08-28-2016, 12:05 PM
They are about to start going vertical.
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Pete 08-28-2016, 12:05 PM They are about to start going vertical. blangtang 08-29-2016, 06:20 PM looks like there's still some urban grit 1 block away OKC Talker 08-29-2016, 10:16 PM looks like there's still some urban grit 1 block away Blame god, not stereotypes about the inner city Pete 09-26-2016, 05:14 AM Pete 10-31-2016, 08:42 AM warreng88 11-29-2016, 02:09 PM Brick work has started on the bottom half. OKC Talker 12-11-2016, 12:31 PM Interesting... The Journal Record - December 8, 2016 Multi-use project near Plaza District gets go-ahead "Planning Commissioner Bob Bright said during Thursday’s meeting that he regretted approving a multifamily complex under construction on NW 16th Street. He apologized during the meeting for giving the project approval because it doesn’t fit the Plaza District neighborhood." Teo9969 12-11-2016, 01:39 PM Interesting... The Journal Record - December 8, 2016 Multi-use project near Plaza District gets go-ahead "Planning Commissioner Bob Bright said during Thursday’s meeting that he regretted approving a multifamily complex under construction on NW 16th Street. He apologized during the meeting for giving the project approval because it doesn’t fit the Plaza District neighborhood." Oh ridiculous. It's insane how blind some people are in this city regarding the future. For all that many people in this city want to be like Dallas, few to none seem to have paid attention to just how far north of downtown "urbanization" is taking hold in one of the sprawl-iest cities in the country. 16th and McKinley is just about within walking distance of the why exactly are we freaking out about density in the area? You know what doesn't fit the Plaza District neighborhood, Mr. Bright? Your vision... sethsrott 12-11-2016, 02:05 PM Oh ridiculous. It's insane how blind some people are in this city regarding the future. For all that many people in this city want to be like Dallas, few to none seem to have paid attention to just how far north of downtown "urbanization" is taking hold in one of the sprawl-iest cities in the country. 16th and McKinley is just about within walking distance of the why exactly are we freaking out about density in the area? You know what doesn't fit the Plaza District neighborhood, Mr. Bright? Your vision... What he said! I live in the neighborhood and I am excited about it. I am also excited about the three story condos going in at 13th and Classen. sroberts24 12-11-2016, 02:33 PM I live in Gatewood and want more developments like this! This kind of thinking drives me absolutely insane. Bring on more density and more infill projects like this! What is terrible is the modern 1 story home across the street, that doesn't fit and shouldn't be allowed. Absolutely love the house currently being built on 16th & Douglass Pete 12-11-2016, 02:34 PM Bob Bright is notoriously unfriendly to new urbanism. Urban Pioneer 12-11-2016, 03:43 PM Younger and more diversity are needed on these commissions and boards. wsucougz 12-11-2016, 04:29 PM I think it fits the Plaza well. On what grounds would it not be approved-- Personal taste? Spartan 12-11-2016, 05:36 PM I just really hate that dense, urban development is such a struggle in OKC. The Bob Bright ilk is trying to smear the Pivot Project guys by apologizing for approving their past project, and fighting the current. That's just a sign that the Pivot guys are really close to turning the corner and creating real change. How can Cornett and the Council keep Bright on a commission while they pretend to be pro-business? That said, this type of public battle absolutely discourages others from getting involved as well. PR comes at a price. Bob Bright is on the losing side of everything, but he can still do some damage. soonerguru 12-12-2016, 02:30 PM It is a godd----d miracle that we have a fraction of the development we have seen in the last ten years. The mentality in this city has been anti-urban, pro-suburban, anti-pedestrian, anti-historic preservation, anti-transit and even anti-arboreal for so long it is painful to think about. And every little victory that is achieved, be it the streetcar, urban housing, or a rezoning request, requires a bloody battle. Progress does not come easily in this town. Conversely, the cheaper and ****tier the development, the more likely it is to receive smooth, pain-free approvals, especially if it involves a heavy hitter tearing down a building. Canoe 