View Full Version : NW 16th and McKinley
Plans are underway to bring 33 new apartments plus restaurant space to the Plaza District.
Local developer Ben Sellers plans to build 25 units plus commercial space on the vacant lot on the southwest corner of NW 16th & McKinley. The property is just to the east of the main commercial development in the Plaza District and is highly visible.
The apartments would be a mixture of studios, 1-bed and 2-bed units, some with lofts. Parking would be interior to the streets with a drive tunnel through the commercial structure along 16th.
Facing NW 16th will be a restaurant space and large patio with outdoor seating. Talks are underway with a potential operator which would be new to the OKC market.
Sellers is also planning 8 apartments one block south, on the southeast corner of NW 15th & McKinley. The site was formerly a small convenience store that Sellers attempted to save but was discovered to be beyond repair.
The 8-unit complex will feature 1- and 2-bed apartments; the 2nd level units will have lofts.
The projects would represent the first new residential construction in the Plaza. The area continues to boom with the recent opening of Oak & Ore ( and Roxy's Ice Cream Social (, which joined a wide variety of restaurants, bars and variety shops.
Steve Mason is also in the process of renovating the Indiana Center ( and bring in new tenants to the space.
Once zoning is approved, Sellers hopes to start on both projects simultaneously, taking about a year to complete.
Gardner Architects is designing both projects.
Sellers is a partner in the Tower Theater redevelopment project as well as the a renovation about to start at 916 NW 6th (, and is also behind the rehab of 600 NW 23rd ( which features office space and Pizza 23 and Orange Leaf frozen yogurt in Uptown.
Canoe 05-31-2015, 10:42 PM Hey Pete,
Is this the reason the house was torn down on NW 16th early last week?
soonerguru 06-01-2015, 08:58 AM Will the apartments have windows?
Mike_M 06-01-2015, 10:27 AM Considering this is going into the Plaza, which is becoming famous for it's awesome retro-fitting and renovations, I gotta say I'm not a fan of such a bland new construction in the area. I feel like this is going to stick out in a weird way.
That being said, these renderings look pretty rough, so I'll reserve my personal judgements until the project is more developed.
I think the design is really sharp.
The developer has spent tons of time meeting with people in the area, even though this project does not fall under any design review jurisdiction.
This area is in desperate need of rental units and the new construction south of 16th will really help the Classen Ten Penn neighborhood.
bchris02 06-01-2015, 10:41 AM Considering this is going into the Plaza, which is becoming famous for it's awesome retro-fitting and renovations, I gotta say I'm not a fan of such a bland new construction in the area. I feel like this is going to stick out in a weird way.
That being said, these renderings look pretty rough, so I'll reserve my personal judgements until the project is more developed.
This could end up being awesome. I am waiting until I see a more detailed rendering before I form an opinion. I want to say that in other cities, some districts like the Plaza district have become a hybrid of funky, renovated old buildings like what is already there but also new construction. Midtown Memphis comes to mind and is what I see the Plaza district eventually becoming.
gopokes88 06-01-2015, 10:41 AM I'll reserve judgment till it's built but the renderings look like a bunch of barns.
Teo9969 06-01-2015, 01:15 PM The color of the brick is going to be everything for the building.
HangryHippo 06-08-2015, 11:11 AM Considering this is going into the Plaza, which is becoming famous for it's awesome retro-fitting and renovations, I gotta say I'm not a fan of such a bland new construction in the area. I feel like this is going to stick out in a weird way.
That being said, these renderings look pretty rough, so I'll reserve my personal judgements until the project is more developed.
I'm with you 100%. These look like expensive horse stalls with pitched roofs.
Spartan 06-08-2015, 07:26 PM I'll reserve judgment till it's built but the renderings look like a bunch of barns.
The postmodern barn look is a good one. But I'm biased because I'm a big fan of Michael Graves...
I'm also reminded of a slightly more deconstructed version of a CHK building, which appeals to my inner OSU sense.
It's a modern interpretation of the big gabled homes in the surrounding neighborhoods.
I think it's super sharp.
Reminds me of the Catlett Music Center at OU:
The postmodern barn look is a good one. But I'm biased because I'm a big fan of Michael Graves...
I'm also reminded of a slightly more deconstructed version of a CHK building, which appeals to my inner OSU sense.
Those look like houses from a cartoon or something. Kind of neat, but I don't think I'd want to live there. I do like the bluish green one on the far right.
Architect2010 06-09-2015, 05:42 PM I want to live in that cartoon land then, those are all awesome. The one on the far right is actually my least favorite, go figure.
bchris02 06-09-2015, 05:46 PM It's a modern interpretation of the big gabled homes in the surrounding neighborhoods.
I think it's super sharp.
I agree and think this will fit in well with the surrounding neighborhood.
