View Full Version : First Friday @ Paseo and the State of Paseo

08-08-2015, 12:57 PM
Ok, I'm going to grab the third rail: I didn't love First Friday. Maybe it was the heat, or maybe it was expectations, but I walked away thinking it could be so much more.

A few things I think Paseo does right:

1. Paseo (Street, Drive, whatever it is) is one-of-a-kind for OKC. I think it has a charm all to itself.
2. Picasso's, Saused, and Paseo Grill - all wonderful places to eat.
3. I thought the "Art Gone Wild" gallery is a great traffic driver and supports a worthy cause
4. New development - really impressed with the new residency space across from the converted church. I think it could be a real catalyst.

With that said, the entire event just felt "dated." However, that was just to my taste.

For an area that appears to market itself as a progressive center, e.g. KOSU events at Picasso's, ACLU headquarters, ect., I thought it would embody that mindset more (however one quantifies that).

I guess I'm looking for a Paseo apologist. Sell me. When I have friends move to the city, I'm always looking for places to recommend and counter Oklahoma stereotypes. I think Paseo ran out ahead of many areas for years, a real leader. But now I find myself recommending the Plaza, Film Row, or other areas.

Am I alone? Am I missing something? Is it just a matter of differing tastes or demographics?

Maybe Paseo never isn't (or shouldn't) fit my vision for it. After all, it doesn't owe me anything. Everyone is entitled to their own tastes, and I'm certainly not saying that Paseo has to conform to mine. I'd just like some true thoughts on Paseo and where others think it is trending.

08-10-2015, 07:57 AM
I have lived in the Paseo for 4 years, and I can echo some of your thoughts.

In my opinion, the Paseo was conceived and executed by John and Joy Belt when urban development had a different mission. People weren't moving to the urban core, but they would visit. The Paseo still seems like an area for suburban tourism, not for urban living. When I say my neighborhood is now highly walkable, I'm usually referring to development on 23rd, not Paseo. Beyond the restaurants and bars, there's nothing I frequent. Businesses are racing to open in Plaza, and the Paseo is stuck with a hat store with limited merchandise and even more limited hours. It's a joke!

I am very excited about Pueblo at Paseo and Via Paseo because I think they will finally bring a modern mix of businesses to the area. Can we please please get a coffee shop?

08-10-2015, 08:07 AM
Paseo once had the original modern coffee shop in OKC, Medina's. What a great place that was for a time.

And BTW, Paseo was once what Plaza is today, except with less of a food/drink emphasis and even more of an art/counterculture focus. It is due a revival.

Two Oklahoma artists reflect on birth of OKC?s thriving art scene | Oklahoma Gazette (

08-10-2015, 08:20 AM
Paseo is probably my favorite neighborhood in OKC. Why? It's unique, especially for this region of the country.

It's current concept was definitely developed with suburban tourism in mind. After all, it came before just about everything else, in a time when nobody had any reason to live downtown and few people even came downtown. I don't think that is necessarily the case today though as gentrification of the surrounding neighborhood has occurred pretty rapidly. I can agree that the neighborhood has fallen behind places like Midtown and the Plaza but there are signs that is starting to change. With the renovation of Market on Paseo to the proposed Pueblo at Paseo and Via Paseo, it looks like the neighborhood is about to take a significant step forward.

08-10-2015, 08:24 AM
Hey guys, just to clear things up, it wasn't "built with suburban tourism in mind." It was built in the late twenties by G.A. Nichols. The product mix that developed in the 80s and 90s might have skewed more toward bringing people from other parts of town, but when the district was built it was a neighborhood shopping center, pure and simple.

08-10-2015, 08:27 AM
I've said several times the Plaza District has out-Paseoed The Paseo.

The district has it's charm but little momentum. Everyone talks about the Plaza and Uptown and Deep Deuce and now even Farmers Market and the Paseo has pretty much been on the sidelines.

The two new developments will help tremendously. The Paseo has more existing and historic multi-family and single family housing than any district and that should be working much more in it's favor.

One thing: It lacks a true bar except for the Red Rooster, which is disgustingly smokey. It desperately needs a Pump or Empire or WSKY or some place where people can congregate and hang out. And a coffee shop would serve a similar purpose.

