View Full Version : National Finals Rodeo

09-14-2005, 11:14 AM
I just took a look at the National Finals Rodeo website and read about the history of the event. It mentioned how Las Vegas put up more money to steal the event away from Oklahoma City. For once, I think it's time that Oklahoma City step up to the plate and steal something back. We need to consider getting some local businesses together to put up some money to lure the National Finals Rodeo back to town. Afterall, having the event back in OKC would pay divends in regards to increased tax dollars and its impact on the local economy.

09-14-2005, 11:32 AM
I remember when the contract expired and we learned Las Vegas was bidding to host the NFR. I kept telling people that Oklahoma City would lose the Rodeo because of the casinos and night life. A lot of people told me that Oklahoman's were not interested in that type entertainment, and we would not lose the Rodeo. Humm. Mr. Anderson was right... Even then.

Things have changed a lot. Oklahoma City still has no REAL casinos yet (arriving shortly), we DO have a better night life and, although still known to the masses as a hick town, we are gradually eroding that image. Plus, a willingness to invest in our community.

Had we enjoyed the attitude we do today, I bet the NFR would have stayed here. Yes. When the contract is ready for renewal, we need to steal it back.

Business is business. No matter how you feel.

09-14-2005, 12:00 PM
It's a nice thought and I would love to have the event back, but have you been to the NFR in Las Vegas? It's one of the hottest tickets they have all year. It is HUGE. I don't think we have the fire power. We do have the IFR and we should do everything we can to keep it.

09-14-2005, 12:21 PM
Business is business. But are we, as a city, willing to sell our souls in the process?

Casinos aren't the magic beans that bring it all back. Our state has no shortage of casinos, they're just not concentrated on one strip like in Vegas.

I'm wondering why a city would need casinos in order to attract a RODEO?

09-14-2005, 12:23 PM
Business is business. But are we, as a city, willing to sell our souls in the process?

Casinos aren't the magic beans that bring it all back. Our state has no shortage of casinos, they're just not concentrated on one strip like in Vegas.

I'm wondering why a city would need casinos in order to attract a RODEO?

Walk the strip in Las Vegas and count the people. For each one, that is one reason.

09-14-2005, 12:24 PM
And count the increased crime stats. Money isn't everything. Some things just aren't worth the price.

09-14-2005, 12:28 PM
And count the increased crime stats. Money isn't everything. Some things just aren't worth the price.

Actually Las Vegas has one of the lowest crime rates for a city their size. Crime on the strip is VERY low. In fact, to help protect, they have more cops per capita than nearly any city in the nation.

I still say casino's equal revenue equals attractions eqauls events.

09-14-2005, 12:45 PM
Actually Las Vegas has one of the lowest crime rates for a city their size. Crime on the strip is VERY low. In fact, to help protect, they have more cops per capita than nearly any city in the nation.
I concede the point on per capita crime stats (after doing some additional research). Thank you for correcting my misinformation.

However, I still contend that just because it's good for Las Vegas doesn't mean it's the best idea for Oklahoma City. We should be able to attract more visitors and more business without more gambling establishments.

Las Vegas is Las Vegas. Oklahoma City needs an identity of its own, not a carbon copy of Vegas. I don't live in Vegas because I don't like everything about Vegas. If people want a place more like Vegas, they should move to Vegas.

09-14-2005, 12:54 PM
I think all of the originality has been on the chopping block. While Oklahoma City has a style all its own, I don't think opening casinos in the city is exactly bringing about a carbon copy, especially if a string of casinos opens along the river (oops, St. Louis, KC and Tunica got that one). Like Dallas/Ft. Worth, we are a prairie city. There's really not a whole lot you can do to really bring about originality. Because every city has a vibrant core to some degree.

The real point is to give people reasons to come to Oklahoma City. And they will, just as they do with every other city. The REAL reason people travel to another city, after all other explanations have been eliminated, is just to get out of their city for a while, or to visit friends and family. Even I do that.

