01-26-2016, 07:39 PM
My daughter pointed out that the Kids Play Park on NW 5th Street had been taken out and sure enough it was completely gone when I drove by this morning.
My guess is that they eliminated it due to the increased drug deals and other criminal activity. The equipment provided enough hidden areas that just about anything could've happened there and no one would see. I haven't been on the grounds in quite awhile, but I didn't think it was in disrepair.
Anyone know any details about the park and what the city plans on doing with that location?
My guess is that they eliminated it due to the increased drug deals and other criminal activity. The equipment provided enough hidden areas that just about anything could've happened there and no one would see. I haven't been on the grounds in quite awhile, but I didn't think it was in disrepair.
Anyone know any details about the park and what the city plans on doing with that location?