12-12-2016, 07:50 PM It is a godd----d miracle that we have a fraction of the development we have seen in the last ten years. The mentality in this city has been anti-urban, pro-suburban, anti-pedestrian, anti-historic preservation, anti-transit and even anti-arboreal for so long it is painful to think about. And every little victory that is achieved, be it the streetcar, urban housing, or a rezoning request, requires a bloody battle. Progress does not come easily in this town. Conversely, the cheaper and ****tier the development, the more likely it is to receive smooth, pain-free approvals, especially if it involves a heavy hitter tearing down a building. Or a large bank. Spartan 12-12-2016, 08:29 PM That's true. How often are we just amazed that something horrific like the Chase Bank or countless other things just sail through easily, and then something like this, the Edge, or the A-Alley new build are a struggle. Pete 12-13-2016, 08:07 AM It's an overstatement to say approval for these projects have been a struggle. They usually have a few people opposing and they all get approved, but sometimes it takes a continuance to work out some of the details with neighbors. The only real bad example I can think of is Guyutes where the PC overstepped their bounds and the proprietors went straight to City Council who provided unanimous approval. Since then, it seems like they've toned it down a bit. Spartan 12-13-2016, 11:30 AM NIMBY exists anywhere that's worth caring about, and developers know that. What's unique is these people like Bob Bright and Rand Elliott using their appointed positions to torpedo other projects bc who knows why. I know we're a don't rock the boat kinda community but there are some really questionable people serving unelected roles on various commissions. Cornett has shown the only thing that gets you removed from a commission is opposing a SandRidge or Devon project or thinking a landmark like Stage Center is nicer than a dirt lake. Note the recent changes to the DDRC... DoctorTaco 12-13-2016, 01:17 PM Or a large bank. You just made me think about something: If Bank of America had wanted to build a one-story, parking-engulfed drive-through bank outlet at this location there would have been absolutely no pushback. Sad. Rover 12-13-2016, 04:02 PM You just made me think about something: If Bank of America had wanted to build a one-story, parking-engulfed drive-through bank outlet at this location there would have been absolutely no pushback. Sad. Not true jbrown84 12-13-2016, 04:08 PM Not true There would have been pushback from citizens and neighbors, but not anybody in power. Rover 12-13-2016, 06:37 PM There would have been pushback from citizens and neighbors, but not anybody in power. So, you are saying it is zoned appropriately there for a bank? David 12-14-2016, 09:42 AM I don't believe for a second that nobody in power would have opposed tearing down that many buildings if the only thing being built in replacement was a one-story, drive-through bank. Jonathan Middlebrooks 12-14-2016, 09:58 AM As a resident of 16th St my problem with this project isn't with the density but with the scale and the setback. It doesn't match the historic nature of the street. The scale (massing) wouldn't be so bad had they not moved the development so close to the street. It just looks completely off. But I think they should have broken up the massing a little to make it more appealing from the street. 16th street headed into the Plaza District is a residential street and should remain as such. That doesn't mean that there isn't room for mixed use or commercial use, only that it should match what is already there. You see this in other cities like Portland where they have turned single family homes into retail but it didn't alter the fabric of the street. Where they have altered it you almost always see a negative impact. Also, I know that someone tried changing the zoning of a lot on 16th to commercial and were basically told to not even try it. I honestly think that this project is the reason that the one on 16th and Classen is getting so much flack. The neighbors I have talked to felt unheard and disrespected. The project on Classen and 16th looks great to me and completely suitable to the lot and appropriate for that stretch of road. pickles 12-14-2016, 10:15 AM Interesting... The Journal Record - December 8, 2016 Multi-use project near Plaza District gets go-ahead "Planning Commissioner Bob Bright said during Thursday’s meeting that he regretted approving a multifamily