View Full Version : Oklahoma Rattles to New Quake Record With Four+ Months Left In 2015 - Norman Event

08-19-2015, 11:51 PM
As the earthquakes grow more and more frequent, the more complacent Oklahomans grow toward them as evidenced by only around a couple dozen people turning out for the earthquake meeting held at the Stillwater library a couple Saturdays ago.

Oklahoma rattles to new earthquake record with four-plus months left in 2015 - Tulsa World: Homepagelatest (

This Saturday, Norman will be having a similar event as the one recently held in Stillwater. Maybe more people will turn out for it. The film Groundswell is about the environmental and health effects associated with fracking. It won't go into earthquakes. The rest of the event will concern earthquakes. g

08-20-2015, 12:51 AM
One would almost think this is one of your favorite topics, Bunty. :)

08-20-2015, 01:24 PM
One would almost think this is one of your favorite topics, Bunty. :)

But other people would say it's marijuana, another topic most people don't care about.

08-20-2015, 07:20 PM
I'll talk about both. :cool: