04-30-2015, 06:56 PM
Just watched this and it was pretty interesting. Talked some of what NYC is doing in the way of tracking people with video.
NOVA | Manhunt?Boston Bombers (
I have it TiVo'd.
NOVA always does a great job.
05-01-2015, 09:32 AM
I have it TiVo'd.
NOVA always does a great job.
I've always like the Nova programs.
I watched this last night -- absolutely fascinating.
I didn't realize that NYC has created a centralized way of collecting virtually all the live streaming video cameras -- mostly private security -- and monitoring them in real time! They showed how the group dedicated to this can do a search "wearing color red in the financial district" and instantaneously search the thousands of camera feeds and provide results in seconds. What an amazing crime-fighting tool.
The facial recognition stuff was also very interesting.
And finally, it was the thermal cameras from helicopters that allowed police to find the one bombing suspect as he was lying in a boat in someone's backyard. Showed the actual video of his heat profile; you could see him moving around, etc.
One of the more interesting things I've watched in a while. You can stream in on-line here:
NOVA | Manhunt?Boston Bombers (
05-01-2015, 08:55 PM
Another PBS show I like is American Experience. Tonight it was on the My Lai massacre. It was well done and very sad to see the horrors of what man can do to other man, woman & child in a war.
PBS is the best. I like Saturday afternoon because they rebroadcast some of their better programs. It's also the only time they show Globe Trekker. The My Lai incident was handled very well. I always try and donate to PBS when I can. It's the best kind of reality TV.
05-02-2015, 08:04 PM
They did an excellent job and everybody is right about NOVA, they always do.
It's a brave new world for sure. In Orwell's 1984, Winston tries to hide from the two-way telescreens. How far are we away from that? How much is too much? I think when our biggest city has the police state apparatus in place to spy on its own people 24/7 when they step outside their homes, listen to their phone calls, read their emails, track their web activity, cameras staring from everywhere all beamed to a central location. - we've gone too far. I think we have acquiesced way too much because of fears from 9-11. Which, btw, the cameras wouldn't have stopped. I couldn't help but think of the fears I was taught as a grade schooler about the Soviet Union and their surveillance state, everybody tracked, etc. I've said it before but - we are quickly becoming that which we once feared.
They did an excellent job and everybody is right about NOVA, they always do.
It's a brave new world for sure. In Orwell's 1984, Winston tries to hide from the two-way telescreens. How far are we away from that? How much is too much? I think when our biggest city has the police state apparatus in place to spy on its own people 24/7 when they step outside their homes, listen to their phone calls, read their emails, track their web activity, cameras staring from everywhere all beamed to a central location. - we've gone too far. I think we have acquiesced way too much because of fears from 9-11. Which, btw, the cameras wouldn't have stopped. I couldn't help but think of the fears I was taught as a grade schooler about the Soviet Union and their surveillance state, everybody tracked, etc. I've said it before but - we are quickly becoming that which we once feared.
and how duck and cover would save you from an Atomic bomb blast. They made very sturdy school desks back then.