complex under construction on NW 16th Street. He apologized during the meeting for giving the project approval because it doesn’t fit the Plaza District neighborhood." Have these people ever been out of Oklahoma and walked around in a city? warreng88 12-14-2016, 10:29 AM Yeah, it's ridiculous that he is going back on what he said. I don't like the home across the street that is more modern, but I never heard anything for that construction... king183 12-14-2016, 01:26 PM So, you are saying it is zoned appropriately there for a bank? Given how things work around here, I'm 100% positive they could have had it rezoned to put a bank there. Chase got to put up there drive thru despite it not meeting design standards; Rand Elliot has single-handedly killed or substantially altered designs he personally doesn't like; people tear down parts of historic buildings without permits and the city only belatedly puts up a half-assed protest. We're not a city run by standards; we're a city run by what the people with political/cash influence want to fit their personal needs/wants. So, yeah, BS like that happens all the time. DoctorTaco 12-14-2016, 02:56 PM So, you are saying it is zoned appropriately there for a bank? Dang I woulda swore I was posting in the 16th/Classen thread when I wrote that. Pete 03-20-2017, 08:59 AM OKC Talker 03-20-2017, 09:47 AM I'm not sure what I think about that siding on the top floor. It's almost like an apartment complex from Norman got picked up by a tornado and dropped on top of the building! =P Pete 04-02-2017, 01:47 PM Starting to paint the 2nd level and they already have a for lease sign out front. Pete 09-08-2017, 09:19 AM They are now moving in tenants. The project is officially titled Plaza Lofts. Here is some info: Unit A - First Level 1bd/1ba 821sf; $1295 Unit B - Second Level 1bd/1ba 902sf; $1335 Unit C - Second Level 2bd/2ba 1207sf; $1675 1 Bedroom units have 10’ ceilings. 2 Bedroom units have 20’ ceilings in living and kitchen. Secured, gated parking for residents; full sized washer & dryers in units, designer fixtures, and solid surface countertops. First month free rent with 13 month lease. $500 deposit shawnw 09-08-2017, 09:52 AM IMO that's too high for that area (basically downtown prices without downtown amenities [whatever that means, not saying know]). Pete 09-08-2017, 10:10 AM The market will dictate rents but there is tons within walking distance here, not only everything in the Plaza but Homeland and Braums as well. And there is almost zero new-construction rentals in that area. Ross MacLochness 09-08-2017, 10:11 AM I'm really happy to see mixed use infill but this... this we have to watch out for. This building is amazingly out of character and horrendous. I can't really explain it but I just have a reaction when I stroll by here lol. I'm all for adding density to neighborhoods that are mostly single family like this one: apartments, shops, etc... but there is a tasteful way to do it (even with modern looking stuff!). This isn't it. LocoAko 09-08-2017, 10:44 AM I'm really happy to see mixed use infill but this... this we have to watch out for. This building is amazingly out of character and horrendous. I can't really explain it but I just have a reaction when I stroll by here lol. I'm all for adding density to neighborhoods that are mostly single family like this one: apartments, shops, etc... but there is a tasteful way to do it (even with modern looking stuff!). This isn't it. Yeah. I like the infill in general, but even on sunny days this seems very dark and drab and just kind of harsh. It really contrasts with some of the beautiful homes in the area. TheirTheir 09-08-2017, 03:00 PM I'm certainly no expert, but the rent does seem quite high. LIFT is right down the street and $300 cheaper. That being said, I lived behind Saints on 17th for 2 years and would never live that close to the Plaza ever again due to the many inconveniences that come with living so close to such a hoppin' part of town. At the current rent rate, these apartments will be the dream apartment for many 21 year olds who can't afford them and a regret to those 24-32 year olds who opt-in, IMO. Doesn't mean folks won't sign the lease... Ross MacLochness 09-08-2017, 03:06 PM I lived behind Saints on 17th for 2 years and would never live that close to the Plaza ever again due to the many inconveniences that come with living so close to such a hoppin' part of town. some peoples' conveniences, others' inconveniences.... haha p.s. are my apostrophes right here?? Pete 