View Full Version : Urbanspoon?

06-17-2015, 01:58 AM
What happened?
Not sure if I like the new format.

06-17-2015, 05:01 AM
Looks like they merged or were bought out by Zomato?? Never heard of Zomato till recently when trying to log a review on Urbanspoon. I don't like the format either. Hopefully, it changes or otherwise, I might not be using them anymore.

Roger S
06-17-2015, 07:42 AM
Yeah... Zomato bought them about a year ago and switched to the new format a couple of weeks ago.

Urbanspoom was a tool I used quite a bit to find places and find out about new Q-raunts opening in areas I don't get to very often.

At first after the switch I didn't like it but that was just because of the unfamiliarity and no way to search for recently added restaurants.... They have since added an option to filter by Recently Added after I sent them an e-mail asking for that option.

I have also found that you can zoom around the map with a cuisine filter set and it only shows those types of foods... This is very handy when I'm planning road trips.

I am not a fan of the feeds.