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01-18-2016, 10:41 AM
Heck, I talked to one person who swore that this movie was a direct sequel to Revenge of the Sith, and that Rey was one of the babies born in that movie...

Well, people are stupid.

01-18-2016, 11:35 AM
Probably my biggest complaint from this movie... the desire to use planets that are just like planets from the past 6 movies, without using those actual planets. And it seems the creative reasoning is about wanting to be similar, but not *too* similar. Just own it. I'm a pretty big fan, so I tend to eventually read the related materials (books, comics, etc). And I'll take the time to go and find stuff out. But most casual folks who saw the movie came out thinking that the desert planet was Tatooine, and the city planet was Coruscant. They certainly don't seem to grasp the difference between the rebellion and the resistance, and such. Heck, I talked to one person who swore that this movie was a direct sequel to Revenge of the Sith, and that Rey was one of the babies born in that movie...

The whole Resistance concept is kind of stupid anyways. They still act and fight like rebels even though the republic have had 30 years to establish itself.

Hopefully, they will actually be the Republic military in the next movie. If blowing up 3 Republic planets isn't considered an act of war I don't know what is.

01-18-2016, 11:43 AM
Starkiller Base is probably the worst aspect of this movie. It isn't very plausible and seems like a lazy attempt to try to one up the death stars. I can accept its size and how it works, but how does the thing move? It would make more sense to have another man-made station of some sort with a hyperdrive rather than to have it built into a planet. It's forgivable though because it isn't a prominent focus of the movie the way the previous death stars were. Still, I wish they would have done something a little different and hopefully this is the last planet-destroying super weapon we see in the Star Wars saga.

It doesn't move. Its blowing up planets from an extremely long distance. Of course, just like in the star trek, JJ Abrams makes it seem like the nearest planet is just one 5-second warp or hyper drive leap away.

Maybe the star killer base wasn't that far away, but you would think the Resistance would have notice a super wepon being built on their door step.

01-18-2016, 11:45 AM
The whole Resistance concept is kind of stupid anyways. They still act and fight like rebels even though the republic have had 30 years to establish itself.

Hopefully, they will actually be the Republic military in the next movie. If blowing up 3 Republic planets isn't considered an act of war I don't know what is.

Well, the resistance is meant to be an unrelated group to the republic and the old rebellion, from what I've gathered. Basically, the rebellion became the new Republic, and is in a cold war with the First Order, and is secretly (or not so) providing support to a resistance that is fighting against the First Order. But you're right, if this was a cold war, blowing up the planets should shift it to a hot war. It sort of bothers me that the Republic military wouldn't have gotten involved in the attack on the Starkiller base.

01-18-2016, 11:48 AM
It doesn't move. Its blowing up planets from an extremely long distance. Of course, just like in the star trek, JJ Abrams makes it seem like the nearest planet is just one 5-second warp or hyper drive leap away.

Maybe the star killer base wasn't that far away, but you would think the Resistance would have notice a super wepon being built on their door step.

I thought that too, but what I've read online is that it does move. It actually destroys the sun it drains in order to fire, so has to move from sun to sun. Of course, this is fantasy science, and Abrams we're talking about, so everything is fluid.

01-18-2016, 12:32 PM
Well, the resistance is meant to be an unrelated group to the republic and the old rebellion, from what I've gathered. Basically, the rebellion became the new Republic, and is in a cold war with the First Order, and is secretly (or not so) providing support to a resistance that is fighting against the First Order. But you're right, if this was a cold war, blowing up the planets should shift it to a hot war. It sort of bothers me that the Republic military wouldn't have gotten involved in the attack on the Starkiller base.

One of the first thing Mon Mothma did when she became Chancellor was demilitarize the New Republic

"I will today put up a vote that resolves to cut our military presence by ninety percent once we are able to officially confirm an end to this war."
―Chancellor Mon Mothma

That's a quote from the book Aftermath. I'm sure a lot if not most of what was left of the military fleet was destroyed when Hosnian Prime was blown up. Also, Leia wasn't popular with the new republic, she had to send delegates in her place because of her reputation.

01-18-2016, 12:52 PM
Well, Mon Mothma is obviously an idealistic, naive, idiot. Someone should propose a vote of no confidence and put someone stronger in place. Maybe someone with more direct control. It might need a name change for the position though.... Worked pretty well last time. 20 years of galactic peace and tranquility.

01-19-2016, 03:40 PM
...Also, Leia wasn't popular with the new republic, she had to send delegates in her place because of her reputation.

Maybe they didn't trust her because of her obvious painkiller addiction..?

01-19-2016, 03:57 PM
One of the first thing Mon Mothma did when she became Chancellor was demilitarize the New Republic

"I will today put up a vote that resolves to cut our military presence by ninety percent once we are able to officially confirm an end to this war."
―Chancellor Mon Mothma

That's a quote from the book Aftermath. I'm sure a lot if not most of what was left of the military fleet was destroyed when Hosnian Prime was blown up. Also, Leia wasn't popular with the new republic, she had to send delegates in her place because of her reputation.

The New Republic's undoing was to demilitarize before the Imperial remnant was contained and the new Jedi were in place to keep peace and order in the galaxy. I understand the intention was to avoid trading one tyrant for another, but a strong chancellor and strong military could have contained the remnant and prevented the rise of the First Order.

01-19-2016, 04:38 PM
Thank The Ones that they didn't. No First Order, no movie.

01-19-2016, 04:39 PM
Wait...this IS a nerd contest, right?

TU 'cane
01-19-2016, 05:31 PM
Wait...this IS a nerd contest, right?

Nerd High Council**


01-19-2016, 05:33 PM

01-19-2016, 08:07 PM
Maybe they didn't trust her because of her obvious painkiller addiction..?

Painkillers? Everyone knew Leia was a cokehead since before the Battle of Endor. Even Han Solo knew. (

01-20-2016, 07:28 AM
Her figure proves that she gave up her coke habit decades ago.

01-21-2016, 10:26 AM
If you're interested, check out the youtube channel Emergency Awesome to get your fill on Star Wars rumors, break down videos, analysis etc...He also covers other things like Marvel and DC TV shows/movies. It's really insightful and interesting.

03-03-2016, 04:14 PM
You guys remember that Star War movie that came out last year? It's coming to home video in April. It’s True. All of It. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is Coming Home (

Digital on April 1

Disc on April 5

03-04-2016, 07:11 AM
You guys remember that Star War movie that came out last year? It's coming to home video in April. It’s True. All of It. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is Coming Home (

Digital on April 1

Disc on April 5

Sounds good. Day 1 buy for me.