View Full Version : Non-Cable Options for Thunder Basketball and College Football?

Jessica N
06-19-2015, 12:22 PM
Our Cox Cable bill is out of control. Hubs and I don't watch much tv, so we could nearly give up cable if it weren't for Thunder Basketball and College Football. What are some good options to lower/eliminate cable expense, but still be able to watch live sports on our television? We aren't very tech-savvy, so excuse my ignorance if this is an elementary question.

06-19-2015, 12:26 PM
I recently got rid of cable so I haven't tried it out during the college football (or NFL) seasons. I have an Apple TV and using a friends login I was able to watch any Thunder game through the Fox Sports stream and all the playoff games through either Watch ESPN or ABC, etc. Between this, Netflix and HBO I have not missed cable one bit and have cut my bill significantly (~$70 for middle of the road internet).

06-19-2015, 12:35 PM
For basketball I would purchase a Roku 3 then use You pay $100 per year and you get every game in HD.

For football I watch the games with a good ol antenna. You get great HD and all the local channels have good reception in the Metro.

Jessica N
06-20-2015, 05:30 PM
Thanks for the quick feedback. Great advice, very much appreciated.

06-20-2015, 06:00 PM
I stand outside my neighbor's house in the bushes and look through her window.

When, when the game is on. Yeah.

06-20-2015, 07:18 PM
I switched to dish network basic package and cut my cox bill by 100.00 a month. I added Fox SW sports for 5.00 a month. When the sports season ins over I can cancel fox sw. I will restart it in the fall.

06-20-2015, 11:01 PM
I stand outside my neighbor's house in the bushes and look through her window.

When, when the game is on. Yeah.

Must be a heckuva game

07-03-2015, 07:59 AM
We also ditched cable a few years ago and don't miss the $150-200 bill at all. We subscribe to Sling TV for $20 per month and you get ESPN/2, HDTV, Food Network, AMC, and a bunch of others. Basically it's most the networks I always wanted ala carte from cable! HBO is also offered ala carte here. Only thing we can't get around is Fox Sports. I haven't found a way to watch Thunder games. However when the Thunder was in the playoffs, TNT streamed the games on their website and so we hooked up our laptop to the TV via the HDMI out and that's how we watched the them in the playoffs.