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03-08-2015, 09:34 PM
Anyone seen the OU SAE racial video? OUCH.

Video appears to show University of Oklahoma fraternity singing racist chant | (

03-08-2015, 09:49 PM
Anyone seen the OU SAE racial video? OUCH.

Video appears to show University of Oklahoma fraternity singing racist chant | (

That certainly happened when I was in a frat at OU in the late sixties but I'm surprised that it could still happen today.

03-08-2015, 10:12 PM
The SAE's were kicked off campus for terrible hazing and other issues in the 80's and then allowed to return.

They'll get in deep trouble for this and well they should. Ridiculous in this day and age.

That looks like a party bus taking them and their dates to a remote site. It's common for winter/Christmas formals.

03-08-2015, 10:53 PM
That certainly happened when I was in a frat at OU in the late sixties but I'm surprised that it could still happen today.

You are?

With all due respect, I never hear about racist chants or rape-themed parties from the campus chess club or business society.

This video is making my blood boil. I am trying to convince two kids I know to attend OU. How stupid do I look as a person of color trying to convince them to go there right now? OU is trending on twitter and I'm sure this will be all over the national news tomorrow.

03-08-2015, 11:11 PM
As I said, it looked like that was a party bus of SAE's and their dates going to or from somewhere. Probably heading back home, intoxicated.

And I suspect the video was taken and posted by one of the women on the bus who was appalled.

I was in a fraternity at OU and we had similar (non-racial but vulgar and profane) songs we called basement songs. We'd have keggers in the house basement and pledges would be taught the songs through that experience.

So, it seems this is one of the SAE's basement songs and in a fit of drunkenness, they started to regale while being too wasted to think better.

Which also means they've been singing it in private for decades.

03-08-2015, 11:13 PM
Incredibly embarrassing to the University and to the entire state, if in fact these are OU kids. Only reinforces bigoted stereotypes that people elsewhere have about Oklahomans (which are for the most part completely undeserved). Makes my blood boil too, because people around the country won't interpret this as an isolated incident with a few stupid, STUPID kids; they'll see all Oklahomans when they watch this video.

A University ban of the SAE house and suspensions aren't enough. These children should be permanently expelled from OU.

03-08-2015, 11:21 PM
You are?

With all due respect, I never hear about racist chants or rape-themed parties from the campus chess club or business society.

This video is making my blood boil. I am trying to convince two kids I know to attend OU. How stupid do I look as a person of color trying to convince them to go there right now? OU is trending on twitter and I'm sure this will be all over the national news tomorrow.

With all due respect, yes I am surprised that this could be happening today no matter what kind of organization it is.

03-08-2015, 11:23 PM
At least one of those guys is clearly identifiable.

I predict the SAE's will be banned (I'm sure the fraternity itself chartered that bus -- that's what we always did) and some of those dudes are expelled.

Flipping idiots.

03-08-2015, 11:25 PM
As I said, it looked like that was a party bus of SAE's and their dates going to or from somewhere. Probably heading back home, intoxicated.

And I suspect the video was taken and posted by one of the women on the bus who was appalled.

I was in a fraternity at OU and we had similar (non-racial but vulgar and profane) songs we called basement songs. We'd have keggers in the house basement and pledges would be taught the songs through that experience.

So, it seems this is one of the SAE's basement songs and in a fit of drunkenness, they started to regale while being too wasted to think better.

Which also means they've been singing it in private for decades.

We also had "basement" songs in the 60's and I remember at least one of them that had a very racial line in it. I'm embarrassed that I ever participated in that but it was expected then. When you're in a frat a lot of it is about conformity and fitting in no matter what that may entail.

03-08-2015, 11:31 PM
I was a DU at OU from '78 to '82 and I know we didn't have any racial lines, but the songs were beyond vulgar.

We did, however, have an elderly housemother from Alabama who only referred to African Americans by the n-word. I hated it and everyone else did too, but she still did it openly and frequently.

The irony is that she was an expert on etiquette and I still remember and carry many of her lessons we were forced to endure.

Just shows how messed up the Southern culture was back in her day where people went to extreme measures to be 'proper', then had such contempt and hatred for people of color.

