View Full Version : New Housing and Business Development in Stillwater

06-08-2015, 10:03 AM
STILL PIONEERING: More people look for housing - Stillwater News Press: News (

Encouraging development is that Stillwater added on 1056 people from 2013 to 2014 for an estimated pop. of 48,406, making it one of the fasting growing cities in the state during that period. In the Tulsa area, it was 6th fastest: Jenks is fastest-growing city in Oklahoma - Tulsa World: Bartlesville (

06-08-2015, 06:57 PM
"When it comes to real estate development Paula Dennison, director of Development Services for the city of Stillwater, said that typically when you have more commercial development then residential development will tend to be lower."

Huh? I am sure that Paula has been taken out of context, over-simplified, or flat-out misquoted here. That quote makes zero sense and I tend to think she knows what she's doing.

I skimmed it and saw a bunch of ranch houses and new businesses opening in strip malls. I'd initially balk at Stillwater being part of the Tulsa area, but it certainly seems to take more after Tulsa than OKC.