Canoe 06-24-2015, 07:53 PM I took the below comments from the next door app. Enjoy!
I really wanted to only send this to Gatewood and Classen Ten Penn, but it looks like it was Gatewood ONLY or the whole group of neighborhoods, but mostly I want to wave at the Gatewood and Classen Ten Penn neighborhoods.
J'Anna posted the documents for this proposed development here at the Nextdoor site. They are in the documents section. This is the direct url . The development is high density for this area, and is allowing only ONE parking lot per apartment unit at NW 16 and McKinley. There is also 3,000 sq ft of commercial space, with NO parking allowed.
To allow only ONE parking space per unit for the NW 16th devlopment, and ZERO parking spaces for the commercial spaces guarantees that this development will be a constant trial and tribulation to its neighbors. This lot was originally a SINGLE family house, and it's destruction btw was a true loss to this community.
This would work only if a clause were inserted into the rental agreements where each household would agree that they would only park one car at the development or in the neighborhood. No "one car on the street and one car in the parking space of the apartment complex." Also, they should probably be only allowed to have guests that walk or bicycle to the apartment. I am being facetious and hyperbolic here, of course, but this is bad urban planning. I hate parking lots, but they are a reality until we get better public transportation so that people can ditch their cars.
Regarding commercial space. . . the plan doesn't say how many businesses will go in the 3,000 sq ft of commercial space. But why should the neighbors subsidize those businesses with the parking in front of their houses? If these businesses are going to stay in business, they will need customers! Here again, I could be facetious and say "allow them to only accept customers that walk or bicycle" but nobody would agree to that. Since no parking is allowed on NW 16th, the people who live along McKinley will lose the parking in front of their houses pretty much it seems to me. That apartment complex will fill up with people with 2 car households. The businesses will have auto traffic. It's a disaster in the making.
Any ideas on how to oppose this? Is there someone we should send letters to besides of course Meg Salyer our council person?
We are seeing this with almost every urban project now, where some neighbors are protesting due to increased density and some commercial use in proximity to existing housing.
In a way, it's a good sign. Shows the City is finally starting to fill-in and that the neighborhoods care about what happens nearby.
zookeeper 06-24-2015, 08:05 PM We are seeing this with almost every urban project now, where some neighbors are protesting due to increased density and some commercial use in proximity to existing housing.
In a way, it's a good sign. Shows the City is finally starting to fill-in and that the neighborhoods care about what happens nearby.
Thank you. This is a point I made recently about these micro-problems within a block, or two, or three. It's called civic engagement - and it's healthy!
Canoe 06-24-2015, 08:05 PM Social media let's them organize more than ever before. It makes it harder for the developers to 'increase value' without more people taking note.
It also creates a situation where developers know they have to engage the surrounding community and businesses early on.
As a City, it seems we struggled with these issues because the committees want to make everyone happy and that's never going to happen. But now, things seem to be working out relatively well, as the developers take it upon themselves to reach out and take input and if it just comes down to a few people being unreasonable in their opposition, the committee members seem to be able to move past that.
OSUFan 07-01-2015, 08:43 AM I live in the neighborhood and have seen a decent amount of backlash against this online. It seems like a good development to me but I honestly don't have much expertise in the way of good urban planning. Are the concerns legit or is it typical NIMBY stuff?
Jeepnokc 07-01-2015, 09:00 AM Am I missing something on the parking? The plans above show 10 units and 25 spaces. The objection from gatewood talks about 1 spot per unit.
The 16th & McKinley property has 25 units.
This was approved today for 20 units.
PhiAlpha 07-09-2015, 11:08 PM This was approved today for 20 units.
Does this have to go through anyone else for approval or are they cleared to start construction when ready?
Does this have to go through anyone else for approval or are they cleared to start construction when ready?
Just the zoning change which they received.
No design review is required, so they should be getting busy quite soon.
They'll have a waiting list for all the apartments and they are close on a deal for the restaurant space, so they will be cash flowing once they open the doors.
LakeEffect 07-10-2015, 06:34 AM Just the zoning change which they received.
No design review is required, so they should be getting busy quite soon.
They'll have a waiting list for all the apartments and they are close on a deal for the restaurant space, so they will be cash flowing once they open the doors.
If this is a rezoning, it still has to go to at least two City Council meetings for final approval. Am I missing something?
Canoe 07-10-2015, 07:09 AM It has to go to council.
If this is a rezoning, it still has to go to at least two City Council meetings for final approval. Am I missing something?
Right, sorry.
But that is always just a formality in situations like this.
onthestrip 07-10-2015, 10:48 AM I imagine this will get some push back with the no parks for commercial space.
This was just approved in today's City Council meeting.
