View Full Version : Panhandlers
ctchandler 06-20-2015, 05:53 PM I called the police after an encounter with an aggressive panhandler on my way to work today. It made me feel real good. I hope the prick resisted arrest.
What do you mean "aggressive"? Just curious. I assume it wasn't pleasant, you don't remind me of the kind of person that would call the police because the panhandler gave you a dirty look.
C. T.
RadicalModerate 06-20-2015, 06:05 PM I was sitting in the inside lane, next to the median at a red light, northbound on Penn, just south of Memorial. I was the third car back from the light. A dude I might describe as a "ninja skinhead" threw down his backpack next to the first car in the line and approached the driver then started walking south on the median. The person in the car in front of me handed him what looked like some sort of "To Go" box from a restaurant. He continued south as I attempted to avoid eye contact. Despite this, the dick started some "Gimme" spiel with me and I said, "Just keep moving." He continued his pitch and I again said, "Keep moving, man." He walked few more steps and started ranting in my direction including phrases like, ". . . kick your ass." About that time the light turned green and I went on about my business. The non-emergency police dispatcher I talked to, a few minutes later, was very sympathetic and helpful. She indicated that my concern and call was not uncommon and said she would send a patrol car to the described location. Like I said: I hope the prick gave the cop some crap and then resisted arrest.
Laramie 07-05-2015, 10:11 PM Encountered an aggressive panhandler (appear to be in his 30s) near the Belle Isle Station Shops area who used that same phrase, ". . . kick your ass."
Just smiled at him and replied, "You got a lot of ass to kick."
bradh 07-05-2015, 10:29 PM So what are all the people in the safety vests along Reno collecting for? They hand out a slip of paper.
BBatesokc 07-06-2015, 06:18 AM I think police do take these calls seriously. Its not uncommon to see 'aggravated panhandling' arrests on the jail blotter.
Bellaboo 07-06-2015, 07:56 AM So what are all the people in the safety vests along Reno collecting for? They hand out a slip of paper.
They hit the capitol area also, they are promoting their church, at least that's what they say....
bombermwc 07-06-2015, 08:28 AM I've always been torn between being able to trust panhandlers and the desire to help others that are truly in need. I don't feel like handing out money is a good way to handle it because that's often not what they really need. There's almost always an underlying issue for those that are truly in need of help. Those that are after money for liquor or just for money, ruin in the trust for everyone else.
The best story I can give is when I was in college. I was eating at a Long John Silvers on 23rd (now a Basil). This guy I see sitting at the bus stop fairly frequently comes over and asks me for change. I don't carry money, I only carry plastic these days. So I truthfully tell him all I have is a few quarters. He's asking for a ride to Tinker to get to a job, mind you. I figure, well I do see him at the bus stop a lot, so maybe he's telling the truth. After telling him that I'm not going to give him a ride, he tries to start crying at me. I apologize for not being able to help, get up, and head to my car. I'm sitting there a minute to see what happens....lo' and behold, I see him come out, cross the street and head into Byron's Liquor Warehouse. I saw that guy at that same bus stop for a few more months, but who knows what happened to him. I only ate there twice, and each time I had something happen. The afore mentioned story, then the next time one of the cooks came out, wrote his number on a piece of paper and offered to trick out my Saturn if I gave him a call. I can't imagine why the place didn't make it. LOL.
Anyway, since then, I feel like the best way to handle these is to offer the voucher. It gives them a free ride on the bus to the shelter, where they can get a free meal, and access to help. It's up to them whether they take it, but if they are interested in getting help, it is a safe way to do it. You can generally see the motives of the person by looking to see if they accept it gratefully or if they get angry and throw it. I've seen both happen. Real Change « The Homeless Alliance ? Oklahoma City, OK (
SoonerDave 07-06-2015, 08:49 AM I think one thing our church has learned over the years is that there are some folks who really want the help and appreciate it, and then there are freeloaders who just siphon from whatever system is in place until they exhaust it, and move on to the next resource - and the latter spoils it for the former.