09-08-2017, 03:10 PM These are down the street a bit so the noise shouldn't be bad and the gated parking means nobody stealing or blocking your spot. I could certainly see the appeal and why someone would pay these rents. Just another sign of how very far this district has come. dankrutka 09-08-2017, 04:41 PM Personally, I like this development and I would consider living there. I think it looks fine and the scale isn't too large. Concerning the prices, this is a really desireable location from a walkability perspective. You're in close access to a lot of high quality restaurants, bars, and shops. This is a far superior location to LIFT to which has none of those things when you walk out the door. The gaps in the urban fabric make all the difference. And these are in a great location. Also, I don't why everyone is worried about the prices. There's either a market for them or they'll lower them. It'll work itself out. soonerguru 09-08-2017, 04:43 PM Those apartments look drab and institutional. The building itself looks very institutional. I wish them luck. Bits_Of_Real_Panther 09-08-2017, 06:18 PM More interested to hear what is going in the retail/restaurant spaces.., bchris02 09-08-2017, 07:02 PM Those apartments look drab and institutional. The building itself looks very institutional. I wish them luck. Yeah I would say they look a lot like a school or hospital or some other government building. This is one of the few developments that I've thought was alright in the rendering but am less than impressed by the final product. I definitely think new development should be built to match the character of the neighborhood. soonerguru 09-08-2017, 11:19 PM Yeah I would say they look a lot like a school or hospital or some other government building. This is one of the few developments that I've thought was alright in the rendering but am less than impressed by the final product. I definitely think new development should be built to match the character of the neighborhood. I don't mean to pick on the developers. They seem like real sharp, visionary guys. This one is just a big miss. I actually thought the CTP residents were overreacting to the renderings. Once they began construction, and throughout the process, I found myself commenting to my wife how unappealing it is, but she would caution me to "wait for it," anticipating some magic reveal that would somehow make this not look like a good place for a dental office. Now that it is completed, she has come over to my dark side. It just doesn't fit the neighborhood at all, which would be fine if it didn't look so brutal. Hopefully it will fill up but those rents are ridiculous for such charmless flats. bchris02 09-08-2017, 11:34 PM I don't mean to pick on the developers. They seem like real sharp, visionary guys. This one is just a big miss. I actually thought the CTP residents were overreacting to the renderings. Once they began construction, and throughout the process, I found myself commenting to my wife how unappealing it is, but she would caution me to "wait for it," anticipating some magic reveal that would somehow make this not look like a good place for a dental office. Now that it is completed, she has come over to my dark side. It just doesn't fit the neighborhood at all, which would be fine if it didn't look so brutal. Hopefully it will fill up but those rents are ridiculous for such charmless flats. Dental office...I love it! Yeah it is pretty bad. The rendering shown at the beginning of this thread actually looks different from what was built. I think if they would have done that, it wouldn't be quite so bad. Not great, but it wouldn't look like a dentist office. soonerguru 09-09-2017, 01:22 AM Dental office...I love it! Yeah it is pretty bad. The rendering shown at the beginning of this thread actually looks different from what was built. I think if they would have done that, it wouldn't be quite so bad. Not great, but it wouldn't look like a dentist office. I like the rendering. Ironically, the design was changed as a result of neighborhood complaints. The ultimate build was worse than this rendering. The retail frontage in this rendering actually looks activated and inviting. OKC Talker 11-15-2017, 11:10 AM I just noticed that the lot on NW 16th and the additional development that was planned for NW 15th and McKinley are for sale now. OKC Talker 11-15-2017, 11:10 AM I just noticed that the empty lot on NW 16th and the additional development that was planned for NW 15th and McKinley are both for sale now. |