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09-16-2015, 08:39 AM
I would think the city is taking advantage of the tax revenue the FofA generates and the TIF allows them to earmark it for these improvements.

TIF is derived from property taxes and there will be no property taxes involved here and thus nothing for the City to 'earmark'.

Just the facts
09-16-2015, 08:48 AM
Can these TIF credits be sold?

09-16-2015, 08:58 AM
TIF is derived from property taxes and there will be no property taxes involved here and thus nothing for the City to 'earmark'.

Maybe i am mistaken but i thought one of you said TIFs sometimes use sales taxes? So now my question would be, who is driving this? Pete, I love that your site is moving to function as a news source. Set up a short Q & A session with this person. There may be a valid reason they went through these gyrations. Perhaps given $100k, the FofA organization can get significantly more bang for the buck than the city. You all serve a great function being a watchdog but maybe soliciting some feedback from the other side would be helpful.

09-16-2015, 08:58 AM
I'm not sure how tax collection is structured but I'm pretty sure taxes get collected on food, drink and art sales at the festival. I believe food vendors sell directly and art sales go through the sales tent where taxes are collected and FotA takes their cut of sales. It would take forever to balance it back out on those taxes though, especially if you consider all the other city services and property the FotA relies on to function.

I support the arts. However, this stinks, is more abuse of TIF money. I'm ready for the state legislature to cut this off at the knees.

09-16-2015, 09:02 AM
Maybe i am mistaken but i thought one of you said TIFs sometimes use sales taxes? So now my question would be, who is driving this? Pete, I love that your site is moving to function as a news source. Set up a short Q & A session with this person. There may be a valid reason they went through these gyrations. Perhaps given $100k, the FofA organization can get significantly more bang for the buck than the city. You all serve a great function being a watchdog but maybe soliciting some feedback from the other side would be helpful.

Some TIF's collect a portion of sales tax but not this particular TIF.

What is driving this is the City wanting to clear everything out so they can put the convention hotel on that site. And then the people at the Arts Festival not wanting to go to Central Park, as they feel the area is too raw.

09-16-2015, 09:28 AM
It does seem the process is a bit twisted but if the outcome is as you say, then OK. This is why we elect the City Council, to make decisions that benefit the city. Compared to the cronyism and waste seen when I was younger in OKC, it seems they do a decent job. They have to or voters and new media such as this will call them on it. A hotel of the 600-800 room variety with top notch support facilities isnt going to happen without a public-private partnership. Both Dallas and Denver had to pony up in big ways to get their hotels. A hotel developer isn't going to just plop down $750 million on an OKC hotel and take on100% of the risk if they weren't going to do it in Dallas or Denver - nor is a private lender. I am probably too much glass-half-full on this but it seems that a little dialogue with someone who participated in the process might explain a lot.

09-16-2015, 09:45 AM
Meanwhile in other parts of the city, the city says they don't have the million bucks it would take to do something about the most derelict, blighted and fire prone property in the city, Lantana Apartments.

09-16-2015, 10:15 AM
It does seem the process is a bit twisted but if the outcome is as you say, then OK. This is why we elect the City Council, to make decisions that benefit the city. Compared to the cronyism and waste seen when I was younger in OKC, it seems they do a decent job. They have to or voters and new media such as this will call them on it. A hotel of the 600-800 room variety with top notch support facilities isnt going to happen without a public-private partnership. Both Dallas and Denver had to pony up in big ways to get their hotels. A hotel developer isn't going to just plop down $750 million on an OKC hotel and take on100% of the risk if they weren't going to do it in Dallas or Denver - nor is a private lender. I am probably too much glass-half-full on this but it seems that a little dialogue with someone who participated in the process might explain a lot.

The TIF programs have already changed due to the light shined on them by this site and by Ed Shadid and Pete White.

The OKC Public Schools are now much better informed and are actually at the negotiating table with the City, and that has already changed several things, which I will soon outline in detail.

However, the way Cathy O'Connor presents this information -- and there was a massive and complex presentation to Council yesterday that was not included in the agenda packet so no way for anyone to review in advance -- is very one-sided.

And of course it is. She is in charge of the Alliance for Economic Development and TIF is by far and away her biggest tool. If I had a high-paying (she's paid almost as much as our City Manager who manages thousands of employees) and high-profile job and could get my hands on hundreds of millions and maybe even billions of dollars that I could spend at pretty much my own discretion, I'd do the same thing.

But... This is tax money just by other names and if they are only going to present one side of things then someone has to present the other side, which is what I attempt to do.