The last thing I will do is give someone cash. There's just too much information both from research and anecdotes that most cash goes to unfruitful habits. If someone tells me they need gas, I'll offer to buy them a tank, and if that's what they really need, they usually are very appreciative. If they start offering an attitude, I just move on.
That's essentially how our church operates - when someone comes by looking for cash for gas, we have a limited about of discretionary funds to buy someone a tank of gas on a credit card from a station near the church, and a staffer takes care of it. We have a food pantry managed by one of our Sunday School classes that tries to keep basics in supply. But as I understand it, we do little to no direct cash disbursement to anyone "off the street."
I was approached once by someone *IN LOWE'S* (not in the parking lot) and I was instantly mistrustful due to circumstances - one of those "instinct" things that kicked in, and I mentioned it to their security person. They instantly knew who it was, and the guy asked "did you give her anything?" And I said, "no," and he said "good, she's a problem here and we've had to chase her off before..."
It's just frustrating when you want to help someone who is less fortunate, but you hear so much about just scammers and drunks and such that you get jaundiced about the whole notion of helping people. And that necessarily implies folks out there who do need the help aren't getting it.
Laramie 07-06-2015, 01:10 PM If a person asks me for small change for food or whatever, I help them if I'm able. What he/she uses it for is really not my concern; he or she can take that up with their maker.
There's no need to apologize to people who ask for help if you can't help them. They haven't got it or they wouldn't have solicited you.
Caution: Never let them see you open your wallet. Recall an incident in Fort Worth at a convenient store gas station where a man attempted to help a panhandler. He opened his wallet, took out a $20 dollar bill, the panhandler then snatched his wallet and took off. The guy told me he had all of his IDs (more of his concern), along with $600 in $100 dollar bills. You need to always exercise caution, keep your car doors locked once inside. If approached, lower your window just enough to give them some change or a $1 bill.
SoonerDave 07-06-2015, 01:18 PM ...
Caution: Never let them see you open your wallet. ....
Very salient advice. Even if I offer to buy someone a tank of gas, I'm suspicious enough (right or wrong) to see what's going on around me before I do anything. I make sure my car is locked, and my own gas transaction is done. I survey the area in case anyone else "curious" might be lurking, and the wallet doesn't come out of the pocket until *after* I go *inside* to the clerk and say "put $Y on pump X."
The pros know that kids help any panhandling situation, and I've actually seen a scenario where a couple wanted everyone to *think* they had a small baby; "mom" cradling a blanket where "baby" was wrapped up. They had attracted quite a crowd. But anytime anyone got close enough to see the "baby," mom would recoil; when she moved back a bit, a fold in the blanket opened up and it was immediately apparent there was no baby at all, just a couple of pros working the crowd for whatever they could.
I left.
Urbanized 07-06-2015, 04:43 PM It is good to know and understand OKC's aggressive panhandling ordinance, and what constitutes "aggressive". I have many times reported people in violation. Here is the ordinance:
Some important highlights:
It is illegal to threaten when panhandling
It is illegal for a panhandler to touch someone when asking
They cannot follow you or block your way on a sidewalk
They must stop asking after receiving a negative response
It is illegal to panhandle within 20 feet of an ATM, or the entrance of a business
Panhandlers may not ask for money after dark
There are a number of other provisions, but if a panhandler breaks any of these rules, I let them know that they have violated the ordinance and that if they don't leave me alone or if I see them panhandling anyone else I will call the police. I have done it many, many times, and the PoPo will absolutely respond and will either thoroughly dissuade them OR will often cuff and stuff. I've never called or threatened to call the cops for someone playing by the rules, but if they break any of the provisions in the aggressive panhandling ordinance (especially threatening behavior, touching, or asking after dark), all bets are off.
Bellaboo 07-06-2015, 04:53 PM 7. They are also supposed to have a permit, at least at one time they were.
C_M_25 07-14-2015, 08:01 PM The new trend I've noticed:
Kids baseball, softball, etc teams with their coaches out asking for money for fundraisers!!!!! It is usually a small number of kids, but I CAN"T BELIEVE IT!! Kids are in the median asking for money! Go sell some dang candy bars!!