09-14-2005, 01:03 PM
True. Why did i go to Stockton instead of, say, Los Angeles? My cousin lives in a suburb of Stockton.

However, we can have the NFR, casinos, and still be unique.

Odd how this topic went from the NFR to casinos.

:backtotop please?

09-14-2005, 01:12 PM
I wonder how we got to the topic of casinos.

Things have changed a lot. Oklahoma City still has no REAL casinos yet (arriving shortly), we DO have a better night life and, although still known to the masses as a hick town, we are gradually eroding that image. Plus, a willingness to invest in our community.

In any case, I agree...


09-14-2005, 01:42 PM
I think all of the originality has been on the chopping block. While Oklahoma City has a style all its own, I don't think opening casinos in the city is exactly bringing about a carbon copy, especially if a string of casinos opens along the river (oops, St. Louis, KC and Tunica got that one). Like Dallas/Ft. Worth, we are a prairie city. There's really not a whole lot you can do to really bring about originality. Because every city has a vibrant core to some degree.

You make some good points. There is no real advantage to be a late comer to an already saturated market. Sometimes, we can't seem to realize this. Originality is key. I think the best way to create and sustain orginality is to support the local businesses that chose to bring something unique to OKC.

The NFR was a loss because it was the best product of its kind. But we do have important western events and we showed our commitment to them with the hotel tax. Unfortunetly, one of the most improtant ones, the quarter horse show, is begining to saturate its market by holding many more regional events instead of one big one here in OKC. On a whole, western competitions are becoming a much more fragmented market.

09-14-2005, 02:56 PM
Instead of trying to attract casinos to the city, we should try something different. Personally, I think there's a lot of potential in our Stockyards City Area that we simply haven't tapped into. We already have Cattlemen's, a few other restaurants, and retail down there. We could turn it into a sought after western entertainment district. Try to attract clubs down there like Club Rodeo. Hotels would be nice. Stretch Stockyards City to the River. I know we're trying to shed our hick image, but for the sake of the events at the fairgrounds, a real concentrated western district would go along ways.

09-14-2005, 03:49 PM
I know we're trying to shed our hick image, but for the sake of the events at the fairgrounds, a real concentrated western district would go along ways.

And the truth is that there will always be a western/cowboy eliment to Oklahoma City, as there is in most Southwest cities. However, it would be great to have it in one area where it can be properly celebrated in a dense setting of western attractions, instead of spread out into other entertainment areas. It's just good planning. I do think there is a lot of potential going towards the river as well (anything is better than dirt piles :) )

Just think if Toby Keith set up shop in the Stockyards instead of LB. Now that would have been "giving something back".

09-14-2005, 04:07 PM
I think the Native American Cultural Center will give us even more of an identity as a Western/Cowboy town - if it's done tastefully and with a bit of class, we will be okay - the rodeo would have fit right in but it is huge - I've been to Vegas that week, I've never seen so many Stetsons.

We've got the Cowboy Museum now we'll have the Native American ( Indian ) Museum... we might not shed our 'hick' image but the tourists will come and can decide for themselves.

With so much going on in Bricktown it would be shame to label OKC as one dimensional ( translation - boring...).

09-14-2005, 04:16 PM
Personally, I would rather see anything that is associated with cowboys and indians go elsewhere. The more cowboys and indians we get, the more rural we look.

09-26-2005, 10:30 AM
Personaly I don't think OKC can house that many people for a whole week, I am sorry but Vegas has a lot more rooms in one area then OKC. Don't get me wrong, yes it would be nice, but it all comes down to who has the room, not the casino.

09-26-2005, 10:39 AM
Why do you think Oklahoma City is searching for hotel chains to build here? We have just entered the major leagues, and the need will rise as the Hornets gain attendance (ok, for you people who are not convinced yet, or the team that replaces them). So, in the future we can host larger events.

Actually, we should be able to fill the arena now and accomodate the people. Many will be locals.