In the process, people at the City have labeled me and the site as 'anti-TIF' which is fantastically unfair. But it's the way things work in OKC... If you don't just nod along with anything termed as Economic Development, you are immediately attacked.

I wish the video from the TIF Town Hall would be posted because you will see that the other main speaker was very critical of TIF's and in that situation I did my best to present the facts of how things work in OKC and make arguments I know the people at the City would and have put forth.

09-16-2015, 09:10 PM
You do a great job of it and I enjoy seeing both sides. Keep it up!

04-16-2018, 01:50 PM
They have started setup for the 2018 Festival of the Arts which will run April 24-29.

04-26-2018, 12:05 PM
Anyone know why the Festival of Arts was moved from over by the Myriad/Myriad Gardens/old Stage Center to the
Municipal Building?

04-28-2018, 04:49 AM
Anyone know why the Festival of Arts was moved from over by the Myriad/Myriad Gardens/old Stage Center to the
Municipal Building?

Because the streetcar will soon be running along Hudson, which is right in the middle of the old Arts Festival location.

04-28-2018, 02:24 PM
Being a sentimental type I was slow to embrace the new location but a few seasons in I'm now a big believer. It feels purpose-built for this event and other than not being next to the Myriad Gardens - and also Stage Center, which was gone either way - I feel like the new location is superior in pretty much every way. The primacy of the food court is reduced, but I would not say that's a bad thing. It's an arts festival, not a food festival. And certainly there is still just as much food available and truthfully better areas for consumption, including the steps of the civic center.

04-28-2018, 11:07 PM
This festival belongs in the "Civic Center" (MAPS 0 not the municipal auditorium).

Personally I wish they would use Couch/Colcord/Latting for the food court so it would be contiguous. Going back and forth between the two halves is ridic on the crowded nights. Those areas could be repurposed if the food was moved to the other side of City Hall. You might then say that the food would be too removed from the core of the festival, but it kinda was before in the previous location.

04-29-2018, 02:48 PM
It doesn't feel right not being next to the Myriad Gardens. Luckily it's not far away.

04-29-2018, 06:56 PM
This festival belongs in the "Civic Center" (MAPS 0 not the municipal auditorium).

Personally I wish they would use Couch/Colcord/Latting for the food court so it would be contiguous. Going back and forth between the two halves is ridic on the crowded nights. Those areas could be repurposed if the food was moved to the other side of City Hall. You might then say that the food would be too removed from the core of the festival, but it kinda was before in the previous location.
I’ve thought the same thing and I’m pretty sure I’ve heard someone trustworthy say that is a part of a long-term plan or at least consideration. Wouldn’t swear to it though.

04-30-2018, 03:06 PM
Being a sentimental type I was slow to embrace the new location but a few seasons in I'm now a big believer. It feels purpose-built for this event and other than not being next to the Myriad Gardens - and also Stage Center, which was gone either way - I feel like the new location is superior in pretty much every way. The primacy of the food court is reduced, but I would not say that's a bad thing. It's an arts festival, not a food festival. And certainly there is still just as much food available and truthfully better areas for consumption, including the steps of the civic center.

Speaking to this, I hope Oklahoma City does not duplicate efforts here at the Scissortail Park. I hope they keep the Arts Festival at the Civic Center and move the food festival, aka, the 'Taste of Oklahoma City' to the new park.

Take a note from Chicago's Taste (the best one there is) and go from there, but don't diminish nor try to move the existing ART festival to the much larger park. Could also benchmark the Bite of Seattle for ideas for the food festival but OKC already has a top knotch arts festival right where and when it is. ...

01-26-2021, 08:36 AM
Press release:


Festival of the Arts Returns – Moving from April to June 2021

After weeks of deliberation and planning with the city and community members, Arts Council Oklahoma City (ACOKC) has decided to move Festival of the Arts from its usual time in April to new June dates: June 22nd - 27th. “Moving Festival of the Arts to June this year is the right decision for the event and the community,” says Peter Dolese, ACOKC Executive Director. “It gives more time for vaccine distribution and protection allowing us to design an outdoor event that implements CDC guidelines and creates an enjoyable, safe experience.”

Traditionally, Festival of the Arts takes place outdoors the last full week of April each year at Bicentennial Park. However, the event was canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak. “Knowing what we are up against this year and with the advancement of vaccine distribution, we are confident in providing an in-person outdoor event, with some changes, to make a safe experience for all,” says Gilbert Magdaleno, Festival of the Arts Director. Changes include expansion of festival grounds to the east lawn of City Hall and Patience Latting Drive. “Festival of the Arts is a major cultural event in our city and its return will, certainly I think, bring with it a return to normalcy in our community that is very welcome and very much missed," says OKC Mayor David Holt.