LocoAko 07-14-2015, 08:03 PM The new trend I've noticed:
Kids baseball, softball, etc teams with their coaches out asking for money for fundraisers!!!!! It is usually a small number of kids, but I CAN"T BELIEVE IT!! Kids are in the median asking for money! Go sell some dang candy bars!!
Yep. Got off I-235 at 23rd a few weeks ago and every corner was swarming with them.
bradh 07-14-2015, 09:00 PM Damn you guys beat me to it. Saw a football team begging on Hefner and Rockwell this weekend. I felt really bad for the kids because this is just absolutely terrible to teach these kids. If there is a team washing cars, if I have cash I will always stop. We did the same thing as kids. You are teaching them NOTHING!
Mr. Cotter 07-15-2015, 08:38 AM Panhandling =/= Fundraising. This is my new pet-peeve.
bradh 07-19-2015, 06:11 PM Saw the same damn football team out at Hefner and Rockwell this weekend. Fired me up like crazy, because I love the idea of supporting local youth initiatives but not by just giving to beggars. I want to approach the parents and ask why they don't do something like a car wash or something. This teaches such a terrible message to these kids.
kevinpate 07-19-2015, 07:37 PM Simply teaching them that P.T. Barnum was right.
Having youngsters walking around street corners asking for money just does not seem like a good idea.
Richard at Remax 07-20-2015, 02:24 PM They were a different breed in Houston this weekend. Had a few literally pet their face on my window and yell for money
Tritone 07-20-2015, 05:01 PM In 2004 my wife and I were in D.C. Squeegee men! Are they next for OKC?
turnpup 07-20-2015, 06:20 PM What gripes me the most is how crapped-out the grounds surrounding many of these panhandling sites have become. A major offender is the I-44 eastbound off-ramp at Penn. We were sitting there today just stunned at how much trash is out there. I told my husband (kidding, but hey maybe it'd be a good idea) we ought to bring a drum liner and hand it to whoever's out there with a promise to give them $$$ in an hour if they pick up all the garbage.
And yes, it's really not a good idea to have kids standing on the corner of a busy intersection asking for money or advertising their car wash up the street. It's just too easy for somebody to accidentally run them down with a vehicle.
Laramie 07-20-2015, 07:38 PM Panhandlers will continue to cultivate the kindness of strangers as many of them don't have jobs, they aren't employable for various reasons.
As I left the area of N. E. 23rd near the Ralph Ellison Library (2nd Sat., of the month) there were a group of excited youngers asking for donations. I tore a pocket getting to my wallet.
Generally you don't see a group of supervised youth soliciting donations on the streets. Times are hard, many of the minority football programs don't have the support of boosters or athletic clubs to sponsor them. They don't have organized candy or sausage drives. Anytime you put children out there to request donations or sell various items; they'll be potential dangers.
Let's hope this doesn't become the norm. If you have it to give, help (donate); they need your support.
ctchandler 07-24-2015, 10:00 AM Yesterday I was driving North on Penn and when I was near Memorial road I saw a gentleman under the Kilpatrick entertaining for his supper. I couldn't read his sign very well, but I caught a glimpse and it didn't appear to say anything like "work", "God bless", "money for gas", or any of the other common panhandler messages. I would have given him a few bucks except the light was green and at that intersection you don't slow down or they will run you over! He probably wasn't any more/less hungry than any others, I just liked his style/attitude.
C. T.
mugofbeer 07-24-2015, 11:57 AM CT, you always seem like a nice person on here and i commend you for your politeness and civility. I hope your statement about giving the panhandler "a few dollars" was figurative and not literal. If you give, it is usually only giving an alcoholic a bottle or an addict another pill or shot.
