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07-04-2017, 01:01 PM
That wasn't the topic. The original assertion I was questioning was the belief that Christians wouldn't set up monuments or displays at their Church or on private property.

The whole church state thing is a different topic.

SMH. People are so eager to be argumentive they don't even read.

I don't think anyone cares what is done on private property so long as zoning is taken into account. And I know for a fact Catholics have set up a ton of 10 commandment statues which no one cares about. OCPAC has a nice 10 Commandments statue, again, which no one cares about (but maybe they should be a little concerned for the symbolism of the thing when arguably the most powerful Christian lobbying group is advocating one religious perspective above the others) but no one would argue it's illegal to do that.

07-04-2017, 04:40 PM
Correct. And I was replying in disbelief to this - for which the typical over argumentative suspects attacked me directly...

Most churches believe it's a violation of the 3rd commandment to put up a 10 Commandments monument on their property, so it's hard for the mentally ill to find such a monument to destroy.

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image."

07-04-2017, 06:14 PM
Now wait just one cotton-pickin' minute here. Are you really crapping on another user for being 'ignorant', and then you post this? I guess you are correct in the first part, there's a lack of understanding on what separation of church and state means, because your second part is EXACTLY what it means. The state does not need to choose which version to endorse. The entire point of separation of church and state is they don't pick ANY to endorse. It's NOT just giving you the choice of which religion to follow or which church to attend, it means the state can't say "we recommend this one". That's what started this whole mess with the monument in the first place. Oklahoma put it there, then wasted money fighting the state constitution, then fought the federal constitution, then tried to make the state constitution override the federal and make it legal. Nobody is seeking which issue the state needs to take a position on next, because the ONLY position is "the state has no position".

Would it be too ironic to point out Matthew 7:5 at this time?
Not sure your point. I am calling for separation. I know exactly what it means and why it is important. The state should not favor or endorse a particular religion or sect.