View Full Version : Sports Talk Radio - What makes you change the station?

09-04-2015, 07:49 PM
I caught myself today switching from the Sports Animal to ESPN national when i heard certain things - without even hearing any substance of what was said. Things on my list in no order:

1. Traber talking anything related to politics or morals
2. Fat Jack - first word and I'm done
3. Soccer bashing
4. Spinozi (sp) when he gets on his obnoxious roll (which is about 75% of the time)
5. Traber talking Romo or Tiger
6. Al eating

Hmmm, that leaves Mark/Dusty and Trammel for his 15 minutes a day with Traber and Al..ha. :p

09-05-2015, 06:47 AM
I caught myself today switching from the Sports Animal to ESPN national when i heard certain things - without even hearing any substance of what was said. Things on my list in no order:

1. Traber talking anything related to politics or morals
2. Fat Jack - first word and I'm done
3. Soccer bashing
4. Spinozi (sp) when he gets on his obnoxious roll (which is about 75% of the time)
5. Traber talking Romo or Tiger
6. Al eating

Hmmm, that leaves Mark/Dusty and Trammel for his 15 minutes a day with Traber and Al..ha. :p

I'm guilty of turning the dial at 1, 2, 5, & 6. If it wasn't for Dusty and Trammel (and the hot mess that is the OU post-game show), I think my presets would be Sirius/XM stations exclusively.

09-05-2015, 09:30 AM
Tune back and forth from The Franchise to The Sports Animal.

Jim Traber is one true character: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of a personality. I listen to him when he discusses MLB, that's his wheelhouse; he's the best on baseball among any talk show host in Oklahoma City. He knows the game, players, managers, fans & owners. He never resorts to 'do you agree, Mark, Al, Dean or Barry ' when he talks about baseball--pro & collegiate.

Jim can be frustrating when he talks about other pro & collegiate sports--you know his confidence level is great; however, notice that when he begins to ask for someone to agree with him--he seems doubtful with less confidence.

Al has a memory like an elephant. Has a good handle on things, more from a practical sense, he sounds much younger that he looks.

The programming is loose on the Animal. Just love Spinozil, he gives you that Eastern seaboard flavor. Spinozil is very intelligent and well read; knows his stuff. Will never forget when Spinozi & Traber were teamed together for one or two shows when Mark Rodgers was out. You could tell that Traber was not in his comfort zone.

The Franchise continues to build my listenership & interests as I learn the various show hosts. Refreshing to hear the voice of a co-host female who is familiar with sports. They usually stay on course with a topic for discussion. They don't venture out or trash the personalities of the various sports.

They are more of your typical or traditional sports talk show.

09-05-2015, 07:41 PM
I don't listen to either one. They are both dumpster fires.

Thomas Vu
09-05-2015, 10:59 PM
I've heard about the quality, or lack there of, of the sports animal and after reading these posts I'm glad I have XM

09-06-2015, 09:37 AM
^I listen to XM a lot. But during football season tend to want to hear some of the local discussion more than other times during the year.

09-07-2015, 07:41 AM
I throw it off of WWLS when I hear the male enhancement commercial that repeats the phone number like 10 times. I just hate all commercials. They're always taking commercial breaks.

09-07-2015, 08:14 AM
I throw it off of WWLS when I hear the male enhancement commercial that repeats the phone number like 10 times. I just hate all commercials. They're always taking commercial breaks.

The one for the lasix surgery is bad with the monotone Dr speaking. But worst commercial on radio right now airs on ESPN XM - some boston accent named Jimmy touting the Zepha snorting device. AWFUL. ha

09-07-2015, 11:37 AM
I guess I'm in an oddball minority in that I rarely, if ever, get mad about programming on the Animal or sports in general. I enjoy it, but I just don't take it that seriously. I mean, 99% of what goes on from Traber to Al is theater *designed* to get attention, and no one radio person's opinion gets me that stirred up about anything. It's just a sillly, fun diversion for me...but there are things that will get me to change the channel:

1. Anytime WWLS brings on a "guest" who is obviously nothing more than a gambling shill/tout. FatJack is...barely tolerable.
2. Extended talk about golf. Don't mind some, but sometimes it just goes on too long.
3. Phone interviews with an upcoming opposing coach for a team I don't care about.
4. When Traber, regardless of topic, just starts getting stinking LOUD.
5. When Al goes over the top with the disgusting vacation "innuendo" talk. It's bordering on the creepy and disgusting.