IanMcDermid 07-25-2015, 07:10 PM I was floored by a young woman at the horribly panhandled intersection of 23rd & penn. I hit ACE all the time for sundries. There's a perfect storm of 7-11, Walmart, Mickey D's, sonic, liquor stores, dollar stores, and an 8 direction bus stop. I asked the girl who's sign said "TOO INNOCENT TO STRIP, TOO HONEST TO STEAL." if she wanted a job for some hourly work because I had some paint prep and cleanup on my construction site. My response was: "THIS IS A JOB! IT'S HARDER THAN ANY JOB YOU'VE EVER HAD!" in a really angry tone. I am still blown away.
IanMcDermid 07-25-2015, 07:22 PM Oh I almost forgot my favorite where a turf war broke out against two guys in wheelchairs arguing who was more disabled and deserved the corner. Then I watch them both pop up out of the chairs and melee on the sidewalk. The guy who had no legs had actually sewn flaps on the front of his shorts to look like an amputee.
BlackmoreRulz 07-26-2015, 07:41 AM New twist on panhandling!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_970/panhandle24n-2-web.jpg?enlarged
Calif. cops pose as panhandlers in distracted-driving sting - NY Daily News (
Laramie 07-26-2015, 08:20 AM My brother tells me that I am so gullible to those who are poor and afflicted. Many times you have to remind yourself of my mother's situation in which she worked hard (8-12 hrs., 6 day week), a lady who had a lung removed in the 1940s--never complained.
She always took time, set an example--she reared her boys (our father passed away before we were teens) to take the high road, know when to walk away and when to fight. Mother was an angelical person, never got excited, took her time--made the decisions that were family centered.
She always reminded me to not look at those who appear above you because they are rich, but to work with what you have--increase your knowledge & education; maintain your vigilance, give to those who are less fortunate than you.
She was a strong woman with intuition, she never questioned those who she helped; yes there were those who she rejected because somehow she knew...
I know she's in a better place; rest in peace mother--you fought the good fight...
kevinpate 07-26-2015, 12:30 PM I've had an occasional seat belt citation. I'd probably choke myself laughing if I ever received one from a LEO posing as a panhandler.
Just the facts 07-27-2015, 09:22 AM My rule - I only give money to people playing a musical instrument, and banging on a 5 gallon plastic bucket is NOT a musical instrument.
I give money to every street musician I see because they add to the quality of the public realm. You get what you pay for. If you pay for panhandlers you get panhandlers, if you pay for music you get music. It is just that simple,
Laramie 07-27-2015, 09:57 AM Good basic rule which fits your code for conduct for giving JTF. Everybody can't play an instrument; there are few organ grinders on the streets today with the capacity to feed themselves--just think if they had a monkey...
1 John 3:17 But if someone who is supposed to be a Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won't help him--how can God's love be within him ?
1 John 3:18 Little children, let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions.
1 John 3:19 Then we will know for sure, by our actions, that we are on God's side, and our consciences will be clear, even when we stand before the Lord.
We're all selective in those who we help. The true Christian will see those who are in need--give back to the community, help the poor, feed those who are in hunger & cloth those who are naked . You won't be confused by clothing, talents or that poor me line--trust in The Lord, let him be your guide...
Filthy 07-27-2015, 11:16 AM Not sure if this belongs...but not scared to throw it out there. Several times over the past few weeks, at different locations in NWOKC, I have seen little league football teams (8-10 year olds) with their helmets out, asking for "donations" at busy intersections. I understand the need to raise money for kids who may be underprivileged, or need help to fund sports equipment. But what happened to old fashioned "fund raisers?" You selling candy bars, or having a car wash? I'm pretty sure that this newest way of "fund raising," has just recently started becoming popular. But to me, its nothing more than begging for money, or asking for handouts. What does it teach these young kids? That all they need to do, is stand out at a busy intersection...and hold your hand out..and you'll get some money.
Bullbear 07-27-2015, 11:24 AM I agree that its a bad idea for raising money. I think when the firemen started doing it holiday weekends to raise money for charity it gave too many people an idea ( I am sure many did it before then but just saying it seems to have skyrocketed )
kevinpate 07-27-2015, 12:17 PM I didn't mind much when firemen were out 1-2 weekends a year doing fill the boot campaigns for MDA.
Would not mind much if they limited it to that if they are beyond that mission now.
