10-18-2015, 01:19 PM
Here's the poster:
Final trailer during Monday Night Football tomorrow night.
Final trailer during Monday Night Football tomorrow night.
View Full Version : Star Wars: The Force Awakens Throckmorton 10-18-2015, 01:19 PM Here's the poster: Final trailer during Monday Night Football tomorrow night. Ginkasa 10-18-2015, 03:38 PM There will be a marathon of all 7 movies at Warren and AMC Quail Springs on December 17. Urbanized 10-18-2015, 04:42 PM ^^^^^^^^^^ Where is Luke in that poster? WTF? There must be another one (or more)... Throckmorton 10-18-2015, 06:54 PM I haven't been following spoilers super-closely, but my understanding is that Luke is barely in the movie. This leaked photo (click) ( is the only real shot of him we've seen so far, although I would bet that he'll be in the trailer tomorrow night. And this is the theatrical release poster. Highly doubt we'll see another one before the movie opens. TexanOkie 10-18-2015, 07:29 PM ^^^^^^^^^^ Where is Luke in that poster? WTF? There must be another one (or more)... Is he not the one in the flight suit? Throckmorton 10-18-2015, 07:41 PM That's Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac). Eddie1 10-18-2015, 08:53 PM Could this potentially be the first movie to gross 3 billion? I'm super excited but also a bit nervous. Urbanized 10-19-2015, 02:16 AM I haven't been following spoilers super-closely, but my understanding is that Luke is barely in the movie. This leaked photo (click) ( is the only real shot of him we've seen so far, although I would bet that he'll be in the trailer tomorrow night. And this is the theatrical release poster. Highly doubt we'll see another one before the movie opens. I understand that he's barely in it; nevertheless his character is still central to the overall story, and literally EVERYBODY ELSE who makes the transition from the 4-6 trilogy is on the poster. Regardless of what you say there, it's odd that he's not in the poster. TU 'cane 10-19-2015, 07:48 AM Hm. Not having Luke on the poster does seem odd. Although they are trying to re-introduce SW with this all new cast, so maybe they don't want to cling too much to the past, but then again, why have Chewy, Han, Leia, et. al.? I did read that -minor spoiler, highlight if you want to see: Hammill, Ford, and Fisher have multi-film contracts Secondly... I think there's a LOT going on in that movie poster. Almost makes me want to go find and join some SW forum to discuss it, but neh. I don't think it's coincidence that the lead female's staff is directly parallel with Kylo Rens light saber (and looks like she's holding it). So maybe she will be tempted by the dark side? I do think this is gonna be a HUGE movie. Obviously many are speculating Avatar large, if not more than. We'll see, I think this is something overall fresh that even non-SW fans can check out. The SW universe is so well established and they're really banking on this one correcting and being the film "fans deserve" after Eps I-III. SoonerDave 10-19-2015, 08:25 AM I caveat this with the note that I'm not really a big SW fan, but I surely notice all the ramp-up for this thing. No doubt it's going to be an epic movie event. As a Trek fan, I've followed Abrams and Bad Robot a bit, so the development of SW has certainly been intriguing to me. I can summarize a few things I've gleaned from posts on various forums by folks who *are* SW fans and have kept up with production and rumors. Before hand, keep in mind that JJ Abrams is notoriously tight-lipped about pre-production information leaking, even to the point of deliberately leaking *misinformation* to throw fans off the scent. So anything said here is subject to that caveat. * There has been word that Abrams in general and TFA in particular may not hold very tightly to what some might hold as "SW canon." This would be consistent with what Abrams did in the 2009 Star Trek reboot - came up with the "alternate timeline" idea to allow for stories that aren't beholden to whatever prior versions of the franchise have done. * Canon "changes" may include story "seeds" to support an entirely new suite of films beyond the "final 3" that would compass the original 9 stories in the arc. Considering Disney is planning huge additions/reformations to some of their parks to include full-scale, highly immersive SW-themed areas, movies to go right along with them (beyond the expected 3) surely makes sense. * Supposedly, either Abrams and/or Disney has declared the only existing SW media properties considered "fair game" for source material going into TFA are the previous six films. *None* of the other incarnations, TV shows, cartoons, comics, whatever, are considered "official." Now, on the one hand, this would be a *departure* for Abrams in contrast to how he handled Star Trek; there was a foundational comic book release that was a direct tie-in to the '09 reboot, and a great deal of effort has been undertaken in both Abrams Trek