The decision was made in a joint effort amongst city officials, ACOKC board, staff, and Festival of the Arts volunteer Co-Chairs Kaycee Nolting and Randy Cassimus. “We are so thankful for the hard work put in by the City of Oklahoma City and Arts Council OKC, which has resulted in a safe, workable plan for us to host Festival of the Arts in 2021,” says Cassimus. “We missed the event in so many ways last year. To say we’re excited to hold an in-person Festival this summer – with our artists, performers, wonderful volunteers and festival-goers - is an understatement.”

01-26-2021, 10:15 AM
An outdoor even in June will likely be unpleasant (at least for those of us who don't like the heat), but it's a smart change if there is going to be a chance of having an arts festival this year. I might have pushed for fall if it had been my decision. June might be a little optimistic, but hopefully they can pull this off safely. I know of several artists who depend on the revenues from the arts festival, and who were really hurt this past year by it's cancellation.

02-03-2021, 10:46 PM
Hurd on Heard in Edmond said it is on so far. Hopefully the fair will not be cancelled.

02-07-2021, 09:59 AM
Hurd on Heard in Edmond said it is on so far. Hopefully the fair will not be cancelled.

The fair should be fine, still a long way away till September.

Bill Robertson
02-07-2021, 10:53 AM
An outdoor even in June will likely be unpleasant (at least for those of us who don't like the heat), but it's a smart change if there is going to be a chance of having an arts festival this year. I might have pushed for fall if it had been my decision. June might be a little optimistic, but hopefully they can pull this off safely. I know of several artists who depend on the revenues from the arts festival, and who were really hurt this past year by it's cancellation.Yeah. We only go to Paseo occasionally because Memorial Day weekend can be miserably hot with all the buildings and tents blocking the wind.

02-08-2021, 12:23 PM
An outdoor even in June will likely be unpleasant (at least for those of us who don't like the heat), but it's a smart change if there is going to be a chance of having an arts festival this year. I might have pushed for fall if it had been my decision. June might be a little optimistic, but hopefully they can pull this off safely. I know of several artists who depend on the revenues from the arts festival, and who were really hurt this past year by it's cancellation.

It might be a little warmer but I think people will be looking forward to going anyway after missing last year.

06-21-2021, 02:18 PM
After missing last year due to the pandemic, the Festival of the Arts is back at Centennial Park starting tomorrow (Tuesday) and running through Sunday.



06-21-2021, 02:33 PM
Pete, I really love those pictures. Downtown looks so ... dare I say ... dense.

Seriously, these are every bit as impressive to me as a skyline shot from 30 blocks away.

06-21-2021, 02:34 PM

06-21-2021, 03:01 PM
Maybe if the four surface lots in the pictures had buildings on them

06-21-2021, 03:25 PM
ShawnW, of course nothing is perfect. There is more work to do. And I am also aware that the presence of the booths in the streets ringing the park also adds to the impression of density. I was just struck by these pictures (particularly the top one) because of I'm not used to seeing a lower-level view from this direction. Usually pictures of our skyline feel the need to get the whole Devon Tower in the picture, which means it has to be farther away and usually at a higher altitude. This means you see more open space in the usual photographs. I just like these as a contrast to those.

06-21-2021, 09:34 PM
Have a friend performing at 5 p.m. Friday on the Main Stage, crossing my fingers that it'll be in the shade of City Hall by then given the weather forecast that day, lmao.

06-22-2021, 09:54 AM
Why does the grass already appear to be dead/burned in this park?

06-22-2021, 10:41 AM
I think I recall them laying new sod this past winter/spring and it kinda looks like it didn't take

06-28-2021, 02:43 PM
Well, it was nice having it back! I sorely missed the Strawberries Newport, though. Anyone have a story as to why it wasn't available this year and if it will make a comeback next year?

06-28-2021, 02:56 PM
Well, it was nice having it back! I sorely missed the Strawberries Newport, though. Anyone have a story as to why it wasn't available this year and if it will make a comeback next year?

Due to the pandemic, they didn't allow any food service by volunteers.

06-28-2021, 03:08 PM
Due to the pandemic, they didn't allow any food service by volunteers.

The Lost Ogle's Louis Fowler wrote that the organization that normally sold them decided on a food truck theme and hence went with something else and didn't offer them (or something like that). I can't verify since that story's behind a paywall now and their content is not worth what they charge, unlike some other OKC-specific sites. :)

06-28-2021, 03:18 PM

Food trucks were required this year as part of the 'no volunteers handling food' mandate.

