View Full Version : Project 180 Pedestrian Plaza

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08-24-2015, 09:37 AM
Work starting soon on $3.1 million project to convert a jumble of parking and walkways into a cohesive park and plaza.

Funds will come from Devon TIF as part of Project 180.

08-24-2015, 10:41 AM
What is the estimated time of completion? I think this looks great and look forward to the improvement of the area around my workplace.

08-24-2015, 11:25 AM
Scheduled to start after the first of the end and be complete by the end of 2016.

08-24-2015, 11:54 AM
We are getting away from the streets...

Which is okay, just call it what it really is: Devon Tower TIF

Richard at Remax
08-24-2015, 12:03 PM
This will encourage people to get outside and walk here, eat lunch, ect. Why does it matter if its not on a main street? The sky is not falling.

08-24-2015, 12:23 PM
The irony is that there are skywalks along/over almost the entirety of this project, including some built from the same TIF.

08-24-2015, 12:37 PM
This will encourage people to get outside and walk here, eat lunch, ect. Why does it matter if its not on a main street? The sky is not falling.

I think it's a cool project. If this is sky falling, I'm all for it. I'm just pointing out the beneficiary... With regards to other TIFs, we have built a strong misconception that Devon was built TIF-free.

08-24-2015, 12:42 PM
The skywalk that connects the Devon complex to Oklahoma Tower was also paid for by this TIF.

08-25-2015, 02:26 PM
Seems like a valid site improvement to me. I'd be curious if the expenditures proposed by Clayco are any different.

08-25-2015, 04:50 PM
This looks great!

Plutonic Panda
01-16-2016, 07:58 PM
Lot of new specifics for this project going before the city council. Seems like they're about to get started on this.

01-16-2016, 08:00 PM
The renderings are the same as the top of the page.

Plutonic Panda
01-16-2016, 08:08 PM
I meant they had more specific plans than I remember seeing. I'm guessing they are starting on this in the next couple weeks or so?

Just the facts
01-16-2016, 08:10 PM
I still have a hard time understanding why the City is trying to create a retail presence on Park while building this. As for eating in this alley - are they even remotely aware of the wind speeds through there. Unless you are eating bowling ball, it is going to get blown away. Alas, it will elevate the level of Smokers Alley.

01-17-2016, 01:31 AM
I still have a hard time understanding why the City is trying to create a retail presence on Park while building this. As for eating in this alley - are they even remotely aware of the wind speeds through there. Unless you are eating bowling ball, it is going to get blown away. Alas, it will elevate the level of Smokers Alley.
Seriously, Kerry? You are really reaching for things to complain about.

Just the facts
01-17-2016, 09:17 AM
Yes I am being serious. The wind thru there on many days is in the +50 mph range. It is also counter-productive for the City to be requesting property owners to spend money reconfiguring their buildings to bring retail to Park Ave while the City creates an alternative pedrstrian path that avoids Park. Also, the patch of grass that used to be Main St should be put out for development - not made into yet another park.

01-17-2016, 12:07 PM
Hahahaha +50 mph...the hyperbole is so predictable...

01-17-2016, 02:16 PM
I don't know how often it gusts like that. But I have lost my hat in smokers alley between oklahoma and Renaissance. It was a nice hat too. The tunnel under AT&T is a real phenom though. I've literally seen people take flight.

And while we're complaining. I considered the "patch of grass that used to be main street" comment. Our grid sucks!

01-17-2016, 02:26 PM
Oh, no doubt it's super-breezy in both places, each of which I regularly traverse. Admittedly, often more breezy than the surrounding area due to the way the buildings funnel the air. ESPECIALLY the area you mention, between Robinson Renaissance and Oklahoma Tower. The other is not nearly as pronounced.

I just laugh at the 50+ mph "many days" comment. I would chalk it up to one of 3 things:

Someone hasn't experienced very many 50+ mph gusts in their lifetime and overestimates wind speeds
They haven't spent as much time in that plaza as their post would suggest...or...
They are prone to hyperbole and exaggeration to support their stated position when posting online

Of course, it could be any combination of all three.

01-17-2016, 02:35 PM
The new trees, landscaping and other features should help greatly with any wind issues.

01-17-2016, 02:37 PM
I welcome more pedestrian walk about space downtown. When the weather is nice we enjoy taking our Grandsons there and explore. If it gets too windy I will get a wing suit for the 3 year old and fly him like a kite.

01-17-2016, 02:38 PM
Aw Pete, there you go ruining high-level hyperbole with facts again...

05-22-2017, 02:06 PM
Still a long way to go here:

08-13-2017, 12:39 PM
Lots of progress here:

OKC Talker
08-13-2017, 12:51 PM
I guess it's better late than never? I'm really looking forward to it being done!

10-09-2017, 09:08 AM

10-09-2017, 09:13 AM
That's a very nice improvement! I like it a lot.

10-09-2017, 09:17 AM
You can see in that third photo the walkway is really narrow between the mural on Oklahoma Tower and the screen for the handicapped parking.

10-09-2017, 09:20 AM
That's a very nice improvement! I like it a lot.

+1 I bet the nighttime feel is really nice with the lighting

10-09-2017, 09:24 AM
You can see in that third photo the walkway is really narrow between the mural on Oklahoma Tower and the screen for the handicapped parking.

So that is permanent? It looks like a construction fence.

