View Full Version : Rodkey House

Plutonic Panda
03-26-2015, 07:53 PM
This is really cool! Hope it happens.

EDMOND — The Rodkey House, one of the oldest houses in Edmond, would become a place for small weddings and educational classes if city council members decide to spend an estimated $300,000 to build restrooms in Stephenson Park.

The Edmond Historical Society and Museum has received a $100,000 anonymous gift to renovate and run utilities to the house that was built in the early 1900s by Isaac Rodkey, owner of the Rodkey Mill.

The house was donated to the city and moved in 2007 to Stephenson Park, off Littler Avenue between Fourth and Fifth streets.

To get the anonymous donation, the city must build American With Disabilities Act-accessible restrooms next to the house to be used by people visiting the house and the park, said Anita Schlaht, executive director of the Edmond Historical Society and Museum.

The society has been notified it will receive a $25,000 grant to pay to furnish the house, which was moved to the park from the southwest corner of Littler Avenue and Campbell.

A plan to turn the vacant house, which currently has no utilities, into the Rodkey House Event and Education Annex of the Edmond Historical Society and Museum was proposed to the city council this week during a workshop.

The anonymous donor is an older man who said he wants to see the house opened during his lifetime.

- Proposal offered to renovate Edmond's Rodkey House | News OK (

03-26-2015, 08:10 PM
Restrooms are important to us older guys.

Plutonic Panda
03-29-2015, 05:21 PM
Rodkey house proposed to be event education annex - The Edmond Sun: Lifestyles (

12-04-2022, 11:18 AM
Hey, I know that this is a pretty old thread but the Rodkey Home, built in 1901 and originally located at 30 East Campbell. Here's a photo from sometime back about thirty-something years ago when I finally owned a place near downtown that came with sufficiently long parking spaces. 17757