View Full Version : Texas Rangers baseball tickets?

07-06-2015, 08:33 AM

Anyone here know of any special promotions or coupons for Rangers baseball tickets? I'm trying to avoid paying the full retail/web price for tickets for a game later this summer, but none of the coupon codes I've found work....

I've noted that the Lexus terrace seats are $36 each full price, and upper reserved are $20, and much beyond that is more or less a budget buster for one game, but I thought it worthwhile to ask if there were any promotions available I just didn't know about...


07-06-2015, 11:50 PM
How far away is your game, and are they playing a crap team or a rival/contender? Seems like that can affect ticket prices a good amount this time of year.

I've only purchased through the team pages at I've never used any promos on that site though. I like to monitor seats at

07-07-2015, 10:31 AM
How far away is your game, and are they playing a crap team or a rival/contender? Seems like that can affect ticket prices a good amount this time of year.

I've only purchased through the team pages at I've never used any promos on that site though. I like to monitor seats at

It's likely this upcoming weekend, no contenders involved (Padres, I think).

Richard at Remax
07-07-2015, 03:10 PM
Ive never had any issues with stubhub. and the closer the game usually the cheaper they get

07-09-2015, 02:19 PM
i agree about stubhub. was in d.c. last weekend and got some $100 3rd base tix for $50 day of.

Bill Robertson
07-10-2015, 04:43 PM
Ive never had any issues with stubhub. and the closer the game usually the cheaper they get

i agree about stubhub. was in d.c. last weekend and got some $100 3rd base tix for $50 day of.

I agree also. We go to St Louis a couple of long weekends a year to catch Card's games. I always get tickets on stubhub and have never had an issue. I was a bit nervous the first couple of times but it's been about 40 games or so now and never a problem.