View Full Version : Welcome to Oklahoma City Mr. President
zookeeper 07-15-2015, 01:55 PM We don't always agree, but it's an honor to host the 44th President of The United States. We hope you enjoy your day trip to Durant today and El Reno tomorrow. And, this being OKCtalk, we very much hope you enjoy your overnight stay in Oklahoma City.
White Peacock 07-15-2015, 02:11 PM And please don't waste a trip to El Reno without grabbing a burger from Sid's. Seriously.
Jeepnokc 07-15-2015, 08:16 PM We don't always agree, but it's an honor to host the 44th President of The United States. We hope you enjoy your day trip to Durant today and El Reno tomorrow. And, this being OKCtalk, we very much hope you enjoy your overnight stay in Oklahoma City.
and please excuse the ignorant retards that make our state look bad.
Roger S 07-16-2015, 08:04 AM and please excuse the ignorant retards that make our state look bad.
Hey..... Those people have inspired me to finally sit down and write my first non-food novel.... I'm going to call it 50 Shades of Redneck... Look for it available on Amazon digital download soon. ;+)
They really need to be thanking Mr. Obama for giving them back their symbol of "Southern Heritage".... Before all this the racists had made it theirs to use....... And don't get me wrong... I think the Confederate Battle Flag is one of the coolest looking flags ever created, that's also one reason I think most people fly it, but if I was going to make a flag representing Southern Heritage.... It would have fried chicken, biscuits, and sweet tea on it.
Jersey Boss 07-16-2015, 10:11 AM And pecan pie!
Roger S 07-16-2015, 10:38 AM And pecan pie!
jerrywall 07-16-2015, 11:33 AM Depends if you pronounce is Pee-Can or Pee-Cawn.
Bellaboo 07-16-2015, 12:19 PM Depends if you pronounce is Pee-Can or Pee-Cawn.
Or Per-Can.... which drives me nuts.
ctchandler 07-16-2015, 12:23 PM Depends if you pronounce is Pee-Can or Pee-Cawn.
A pecan(pie) by any other pronunciation tastes the same! I think Shakespeare (the founder of Steak'n Shake) said that.
C. T.
Add poke salad. I know Annie would appreciate it.
jerrywall 07-16-2015, 01:13 PM A pecan(pie) by any other pronunciation tastes the same! I think Shakespeare (the founder of Steak'n Shake) said that.
C. T.
I don't know.. in my house proper pronunciation of pecan pie is fighting words. My wife is from east Texas and we are a house divided on this.
RadicalModerate 07-16-2015, 01:32 PM As K-4 NewZ coverage drools all over the President's departure from Oklahoma on Air Force 1 I am thankful that he used a Marine Corps Helicopter rather than tying up traffic with a motorcade. The K-4 On the spot NooZcaster said "the noise was ridiculous then wondered if it would be fish or chicken (on Air Force 1). I couldn't help but chuckle. And post this when the chucklin' was done.
Martin 07-16-2015, 01:35 PM The K-4 On the spot NooZcaster said "the noise was ridiculous then wondered if it would be fish or chicken (on Air Force 1).
yes, yes... i remember. i had the lasagna. -M
RadicalModerate 07-16-2015, 01:36 PM The proper pronunciation is "Peh-Con". vis-a-vis the nuts made for pies and snackin'
Tritone 07-16-2015, 02:33 PM I agree: good to hear about Marine One rather than the motorcade. Noticed that POTUS was in the twin-engine Air Force One yesterday rather than the big one. It costs a little less to operate.
bradh 07-16-2015, 02:59 PM I agree: good to hear about Marine One rather than the motorcade. Noticed that POTUS was in the twin-engine Air Force One yesterday rather than the big one. It costs a little less to operate.
It's a 787 isn't it? Thought so when I saw it on TV
kevinpate 07-16-2015, 03:40 PM I don't know.. in my house proper pronunciation of pecan pie is fighting words. My wife is from east Texas and we are a house divided on this.
Ya know, if ya decide to just enjoy blackberry cobbler, you have a contended belly and less potential for bloodshed.
Jeepnokc 07-16-2015, 04:52 PM My son wanted to see the motorcade so we got up early and headed down town. My investigator took this for us from across the street.
TexanOkie 07-16-2015, 05:22 PM It's a 787 isn't it? Thought so when I saw it on TV
I thought it looked more like a 757/C-32 like the one used normally by the Vice President or Secretary of State.
White Peacock 07-16-2015, 07:01 PM I don't know.. in my house proper pronunciation of pecan pie is fighting words. My wife is from east Texas and we are a house divided on this.
Pecan...sherbet...caramel: the words that can cause wars.
CaptDave 07-16-2015, 07:43 PM I thought it looked more like a 757/C-32 like the one used normally by the Vice President or Secretary of State.
It is a 757. Probably used that one because of the runway length in Denison / North TX Regional Airport - he landed there for the Durant event.
Snowman 07-16-2015, 10:02 PM It's a 787 isn't it? Thought so when I saw it on TV
The newest of the presidential fleet are twenty five years old, so a little before the 787's time, the 787 is in the bid process along with the 747-8 to replace the current 747s they use now.
rezman 07-17-2015, 05:52 AM I noticed the twin engine jet as well when watching the news and was wondering about that. Yesterday, the news showed video of the 747 flying out. ... File footage maybe?