And while I am not someone who thinks there needs to be a law for every little thing, I would not mind at all if there was a law that
imposed 6-9 weekends of jail sanctions on every team parent or coach who signs off on letting minors play fill the hat, glove, helmet, etc. at any intersection. It's reckless (my opinion.) It's sad leadership/role modeling/parenting (also my opinion.) And it is five rungs down the classy ladder (yep, also my opinion) from standing far too close to moving traffic for my comfort while waving car wash signs.
Midtowner 07-27-2015, 12:26 PM To combat this, the city could plant boxwoods, crepe myrtles, etc. in all of the medians and other areas frequented by these individuals. It's not limiting of free speech, it's beautification!
Mr. Cotter 07-27-2015, 12:32 PM Rose bushes and cacti.
Just the facts 07-27-2015, 01:47 PM Too bad they couldn't do this. ( (
Too bad they couldn't do this.
I wouldn't mind seeing the main intersections where this takes place have similar treatments as the medians between Century Center and the IRS building.
Thomas Vu 07-27-2015, 03:49 PM I see the same people nearly every day on my route to work and then home again. One old boy has been at it for a couple of years now with a sign saying he lost all in a fire including his son. If it's one I don't recognize, I don't mind helping, but when it's the same ones day after day for weeks, months and yes, over a year, then it's obvious they are pros. And then I really loved the guy that I saw at I-40 and MacArthur that had a big key ring hanging out of his pocket with several keys along with a car key fob. Or the couple I saw way out east on I-40 that had a nearly new Mini Cooper hidden behind some trees across the road from where they were panhandling.
If I saw that car, I'd make sure the money they got went to it.
Just the facts 07-27-2015, 03:49 PM Too many intersections; the city couldn't afford it.
Bullbear 07-27-2015, 04:36 PM Too many intersections; the city couldn't afford it.
Maybe the city could panhandle each intersection until they have enough to fund the gates and trees on that
Laramie 07-28-2015, 11:18 AM Our concern is safety, distracted drivers & general nuisance related behaviors.
Could the city use (pass) some kind of off limits ordinance for certain intersections with signs posted:
One size fits all.
Know the feel that many of you have about this situation; you could be that person down on your luck.
When you donate to a panhandler or group (like firemen), does it really matter who is soliciting?
Could it be that you are annoyed by the fact that someone might just get over on you?
Urbanized 07-28-2015, 11:23 AM Those types of laws are tricky. The Supreme Court ruled that banning panhandling infringes upon First Amendment rights. OKC used to have much more aggressive rules, but they were deemed unconstitutional under that ruling. Today pretty much all the City feels it can do as far as enforcement is to uphold its "aggressive panhandling" ordinance (
Midtowner 07-28-2015, 03:07 PM Could it be that you are annoyed by the fact that someone might just get over on you?
Nah, this is an issue of blight, whether that be by creating trails and erosion where they walk every day or the trash they leave behind. If you want to have an aesthetically pleasing city, this is one way to ruin it. If these people are truly down on their luck, there are many "hand up" programs at their disposal, Workforce Oklahoma, Standby Labor, etc. are all activities which pay money for work.
Bellaboo 07-28-2015, 03:13 PM The city will upon the occasion place no loitering/pandering signs at strategic locations around I-235 and 23rd. It takes the panhandlers about 4 days to bend them over to the point where they break off so they can drag them from the area. That way they can still hang around.
Tritone 07-28-2015, 08:56 PM How much cash can you get at the local recycling place for the aluminum in a no loitering/pandering sign?
Laramie 07-28-2015, 09:50 PM How much cash can you get at the local recycling place for the aluminum in a no loitering/pandering sign
If that's the case, should we be missing more sign?
warreng88 07-30-2015, 06:27 AM ODOT Takes On Panhandling Problem Across The Metro - (
LakeEffect 07-30-2015, 09:43 AM ODOT Takes On Panhandling Problem Across The Metro - (
Is it really a Felony to step off the curb when panhandling?
Jeepnokc 07-30-2015, 12:02 PM Is it really a Felony to step off the curb when panhandling?
