View Full Version : best horror movies
Martin 03-12-2015, 07:44 PM so... it's (soon to be) friday the 13th and i could use some help selecting the "best" horror movies for a party. i'm not necessarily looking for the best production values, most cerebral storyline, etc. but just good, gory movies that'd be fun for a crowd.
my favorite of all time is a spanish film called [rec] and its sequel wasn't half bad, either.
what are your favorites? -M
The Others is one of my favorites and largely overlooked for a mainstream film.
Plus, it has Nicole Kidman. :)
Easy180 03-12-2015, 08:37 PM I really enjoyed The Devil's Rejects by Rob Zombie. Really creepy great characters.
Richard at Remax 03-12-2015, 10:34 PM Alien, the Shining, and Jaws have all stuck with me over the years more than another other horror movies.
Newer movies such as insidious, the conjuring, and sinister have all been breaths of fresh air for the genre. The first Saw as well.
Plutonic Panda 03-12-2015, 10:36 PM I really enjoyed The Devil's Rejects by Rob Zombie. Really creepy great characters.Watch House of 1000 Corpses first so you can get a perspective from the victims then the antagonists. That's how I enjoyed it.
Plutonic Panda 03-12-2015, 10:38 PM Alien, the Shining, and Jaws have all stuck with me over the years more than another other horror movies.
Newer movies such as insidious, the conjuring, and sinister have all been breaths of fresh air for the genre. The first Saw as well.You know, for me, those are the kinds of movies that aren't scary unless you immerse yourself into that persons pov like it happening to you. I did that with Insidious and the Conjuring, but Sinister threw me off and I couldn't do it. Annabelle was my favorite out of those and had some horrifying scenes which I loved.
If you can stand these kinds of movies, check out Quarantine.
I'd have to say my all time top favorite horror movies(I never have a favorite movie for any genre) are The Shinning, Trick R Treat(though that's best saved within a month of Halloween as are the Devils Rejects movies), Annabelle, Halloween, Children of the Corn, The Blob, The Thing, Silver Bullet, 2001 Maniacs, Dawn of the Dead(best zombie movie ever, imo), ahhh, I can't put a favorite list I love so many I'd take up 20 paragraphs!
What kind of horror movie are you looking for? Just gore and slasher movies? Wrong Turn, 2001 Maniacs, Dead Alive, Saw, Evil Dead(2013), Hostel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre(any of them, but the newer ones have better effects - I haven't seen the latest 3d one), Hills Have Eyes, Wizard of Gore(it's an older one, but still good), Ichi, Land of the Dead, and finally, a weird and creepy Japanese movie: Carved.
Same movie.
Achilleslastand 03-12-2015, 11:02 PM Watch House of 1000 Corpses first so you can get a perspective from the victims then the antagonists. That's how I enjoyed it.
I always thought "Rejects" was a bit better than 1000 corpses, I was hoping that Zombie would have done a prequel showing how the Firefly clan got so deranged.
One of the best party horror movies:
Achilleslastand 03-12-2015, 11:08 PM Leatherface slamming the door shut in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre always gets me.
Jeepnokc 03-12-2015, 11:35 PM Alien, the Shining, and Jaws have all stuck with me over the years more than another other horror movies.
To this day, I do not like swimming in open water even though I sail BVI each year.. Jaws had a lasting effect. I will sit on the bow of the boat enjoying my nice cold rum punch while the sharks enjoy the snorklers and scuba divers.
Dustin 03-12-2015, 11:53 PM I have a fear of wolves, so Dog Soldiers REALLY freaked me out.
Roger S 03-13-2015, 06:31 AM Phantasm.....
Also can't go wrong with the Rob Zombie movies... I enjoyed both his originals and remakes..... In fact I liked his versions of Halloween better than the originals.
Martin 03-13-2015, 06:46 AM great suggestions, everyone... thanks! -M
Also can't go wrong with the Rob Zombie movies... In fact I liked his versions of Halloween better than the originals.
Plutonic Panda 03-13-2015, 09:35 AM I always thought "Rejects" was a bit better than 1000 corpses, I was hoping that Zombie would have done a prequel showing how the Firefly clan got so deranged.
10350as a goodmovie, I agree with you. I think the Rejects is better.
Just the facts 03-13-2015, 12:29 PM If you just want some good special effects with comedy thrown in I suggest Zombieland or Shawn of the Dead. If you want good special effect, comedy, and a fair amount of nudity then Club Dread is all you need. 03-13-2015, 02:36 PM I love Monkey Shines. The book is so much better though. Also Glitter is pretty darned scary.
C-SPAN! Record some house or senate debates and it will fill you with dread. ;) Phantasm is still one of my fav's too. I have the "Tall Man's" BOY! down solid.
Martin 03-13-2015, 11:47 PM thanks again for the suggestions, everyone!
first rule of parties: thing rarely go as planned. most of my guests hadn't seen [rec], so we went with that. it had the desired effect. the movie was remade in the united states as 'quarantine' and, as originals usually go, is way better (assuming you can handle the spanish subtitles). after that, we opted for something a bit lighter and watched young frankenstein.
we've watched several of the suggestions in the past, so y'all were in the right ballpark: alien, dead alive, shaun of the dead, zombieland, the original dawn of the dead, the blob.
i've got several of the other suggestions ready to go for the next time we have a horror movie night. -M
Tritone 03-14-2015, 09:12 AM Monkeyshines literally (a word I do not misuse lightly) had me on the edge of my chair. To me the suspense of uncertainty outdoes blood and guts any day.
Urbanized 03-14-2015, 11:27 AM Creeping Flesh.
RadicalModerate 03-15-2015, 12:13 AM Going One Step Beyond Past Video Representations of Scary/Etc. : Eraserhead . . . The Haunting . . . The Woman in Black (bbc version/not remake.)
RadicalModerate 03-15-2015, 12:21 AM Creeping Flesh.
To Quote The Canadian (SCtvVersion of Count Gregore) I'd have to say,Yah, shure, yu betcha.
yet none of the films mentioned hold a candle, in terms of simple "horror" compared to
the Coen Bros Classic: Fargo. At least not in This Universe. =)
Roger S 03-15-2015, 08:38 AM Don't remember if I saw them mentioned further up the list or not but Evil Dead and Army of Darkness are fun horror flicks.
Urbanized 03-15-2015, 09:19 AM Check out The Creeping Flesh. Plenty of ribs in that movie.
RadicalModerate 03-16-2015, 10:21 AM Eraserhead. (followed by Taxi Driver).
Sorry . . . Too cerebral. =)
(and then the original The Haunting followed by The Woman in Black.)
(then, Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard starring John Travolta.)
Just the facts 03-16-2015, 03:55 PM I wasn't real happy watching the bugs in Starship Troopers.
zookeeper 03-16-2015, 04:33 PM Radical, I wouldn't consider Taxi Driver as "horror."
But, has anyone here ever seen Thursday ( Egads. Some, might not consider that horror, either. But I've never seen anything that left me feeling so nihilistic about everything for a few days.
OKCisOK4me 03-17-2015, 11:44 AM As a kid, Pet Cemetery scared the crap out of me. I told my dad I wanted to go see it because I liked the thought of bringing dead pets back to life. It wasn't the pet or Gage that scared me, it was the mom's sister, with her spine all exposed, reaching up off of her bed and saying "Raaaacheeeellle, RaCHEEEEllllll.....". I thought that was grody.
As for in general, I'd still go with Poltergeist or The Exorcist. A lot of films today are crap.
Actually, forgot about this one: Rawhead Rex
ljbab728 02-18-2016, 10:39 PM This looks like a very interesting new candidate.
Uptowner 02-18-2016, 11:56 PM "You're Next" is the best "meta" and "slasher" genre I've seen in a couple years. It's hard to navigate the field these days. Supernatural does t really get me going. Except for the original sinister and conjuring from 2013. I never bother with horror sequels. My wife really wants to see the latest bel toro horror flick "Red Peak." For classics you can never beat "The Shining" "the thing" "Alien" "Rosemary's" baby" "jaws" or even classlcs like "Let the right one in."