OKC Talker
10-09-2017, 09:41 AM

Pete, do you know what the estimate is for this to be complete? They haven't been working in there for over a month already, and I was told it was because they ran out of pavers and had to order more.

10-09-2017, 10:08 AM
Pete, do you know what the estimate is for this to be complete? They haven't been working in there for over a month already, and I was told it was because they ran out of pavers and had to order more.

Yes, the last time the City spoke about this project they claimed it would be finished by the end of 2016.

Just another example of a City project that has missed it's timeline by a mile... This was to last one year and is going to run at least double that.

10-09-2017, 10:18 AM
So that is permanent? It looks like a construction fence.


It's meant to screen the surface parking (picture #6 above) from the rest of the plaza.

10-09-2017, 12:39 PM
That Manhattan patio would benefit from creating a more defined space. Those planters are a good start, but it's still just a bit too open to create an intimate space where customers will want to hang out.

10-09-2017, 12:41 PM

It's meant to screen the surface parking (picture #6 above) from the rest of the plaza.

I think he's talking about the fence in pics one and two ?

10-09-2017, 12:44 PM
I think he's talking about the fence in pics one and two ?

No, specifically talking about pic #3. That gray fence is a permanent screen.

10-09-2017, 03:37 PM
Why are those signs so specific?

"Manhattan Bar" (which I'm clearly in front of going by their giant window sign)
"Neighborhood Bar in Downtown OKC" (yes, that is also where I am)
"Patio Seating" (ahhh yes, soo that's why tables and chairs are outside here)

Perhaps there were people randomly using the seating as if it was public bench.

10-09-2017, 05:05 PM
Maybe it's ABLE related. There's a demarcation point beyond which alcohol outside is prohibited.

10-10-2017, 10:02 AM
I really think it may just be to steer people away from using them for their own purposes, say on a nice day bringing their lunch outside and getting some fresh air on their break. The patio is not clearly defined by fences as is common for restaurants.

10-10-2017, 10:03 AM
I really think it may just be to steer people away from using them for their own purposes, say on a nice day bringing their lunch outside and getting some fresh air on their break. The patio is not clearly defined by fences as is common for restaurants.

Tons of homeless around there due to the library being across the street, and I'm sure that is part of the issue.

10-18-2017, 08:48 AM
Are they ever going to take the chain link fences down? Really like to be able to walk from the YMCA to the parking garages again haha.

Of Sound Mind
10-18-2017, 10:13 AM
Are they ever going to take the chain link fences down? Really like to be able to walk from the YMCA to the parking garages again haha.
I'm starting to believe it's a permanent installation...

10-24-2017, 09:09 AM
All the fences are down except the one at Main and Robinson, between Corporate Tower and the old IRS Building.

The gray fence with yellow accents is permanent and is a screen for the remaining surface parking.

Of Sound Mind
10-24-2017, 09:15 AM
Now that it is FINALLY done and the fences are FINALLY down after no additional visible work was performed for WEEKS and WEEKS, it's actually very nice to walk through.

10-24-2017, 09:26 AM
The cuts on those tons of pavers are top-notch work.

10-24-2017, 09:28 AM
If they can finish that last bit before the first of the year, they will only be one full year behind and double the original promised timeline.

At some point I will publish a consolidated list of timelines, budget and scope of work and contrast promises vs. delivery across many City projects and you'll see how badly they miss across the board over and over again and how they never seem to learn or improve.

10-24-2017, 10:24 AM
Looks really nice. I may go visit today

11-12-2017, 12:33 PM
The last piece of this project is complete. What an incredible difference this makes right in the heart of the CBD.

11-15-2017, 10:05 AM
Went by here last night. It took a long time but was worth the wait. It's really quite beautiful.

OKC Talker
11-15-2017, 10:13 AM
Just imagine if it had been completed in spring instead of winter! Hopefully the fountain and landscaping won't be destroyed before people have a chance to use it.

11-16-2017, 10:12 AM

OKC Talker
11-16-2017, 10:23 AM
salt, ice, snow, and the ever present human error

11-16-2017, 10:23 AM

Yeah I was kind of wondering about that too.

OKC Talker
11-16-2017, 10:30 AM
To give more context, the grass was already dead (dormant?) when it was laid, the irrigation was never set up much less used, the trees just went through 2 years of construction around the roots, and the "fountain" area already floods when it rains.

Ross MacLochness
11-16-2017, 01:26 PM
To give more context, the grass was already dead (dormant?) when it was laid, the irrigation was never set up much less used, the trees just went through 2 years of construction around the roots, and the "fountain" area already floods when it rains.

All the trees are less than a year old I'm pretty sure. They removed the older and larger trees before construction.

OKC Talker
11-16-2017, 01:35 PM

There were some new trees added, but any of the trees larger than a few inches in diameter were already there.

Ross MacLochness
11-16-2017, 01:39 PM
Ahh gotcha. I forgot about those! They did remove big trees that were located on the west side of Oklahoma tower.

OKC Talker
11-16-2017, 01:46 PM
This is a great project, but the implementation just left a lot to be desired. We didn't even get a chance to use the space before the cold set in and all the problems that come up in the next few months would have been so much easier to take care of when the weather was above freezing.

07-02-2018, 06:15 AM

07-05-2018, 09:45 AM
This area is really nice, especially with the fountain. But the lack of seating is strange. Went out here the other week to eat some icecream in the shade, and had to sit @ that awkward wall just west of the fountain... Which I guess is fine, but it isn't made for sitting.