movies to incorporate elements of "other" Trek elements. On the other hand, however, one of the things that supposedly soured the Abrams-Paramount relationship for Trek was his desire for a similar "clean slate" approach for all secondary Trek marketing going forward, dumping all the original series licensing, and CBS wouldn't oblige (I'll skip all the detail CBS/Paramount/Trek entanglements for now). That was when he left the Trek 2 production and went to Disney for SW. * Production was held up for several weeks following an on-set injury to Harrison Ford during some sort of stunt, possibly requiring surgery. Ford is notorious for wanting to do his own stunts, and while he didn't do all of them, he apparently did one that got him hurt. * Rumblings abound that Disney is somewhat at odds with Abrams over certain aspects of the production. The spectrum ranges from normal creative differences to Disney taking over the final editorial cut, which isn't necessarily *that* bizarre. So take that for what it's worth. * Abrams is very likely *not* to direct the next film. Some camps are suggesting that's an outgrowth of a strained relationship with Disney noted above, others are that he got the thing going, and opted to let someone else take the director's chair. Take your pick. * Expectations for SW are off-the-charts/epic/historic in terms of opening weekend, duration, tickets, you name it. It could be argued this is one of the most anticipated movie openings in the history of the movie business. I'm not even sure I want to be near a theater running the thing for about a month. Crowds are going to be ludicrous. * Lots of rumblings that at least one major character does not survive TFA. Won't say who. * John Williams returns for the music. Think those are the highlights of what I've heard/read. Again, all given with a huge grain of salt, not even third-party hearsay, but fun rumblings to talk about. From a selfish POV, I wish Paramount had been as excited about Trek in the 70's and 80's as Disney is about SW in the 2000's!! :) Urbanized 10-19-2015, 08:47 AM I think it's pretty widely known that Han Solo has been rumored to buy the farm in this installation. Regarding Ford's injury, there was also a rumor that Mark Hamill had a close call during production, since disputed by the actor on social media. Also, just to be clear, this film is in no way a reboot of the franchise like Star Trek experienced. This is very much a sequel, albeit with Abrams' story-telling style offering a welcome change to the crap we got during 1-3. Throckmorton 10-19-2015, 08:58 AM I understand that he's barely in it; nevertheless his character is still central to the overall story, and literally EVERYBODY ELSE who makes the transition from the 4-6 trilogy is on the poster. Regardless of what you say there, it's odd that he's not in the poster. I'm okay with it. He may be central to the overall story, but apparently not to this story. If he's on the poster and only shows up in the last five minutes of the movie, people would be pissed about that instead. Better to leave him off in order to "build suspense," even though Hamill does have second billing on it behind Ford. * Supposedly, either Abrams and/or Disney has declared the only existing SW media properties considered "fair game" for source material going into TFA are the previous six films. *None* of the other incarnations, TV shows, cartoons, comics, whatever, are considered "official." This is incorrect. The TV shows The Clone Wars and Rebels are considered canon, as is everything that released after that announcement, including books, comics, whatever. Everything else that predated that announcement is not (again, besides the TV shows). * Abrams is very likely *not* to direct the next film. Some camps are suggesting that's an outgrowth of a strained relationship with Disney noted above, others are that he got the thing going, and opted to let someone else take the director's chair. Take your pick. He is not returning as director. Episode VIII is being directed by Rian Johnson, and Colin Trevorrow will direct Episode IX. SoonerDave 10-19-2015, 08:58 AM I think it's pretty widely known that Han Solo has been rumored to buy the farm in this installation. Regarding Ford's injury, there was also a rumor that Mark Hamill had a close call during production, since disputed by the actor on social media. Also, just to be clear, this film is in no way a reboot of the franchise like Star Trek experienced. This is very much a sequel, albeit with Abrams' story-telling style offering a welcome change to the crap we got during 1-3. Oh, absolutely not a reboot. Sorry if I left that impression at all. No reboot. trousers 10-19-2015, 09:09 AM Any word if the guys from The Raid 2 (Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhian & Cecep Arif Rahman) actually make an appearance? On IMDB they are all listed as "rumored". bchris02 10-19-2015, 09:19 AM Check this out. This