District dissent: OKC Council approves mixed-use housing in Plaza despite opposition
By: Brian Brus The Journal Record September 15, 2015
OKLAHOMA CITY – A mixed-use housing project in the Plaza District moved forward Tuesday against the protest of residents who said it will significantly change the nature of their neighborhood.
The project will convert two of the biggest empty parcels in the area, 1600 NW 16 St. and 1526 N. McKinley Ave., to multifamily housing units and commercial outlets. Developer Ben Sellers said he tried to come up with a plan that would enhance the neighborhood and provide alternative residential space for people who can’t move into houses.
“The idea was to build something that would contribute to the walkability and bikeability of the area and utilize the existing transportation infrastructure,” Sellars said.
The Planning Commission initially approved 20 rental apartments and 3,000 square foot of retail on 16th Street, as well as eight apartments on 15th Street. Sellers said he had to make trade-offs, though: By reducing the housing unit count by three, the project gained four parking spaces for a total of 27 spaces on the parcel and eight at curbside.
Sellers said he agreed to limit the type of retail space that will be allowed in the project – no convenience stores, for example, nor smoke shops or liquor stores. The site will also provide covered bike storage and repair space for residents.
The commission recommended the Oklahoma City Council approve the zoning change to simplified plan unit development, or SPUD, so that the 16McKinley LLC business group could proceed. The council’s vote was unanimous.
However, of those who spoke to the Planning Commission earlier, 60 percent opposed the development. On Tuesday, Jan Knight addressed City Council members and urged them to adhere to Plan OKC, the city’s overall development blueprint.
“This SPUD would allow the developer to make substantial changes to a residential and business area,” said Knight, who has lived nearby for 17 years and served on the Gatewood Historic District neighborhood board. “Just like the charm or personality to an area, when something is built that is out of character, you start destroying what has made the place what it is.”
Councilwoman Meg Salyer praised Sellers for the concessions he made to satisfy the Planning Commission’s concerns and make the units fit the Plaza District’s personality.
Before he voted in support of the item, Councilman Ed Shadid questioned whether city leadership has focused on the wrong attributes of development.
“To me, some of the changes were for the worse,” he said. “We’re always bowing to parking. There’s a 2-to-1 parking ratio here, which I think is too high if you’re along the transit line. … I think it’s disappointing that there’s less commercial; I think it’s disappointing that the density was decreased. And it’s definitely disappointing that parking was increased.”
bradh 09-15-2015, 09:26 PM Wow, opposition and support all over the board with this one.
soonerguru 09-16-2015, 01:22 AM A lot of folks not happy about this in Ten-Penn / Gatewood. I'm a fan of density and multi-family there, but I think this design is quite ugly. I'm hoping it's just my failure to understand the architectural genius through the renderings. It is a really weird design, and I can totally understand why the residents are so pissed off about it.
LakeEffect 09-16-2015, 08:21 AM A lot of folks not happy about this in Ten-Penn / Gatewood. I'm a fan of density and multi-family there, but I think this design is quite ugly. I'm hoping it's just my failure to understand the architectural genius through the renderings. It is a really weird design, and I can totally understand why the residents are so pissed off about it.
I think it's supremely better-looking than the other recent new home construction on NW 16th Street.
I also think it's fascinating that someone tried to use planokc AGAINST the project. The plan tries to find ways to appropriately increase density and development in the core, which this project does (somewhat). I'm more along the lines of Shadid on this one...
Urban Pioneer 09-16-2015, 09:09 AM I think it's supremely bett-looking than the other recent new home construction on NW 16th Street.
If you're referring to the new modern house, I really like it. Reminds me of California. But maybe I am missing something in it's design.
Change is tough. I understand why the neighbors are sensitive to it. I agree with Ed on the increased parking ratio. That is a mistake in a walkable neighborhood. But I guess the growing pains are tough. I usually have to park a block or two away from 16th to go to Saints on busy nights. It doesn't bother me but I guess it might bother someone who needs the on street parking.
Urbanized 09-16-2015, 09:17 AM ^^^^^^^
How do you even know what it looks like, hidden behind that garage?
Urban Pioneer 09-16-2015, 09:25 AM Ah now I understand. lol I dream of a garage with big glass doors... Gear head nature. Do they have a functional alley or is access strictly off of 16th?
LakeEffect 09-16-2015, 09:47 AM ^^^^^^^
How do you even know what it looks like, hidden behind that garage?
YES. The glass doors would be cool off the alley, as my co-worker will be doing when he builds his a block away on 17th. I don't know if there's alley access for the modern addition, but even if there isn't, they could have done a much better job at putting the garage in back and not destroying the walkable, approachable character of the area.
How do you even know what it looks like, hidden behind that garage?YES. The glass doors would be cool off the alley, as my co-worker will be doing when he builds his a block away on 17th. I don't know if there's alley access for the modern addition, but even if there isn't, they could have done a much better job at putting the garage in back and not destroying the walkable, approachable character of the area.
