09-08-2015, 09:35 AM
I have a pair of lucchese goatskin boots that are a half to full size too big. Is there an easy way to shrink these boots so that I don't have to wear two pairs of socks with them?
View Full Version : Shrink Boots AP 09-08-2015, 09:35 AM I have a pair of lucchese goatskin boots that are a half to full size too big. Is there an easy way to shrink these boots so that I don't have to wear two pairs of socks with them? bradh 09-08-2015, 10:25 AM I have a pair of lucchese goatskin boots that are a half to full size too big. Is there an easy way to shrink these boots so that I don't have to wear two pairs of socks with them? What size are they (you know, just in case you can't shrink them and want to sell them lol) OkiePoke 09-08-2015, 11:49 AM I have a pair of lucchese goatskin boots that are a half to full size too big. Is there an easy way to shrink these boots so that I don't have to wear two pairs of socks with them? How to Shrink Cowboy Boots | eHow (http://www.ehow.com/how_5904551_shrink-cowboy-boots.html) Might try that. I walked through some water and soaked an old pair of boots. I tried to dry them quickly with a hair dryer, rookie mistake. I can't wear them now. The link suggests wearing them all day until dry, that will probably be inconvenient. I have a pair now that are a little big, I might try this method. AP 09-08-2015, 01:23 PM What size are they (you know, just in case you can't shrink them and want to sell them lol) If I can't shrink them, I'll keep wearing two pairs of socks. haha I spent a pretty penny on them to not use em Filthy 09-08-2015, 02:43 PM Send me some pics of the boots. I'll see if there's anything I can do with them. Filthy 09-08-2015, 02:50 PM Wow, thanks for the quick reply. I'm not sure I can help you with those though. Sorry. http://www.okctalk.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=11452&d=1441741761 11452 ljbab728 09-08-2015, 08:50 PM I have a pair of lucchese goatskin boots that are a half to full size too big. Is there an easy way to shrink these boots so that I don't have to wear two pairs of socks with them? I'm interested in knowing how you got boots that are too large. Did you try them on before buying them? adaniel 09-09-2015, 10:10 AM I am tardy to the party here, but I would be hesitant to try and shrink goat skin. It is a softer leather and may not adjust so much. You can certainly try. But if I were you, I'd put them on Ebay and cut your losses. When I got my ostrich boots from Little Joes (strongly recommend BTW), the people told me that new one should be snug to the point of being ever so slightly uncomfortable. I remember breaking them in and it was borderline torture for a week, but now they fit like a glove. AP 09-09-2015, 10:15 AM Update: I took them to get re-soled and re-heeled yesterday, and he said he could try to '"shrink" them a little and that they'll be tighter in general after the process. He also added that he hears people recommending the soaking in water deal and strongly recommends against it. I won't sell them even if they don't shrink, as I really like them and I have a solution to the slightly too big issue(extra socks). Just trying to see if there was a long term solution. bradh 09-09-2015, 10:33 AM I'm curious, what color did you get? AP 09-09-2015, 10:41 AM It is this boot (https://www.cavenders.com/western/cowboy-boots/mens-boots-shoes/western-traditional-toe-boots/LN1556R4?cm_mmc=Google-_-Cowboy+Boots%257CMen%2527s+Boots+%2526+Shoes%257CW estern+Traditional+Toe+Boots-_-CSE-_-Lucchese+1883+Men%2527s+Chocolate+Brown+Mad+Dog+R-Toe+Western+Boots&gclid=Cj0KEQjwsb-vBRCLj7TvqpGx_MoBEiQALgFGnhWv_nKPhtbuox9jPnPVsa8KH rFKa3gJSYia6A9FciAaAk9j8P8HAQ). adaniel 09-09-2015, 10:59 AM Nice. I can see why you don't want to part with them. |