Would have to be a state law and I am not familiar with it. Here is city code.
§ 30-428. - Legislative findings.
The Council of The City of Oklahoma City hereby makes the following findings:
The City of Oklahoma City has a duty to protect the rights of all people to exercise their First Amendment rights safely, The City of Oklahoma City has a compelling governmental interest in imposing certain reasonable time, place and manner regulations whenever potential First Amendment activities such as begging, solicitation and panhandling occur on streets, highways, sidewalks, walkways, plazas, and other public venues within the City.
this division is not intended to limit any persons from exercising their constitutional right to solicit funds, picket, protest or engage in constitutionally protected activities. The provisions of this division are expressly established to most narrowly tailor any such restrictions to protect the First Amendment rights of all people within the City as well as the rights of non-participating people and their property, and to ensure the rights and safety of all people and/or property to the extent possible.
persons approached by individuals asking for money, objects or other things of any value are particularly vulnerable to real, apparent or perceived coercion when such request is accompanied by or immediately followed or preceded with aggressive behavior such as:
continuing to beg or solicit from a person after the person has given a negative response to such solicitation;
touching another person in the course of begging or soliciting without that person's consent;
blocking or interfering with the safe or free passage of a pedestrian or vehicle by any means;
using violent or threatening gestures which are likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction from the person who is the subject of the solicitation or request for money;
closely following behind, ahead or alongside a person who has been solicited or asked for money after that person has given a negative response to such solicitation;
using profane, threatening, or abusive language, either during the solicitation or begging or following a refusal;
begging or soliciting money from anyone who is waiting in line for tickets, entering a public building or riding on public transportation;
begging or soliciting in a manner with conduct, words or gestures intended or likely to cause a reasonable person to fear imminent bodily harm, danger or damage to or loss of property or otherwise to be intimidated into giving money or any other thing of value; or
begging or soliciting in a group of two or more persons in an intimidating fashion.
the City desires to respect a person's potential right to solicit, beg or panhandle while simultaneously protecting another's right to not be unduly coerced.
the City further finds that aggressive soliciting, begging or panhandling of persons within 20 feet of any outdoor seating area of any cafe, restaurant or other business, automated teller machine, mass transportation stop, public teller or pay telephone also subjects people being solicited to improper and undue influence and/or fear and should not be allowed.
persons approaching other individuals in an aggressive manner asking for money, objects or other things of any value after dark in public places inspire alarm and fear, which coupled with the inherent difficulty of establishing identity should not be allowed.
(Ord. No. 22655, § 3, 2-8-05)
§ 30-429. - Purpose and intent.
The public purpose of this division is to protect the rights of all peoples to exercise their First Amendment rights as well as the people and/or property of those who chose to be non-participating.
(Ord. No. 22655, § 3, 2-8-05)
§ 30-430. - Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
"Beg," "begging" or "panhandling" shall be synonymous and shall mean asking for money or objects of value, with the intention that the money or object be transferred at that time, and at that place. "Solicit" or "Soliciting" shall include using the spoken, written, or printed word, bodily gestures, signs, or other means of communication with the purpose of obtaining an immediate donation of money or other thing of value the same as begging or panhandling and also include the offer to immediately exchange and/or sell any goods or services.
"Aggressive manner" shall mean:
approaching or speaking to a person, or following a person before, during or after soliciting if that conduct is intended or is likely to cause a reasonable person to fear bodily harm to oneself or to another, or damage to or loss of property or otherwise to be intimidated into giving money or other thing of value;
continuing to solicit from a person after the person has given a negative response to such soliciting;
intentionally touching or causing physical contact with another person without that person's consent in the course of soliciting;
intentionally blocking or interfering with the safe or free passage of a pedestrian or vehicle by any means, including unreasonably causing a pedestrian or vehicle operator to take evasive action to avoid physical contact;
using violent or threatening language and/or gestures toward a person solicited which are likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction from the person being solicited;
following the person being solicited, with the intent of asking that person for money or other things of value;
speaking in a volume unreasonably loud under the circumstances;
soliciting money from anyone who is waiting in line for tickets, for entry to a building or for any other purpose;
soliciting in a manner with conduct, words or gestures intended or likely to cause a reasonable person to fear immediate bodily harm, danger or damage to or loss of property or otherwise be intimidated into giving money or any other thing of value;
begging in a group of two or more persons in an intimidating fashion;
soliciting any person within 20 feet of any outdoor seating area of any cafe, restaurant or other business, automated teller machine, mass transportation stop, public toilet or pay telephone;
soliciting any person in public after dark, which shall mean the time from one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise.