Jeepnokc 07-17-2015, 07:24 AM I noticed the twin engine jet as well when watching the news and was wondering about that. Yesterday, the news showed video of the 747 flying out. ... File footage maybe?
They were switched out but no word why.
Urbanized 07-17-2015, 07:40 AM ^^^^^^^^^^^
The logistical aspects of moving the President around are fascinating to me. Got to see much of the advance work up close, as most if not all of his motorcade movement in town happened along Sheridan, both days. It was interesting to see how locked-down the Broadway/Sheridan area remained for hours after he left, even though there were no plans for him to return.
The closest thing I got to seeing him was seeing Marine 1 flying east, just south of Bricktown, returning him to Tinker after the El Reno visit.
mkjeeves 07-17-2015, 08:22 AM I saw his motorcade last trip. Interesting to imagine what and who are inside the following red and black vans, along with all the training and enactments the crews and support teams must go through.
Tritone 07-17-2015, 10:59 AM If a plane change was made (from 757 derivative to 747 derivative) then I recall the at last half of my post #15.
Urbanized 07-17-2015, 11:30 AM The plane change may have had to do with the Sherman-Dennison airport. It might not be configured to reliably land a 747, depending on weather conditions, etc. Once he was here, they could change to the 747 because Tinker could easily support it. I expect they prefer to have the 747 for a number of reasons. The Chatanooga thing was happening yesterday morning, for instance, and details were emerging just as he was leaving El Reno. It's possible the 747 has more elaborate comms, situation room, etc. They probably prefer for him to fly in the 747 if at all possible. 07-17-2015, 05:00 PM There is a good documentary about the presidential planes.
There is a good secret service one as well. It is amazing how much prep is done months before his arrival and the logistics of moving all those vehicles and what to use when and how.
ctchandler 07-17-2015, 08:15 PM It's possible the 747 has more elaborate comms, situation room, etc. They probably prefer for him to fly in the 747 if at all possible.
Highly unlikely, they don't put the president on a sub standard aircraft. It might not be as luxurious, but it has all the requirements for him/her to do their job. Preference is one thing, requirements are another.
C. T.
Urbanized 07-17-2015, 08:21 PM I'm sure that none of them are substandard, CT, but believe that a larger plane might surely have more room to work., and even more equipment available.
I also would point out that I saw a show about AF1 that discussed a shockingly lacking comms system clear through the Clinton and perhaps into GWB years. I remember being amazed at some of the technology that was lacking at a fairly recent point in history.
ctchandler 07-18-2015, 01:04 PM I'm sure that none of them are substandard, CT, but believe that a larger plane might surely have more room to work., and even more equipment available.
I also would point out that I saw a show about AF1 that discussed a shockingly lacking comms system clear through the Clinton and perhaps into GWB years. I remember being amazed at some of the technology that was lacking at a fairly recent point in history.
I would agree with "more room", and more (not better) equipment, but you can't compare today's 757 or any qualified Air Force One aircraft with what was available in the 90's or even just a few years ago. Anything relating to running the country or a war/conflict that's on the primary 747 aircraft is on all other Air Force One planes, just not necessarily the amenities. The president never leaves the ground without all of the required capabilities to perform his/her duties.
C. T.
Laramie 07-18-2015, 05:15 PM Oklahoma became the spotlight for the President's visit for 'internet' & 'non violent prison reform.'
This was very well received in Oklahoma and viewed nationally & internationally.
Thanks, Governor Mary Fallin, you were a gracious & genuine host!
Tritone 07-18-2015, 05:19 PM As C.T. says, it's a good bet that all the aircraft used as Air Force One, from the VC-25 on down would have the required equipment. A pen and phone do not require much room.
ctchandler 07-18-2015, 05:37 PM As C.T. says, it's a good bet that all the aircraft used as Air Force One, from the VC-25 on down would have the required equipment. A pen and phone do not require much room.
I know you are being a little facetious, but there is a lot of communication equipment to maintain contact with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and his staff as well. And that's just a short list. Air Force One is a flying White House and the technology aboard would amaze most of us. And it's not a "sitting" president's choice, our government would never put our president in a position where he couldn't make the necessary decisions and communicate them to the appropriate staff. "Never" is a strong word, when he is being driven around in Oklahoma and other places, obviously the vehicles aren't as well equipped, but generally the potus is never too far away from the flying White House.
C. T.
Tritone 07-18-2015, 07:17 PM C.T.,
I agree with you almost totally. The point on which I differ if the level of facetiousness. I am more than a little facetious. I have never been in Air Force One; that would require both me and POTUS to be on the airframe simultaneously. I am somewhat familiar with the way the actual airplanes are outfitted having worked on a variety of communications equipment for USAF over the years. All the planes at the 89th are more "complex" than they might appear from the outside.
Again, more than a little facetious. I always enjoy your posts.
Ya know, if ya decide to just enjoy blackberry cobbler, you have a contended belly and less potential for bloodshed.
OT, as usual, before they put in all that development along Mustang road from 59th down to Hwy 152, west side, there was a huge Blackberry patch that had the best Blackberries. You got to know a lot of folks picking at the patch.
ctchandler 07-19-2015, 10:25 PM OT, as usual, before they put in all that development along Mustang road from 59th down to Hwy 152, west side, there was a huge Blackberry patch that had the best Blackberries. You got to know a lot of folks picking at the patch.
My late wife could smell the Blackberrys. I never understood it, but she picked berries all over our neighborhood.
C. T.