04-19-2015, 07:10 PM
I apologize if this poor timing for anyone, but I've always been slightly confused...I never saw the building in person, and it's never clear to me in pictures from the bombing where the Murrah building is in context to the Journal Record building that the museum is in.
I saw this pic today, and I think I'm finally getting some context:
- Is that the Journal Record/museum building in the bottom right corner of the pic? (or, north of the federal building?)
- The reflecting pool is now where the road passed to the north of the building?
- The side of the building that was hit was the north side, right?
- In the memorial, on the southern edge of chair lawns where there's some jagged cement walls...were those connected to the building? The southern remains of the building?
- And that cement plaza of stairs by 4th street...were those part of the federal building that they left for the memorial?
Thank you to anyone who can clarify.
I saw this pic today, and I think I'm finally getting some context:
- Is that the Journal Record/museum building in the bottom right corner of the pic? (or, north of the federal building?)
- The reflecting pool is now where the road passed to the north of the building?
- The side of the building that was hit was the north side, right?
- In the memorial, on the southern edge of chair lawns where there's some jagged cement walls...were those connected to the building? The southern remains of the building?
- And that cement plaza of stairs by 4th street...were those part of the federal building that they left for the memorial?
Thank you to anyone who can clarify.