"Automated teller machine" shall mean a device, linked to a financial institution's account records, which is able to carry out transactions, including, but not limited to: account transfers, deposits, cash withdrawals, balance inquiries, and mortgage and loan payments which are made available to banking customers.
"Public place" shall mean a place to which a governmental entity has title, to which the public or a substantial group of persons has access, including, but not limited to: any street, highway, sidewalk, walkway, parking lot, plaza, transportation facility, school, place of amusement, park, or playground.
(Ord. No. 22655, § 3, 2-8-05)
Jeepnokc 07-30-2015, 12:03 PM Penalty is: Any person found guilty of violating Section 30-431 shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $200.00 excluding costs and fees or incarceration for not more than 30 days or both such fine and imprisonment.
ljbab728 09-12-2015, 12:21 AM A new proposal to place additional limits.
Oklahoma City councilwoman introduces law on panhandling | ( es%20law%20%20on%20panhandling)
Proposed restrictions on panhandling are part of a broad effort to attack “explosive” growth in activities that frighten and intimidate many residents, Ward 6 Councilwoman Meg Salyer said Friday.
Salyer said the mayor and six of the other seven council members have signed on as co-authors of her proposal to make it a misdemeanor to panhandle from the median of city streets.
The measure also would eliminate exceptions for charitable solicitations. She said violators would be subject to fines of up to $500.
Dustin 09-12-2015, 09:45 AM I once had a panhandler, who was obviously high on something, make his hand into the shape of a gun and pretended to shoot me. Safe to say I don't make eye contact with panhandlers anymore.
Plutonic Panda 09-12-2015, 10:20 PM I once had a panhandler, who was obviously high on something, make his hand into the shape of a gun and pretended to shoot me. Safe to say I don't make eye contact with panhandlers anymore.that probably wasn't funny when it happened but that's hilarious man
kevinpate 09-13-2015, 02:27 AM Ya know, you might have pitched a pretend grenade and made a kablooey motion, and then shared a laugh, unless of course he started to make stinger motions, cause them you know you just tried, without success, to blow up a zombie panhandler and it's time to get.
Edgar 09-13-2015, 02:13 PM Homeless people are mostly untreated mental health cases that live on the streets until they end up in the justice system. We're a good Christian town. You can tell when they light up the crucifix on buildings in Dec.
bradh 09-13-2015, 03:38 PM Homeless people are mostly untreated mental health cases that live on the streets until they end up in the justice system. We're a good Christian town. You can tell when they light up the crucifix on buildings in Dec.
So what's your answer, or you just gonna sit their on your high horse and lob grenades down at everyone?
Filthy 09-15-2015, 10:40 AM Homeless people are mostly untreated mental health cases that live on the streets until they end up in the justice system.
Well, once they're arrested....they'll atleast have a place to stay. Seems like a win-win situation to me.
rte66man 09-15-2015, 08:55 PM Nah, this is an issue of blight, whether that be by creating trails and erosion where they walk every day or the trash they leave behind. If you want to have an aesthetically pleasing city, this is one way to ruin it. If these people are truly down on their luck, there are many "hand up" programs at their disposal, Workforce Oklahoma, Standby Labor, etc. are all activities which pay money for work.
As one who passes thru the intersection of NW Expy and the Lake Hefner Parkway every workday, I couldn't help but notice that someone has chained a plastic garbage can to one of the signs. The other day, the panhandlers there had an umbrella (for shade) and 2 milk cartons with cushions to sit on when not begging.