For The Franchise:
1. Anytime Zach McCrite comes on the air. I said originally and maintain the belief he's the single biggest talent mistake Tyler has made WRT The Franchise.
2. Many months ago, I would turn off when Lump's jokes on the Franchise version of the morning show got a little too disgusting. That happened when they were on the Animal. I just don't like Lump's humor; too crude for me, but he's long gone now.

That's about it. I *REALLY* like Dusty Dvoracek on the Animal. He *never* gets bated by Traber. He holds his ground and manages not to argue, and I think that *really* frustrates Traber. I'm "meh" about Mark Rodgers; some really dislike him; i don't, but he's just so-so to me.

Al's schtick about the sexual innuendo is getting *really*, really old. I *realize* it's schtick, but man, sometimes it gets disgusting. I don't think Al is nearly as well connected now as he was back in the 70s-80s when he was with the Journal and did KTOK's sports show, back when KTOK was OU's home flagship station. He still has some connections, but not what they once were...

09-07-2015, 11:51 AM
Well dont get me wrong. doesn't make me mad and don't take seriously. Just don't enjoy and therefore switch to ESPN or other national show rather than listening to it. I for sure listen more during football season and also when Nba heats up.

Actually I'll add the Thunder announcers to my list when they get in their serious homer routine. Last year Matt Pinto literally made fun of callers who questioned if the Thunder could make playoffs without KD - said it was just a question of where they would finish in the standings and what spot they'd occupy but scoffed at no playoff talk. Zero credibilty in terms of their ability to be objective on such things. I guess they are not paid to be objective but let's try to be realistic.

09-07-2015, 12:33 PM
Well dont get me wrong. doesn't make me mad and don't take seriously. Just don't enjoy and therefore switch to ESPN or other national show rather than listening to it. I for sure listen more during football season and also when Nba heats up.

Actually I'll add the Thunder announcers to my list when they get in their serious homer routine. Last year Matt Pinto literally made fun of callers who questioned if the Thunder could make playoffs without KD - said it was just a question of where they would finish in the standings and what spot they'd occupy but scoffed at no playoff talk. Zero credibilty in terms of their ability to be objective on such things. I guess they are not paid to be objective but let's try to be realistic.

Now that's a fair point - a little bit of Matt Pinto goes a long way with me. He seems nice enough, don't get me wrong, but I just don't think "sports talk" host is his, shall we say, primary calling. He's a great NBA radio play-by-play guy, to be sure, but on-air talk show host is a different animal...and the fight he and Traber got into a few months ago was just kind of pointless to me. Traber does plenty to incite fights, to be sure, but that was one where Pinto just wanted to stir something up....

09-09-2015, 11:28 AM
"OK Al, let's play 'music!'" <---::immediate station change::

Mark & Dusty, Tramel / Dean / TDH are fine in my book. Dusty is really good, actually. Agree about the post-game show - it's a spectacle. It's like tequila; every once in a while in the right situation it's fine, but I'm glad it isn't an everyday thing.

IMO Pinto does often display obvious disdain for callers, and occasionally fellow hosts. That wears on me. He shouldn't be taking calls from randos at all if that is going to come out, and possibly shouldn't be on the pregame either. That said, the Pinto vs. Traber debacle did make for somewhat interesting radio. I am far from a Traber apologist, but that came off to me as rather petulant on Pinto's part (which in turn caused even more of such from Jim).