fixes everything wrong with the TFA poster. Fan fixes Star Wars: The Force Awakens poster's major flaw | The Verge ( bchris02 10-19-2015, 09:32 AM So will tickets be going on sale at OKC-area theaters tonight? TU 'cane 10-19-2015, 09:52 AM Check this out. This fixes everything wrong with the TFA poster. Fan fixes Star Wars: The Force Awakens poster's major flaw | The Verge ( Nooooooo 11633 Ginkasa 10-19-2015, 10:16 AM So will tickets be going on sale at OKC-area theaters tonight? Yes FighttheGoodFight 10-19-2015, 10:21 AM I wonder how long I will have to wait to see this in IMAX at Warren.... bchris02 10-19-2015, 11:03 AM I wonder how long I will have to wait to see this in IMAX at Warren.... I am going to try to see it in standard 2D just like all the other Star Wars movies. It will probably also be easier to get tickets than for the 3D or IMAX version. elitespy 10-19-2015, 12:21 PM So, this trailer situation. I don't have cable, do you guys think that it will be up on the Star Wars YouTube channel at the same time it airs on ESPN? Or am I going to have to go find somewhere to watch the game. I couldn't care less about the game honestly, just want to see this trailer. Urbanized 10-19-2015, 12:36 PM It will surely be all over YouTube (and linked from social media) within seconds of debuting on MNF, if not even slightly before. TU 'cane 10-19-2015, 01:40 PM So, this trailer situation. I don't have cable, do you guys think that it will be up on the Star Wars YouTube channel at the same time it airs on ESPN? Or am I going to have to go find somewhere to watch the game. I couldn't care less about the game honestly, just want to see this trailer. It will surely be all over YouTube (and linked from social media) within seconds of debuting on MNF, if not even slightly before. If it's not "leaked" beforehand, in the first place. But agree with Urbanized. Just Google it and most likely it'll be all over social media when it first airs. Usually the company will release during or right after it airs on tv to promote traffic. It's supposed to be aired during half time, game starts at 7:30 PM CT, so expect it... Sometime around 9ish? FighttheGoodFight 10-19-2015, 02:03 PM It will be leaked beforehand I imagine. Also anyone know if places like AMC are going to have all 24 showing it again? When I was younger Episode 1 was using all theaters. It was madness. I loved it. I'm wearing my Han Solo costume.... Urbanized 10-19-2015, 02:12 PM Even ex-'Star Wars' studio 20th Century Fox wonders where Luke Skywalker is ( Uptowner 10-19-2015, 02:17 PM Maybe Luke is wearing the mask? BOOM! He went dark side and served the resurrected emperor in the dark empire comics. Leia went full Jedi and had like 3 of han's babies. Oh and the Fett is totally alive in that universe! bchris02 10-19-2015, 02:26 PM Maybe Luke is wearing the mask? BOOM! He went dark side and served the resurrected emperor in the dark empire comics. Leia went full Jedi and had like 3 of han's babies. Oh and the Fett is totally alive in that universe! I really hope to see Leia use a lightsaber in this movie. I am going to be incredibly disappointed if Luke didn't train any Jedi. TU 'cane 10-19-2015, 02:34 PM Maybe Luke is wearing the mask? BOOM! He went dark side and served the resurrected emperor in the dark empire comics. Leia went full Jedi and had like 3 of han's babies. Oh and the Fett is totally alive in that universe! Well, Kylo Ren is a stand alone character that we know of acted by another guy. But I like the enthusiasm lol! I don't want to eat crow though in some insane plot twist, so I'll say anythings possible and we'll see. Heck it's Hammill's voice that narrates the first trailer for crying out loud. SoonerDave 10-19-2015, 02:51 PM Even ex-'Star Wars' studio 20th Century Fox wonders where Luke Skywalker is ( First part of what has to be a genius marketing if the thing NEEDED any marketing to make forty-seven kazillion shillion jillion dollars the first ten minutes of release LOL David 10-19-2015, 08:37 PM bchris02 10-19-2015, 08:41 PM Incredible...I cannot wait!!! Kemotblue 10-19-2015, 08:52 PM I tried to get tickets but the Movie ticket websites crashed...I don't think they understand how HUGE and EPIC this movie is going to be come December. FighttheGoodFight 10-20-2015, 07:02 AM The tickets went on sale really early on Movie I have Thursday 7pm tickets and Friday noon tickets in IMAX. Excited! Throckmorton 10-20-2015, 07:03 AM Any word if the guys from The Raid 2 (Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhian & Cecep Arif Rahman) actually make an appearance? On IMDB they are all listed as "rumored". No idea for sure, but I am gonna guess that they may be in with these guys, the "Knights of Ren" Dustin 10-20-2015, 11:07 AM Oh my god. kelroy55 10-20-2015, 12:36 PM I just got my Imax tickets Ginkasa 10-20-2015, 01:08 PM I'm going to be rocking the marathon at Warren. It will be my first time seeing Return of the Jedi