View Full Version : Tree recommendation

04-10-2015, 08:57 AM
Looking to plant an under-story tree in the front yard this spring. It needs to be shade/partial shade tolerant, grow to a max of 15-20 ft., and have beautiful spring blossoms and brilliant fall color. Anyone have experience with a species they have had good results with around here? I am leaning towards an "Autumn Brilliance" Serviceberry (Juneberry) tree after one recommendation I received already.

04-10-2015, 08:59 AM
I like October Glory Maples, but that may get too big, you could always keep it trimmed I suppose. I also have planted some Cleveland Pears which are a hybrid tree that look almost identical to Bradford Pear trees, blossoms and all, but they are much much stronger, and don't smell.

04-10-2015, 09:09 AM
I like October Glory Maples, but that may get too big, you could always keep it trimmed I suppose. I also have planted some Cleveland Pears which are a hybrid tree that look almost identical to Bradford Pear trees, blossoms and all, but they are much much stronger, and don't smell.

I would not plant any pear trees for a partial shade location or any in general. The non-Bradford varieties are not sterile and will have seedlings everywhere.

The serviceberry is a good tree. You may try a Red Buckeye. It has large red flowers in the spring and yellow fall foliage.

04-10-2015, 09:16 AM
I would not plant any pear trees for a partial shade location or any in general. The non-Bradford varieties are not sterile and will have seedlings everywhere.

The serviceberry is a good tree. You may try a Red Buckeye. It has large red flowers in the spring and yellow fall foliage.

Had mine a couple years now and haven't had that issue.

04-10-2015, 06:00 PM
You might want to check out OKLAHOMA PROVEN ( for a recommendation.

04-13-2015, 04:47 PM
I can't help you with specific tree, but I'd head out to Tony's Tree Plantation - we bought some trees from them before and they were nice and helpful with suggestions.