06-28-2021, 03:20 PM

Food trucks were required this year as part of the 'no volunteers handling food' mandate.

Gotcha, I don't think the TLO article included that bit.

06-29-2021, 11:01 AM
I went one of the days. It was a great setup. But honestly ending at 9pm in late June is pretty strange considering the sun is just down by then for relief from the heat.

06-29-2021, 12:00 PM
I agree but it's always ended at 9 right? I get what you mean that it should have been tweaked for June vs April.

Lack of Strawberries Newport was disappointing.

IMO they should keep some food trucks even when they go back to the old way of doing it. Nice for local concepts to be represented like that.

Really liked having a stage on the east side of city hall.

06-29-2021, 08:46 PM
Great to have the festival back. Would be nice if they would push tents out into street further so you don't have to navigate the curb and the low trees when looking at the booths. Also, those booths seemed to be traffic jams as egress was limited between booths.

06-29-2021, 09:09 PM
Any discussion of moving it to Scissortail or do people prefer the smaller venue?

06-29-2021, 09:15 PM
Great to have the festival back. Would be nice if they would push tents out into street further so you don't have to navigate the curb and the low trees when looking at the booths. Also, those booths seemed to be traffic jams as egress was limited between booths.

agreed, I think it's been this way for years, but it _felt_ worse this year for some reason

06-29-2021, 09:15 PM
Any discussion of moving it to Scissortail or do people prefer the smaller venue?

I prefer it at Bicentennial because I live just four blocks away :-)

06-30-2021, 05:56 AM
Any discussion of moving it to Scissortail or do people prefer the smaller venue?

I'd like to see it move to Scissortail, but I've been told that the city made a substantial investment in electrical and water hookups for Bicentennial so I expect it to stay there for the foreseeable future.

04-20-2022, 04:11 PM
They opened yesterday. Runs through Sunday 4/24.

04-20-2022, 04:44 PM
I have already been twice. The food booths are back this year!

04-20-2022, 04:58 PM
I have already been twice. The food booths are back this year!

Any smoked Turkey Legs or Strawberry Crepes...

04-21-2022, 06:44 AM
Any smoked Turkey Legs or Strawberry Crepes...

04-21-2022, 12:04 PM
It's been a long three years without Strawberries Newport!

Ross MacLochness
04-21-2022, 12:16 PM
great drone pic!

04-21-2022, 02:36 PM
I miss it being right next to MBG.

04-21-2022, 03:03 PM
We had a gyro, biang biang noodles and their jalapeno, chicken and cheese eggroll last night, and all were excelent. Weather was perfect once it cooled down, and it was packed. It's taken me some time to get used to it being at the new location vs. MBG, but it's growing on me. This is probably my favorite event of the year in the city, hopefully the weather holds off a little for the weekend.

04-21-2022, 05:10 PM
You picked better than we did - split an Indian Taco which was very average (and maybe not even that). But regardless, the fun is strolling around and seeing all the amazingly talented artists on display. Really a fantastic event.

04-21-2022, 10:00 PM
Definitely one our top events in the city every year.

04-17-2023, 06:13 AM
Setting up for their 4/25 - 4/30 run:

04-17-2023, 11:17 AM
Hopefully this brings some much-needed rain to OKC :wink: IYKYK

04-20-2023, 03:14 PM
Hopefully this brings some much-needed rain to OKC :wink: IYKYK

Well, it looks like it's going to happen!

04-29-2023, 08:17 PM
We went today and everything almost overrun with people. The weather was perfect and that really brought the crowds. All of downtown was really that way though with the Memorial Run events happening as well. We took advantage of the free streetcar and both times it was basically standing room only.

04-29-2023, 08:38 PM
^Same here. Don't recall being at AF when it was more crowded. Beautiful day after a wet cold week.

04-30-2023, 08:40 PM
I am assuming it was synergy with the wonderful weather, Festival of the Arts, and the Memorial races (reported 19,000+ runners), but wow, it seemed like downtown was packed this weekend. I found myself waiting at a streetcar stop this evening...with 30+ other people at the same stop (being free this weekend seemed to make more people want to try it). Honestly, makes me think that so long as OKC metro continues its growth in general population and downtown continues to increase in density in the coming decades, that this level of crowds will become commonplace and really make the core have this vibrancy. While waiting to start the marathon this morning, was fun to have talked to many runners from out of town who were first time visitors and hearing how the much they were enjoying their trip.

04-25-2024, 07:52 PM