seems fine and so does the entrance to 240 WB.
Plutonic Panda 04-14-2014, 11:03 AM Here's a good blog: -- Interstate 240 (
1a. Eliminate the off-ramp from I-240 to Walker
1b. Lengthen the on-ramp from Western to I-240, since the Walker off-ramp would be gone
1c. New Exit 2 will be for Western and Walker
2. Eliminate the on-ramp from Walker to I-240
3a. Create 4th EB lane first as acceleration lane from Shields, then as exit-only lane for I-35 South
3b. Keep Interstate 240 3 lanes in each direction throughout the Interstate 35 interchange, not just on overpasses
1a. Create 4th WB lane as acceleration lane from I-35 South, then as exit-only lane for Shields
1b. Straighten out off-ramp from I-240 to Shields
1c. Extend acceleration ramp from Shields through Santa Fe overpass, instead of stopping prior to it like it does now
2. Eliminate the on-ramp from Santa Fe to I-240
3. Eliminate the on-ramp from Walker to I-240
I'll put down what I would do in 10 minutes. Yes, it does involve widening, but I'll put it down anyways.
Plutonic Panda 04-14-2014, 11:26 AM Alright, me personally, I would widen the service roads to three lanes each way with one dedicated left turn with another left turn/straight lane and two other straight lanes along side a dedicated right turn lane. Sidewalks on the side of the road opposite from the highway. The next best thing would then to widen the sounding roads as needed(May, Penn, Western etc.) and add medians with landscaping and turn lanes for them(this would encourage new development and revitalize the area).
This would be an ideal service road, imo.
Then I would resurface the highway in cement.... make it 4 lanes each way. Remove every other exit/entry. Continue the service road around I44/240 which would narrow down to two lanes each way.
For the interchange, I would then build this:
Notice how the service roads continue through the interchange instead of just stopping and going around it.
Plutonic Panda 04-14-2014, 11:34 AM This is BTW, here it the latest plan that I know of. g
Here is the study pdf.file if anyone wants to look
Snowman 04-14-2014, 05:56 PM If we never get another non-freeway with three driving lanes in one direction, it will be too soon
Plutonic Panda 04-14-2014, 07:26 PM ok
soonerliberal 04-14-2014, 07:55 PM Then I would resurface the highway in cement.... make it 4 lanes each way. Remove every other exit/entry. Continue the service road around I44/240 which would narrow down to two lanes each way.
Notice how the service roads continue through the interchange instead of just stopping and going around it.
After living on the east coast for 5 years now, I'm really curious what is with Oklahoma and Texas' obsession with service roads. In Virginia, Maryland, and even North Carolina, most of the businesses are off of the freeway rather than on the frontage road. These states don't seem to need a service road. Why does Oklahoma have so many of them? Why is it necessary for them to go through intersections? Isn't that the role of the freeway?