View Full Version : SW 134th and May
Tundra 01-03-2016, 10:46 PM I've heard rumors for quite some time now about a Walmart neighborhood market being built at this location. Most that live in the area knows they are about to complete one at SW134th and Santa Fe, so I figured that was probably the rumor over the last few years. However my friend said she read in the paper Friday, that a large permit was pulled for SW 134th and May. Can anyone confirm this or does anyone have any information?
Tundra 01-03-2016, 10:50 PM Never mind I found it..
Retail briefs for Dec. 31 | News OK (
Zuplar 01-04-2016, 02:08 PM Wow 2 miles away(ish) they are building a new Super Center. Talk about going for saturation.
Plutonic Panda 01-04-2016, 02:45 PM Wow 2 miles away(ish) they are building a new Super Center. Talk about going for saturation.
This is really ridiculous how many Walmarts are in OKC. :///
bchris02 01-04-2016, 03:06 PM I am sure its because of the S 104th and May Crest. Wal-Mart has formidable competition in that area.
SoonerDave 01-04-2016, 03:29 PM The only thing WalMart at 104th and I44 will do is stem the tide of people driving to TriCity to AVOID having to go to I-240 and Santa Fe. That same WalMart was originally slated for 104th and May where Crest sits right now, but got derailed at the last minute due to economic hiccups. The presence of one of their grocery marts which are barely more than a glorified 7-11, will do very little to change our grocery shopping. My concern is that WalMart's internal research indicates Crest might be vulnerable to a "bracketing" strategy like this, however..but good grief, WalMart NM's are popping up like measles.
Zuplar 01-04-2016, 08:47 PM The only thing WalMart at 104th and I44 will do is stem the tide of people driving to TriCity to AVOID having to go to I-240 and Santa Fe. That same WalMart was originally slated for 104th and May where Crest sits right now, but got derailed at the last minute due to economic hiccups. The presence of one of their grocery marts which are barely more than a glorified 7-11, will do very little to change our grocery shopping. My concern is that WalMart's internal research indicates Crest might be vulnerable to a "bracketing" strategy like this, however..but good grief, WalMart NM's are popping up like measles.
For better or worse I'm guessing Walmart on 104th is going to help jump start some more development in the area, which will be great. It's an underdeveloped area IMO. I tend to shop Mustang or drive up to the stuff off i40 before I go to anything on or around the 240 area.
SoonerDave 01-05-2016, 08:39 AM For better or worse I'm guessing Walmart on 104th is going to help jump start some more development in the area, which will be great. It's an underdeveloped area IMO. I tend to shop Mustang or drive up to the stuff off i40 before I go to anything on or around the 240 area.
Agree - something needs to get that Airport Trust development on the new Portland kickstarted. The new road is nice, but those empty lots aren't too compelling.
On the rare occasion we need a WalMart, we've been going to TriCity. We simply don't do the Santa Fe location unless its a unique situation. I know for us the trips to Tri City will essentially end with the 104th location.
Zuplar 01-05-2016, 10:04 AM Agree - something needs to get that Airport Trust development on the new Portland kickstarted. The new road is nice, but those empty lots aren't too compelling.
On the rare occasion we need a WalMart, we've been going to TriCity. We simply don't do the Santa Fe location unless its a unique situation. I know for us the trips to Tri City will essentially end with the 104th location.
Yeah Portland is this nice new road with beautiful streetlamps, and a vast amount of nothing. It needs like one anchor store and I bet it blows up, especially with Walmart essentially being across the street. Maybe be another good location for a Winco? or heck a Target like has been rumored to go in the area for years.
SoonerDave 01-05-2016, 10:09 AM Yeah Portland is this nice new road with beautiful streetlamps, and a vast amount of nothing. It needs like one anchor store and I bet it blows up, especially with Walmart essentially being across the street. Maybe be another good location for a Winco? or heck a Target like has been rumored to go in the area for years.