03-08-2015, 11:31 PM
We also had "basement" songs in the 60's and I remember at least one of them that had a very racial line in it. I'm embarrassed that I ever participated in that but it was expected then. When you're in a frat a lot of it is about conformity and fitting in no matter what that may entail.

Part of me is very grateful I skipped all of that nonsense. Some speak very highly about the experience, but more often than not the people I knew that were part of them were world class douches that were terrible people. So sad though because they could do a world of good.

Protest on campus tomorrow morning should be interesting.

03-08-2015, 11:35 PM
Part of me is very grateful I skipped all of that nonsense. Some speak very highly about the experience, but more often than not the people I knew that were part of them were world class douches that were terrible people. So sad though because they could do a world of good.

Protest on campus tomorrow morning should be interesting.


Second video has surfaced, too -

And plenty of discussion about the SAE chapter at UT having a similar song with some lyrics changed. ATXthrowaway1212 comments on Just some utexas fraternity pledge rules (

I don't think incidents like this are anywhere near as isolated as people want to think. SAE just got "caught". Total black eye for the University. Shameful.

03-08-2015, 11:38 PM
Part of me is very grateful I skipped all of that nonsense. Some speak very highly about the experience, but more often than not the people I knew that were part of them were world class douches that were terrible people. So sad though because they could do a world of good.

Protest on campus tomorrow morning should be interesting.

I was a reluctant frat boy. Never planned to join but tagged along in rush with friends and ended up finding a group of guys I really liked, and I had a great experience.

I'm proud to say our house GPA was over 3.0 and most the guys were great students and we all helped each other out. Tremendously helpful to get guidance from the older group and then give the same as you progressed through school. A lot of our guys held positions of leadership on campus.

I ended up being President and served on the alumni board for years before I moved to California.

I'm best man in a fraternity brother's wedding in April and his other two honor attendants were also in the same frat. It's safe to say, I got far more out of the experience than I ever expected.

Having said all that, the time for fraternities may have passed. When I was in school, drinking age for beer was 18 so at least it wasn't illegal to drink at frat parties. But now, very few seniors live in the house (most get an apartment by that time) so you have a house full of under-21 guys who can't party without breaking the law.

Plus, bad publicity like this -- like said up-thread -- does not come out of the Chess Club.

03-08-2015, 11:53 PM
As I said, I can almost sure you that exact song has been sung among them for decades.

That's how basement songs work.

House has now been vandalized and members have reported receiving death threats. Yikes.

03-09-2015, 12:08 AM
Part of me is very grateful I skipped all of that nonsense. Some speak very highly about the experience, but more often than not the people I knew that were part of them were world class douches that were terrible people. So sad though because they could do a world of good.

Protest on campus tomorrow morning should be interesting.

Actually I wouldn't say that about most of the people that were in my frat. There were certainly some like that, but no more than I have encountered in other areas. I think that overall it was a beneficial experience for me. It's not for everyone though.

03-09-2015, 12:12 AM
As I said, I can almost sure you that exact song has been sung among them for decades.

That's how basement songs work.
That's very true. It's usually all about tradition with things that have been handed down for decades. Sometimes traditions are finally ready to be broken, however.

A little of the current topic is that one of our very strange traditions was that after the evening meal we would take all of the left over dinner rolls outside and throw them at the sorority house across the street. I have no idea what that was about but we did it because it was expected.

03-09-2015, 12:39 AM
It appears that immediate action is being taken.

University of Oklahoma fraternity under investigation after videos of racist chant are posted online | (

The fraternity’s national headquarters in Evanston, Ill., reported it is disbanding the university’s chapter in response to the racist video.

In an email statement, Boren said they will be addressing the situation “very quickly.”

“If the reports are true, the chapter will no longer remain on campus,” the statement said.

03-09-2015, 01:31 AM
As I said, it looked like that was a party bus of SAE's and their dates going to or from somewhere. Probably heading back home, intoxicated.

And I suspect the video was taken and posted by one of the women on the bus who was appalled.

I was in a fraternity at OU and we had similar (non-racial but vulgar and profane) songs we called basement songs. We'd have keggers in the house basement and pledges would be taught the songs through that experience.