09-09-2015, 02:05 PM
When it comes to football and particularly OU football Dusty is as good as it gets…

Dusty is much more than just a washed up athlete on the radio. Dusty does a great job of exposing Trabers hypocrisy which is something this market has needed for about 20 years.... because everyone else has been unwilling or too weak to do it with consistency.

09-09-2015, 02:16 PM
I get tired of Traber's rants on one topic that last for DAYS. Not minutes, segments, hours, but dayssssss. Usually, his hurt feelings about Gundy, the thunder isn't doing what he wants, or danica patrick. They are fine for a while but they keep going on and on and on. He avoids this, and his show is pretty entertaining. I absolutely love it when a caller calls in and threatens or makes fun of him. Those are just the best. Or when he does things only Traber does, like break a chair live on air and you can almost hear Bobby's brain freak out about what to do. Anytime a kid calls in for baseball advice is always pretty cool.

Total dominance hour is fantastic Tramel is 90% of the time spot on. Him egging striker on during his press conference yesterday was beautiful.

I like Sam Mayes a lot during football season. He has very good knowledge of the game, but his raw 'murica this is football passion is awesome.

Can't stand the hump man and pat jones.

Dusty is the best in market right now and it's not even close. We'll be lucky to have him for very long. He's been an absolute home run for WWLS.

09-09-2015, 04:02 PM
Any soccer bashing makes me change it, prolonged talk about OU will make me change it as well. I don't listen to the sports animal after 2:00 because I can't stand Jim or Al, other than that it's alright. I mean I don't listen to sports radio that much anyway being a Texas fan and a soccer fan there really isn't much on those stations for me.

09-09-2015, 04:07 PM
Any soccer bashing makes me change it, prolonged talk about OU will make me change it as well. I don't listen to the sports animal after 2:00 because I can't stand Jim or Al, other than that it's alright. I mean I don't listen to sports radio that much anyway being a Texas fan and a soccer fan there really isn't much on those stations for me.
Zach and Todd talk a good amount of soccer. 107.7 9-12 in the morning.

09-09-2015, 04:54 PM
Trammel and Traber got into it pretty good today over the gambling issues. For once I had to agree with Traber. Barry has his head in the sand if he thinks that is not a big focus of many who follow college and pro sports (including ME)!

09-09-2015, 06:04 PM
Trammel and Traber got into it pretty good today over the gambling issues. For once I had to agree with Traber. Barry has his head in the sand if he thinks that is not a big focus of many who follow college and pro sports (including ME)!

It's even big with the premier league over here. I know quite a few people that use online betting sites for EPL and stuff. To think sports and gambling don't go hand in hand is pretty dumb IMO.

Zach and Todd talk a good amount of soccer. 107.7 9-12 in the morning.

Yeah, I'm usually busiest at work when they are on so don't listen too much. I do listen to Todd's soccer podcast though, and have been a guest on it as well.

09-10-2015, 07:56 AM
I think one part of the "radio magic" that goes on everywhere, whether its the Franchise or the Animal or Traber or whatever, is that much more of it is scripted or at least orchestrated to a much greater degree than any of us even remotely realize. Not saying every Traber explosion is contrived, but I think the "stage" as it were is perhaps set up in that vein a great deal more often than we might suspect.

I think the "better" radio guys know how to set things up to make them seem spontaneous when they're really not, or at least not nearly as much as we're led to believe. Look at Traber; he blows up just about once or twice a week, and that directly leads to a several-minute bit the next morning on the Morning Animals show, and often a promo later in the week. I just don't believe that's accidental. And I guess that's why Traber's rants don't bug me so much - that's just part of his schtick and if it gets too loud or whatever I just turn it off.