08-10-2015, 08:30 AM
The Other Room is a true bar. Also disgustingly smokey, BTW.

08-10-2015, 08:35 AM
Yes, I think we all understand what it was originally designed for, and would like to see it return to that focus. Or, expand and incorporate businesses that support the neighborhood. You don't need to defend Paseo to me. I choose to live here, spend my money here, and invite my friends and family to enjoy it with me. Wanting it to be better is not an indictment.

08-10-2015, 08:47 AM
I'm not defending it. It DOES need to be better. Several recent posts indicated a fundamental misunderstanding of the district's history. I corrected them.

08-10-2015, 09:19 AM
I've said several times the Plaza District has out-Paseoed The Paseo.

The district has it's charm but little momentum. Everyone talks about the Plaza and Uptown and Deep Deuce and now even Farmers Market and the Paseo has pretty much been on the sidelines.

The two new developments will help tremendously. The Paseo has more existing and historic multi-family and single family housing than any district and that should be working much more in it's favor.

One thing: It lacks a true bar except for the Red Rooster, which is disgustingly smokey. It desperately needs a Pump or Empire or WSKY or some place where people can congregate and hang out. And a coffee shop would serve a similar purpose.

Do you know when the new developments are set to begin construction? I am guessing the rains this spring may have delayed them?

I think Sauced functions as both a restaurant and a bar much like Empire does in the Plaza District. According to your featured article about Via Paseo it was supposed to include a coffee shop. Is that still in the works?

It's very easy to walk to the Pump or any of the other 23rd St development. One day there will be infill tying these areas together.

08-10-2015, 09:24 AM
SOS- Sauced on the Side is also a full bar.

08-10-2015, 09:30 AM
Via Paseo should be starting soon.

They filed their building permits and liquor license applications.

08-10-2015, 02:59 PM
Wow, this thread really took off this morning. I was beginning to think I had taken on a toxic subject when the page views climbed, but no one had weighed in on the post.

I obviously echo most of the comments in this thread. I think there are plenty of suburban escapes in development (some quite good, like Chisholm Creek), so I hope Paseo continues trending in the right direction. There are some exciting projects in the works, but we'll see if they are enough to tip the needle.

08-10-2015, 04:42 PM
I don't see Paseo in decline at all or even in danger of it. There actually has been significant gentrification even there over the past few years. I also don't see suburban escapes like Chisholm Creek competing with downtown period, let alone the Paseo. The neighborhood has a vibe that is unique to OKC. The only issue is development there has taken a back seat to the other districts but as has been said, that could be about to change. My hope is that development that does occur there compliments the existing urban fabric.

08-10-2015, 04:55 PM
We need at least one urban district not fully gentrified because otherwise a whole class of people get excluded.

Most the housing around the Paseo is still pretty reasonable, although houses have gone up quite a bit as they have pretty much everywhere in the core.

Still, you can get all types of rental units for a decent cost in the various duplexes, 4-plexes and 8-plexes in the immediate area.

08-10-2015, 06:48 PM
I don't see Paseo in decline at all or even in danger of it. There actually has been significant gentrification even there over the past few years. I also don't see suburban escapes like Chisholm Creek competing with downtown period, let alone the Paseo. The neighborhood has a vibe that is unique to OKC. The only issue is development there has taken a back seat to the other districts but as has been said, that could be about to change. My hope is that development that does occur there compliments the existing urban fabric.

In complete agreement with your last sentence. Also agree with your hope that infill eventually connects 23rd to Paseo. However, I think it's going to take a real commitment to infrastructure. I was unable to find more than a block of north-south side walk in good condition on the way there or back. That area should been the target of near-term funding, whether by bond election or otherwise.

08-11-2015, 01:00 PM
We attended a neighborhood party the other night in the southern part of Paseo, perhaps Jefferson Park. There might have been about 75 to 100 in attendance. Adults and children of all ages, diversities. Had an awesome band and food truck. Police officer. The party was in the backyard of two adjoining properties. Incredibly fun way to enjoy a summer evening and visit with neighbors.