So, it seems this is one of the SAE's basement songs and in a fit of drunkenness, they started to regale while being too wasted to think better.

Which also means they've been singing it in private for decades.

This is in no way an SAE basement song. I was a member of SAE at OU and lived in the house for four years through 2010 and served in the leadership for several of those years. Rest assured we had many basement drinking songs that were inappropriate for other (none racist) reasons, but nothing like this. On the way back from our Founder's Day Party during my time there, we sang several 150 year old fraternatiy songs about brotherhood, etc with a few of the "dirty" ones mixed in, but again...nothing this disgusting and racist. This is the first time I've ever heard that chant and many of the alumni and I are in agreement that the national fraternity was more than justified in shutting the house down for a few years. The house has gone downhill over the last year or two. This is the apex of that and has, in an unfortunately public and hurtful way, forced a mandatory and necessary restart.

Having said that, everyone is currently being forced to move out of the house as we speak, many of them I'm sure with no where to go (at least in Norman). While the actions of a few idiots were certainly ridiculous, there are many students out of the 150 active members in the chapter that are good and decent human beings that had nothing to do with what happened yesterday (that was one of 5 buses of students along with several hundred alumni that attended that party). While that group of idiots certainly deserve this, there are many students in the house that do not and are going suffer the same consequences. The innocent parties in this have also been receiving the same death threats and hateful comments that the guilty have when again, they had nothing to do with it. Additionally, the fraternity chef/cook who has been with the house for the last 20 years is Jamaican-American. We all love the guy to death (which pisses me off even more when I watch this video) and as an ironic consequence of nationals closing the house, he will be out of job starting tomorrow. So while everyone certainly has a right to be pissed about this (As an alum , I certainly am), please don't lump all of us under one umbrella due to the comments of one group of idiots in one generation of the Oklahoma Chapter of SAE.

Here is the press release from Nationals:

03-09-2015, 01:35 AM
As I said, I can almost sure you that exact song has been sung among them for decades.

That's how basement songs work.

Again, if it was, it skipped the four and a half years that I was an active member and the years prior to that that I was involved as a legacy. I can't speak for what has gone on through the 3 other generations of my family that went through the SAE house in Norman, but certainly can vouge for my experience there.

03-09-2015, 01:37 AM
What a bunch of ignorant fools. However, sending people death threats over this is over the top.

I find it interesting that the absolute worst crime a white male can commit is being racist and a slightly lesser extent sexisest. Nothing causes an outrage quite like those two things. This kid will pay for it more then if he had driven home drunk and killed someone. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just an observation about what gets society into an outrage.

03-09-2015, 01:41 AM
You are?

With all due respect, I never hear about racist chants or rape-themed parties from the campus chess club or business society.

This video is making my blood boil. I am trying to convince two kids I know to attend OU. How stupid do I look as a person of color trying to convince them to go there right now? OU is trending on twitter and I'm sure this will be all over the national news tomorrow.

I definitely share in your disgust but in reference to my previous post you'll have to take my word for it that this did not occur when you went to school there nor when I did. As a landman you likely work or have worked with several SAE alumni and I hope that you don't lump us all in with this group of idiots.

Also, sorry that SAE is likely going to affect how your friends perceive OU. That is really unfortunate. Hopefully the swift action of the University and National fraternity in dealing with this as well as the student body as a whole's reaction to it will make them appreciate the type of school OU really is. The actions of a few do not represent the feelings of the whole.

03-09-2015, 01:48 AM
What a bunch of ignorant fools. However, sending people death threats over this is over the top.

I find it interesting that the absolute worst crime a white male can commit is being racist and a slightly lesser extent sexisest. Nothing causes an outrage quite like those two things. This kid will pay for it more then if he had driven home drunk and killed someone. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just an observation about what gets society into an outrage.

The irony is that this will likely get more national publicity and outrage than when Blake Hamontree died in the Sigma Chi basement due to asphyxia caused by alcohol poisoning in 2004 and Sigma Chi's charter was revoked (which led to the dry campus policy in effect today).

