View Full Version : Camping in the Northwest
Zuplar 08-03-2015, 09:46 AM A good friend of mine lives in Colorado and from time to time we like to make trips where we kind of meet in the middle. We both ride 4-wheelers so a place we like to visit is Waynoka. But sometime when it starts to cool off before it gets to cold we are wanting to go camping somewhere. So I'm looking for ideas. We like the outdoors and have been camping at places in the past like Red Rock Canyon, Roman Nose, of course most of this was when he lived here. It doesn't have to be Oklahoma if there is something real cool, I'd just like it to be somewhat half way, even if it means going the long way. Anyways, I'm open to suggestions.
Bellaboo 08-03-2015, 11:39 AM I've heard but never been there that Boiling Springs state park near Woodward is nice. Also a golf course nearby. Always make a half day trip to Alabaster Caverns while you're there.
Another could be at Great Salt Plains lake and dig for selenite crystals if interested.
mkjeeves 08-03-2015, 01:17 PM Black Mesa? Take a side trip into Colorado and hike Picture Canyon, CO.Nat'l Grasslands?
Zuplar 08-03-2015, 02:54 PM Black Mesa? Take a side trip into Colorado and hike Picture Canyon, CO.Nat'l Grasslands?
Black Mesa was something I was thinking about. When I googled it looks like there is a state park south of Kenton on a lake, can you not actually stay near Black Mesa?
Zuplar 08-03-2015, 02:56 PM I've heard but never been there that Boiling Springs state park near Woodward is nice. Also a golf course nearby. Always make a half day trip to Alabaster Caverns while you're there.
Another could be at Great Salt Plains lake and dig for selenite crystals if interested.
I had thought about the Great Salt Plains. Don't know if I have heard of Boiling Springs, but will look into it.
FWIW I also requested a couple brochures, one from Colorado, the other from Kansas, because there is stuff in far Southeastern Colorado and far Southwestern Kansas that would be around the halfway point. So if anyone has suggestions for these areas as well please let me know. There is a good chance I'll be visiting several in the coming years anyways.
Bellaboo 08-03-2015, 03:15 PM Okay, never been there but had an uncle say it was pretty cool when he saw it in person back in the '60's - Greensburg Kansas has the deepest hand dug well in the USA. Not sure if you can camp out anywhere, but remember that Greensburg experienced an F5 a few years back too.
Dodge City is always running commercials about their casinos...
mkjeeves 08-03-2015, 03:37 PM I've been to Black Mesa, did not camp there, did camp elsewhere in the panhandle and did visit Picture Canyon. Day trip to Picture Canyon, fun, nothing earth shattering but I remember enjoying it. It's been about 15 years ago and the memory fades. I don't remember a lot of details.
State website says to double check about closures but:
Approximately 36 RV sites with water and electric hookups and 23 tent sites are available on a first come, first serve basis at Black Mesa State Park.
Black Mesa State Park & Nature Preserve | - Oklahoma's Official Travel & Tourism Site (
Great Salt Plains was fun too. We went when the birding festival was going on and did some birding with a guide and crystal digging. I haven't camped there. The birding festival is in April.
kevinpate 08-03-2015, 09:53 PM Canon City, CO
Black Mesa Park, OK
Palo Duro Canyon, south of Amarillo, TX
Capulin Volcano area, NM
and if you are into a touch of pampering: Casa del Gavilan ( in NE NM, just south of Cimarron, NM
Tritone 08-03-2015, 11:37 PM Palo Duro is kind of amazing. Driving along on flat land south of Claude, Texas, 360 degree horizon, then all of a sudden there it is.
twade 08-04-2015, 07:52 AM As someone who grew up near Palo Duro Canyon, I fully endorse it. Heat indexes get up there in the summer, but it's a great state park. Stay for the play "Texas," if you're so inclined. Not the worst show in town...
Bellaboo 08-04-2015, 09:22 AM IIRC, Palo Duro is the second largest canyon in the lower 48 next to the Grand Canyon.
theanvil 08-04-2015, 01:09 PM Black Kettle National Grassland in western Oklahoma is rarely thought of, but is actually beautiful.
Zuplar 08-05-2015, 08:20 AM Lots of good suggestions guys. Anyone ever been to the Beaver Dunes? I'm sure that's something we are going to try out sometime and I just wondered how it compared to Little Sahara.