+1 The garage is my only complaint with it.
Spartan 09-19-2015, 09:51 AM Shadid is right. What business do Plaza residents have opposing this? Do they want vacant/abandoned properties instead?
catch22 09-19-2015, 11:14 AM Why are people against c-stores? The people in HH were against them in the Edge, and Plaza is against it here?
Convenience stores are great because they are convenient. Last night, dropped a sack of groceries and busted my milk container on the way in from the grocery store. Luckily, there is a convenience store about 200 yards away where I bought a replacement gallon of milk, and a few beef jerky sticks to take to work as a snack this coming week. The neighborhood c-store saved me a second drive to WalMart or Winco, 3 miles away.
One thing I have observed about Oklahoma City's urban transformation, is they want the urban density, but none of the conveniences it can provide like C-stores, and hole in the wall restaurants.
bchris02 09-19-2015, 01:17 PM One thing I have observed about Oklahoma City's urban transformation, is they want the urban density, but none of the conveniences it can provide like C-stores, and hole in the wall restaurants.
It's getting there. I was just thinking about this the other night but OKC has a deeply ingrained "SimCity" approach to urban development where everything is in its place and separated by zone type (residential, commercial services, commercial offices) and income level. Mixed use/income is taking some time to catch on but it will happen.
urbanCOWBOY 09-20-2015, 02:06 AM I wonder if Jan Knight is going to move. That would be unfortunate.
Also, I wish they would have included no adult toy stores in the SPUD. These developers are ruining Oklahoma City.
Rover 09-20-2015, 04:08 PM Why are people against c-stores? The people in HH were against them in the Edge, and Plaza is against it here?
Convenience stores are great because they are convenient. Last night, dropped a sack of groceries and busted my milk container on the way in from the grocery store. Luckily, there is a convenience store about 200 yards away where I bought a replacement gallon of milk, and a few beef jerky sticks to take to work as a snack this coming week. The neighborhood c-store saved me a second drive to WalMart or Winco, 3 miles away.
One thing I have observed about Oklahoma City's urban transformation, is they want the urban density, but none of the conveniences it can provide like C-stores, and hole in the wall restaurants.
Have any applications for a c store been turned down?? Maybe it isn't the city, or even the developers....maybe it is the fact that no one has stepped forward with a business to put in. You can plan all you want, but if no one wants to put one in you can't blame the city. Urban Roots seems like a nice convenience store. Other than them, who has taken the chance, or who has been told no?
catch22 09-20-2015, 04:12 PM Have any applications for a c store been turned down?? Maybe it isn't the city, or even the developers....maybe it is the fact that no one has stepped forward with a business to put in. You can plan all you want, but if no one wants to put one in you can't blame the city. Urban Roots seems like a nice convenience store. Other than them, who has taken the chance, or who has been told no?
It says the developer agreed to the neighborhoods wish of not allowing C-stores in this particular development.
Rover 09-20-2015, 09:21 PM So, there are other buildings very near where a c store can locate.
catch22 09-20-2015, 09:23 PM So, there are other buildings very near where a c store can locate.
Of course. My point is simply that the neighborhood should be open to the idea, as they are good for the neighborhood and not bad for it.
I think I agree with catch to an extent. I also think OKC wants urban neighborhoods without and of the urban grit, for lack of a better word, that comes with it. Most people want sterile urban living.
Bullbear 09-21-2015, 08:25 AM +1 The garage is my only complaint with it.
They house belongs to my friends. the plan was to put the garage in the back and is how the plans were originally. However it didn't end up working out and had to be redesigned.
Plutonic Panda 11-23-2015, 12:21 PM What's the latest on this.
They hope to break ground in January.
Building permits filed yesterday for this project.
2-3 months from breaking ground, per Ben Sellers.
Spartan 02-11-2016, 05:21 PM 2017?
ljbab728 02-11-2016, 10:55 PM 2017?
LOL, Spartan.
Spartan 02-12-2016, 08:55 AM Pete edited his post, which before said January. So I'm confused. It's February. 2-3 months would be April-May.
Pete edited his post, which before said January. So I'm confused. It's February. 2-3 months would be April-May.
I didn't edit anything.
What is confusing about my post #51 above?
Spartan 02-12-2016, 09:33 AM You're right. Wow I'm an idiot. For some reason I saw this thread had new activity, but it looked like this was the newest post. So that's why I was confused.
They hope to break ground in January.
Thanks for updating this, which will be a really important project for bringing the Plaza's synergy into CTP.
They've started work:
Making some good progress here:
sroberts24 08-05-2016, 01:20 PM Would love to see Similar projects extend from here to Goro... or have those houses in between renovated.