I remember someone in a TV forum one time talking about his experience in attending a David Letterman taping a few years ago, and as I recall he was almost "disappointed" to find out that so much of what seemed spontaneous on TV was, in fact, very carefully orchestrated, and in ways you'd only appreciate if you were in the audience as it happened. I think the Animal knows that Traber going off is publicity worthy - good or bad - it has people talking about the station. I think right now the Franchise would all-but kill for the same kind of pub - the kind that doesn't cost them one penny to create. The "$500 for a celebrity" gag, embarrassing as it was, came pretty close, although it was almost of the "that kind of publicity really WAS bad" category...

09-10-2015, 08:09 AM
I'm more of a national guy, love the relaxed feel and big name attraction of The Dan Patrick Show and Jim Rome. I've been a clone since my dad got me listening to him back in HS in the late 90's.

Anytime there is a guest host on Rome I typically don't listen.

As far as the local boys go, I am a huge Morning Animals fan, granted I only get like 20 minutes of it on the way in, but they don't take themselves too seriously and I like that.

I used to listen to Traber when I lived in PHX so I was used to him a bit when I moved here 6 years ago, but I can't really take him outside of baseball talk. The way he allows random callers to get under his skin is hilarious. A good host shouldn't stoop below those levels and he does.

09-10-2015, 01:39 PM
"This is Bobbie Burbridge Lane..."


09-10-2015, 01:45 PM
"This is Bobbie Burbridge Lane..."


I despise that woman for the way she pronounces the word "poor."

09-10-2015, 02:05 PM
I despise that woman for the way she pronounces the word "poor."

Well, to be absolutely honest about it, she really pronounces it properly ("poor" like "cure" rather than "pore.") It's the rest of us that are messed up. :)

I don't mind Ms. Lane at all. Considering the number of male enhancement and gambling tout ads they air, a few messages advocating character and leadership aren't going to hurt anyone.

09-11-2015, 10:47 AM
Negativity of any sort usually turns me off so that's my final answer to this topic question.

09-11-2015, 12:03 PM
"This is Bobbie Burbridge Lane..."


YEP! Good one!

09-11-2015, 12:47 PM
On the Sports Animal, whenever I hear the Ft Jack I IMMEDIATELY change the channel. I can not STAND to listen to him ,or any other odds/betting show. Not interested.
It's hard to say this, since he died recently, but I never listened to Bob Barry Jr. I know he was a nice man. And I knew his brother when I was in college, but I never liked listening to him.
And for an ego as big as Traber's, he gets offended SO easily?!?

09-11-2015, 01:01 PM
And for an ego as big as Traber's, he gets offended SO easily?!?

I've never understood that

09-11-2015, 02:13 PM
On the Sports Animal, whenever I hear the Ft Jack I IMMEDIATELY change the channel. I can not STAND to listen to him ,or any other odds/betting show. Not interested.
It's hard to say this, since he died recently, but I never listened to Bob Barry Jr. I know he was a nice man. And I knew his brother when I was in college, but I never liked listening to him.
And for an ego as big as Traber's, he gets offended SO easily?!?

And he's on right now. Changing the station as we speak. I *hate* the gambling tout services posing as "guests." That's something that IS irritating.

09-11-2015, 02:34 PM
And he's on right now. Changing the station as we speak. I *hate* the gambling tout services posing as "guests." That's something that IS irritating.

Get used to it, ESPN is openly playing the gambling angle now, even with college sports. I'm sure the NCAA isn't too happy about that.

09-11-2015, 03:12 PM
^I posted a USA today article about this in the Big 12 forum. Last weekend was a dramatic shift in terms of their reporting on ESPN, both in game, Game Day (made picks against spread), game updates. I for one love it (just cannot stand Fat Jack) but think this is going to be a conversation that will be had a lot in the future.

BTW - Meg Alexander is now selling cars on the radio.:)

09-11-2015, 04:13 PM
I don't mind Ms. Lane at all. Considering the number of male enhancement and gambling tout ads they air, a few messages advocating character and leadership aren't going to hurt anyone.

