View Full Version : Gun Club OKC

08-17-2015, 02:40 PM
Let me preface this by saying I'm not posting to start a discussion about gun control, school shootings, or police executions. This isn't a thread about security, safety, violence, or politics. I'm not a charter member of the NRA, I'm not a prepper, nor do I have a doomsday scenario, and I don't open carry in the shopping mall.

I just like to shoot, specifically sport shooting.

Indoor ranges are just meh, outdoor ranges are hard to find. Shooting paper gets boring. And both have SHOCKING displays of disregard for safety. I can't go back to H&H after watching a trembling and terrified woman shake so hard she fired an old 1911 into the ceiling, drop the pistol, and discharged into the divider screen.

There are some very nice sporting clay facilities around OKC but they specialize in shotguns.

I'm looking for a more comprehensive outdoor club that has a nice facility, where I can buy ammo or a coffee, use a clean restroom, field strip a firearm in a pinch. Specifically I'm looking for:
A top notch plinking range, I love .22 rim fire and shoot it by the brick.
An action pistol range would be a plus, but not a deal breaker.
A pistol silhouette range.
A rifle silhouette range at least out to 200meters.
Regular competitions throughout the year and 3 gun, I'm really keen to get into 3 gun.

I've tried to learn what I can from around the web but the clubs that have websites aren't great. Which is okay I would advocate for spending club budgets on facilities rather than flashy web design but I can't find much info out there.

Anyone care to recommend?

08-17-2015, 04:54 PM
I'm afraid that club may be called "The Unicorn". Sounds great, but doesn't exist. I've shot recreationally and competitively in Oklahoma all of my life, and never run across a club that has all of this. Parts, yes. All of that, no. Oklahoma City Gun Club up around Arcadia is a nice outdoor range, as is the Tri-City Gun Club south of Norman. Great multi-distance berms, nice adjustable benches, clean bathrooms, and the members work hard to keep the clubs up. That being said, you will still have a hard time dodging folks like the lady you described at H&H - they are everywhere. I know Tri-City works very hard on safety, but as they say, you can't fix stupid.

I think both OKC and Tri-City have full memberships, so it pays to get on their waitlists.

Sorry to not be more optimistic. I'll definitely be following this thread to see if anyone has a recommendation for you that I haven't run across.

08-17-2015, 10:37 PM
Unless there is one in Yukon, Arcadia and wait-listed for Tri-City are about it to cover most of your criteria. So my son tells me.

08-20-2015, 03:10 PM
Red Castle gun club has all of that. But it's in Tulsa. They have plenty of silhouettes to shoot at and even an open range where you can bring what ever you want to shoot like an old microwave. Wish we had something like that here.

08-20-2015, 03:31 PM
What other clay places are around besides Silver Leaf?

TU 'cane
08-20-2015, 03:57 PM
I'm pretty sure the Tulsa area may have a couple that fit your wants and needs.
If you're interested, just say and I can start jogging down memory lane and try to find some information for you.

White Peacock
08-22-2015, 08:15 AM
I considered signing my wife and myself up for the OKC Gun Club to get access to their outdoor range, until I saw that they require you to be an NRA member before you can have gun club membership, so I noped out of that idea. I've shot there before and enjoyed it, but I'm not gonna pay two separate dues in order to go there again.