I'd love to know what the delay is over there. I've seen the renderings for the "urban/walkable market" planned, but *nothing* is going on right now. And those renderings were easily a year old (more?).
jn1780 01-05-2016, 10:19 AM For anyone keeping track, this is going to be the third Walmart on 134th street. One on Eastern, Santa Fe, and now Penn.
Plutonic Panda 01-05-2016, 10:35 AM I'd love to know what the delay is over there. I've seen the renderings for the "urban/walkable market" planned, but *nothing* is going on right now. And those renderings were easily a year old (more?).
Yeah. They are finishing the final part of the road which is the part that won't have the median and should be more pedestrian friendly although I believe the plans for the roundabout were scrapped.
I do want to see some announcements for here though. This could be the Chisholm Creek for the southside. A movie theater, costco, target, market village with restaurants and such etc... I think a Gander Mtn. is going to be built here as well.
Zuplar 01-05-2016, 12:00 PM I just looked on Cleveland County assessor and Walmart owns the land next to the Bancfirst on the south side of the road at 134 and May. I also noticed that Braums is apparently got a permit for 2800 SW 134th, which seems to be across the street also on the south side of the road. Hadn't heard about that.
MagzOK 01-05-2016, 12:33 PM WalMart goes where the demand is! As much as I loathe going into any WalMart and will avoid going there at ANY cost, apparently there are thousands in the metro area that love going there. It's absurd! But then again, people are free to shop where they want to shop.
SoonerDave 01-05-2016, 12:43 PM I just looked on Cleveland County assessor and Walmart owns the land next to the Bancfirst on the south side of the road at 134 and May. I also noticed that Braums is apparently got a permit for 2800 SW 134th, which seems to be across the street also on the south side of the road. Hadn't heard about that.
Hmmm...the Braum's info is interesting. I wonder if that might spell a short-term future for the Braums location just north of 119th on Western? Again, the magic two-mile distance seems to be king - Western-to-May gets you two miles...
Still wondering if something won't go on the outparcel in front of Crest at SW 104th and May on that SW corner. Seems it would prime for a nicer restaurant, hopefully something not fast-food..
bchris02 01-05-2016, 01:06 PM They are targeting the Crest, but my guess is it will be fine. However, this could be it for the Homeland at SW 104th and Penn. Shame because that was once a very nice store as an Albertson's. Going in there today, you can really tell Homeland has let it slide.
Zuplar 01-05-2016, 02:05 PM They are targeting the Crest, but my guess is it will be fine. However, this could be it for the Homeland at SW 104th and Penn. Shame because that was once a very nice store as an Albertson's. Going in there today, you can really tell Homeland has let it slide.
Even so, it's still the nicest Homeland in the metro I think. Not that that is saying much.
Zuplar 01-05-2016, 02:06 PM Hmmm...the Braum's info is interesting. I wonder if that might spell a short-term future for the Braums location just north of 119th on Western? Again, the magic two-mile distance seems to be king - Western-to-May gets you two miles...
Still wondering if something won't go on the outparcel in front of Crest at SW 104th and May on that SW corner. Seems it would prime for a nicer restaurant, hopefully something not fast-food..
Yeah the parcel you are talking about would be perfect for Cheddar's IMO. This side of town doesn't have one and I think it would be fantastic.
SoonerDave 01-05-2016, 03:47 PM Yeah the parcel you are talking about would be perfect for Cheddar's IMO. This side of town doesn't have one and I think it would be fantastic.
You, sir, are OBVIOUSLY a genius. :) I've thought the same thing for a couple of years now. Cheddar's would be a *perfect* fit on that corner.
SoonerDave 01-05-2016, 03:52 PM They are targeting the Crest, but my guess is it will be fine. However, this could be it for the Homeland at SW 104th and Penn. Shame because that was once a very nice store as an Albertson's. Going in there today, you can really tell Homeland has let it slide.
I don't go in that Homeland very often, but I did a few weeks ago and, wow, the place is dead inside, they don't even try to be cost-competitive and the interior isn't very well maintained. I think the handwriting may be on the wall for that site regardless of other considerations. Seems like its in the same boat that North May location was in before they opted to shutter it rather than remodel it.
I'm trying to figure out who might want to take over that spot - I don't think a cost-focused chain would be a good fit, but something like the Sprouts that was discussed but nixed for the ol' mansion property on the west side of Penn (that now hosts the retirement center in part) would be the kind of candidate Chatenay would want...I can't see something like a Buy 4 Less or similar going in there...
Dubya61 01-05-2016, 03:56 PM I'm trying to figure out who might want to take over that spot - I don't think a cost-focused chain would be a good fit, but something like the Sprouts that was discussed but nixed for the ol' mansion property on the west side of Penn (that now hosts the retirement center in part) would be the kind of candidate Chatenay would want...I can't see something like a Buy 4 Less or similar going in there...
I don't know how Sprouts feels about close competition (and I'm not all that familiar with either Sprouts or Natural Grocers), but there's a new Natural Grocers at 89th and Penn (give or take). Then again, CVS and Walgreens are always stalking each other.
SoonerDave 01-05-2016, 03:58 PM I don't know how Sprouts feels about close competition (and I'm not all that familiar with either Sprouts or Natural Grocers), but there's a new Natural Grocers at 89th and Penn (give or take). Then again, CVS and Walgreens are always stalking each other.
That big potential location in Chatenay would give Sprouts a built-in advantage over Natural Grocers; I think NG made a tactical mistake in building such a small store. It was obviously a bet-hedging move to build small, but if Sprouts were to grab that Homeland spot just a mile south, I think NG would really be at a strategic disadvantage.
Tundra 01-05-2016, 04:39 PM I have heard about the Braums for the last couple of years, Homeland at Chatenay is a complete disaster definitely a Homeland problem, I think you'll be hard pressed to get a large sit down chain restaurant at the crest location, because there isn't a lunch crowd, It would be a good spot for a Chick Fila though IMO. But that will probably be built on portland when the time comes.
ljbab728 01-06-2016, 12:10 AM Even so, it's still the nicest Homeland in the metro I think. Not that that is saying much.
Not true. That would be the one at Britton Road and May which is an excellent store.
Zuplar 01-06-2016, 09:11 AM I keep waiting for this Sprouts and nothing has come to fruition.
Tundra 01-31-2016, 08:41 PM I've noticed over the last few days that dirt work has started on the Southeast corner of Cascata Lakes, is this possibly the Braums?? anyone have any insight?
SoonerDave 02-01-2016, 08:23 AM Per a building permit search on, it appears both WalMart *and* Braum's have buildings underway; well, technically, the permits are in the "In Review" status:
Zuplar 03-07-2016, 11:01 AM I drove by this weekend and noticed that the sign for Braums was up and there was quite a bit of dirt work done.
AAC2005 06-07-2016, 09:53 AM Can anyone shed light on why the construction site for the new Walmart at 134th and May looks like some sort of secret government facility? I see that Crossland is doing the construction (it's more or less in your face as you drive by), but the green tarp over the chain link, gated and locked fence surrounding the property gives it a "hush-hush move along there's nothing to see here" vibe.
Maybe the folks living behind it had something to do with it?
jn1780 06-07-2016, 10:08 AM I still find it crazy how close this Walmart is going to be to the one on Santa Fe.
Zuplar 06-07-2016, 10:28 AM I still find it crazy how close this Walmart is going to be to the one on Santa Fe.
Well the one on Santa Fe isn't that far from the Super Center on 19th or the other neighborhood market on 104th and Western. I think it's safe to say they are going for market saturation in this area.
SOONER8693 06-07-2016, 11:41 AM Well the one on Santa Fe isn't that far from the Super Center on 19th or the other neighborhood market on 104th and Western. I think it's safe to say they are going for market saturation in this area.
When this one is complete, we will have the new one on Santa Fe, this one, and the one at 104th and Western within 11/2 miles of us in 3 directions.
Even crazier are the new Braum's. New one on Santa Fe, new on at 134th and May, and building new one, to replace existing Braums, at 119th and Western. Same deal, Braum's 11/2 miles in 3 different directions.