+1 - BBL bothers me much less than the "touchdown!" spot they keep running. Though at this point I always get this mental image of her writing her radio scripts, flustered and frustrated with the state of the world in which we live, writing, "Just pull your heads out of your ***** and get your **** together!" Then thinking about it for a moment, scratching it out and writing, "parents, take responsibility for your kids" or whatever the message-du-jour-that-probably-should-be-obvious-to-everyone-but-apparently-isn't is.

10-19-2015, 09:28 PM

*IRS/Tax assistance advertisements
*DFS commercials (Draft Kings, Fan Duel) haha almost funny to even mention this!
*The incredible irritating "Jimmy" with the overbearing/overdone East coast accent advertising the snoring device (Zeppah?)

10-21-2015, 07:11 AM
"Welcome to your Thunder Exhibition Pregame Show...."

10-21-2015, 07:33 AM
I prefer the Franchise, over the Sports Animal... EXCEPT on OU game days. There is nothing more useless, to me, than listening to the "official" OU pre-game show.
Toby Rowland: "So, Coach Stoops, what do you think about your opponent this week?"
Coach: "Well, [insert name here] is a great football team."
TR: "Thank you for that insight..."
ad nauseum......

I listen to Al and Jim's pre-game show, because then i WANT to hear the snark, the sarcasm, the honest opinions.

10-21-2015, 07:46 AM
I prefer the Franchise, over the Sports Animal... EXCEPT on OU game days. There is nothing more useless, to me, than listening to the "official" OU pre-game show.
Toby Rowland: "So, Coach Stoops, what do you think about your opponent this week?"
Coach: "Well, [insert name here] is a great football team."
TR: "Thank you for that insight..."
ad nauseum......

I listen to Al and Jim's pre-game show, because then i WANT to hear the snark, the sarcasm, the honest opinions.

Agree completely. I realize that Al isn't as "in the loop" as he used to be in the 70s/80's, but I still prefer the frank discussion.

I got away from the OU broadcasts after they canned John Brooks *years* ago, and the primary reason they did that was because Brooksie got *very* critical on-air of the then-current staff (Gibbs) for a really poor performance against, as I recall, Colorado. I get the idea of not biting the hand that feeds you, but by the same token I never got why you wouldn't want the most frank opinion possible from the very guys who call the games. (It's also one of the reasons I don't like the Thunder-produced broadcasts, because it's so obvious the owners control an only-positive agenda, which is just insulting to the fans IMHO).

For Brooks, I *loved* the honesty, and I thought and still think Brooks was the best PBP I heard. I know a lot of people who grew up on Bob Barry Sr, and talk about how good he was in his heyday, but I grew up with him being the OSU guy.

I think my secret fantasy career notion would be OU radio play by play. That would be fun.

Anyway, I'll stop derailing the thread now. I'm trying to go back to the Franchise every so often, and will catch a few minutes of their morning show, but man, when McCrite comes on, I think my hand breaks the sound barrier racing to my radio control to change it to something entertaining, like the noise of random creatures screaming in the night, or fingernails on chalkboards, or Slim Whitman albums.

10-21-2015, 07:58 AM
^Brooks was fantastic! Way up there on the best ever list in my view at least for any of the state teams. He and Switzer ended up butting heads and he was shown the exit door. 16 years of calling OU football and basketball when radio REALLY mattered - very few OU games made TV in those days and we had the probation TV ban in the early 70's. So radio was the only broadcast for a couple of years.

10-21-2015, 08:16 AM
^Brooks was fantastic! Way up there on the best ever list in my view at least for any of the state teams. He and Switzer ended up butting heads and he was shown the exit door. 16 years of calling OU football and basketball when radio REALLY mattered - very few OU games made TV in those days and we had the probation TV ban in the early 70's. So radio was the only broadcast for a couple of years.

I remember when Mike Treps did the play-by-play for a year or two - Mizzou 75 was classic with his, "Run, Joe, Run!" call. They brought in a guy for one season in 1977 named Gary Johnson and moved Treps to color. Johnson was a very professional radio voice, and seemed like a nice enough sports guy, but he had about as much passion for OU as I would for a pile of vegetables. Then Brooksie came in for I think '77-on.