in theatres; I missed it for some reason when the special editions were released. Urbanized 10-20-2015, 03:15 PM Oh my god. There's been an my pants. Urbanized 10-21-2015, 03:33 PM Looks like regardless of screen time or lack thereof, Luke is still very important to the story. This article is from a couple of months ago, but explains that what brought Abrams into the fold after first rejecting the gig was being asked the simple question "who is Luke Skywalker?" How Luke Skywalker lured J.J. Abrams into directing Star Wars: The Force Awakens | ( kelroy55 10-22-2015, 12:51 PM I just got my Imax tickets ARGH.... I was informed by the GF that the date I picked was the Christmas dinner day so I had to push it back 2 weeks, was already sold out until then. FighttheGoodFight 10-22-2015, 01:01 PM ARGH.... I was informed by the GF that the date I picked was the Christmas dinner day so I had to push it back 2 weeks, was already sold out until then. Tell her Christmas dinner happens every year. Star Wars only happens this year. hoya 10-22-2015, 01:16 PM Tell her you would rather watch Star Wars than be with her family. I told a girl that once, and I never had to see her family again. FighttheGoodFight 10-22-2015, 01:19 PM Tell her you would rather watch Star Wars than be with her family. I told a girl that once, and I never had to see her family again. I was lucky I guess. My wife made sure we had first showing tickets. I have friends whose wives and girlfriends have never seen the movies. That hurts me. kelroy55 10-22-2015, 01:27 PM Tell her Christmas dinner happens every year. Star Wars only happens this year. I tried... didn't work :( kelroy55 10-22-2015, 01:28 PM I was lucky I guess. My wife made sure we had first showing tickets. I have friends whose wives and girlfriends have never seen the movies. That hurts me. Sounds like a marathon movie weekend. elitespy 11-02-2015, 02:37 PM For any others like myself who love to theorize, check this one out. It's a great read, even if a bit long. TU 'cane 11-02-2015, 02:53 PM For any others like myself who love to theorize, check this one out. It's a great read, even if a bit long. That OP... 11722 If any of that is true, which, in all honesty I think it highly unlikely, we're looking at one of the biggest mind trips in Cinema history. David 11-02-2015, 03:16 PM I love that theory so much. FighttheGoodFight 11-02-2015, 03:24 PM I had a co-worker go on a rant against me about me pre-buying tickets. Here is a paraphrase of the conversation. Me: Hey did you get your Star Wars tickets? Him: Thanks to your generation that wasn't even alive when the movies came out I didn't get any for the first weekend. Me: I have an extra pair for a Friday showing I am not going to. You can have them for face value. Him: Keep the tickets. You are all ungrateful for what my generation created. SCENE. People are nuts man. Urbanized 11-02-2015, 03:32 PM Why am I on your co-worker's side in that discussion? Oh yeah, because I'm old as hell. GET OFF OF MY LAWN!!! FighttheGoodFight 11-02-2015, 03:37 PM Why am I on your co-worker's side in that discussion? Oh yeah, because I'm old as hell. GET OFF OF MY LAWN!!! LETS DUEL! :fighting4: Urbanized 11-02-2015, 03:41 PM You'd probably show up as Darth Maul. I would be completely unimpressed. FighttheGoodFight 11-02-2015, 03:45 PM You'd probably show up as Darth Maul. I would be completely unimpressed. I only go as the one true Jedi hoya 11-02-2015, 03:47 PM I only go as the one true Jedi Pete, I think this is a bannable offense. Dustin 11-03-2015, 12:31 PM Pete, I think this is a bannable offense. Not so fast. Take a look at this theory about Jar Jar by a redditor. Super interesting. Eddie1 11-03-2015, 01:27 PM A buddy of mine is actually flying to LA just to see this film (a little drastic, imo) but it's gonna be a cool experience. Where are you all going to see it? I'll probably end up going to Moore opening night. Ginkasa 11-03-2015, 01:44 PM A buddy of mine is actually flying to LA just to see this film (a little drastic, imo) but it's gonna be a cool experience. Where are you all going to see it? I'll probably end up going to Moore opening night. I'd get tickets soon. They've already got several shows sold out that weekend. FighttheGoodFight 11-03-2015, 03:19 PM A buddy of mine is actually flying to LA just to see this film (a little drastic, imo) but it's gonna be a cool experience. Where are you all going to see it? I'll probably end up going to Moore opening night. Ya if you don't have tickets now I imagine they are sold out until at least after the first weekend if not into the next week. Kids are out of school. Madness with occur. trousers 11-03-2015, 04:09 PM There is always this option. Rich Star Wars nerds can fly to France, see The Force Awakens two days early · Newswire · The A.V. Club ( elitespy 11-03-2015, 08:52 PM I have my tickets at Penn Square, just can't pass up the reserved seating. No lines for this guy. |