03-09-2015, 01:52 AM
I definitely share in your disgust but in reference to my previous post you'll have to take my word for it that this did not occur when you went to school there nor when I did. As a landman you likely work or have worked with several SAE alumni and I hope that you don't lump us all in with this group of idiots.

Also, sorry that SAE is likely going to affect how your friends perceive OU. That is really unfortunate. Hopefully the swift action of the University and National fraternity in dealing with this as well as the student body as a whole's reaction to it will make them appreciate the type of school OU really is. The actions of a few do not represent the feelings of the whole.

This has got to be a record for fastest pulling of a charter (for good reason, all that was needed is to confirm it was in fact, SAEs). Racist fraternity guys isn't news but the speed that the charter was pulled, under 24 hours since it happened is kind of amazing.

03-09-2015, 03:08 AM
This has got to be a record for fastest pulling of a charter (for good reason, all that was needed is to confirm it was in fact, SAEs). Racist fraternity guys isn't news but the speed that the charter was pulled, under 24 hours since it happened is kind of amazing.

Social media lynching's don't take very long. Mouse potatoes just sit around and drool for this kind of stuff.

03-09-2015, 06:04 AM
Social media lynching's don't take very long. Mouse potatoes just sit around and drool for this kind of stuff.


We have talked about this a great deal recently here on the site.

03-09-2015, 06:47 AM
I believe this time it was warranted though. That kind of thing gives OU (and Oklahoma) horrible press that we don't need. It implies our state is back in the fifties, since many of the SAE's are from private schools and/or upper middle class families. It's bad enough to have racist rednecks, but to have racist college students looks really bad, IMO. That generation should be the one that's becoming color blind. Thank goodness many have.

03-09-2015, 07:43 AM
As if there weren't enough things to make OK look backwards.

The University of Oklahoma is investigating a video circulating on social media allegedly showing members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity singing racist language, the school's president said Sunday.

"If OU students are involved, this behavior will not be tolerated and will be addressed very quickly," OU President David Boren said in a tweeted statement, adding that confirmation would cause him to ban the fraternity chapter from campus. "This behavior is reprehensible and contrary to all of our values."

The video shows students who appear to be on a bus singing, "There will never be a n****r in SAE."

Brad Cohen, national president of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, tweeted late Sunday that "we have now closed the chapter and will expel all those involved."

University of Oklahoma SAE Fraternity Closed After Racist Video - NBC News (

03-09-2015, 07:53 AM
Expulsion from SAE isn't adequate. These students should be expelled - NOT merely suspended but instead EXPELLED - from the University. Get your education somewhere else.

03-09-2015, 07:59 AM
I absolutely hate this, and one of the worst parts for me is that everyone just assumes that all fraternities and chapters are like this. It's very frustrating for greek members(a huge number of my friends and brothers) that spent their entire college careers trying to change the stereotype of douchey, racisit, rapist, drunken, upper class frat boys. One step forward, two steps back, as they say.

03-09-2015, 08:10 AM
It's just too stereotypical for the public to resist: Seemingly smug, rich, white frat boys in tuxedos joining together in a rousing sing-a-along about the most offensively racist subjects imaginable, on a private charted bus in front of their dates.

And BTW, there were a lot of people on that bus and I didn't hear any of the guys objecting. Therefore the "one or two bad apples" argument is a very hard sell here. They also all clearly knew the song.

03-09-2015, 08:25 AM
I'm not disputing the fact the they are all absolute filth. I'm disputing the fact the every other house on every other campus tolerates this type of thing. I know for a fact the chapter I came from doesn't. Just because there are still ****ty chapters that exist solely to party and be douchey frat guys, does not mean that the entire system is like that.

03-09-2015, 08:28 AM
I'm not disputing the fact the they are all absolute filth. I'm disputing the fact the every other house on every other campus tolerates this type of thing. I know for a fact the chapter I came from doesn't. Just because there are still ****ty chapters that exist solely to party and be douchey frat guys, does not mean that the entire system is like that.

Yes, I agree.

I've been talking to some of my frat brothers trying to take an honest account of our basement songs and none of us can remember a racial component. I can still remember pretty much all of them.

03-09-2015, 08:33 AM
Whatever you do, do not read the News9 Facebook comments. They somehow make Oklahomans look worse.

03-09-2015, 08:37 AM
Can we start a separate thread for this SAE nonsense? It's staining this thread.

03-09-2015, 08:38 AM
And once again we learn just how wise Mama Gump was.

03-09-2015, 08:42 AM
Whatever you do, do not read the News9 Facebook comments. They somehow make Oklahomans look worse.

I tend to avoid the train wreck, er, um, comment sections for the papers and the tv stations.

03-09-2015, 08:57 AM
Whatever you do, do not read the News9 Facebook comments. They somehow make Oklahomans look worse.

Isn't that the politicians job?

03-09-2015, 09:08 AM
Expulsion from SAE isn't adequate. These students should be expelled - NOT merely suspended but instead EXPELLED - from the University. Get your education somewhere else.

I understand this knee-jerk reaction COMPLETELY. However, I don't agree that expulsion from OU is the answer - or should even be a consideration in my opinion (which I'm certain will not be a popular opinion on this forum).

For one, how are they even going to identify those who participated. You can really only make out one of the participants in the video. This was done on a private bus, off campus at an SAE event.

Do you severely penalize the fraternity? Yes. Do you kick out the members who participated from the fraternity? Yes. Do you consider some sort of probation within the university for the student's who participated? Possibly.

They are definitely very immature, privileged, and stupid YOUTH. I'm thinking some mandatory sensitivity training/classes etc. along with being booted nationally from their little all white club. By-the-way, has there been any report confirming SAE's have no black members or haven't in recent years?

That said, do we really want to set a standard where if a student tells an off-color joke (in a private setting), or joins a group others deem 'racist' then that student is expelled from school? Personally, I don't want to see that. Heck, campuses all over have clubs, scholarship funds, etc. dedicated to single/specific races all the time.

I don't condone what they've done and they need to be punished. But I think expulsion from college is very short sighted.

03-09-2015, 09:12 AM
From a practical matter, at least a couple of the guys in that video will be identified and that will be shared on the Internet. It always is.

Given the outcry, I can't imagine anyone thus identified would want to continue on at OU. Their lives would be a raging sea.

03-09-2015, 09:17 AM
Brian, well said.

Being stupid shouldn't carry far harsher consequences than engaging in some criminal conduct. After all, we let folks convicted of DUI continue to drive. Sure, they have restrictions, but they can still drive. Expulsion from college for being stupid, drunk or sober, is a bit extreme.

Not defending the stupidity of the song, nor the stupidity of thinking it's all good fun to sing the song. Just saying one can punish without being draconian about it.

03-09-2015, 09:19 AM
Pete, I do not disagree. And heading off to a new start may be a good choice for some. But it should not be due to being expelled from school over being a tool on a bender, or even for being a sober tool.

03-09-2015, 09:24 AM
Brian, well said.

Being stupid shouldn't carry far harsher consequences than engaging in some criminal conduct. After all, we let folks convicted of DUI continue to drive. Sure, they have restrictions, but they can still drive. Expulsion from college for being stupid, drunk or sober, is a bit extreme.

Not defending the stupidity of the song, nor the stupidity of thinking it's all good fun to sing the song. Just saying one can punish without being draconian about it.

Pretty much agree. To be clear if these kids did get expelled I wouldn't shed a tear. However, there are students who have done worse and not gotten that punishment cough ... Mixon ... cough.

03-09-2015, 09:38 AM
Pretty much agree. To be clear if these kids did get expelled I wouldn't shed a tear. However, there are students who have done worse and not gotten that punishment cough ... Mixon ... cough.
cough ... Tyreek Hill ... cough. Those who live in glass houses ................

03-09-2015, 09:39 AM

03-09-2015, 09:40 AM
From a practical matter, at least a couple of the guys in that video will be identified and that will be shared on the Internet. It always is.

Given the outcry, I can't imagine anyone thus identified would want to continue on at OU. Their lives would be a raging sea.

They won't be expelled, but they will (and should) be STRONGLY encouraged to attend school somewhere else.

The damage these kids have done to OU can't even be quantified right now. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it myself.

03-09-2015, 09:41 AM
Pretty much agree. To be clear if these kids did get expelled I wouldn't shed a tear. However, there are students who have done worse and not gotten that punishment cough ... Mixon ... cough.
Really? Punching someone who spit on you and screamed the N word in your face is more inexcusable than leading a bus in a vile, racist chant that CELEBRATES the N word? One has mitigating factors, the other does not. I think you have your school rivalry glasses on. Either that or your values are seriously ****ed up.

03-09-2015, 09:46 AM
This has got to be a record for fastest pulling of a charter (for good reason, all that was needed is to confirm it was in fact, SAEs). Racist fraternity guys isn't news but the speed that the charter was pulled, under 24 hours since it happened is kind of amazing.

SAE's national leadership is in a very damage control/take no prisoners mode right now. SAE had developed the reputation as nationally, one of the most hazing-est, most deadly fraternity around. Recently, to combat that, pledging was done away with. Just like when Sig Ep went to the balanced man, I think many SAE chapters are only forcing their bad behavior more underground.

My organization just rechartered at OU, so this is one less competitor during recruitment. At least for awhile.

03-09-2015, 09:49 AM
Not trying to turn this into an OU/OSU thing. No school in America is immune from having idiots enrolled. However, Hill was immediately booted off the team and is no longer enrolled at OSU.

And yes I do think punching a woman in the face is a lot more harmful than idiot frat boys chanting a song. We don't what words were said during the Mixon incident on either side. We do know he punched a girl. I think violence against is women is much more dangerous than drunk frat boys chanting a stupid song.

03-09-2015, 09:57 AM
Not trying to turn this into an OU/OSU thing. No school in America is immune from having idiots enrolled. However, Hill was immediately booted off the team and is no longer enrolled at OSU.

And yes I do think punching a woman in the face is a lot more harmful than idiot frat boys chanting a song. We don't what words were said during the Mixon incident on either side. We do know he punched a girl. I think violence against is women is much more dangerous than drunk frat boys chanting a stupid song.

This has NOTHING to do with the frat situation but leave it to an OSU fan to bring it up. HIll and Mixon have different situations that led to their acts of violence and each had to pay for it. The SAE song isnt unique to OU's chapter and that is what's sad here. It's a basement song as Pete said and this OU chapter is paying the price for everyone of their members that have ever sang it, and rightfully so.

03-09-2015, 10:03 AM
Violence against women is never excusable. OTOH, there can be mitigating factors in many assaults, including lashing out when you yourself are being assaulted. Despite the fact that you and I don't know exactly what transpired there, it's obvious that the university does. Stoops and Boren have never been shy about expelling players, even star players. No way Mixon is still on campus unless there were compelling mitigating factors. In the case of the trash that transpired on that bus there are no reasonable mitigating factors. None.

03-09-2015, 10:17 AM
Really? Punching someone who spit on you and screamed the N word in your face is more inexcusable than leading a bus in a vile, racist chant that CELEBRATES the N word? One has mitigating factors, the other does not. I think you have your school rivalry glasses on. Either that or your values are seriously ****ed up.

I'll try to explain this another way.

Who was actually hurt by the chant? It's descpicable, ignorant and all that yes, but no one actually got hurt.
Joe Mixon hit a girl so hard he literally rearranged her face permenantly.

Joe Mixon will be forgiven in the court of public of opinion.
There are people who will never forgive this kid, no matter the apology tour he goes on.

This kid would have been better off driving home drunk and killing someone long term.

That's the point he's making.

03-09-2015, 10:20 AM
Boren to hold press conference at 11AM.

03-09-2015, 10:25 AM
This has NOTHING to do with the frat situation but leave it to an OSU fan to bring it up. HIll and Mixon have different situations that led to their acts of violence and each had to pay for it. The SAE song isnt unique to OU's chapter and that is what's sad here. It's a basement song as Pete said and this OU chapter is paying the price for everyone of their members that have ever sang it, and rightfully so.

You have no proof whatsoever that this song isn't unique to ou. Pete did not say anything of that sort. He said there are certain songs you sing when cleaning the basement that never see the light of day. Second phi alpha who was also a member at ou and said he had never heard the song. I was an SAE at osu and we never sang anything even remotely close to that, we actually knew what going viral was.

This is a case of a chapter (doubtful the entire chapter, although the brothers complancey in the matter is what got them) spinning out of control and suffering the consequences for it.

03-09-2015, 10:26 AM
I'll try to explain this another way.

Who was actually hurt by the chant? It's descpicable, ignorant and all that yes, but no one actually got hurt.
Joe Mixon hit a girl so hard he literally rearranged her face permenantly.

Joe Mixon will be forgiven in the court of public of opinion.
There are people who will never forgive this kid, no matter the apology tour he goes on.

This kid would have been better off driving home drunk and killing someone long term.

That's the point he's making.

If you are going to spout stuff at least get your facts strait. Mixon responded after he was asulted he open hand struck a girl and she fell and hit her face on a table. (Yes she had some sort of fracture likely similar to Russell Westbrook. As she post pics looking normal 2 weeks later )

The da said if guy guy there would be no charges. And ended up charging mixon with a class c misdemeanor. Ie the lowest charge there is. Same thing Blake Griffen was charged with for pissing in an alley.

2 state reps that wrote the law. Say gender is not in oklahoma law and the da applied the law incorrectly.

Was mixon in the wrong. OF COURSE HE WAS. but so was the girl. And this situation with the kids in the bus is much worse

03-09-2015, 10:27 AM
Just FYI, in my fraternity's situation, I think our basement songs were unique to our chapter and believe the other chapters at other schools had their own or just didn't have any at all.

03-09-2015, 10:30 AM

Second video has surfaced, too -

And plenty of discussion about the SAE chapter at UT having a similar song with some lyrics changed. ATXthrowaway1212 comments on Just some utexas fraternity pledge rules (

I don't think incidents like this are anywhere near as isolated as people want to think. SAE just got "caught". Total black eye for the University. Shameful.

Did you not read this

03-09-2015, 10:37 AM
Yes, I agree.

I've been talking to some of my frat brothers trying to take an honest account of our basement songs and none of us can remember a racial component. I can still remember pretty much all of them.

Nor can I and I was in that SAE house four years ago!

03-09-2015, 10:41 AM
This has NOTHING to do with the frat situation but leave it to an OSU fan to bring it up. HIll and Mixon have different situations that led to their acts of violence and each had to pay for it. The SAE song isnt unique to OU's chapter and that is what's sad here. It's a basement song as Pete said and this OU chapter is paying the price for everyone of their members that have ever sang it, and rightfully so.

Again I said earlier, despite what Pete said, I was there in the Norman SAE house for 5 years and this was not a basement song we sang. This was brought in from somewhere else or created locally at some point within the last 3 years (which honestly makes in more unbelievable). Again after living in the SAE house in Norman for 4-5 years and being around it for a decade, I can honestly say that no basement song that contained racism was sung in our chapter while I was there.

03-09-2015, 10:47 AM
I have a question. Where are the students moving who got kicked out of the house? I realize people are angry and don't care but I was thinking, where are they supposed to go?

03-09-2015, 10:48 AM
You have no proof whatsoever that this song isn't unique to ou. Pete did not say anything of that sort. He said there are certain songs you sing when cleaning the basement that never see the light of day. Second phi alpha who was also a member at ou and said he had never heard the song. I was an SAE at osu and we never sang anything even remotely close to that, we actually knew what going viral was.

This is a case of a chapter (doubtful the entire chapter, although the brothers complancey in the matter is what got them) spinning out of control and suffering the consequences for it.

Exactly. Like I said earlier, I've hoped the alumni board would hit the restart button before it came to something like this. I never thought the downfall would be a racist video, but things had been going downhill in many other respects over the last few years. All it takes to ruin a fraternity is one or two bad pledge classes...that is what has happened here. SAE was one of the best houses on campus up until about 2 years after I graduated.

We always were reminded as members and preached as alumni that one stupid move could bring the house down or at least embarrassed the chapter. They did us all one better and not only embarrassed the chapter and our alumni but the entire school, state, national fraternity, and the greek system.