I'd have to check some historical info to be sure, but I remember Brooks going ballistic on that Colorado game. OU was trying to get past the debacle that had become the very end of the Switzer era, Gibbs had been coach for a year or two, but OU had played really poorly against Colorado. Brooks got really frank on-air, saying something like "Something is wrong, people. This is ridiculous." (again, not an exact quote - this is a paraphrase from 20 years ago). There were rumblings that Brooks crossed swords with Donnie Duncan about his being so critical on-air, and the very next season, OU dumped Clear Channel as the radio broadcast rights holder, and Brooks was out.

I stopped listening to the OU radio after BBSr's second or third return year (or thereabouts), because even then he was starting to make what I thought were strange mistakes, and, heck, for me, he just wasn't Brooks.

From what I can tell, it seems Toby Rowland does a nice job, although radio isn't nearly as important as it used to be. I'd still love to try it someday :) I've actually listened to some of his radio broadcasts and his "scene setters" are becoming a *very* popular part of the pregame....

And I think it's the OU flagship component that is giving Tyler Media the latitude to keep the Franchise as an all-sports station even in light of the flagging ratings. I figure they're going to give it at least another year with some more on-air talent shakeups, especially in light of their expansion into Tulsa, before they even remotely think about changing the format.

10-21-2015, 08:26 AM
I remember when Mike Treps did the play-by-play for a year or two - Mizzou 75 was classic with his, "Run, Joe, Run!" call. They brought in a guy for one season in 1977 named Gary Johnson and moved Treps to color. Johnson was a very professional radio voice, and seemed like a nice enough sports guy, but he had about as much passion for OU as I would for a pile of vegetables. Then Brooksie came in for I think '77-on.

I'd have to check some historical info to be sure, but I remember Brooks going ballistic on that Colorado game. OU was trying to get past the debacle that had become the very end of the Switzer era, Gibbs had been coach for a year or two, but OU had played really poorly against Colorado. Brooks got really frank on-air, saying something like "Something is wrong, people. This is ridiculous." (again, not an exact quote - this is a paraphrase from 20 years ago). There were rumblings that Brooks crossed swords with Donnie Duncan about his being so critical on-air, and the very next season, OU dumped Clear Channel as the radio broadcast rights holder, and Brooks was out.

I stopped listening to the OU radio after BBSr's second or third return year (or thereabouts), because even then he was starting to make what I thought were strange mistakes, and, heck, for me, he just wasn't Brooks.

From what I can tell, it seems Toby Rowland does a nice job, although radio isn't nearly as important as it used to be. I'd still love to try it someday :) I've actually listened to some of his radio broadcasts and his "scene setters" are becoming a *very* popular part of the pregame....

And I think it's the OU flagship component that is giving Tyler Media the latitude to keep the Franchise as an all-sports station even in light of the flagging ratings. I figure they're going to give it at least another year with some more on-air talent shakeups, especially in light of their expansion into Tulsa, before they even remotely think about changing the format.

For me, hands-down, John Brooks is the best play-by-play guy I ever heard in the local market. When I was at OU in the 80's I LOVED listening to him call whatever sport he called. And we used to laugh at OSU broadcasts becasue, even then, BBS was WWAAAAAYYY past his prime. And then he came to OU...and never left..... I have just recently started listening to OU broadcasts again.

And John Brooks was the BEST when he called Blazers games. I listened to every game i could on the radio. I know MANY people who came to the Blazers games with headset radios JUST so they could hear his call, and know what was going on.

10-21-2015, 10:01 AM
When my son was in HS playing football, we went up to the Tulsa area for a game and I actually had the pleasure of meeting Brooksie at the turnpike McDonald's on the way home one night. He was doing radio for one of the Tulsa area schools and was just as nice as he could be. Was a lot of fun going through some old OU memories!