View Full Version : University of Oklahoma SAE Fraternity Closed After Racist Video

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03-09-2015, 03:31 PM
Has D Bo kicked every SAE out of school or only those directly involved with the bus incident? I can't seem to find a definitive answer on this.

03-09-2015, 03:32 PM pg?oh=c7da3d16cd2cab13a34bf19e6209a155&oe=557EE599&__gda__=1438294476_64460bc0d3b264b6682a522afef3b5b 2

TU 'cane
03-09-2015, 03:32 PM
Silly rant?

Rich, entitled white fraternity kids gleefully singing about hanging black people from trees is not a "silly rant." I don't even think a Hollywood writer would be able to come up with a more cartoonish, exaggerated display of racism if they tried. And I can tell you the football and basketball recruits now reconsidering their commits to OU, the alumni that are thinking about withholding financial support, or the millions of people now harshly judging fraternity members, OU, and the entire state of Oklahoma do not think it is a silly rant.

Most people do not need any further media analysis to decide what they can clearly see on 20 seconds worth of video. You're opinion is ridiculous; stop blaming everyone else except the people who decided to do this.

Chant, not rant.
You are simply exacerbating the issue even further by trying to magnify the actions of these fools. Idiots need to be ignored, simple. What you are doing by going on YOUR rant, is your simply trying to single out one or two things and not looking at the broader picture, of which you alluded to:

Ignorant, rich, white kids.

Again, college kids, on the whole, IN MY OPINION, are dumb. Doesn't matter what race, what age, etc. They're immature and they're going to do dumb things. This scenario was dumb, unnecessary, and I certainly hope they will feel all appropriate repercussions, of which we've already seen the beginning of (and hopefully not end of) from OU's leadership.

You are yet another poster who is not reading the whole post, nitpicking one or two things you don't agree with, and then trying to paint the person you're responding to (me, in this case), as the epitome of what you are rallying against. You act as if I defended the perpetrators. Here's what I'm going to ask you to do: go back and read my ENTIRE post and see where I did nothing to defend the frat and only wished justice be demanded on them for what they did.

At the same time, and perhaps this is what you truly have an issue with, I didn't buy into the "sky is falling in Oklahoma, they're all racist!" bullsh*t that is being displayed by the media and countless other Internet quarterbacks across the country today.
It is a silly chant, and it's being condemned, as it should. And perhaps you're not seeing my meaning of silly. I don't mean it as "a more cartoonish, exaggerated display...", rather:

weak-minded or lacking good sense; stupid or foolish:
absurd; ridiculous; irrational:

Source: Silly | Define Silly at (

Perhaps that puts our conversation in better context?

You are all over the map here. The issue I addressed was the confederate flag. I addressed it as you are the one who brought it up. You brought it up a southern pride thing. I still say B.S.. We are not discussing autos, the US flag, the Oklahoma flag, or an old man on a You tube clip. When I see a like number of black southern families or individuals displaying same, then yeah I will agree with you. Right now all I see or observe is a disproportionate amount of the waving of the stars and bars being done by white people. Not all of the flag wavers are racist, but if you are a racist and want to fly a flag then this is the one that is chosen.

Wow. Nice way to deflect. I'm afraid there's no further conversation to be had here. I feel my post adequately responded to your claims and statements against mine (with appropriate examples: "autos, the US flag, the Oklahoma flag, or an old man on a You tube clip." - you said you've never seen "AAs" wave it. I JUST SHOWED YOU ONE), and you're just reeling back now. Have a good day Jersey.

03-09-2015, 03:32 PM
Has D Bo kicked every SAE out of school or only those directly involved with the bus incident? I can't seem to find a definitive answer on this.

I don't think any have been kicked out of school yet, just off campus (out of the frat house).

03-09-2015, 03:33 PM
Has D Bo kicked every SAE out of school or only those directly involved with the bus incident? I can't seem to find a definitive answer on this.

Nobody has been expelled yet.

I'm sure they can only take action against those they can place on the bus; or perhaps just the couple of guys clearly seen singing in the video.

03-09-2015, 03:33 PM
In all honesty the flag symbolizes many things, just as the U.S. flag does, or ANY flag for that matter.
The U.S. flag, or as you put, "the established lawful government" of the U.S.'s flag, may be a symbol of empire and conquest, or death from above in many Middle Eastern Countries.
It's also seen as a symbol of freedom and promise to other countries.

No, the confederate flag today is a symbol of racism and a fondness for a horrible part of US history when we enslaved millions of people based on color. MOST people perceive the flag this way. It is a truthful perception based in history and in the fact that the flag is the most common symbol used by almost every hate group in this country. If you want try to ignore the fact that the most common current use, history and symbolism of the flag is rooted in racism and fly it anyway for any other claimed reason, you are most likely a racist as well and probably a liar about why you fly it.

03-09-2015, 03:36 PM
No, the confederate flag today is a symbol of racism and a fondness for a horrible part of US history when we enslaved millions of people based on color. MOST people perceive the flag this way. It is a truthful perception based in history and in the fact that the flag is the most common symbol used by almost every hate group in this country. If you want try to ignore the fact that the most common current use, history and symbolism of the flag is rooted in racism and fly it anyway for any other claimed reason, you are most likely a racist as well and probably a liar about why you fly it.

Bingo. The confederate flag is a symbol of racism no matter what "facts" you want to use.

03-09-2015, 03:49 PM
The damage this has done is almost unrepairable. Every member of that frat should be kicked out of OU, I don't care if they were on that bus or not. Every single one of them knew about that chant & never did anything about stopping it. Every single one needs to be out of there, and that is the only thing that can help repair OU's image.

Absolutely not true and a major overreaction. It was one bus full of freshmen out of 5-10 total buses, even if some of them did want to do something about it, they weren't there to have a say. If they took issue with it in the past, and these guys did it on a separate bus anyway, how would this be their fault? I know a few good guys that are still in the house that absolutely had absolutely nothing to do with this and were as pissed as everyone else. There are 150 active members in that fraternity, some of which don't even live in the house anymore. There are always a variety of beliefs held when there are that many people involved. As I mentioned earlier, that has taken a turn lately but it doesn't mean there are not several people in the fraternity that aren't just as pissed about this as you are. You don't just haul off and ruin 150 peoples' academic careers when many of them likely don't agree with what happened here and had nothing to do with it. There is also apparently an African American student that is an SAE right now ironically, should he be kicked out out of OU because of something some stupid freshmen did?

No doubt that the house should be shut down and academic action should be taken against the ones directly involved (F those guys for causing all of this), but don't let emotion override rationality.

TU 'cane
03-09-2015, 03:50 PM
No, the confederate flag today is a symbol of racism and a fondness for a horrible part of US history when we enslaved millions of people based on color. MOST people perceive the flag this way. It is a truthful perception based in history and in the fact that the flag is the most common symbol used by almost every hate group in this country. If you want try to ignore the fact that the most common current use, history and symbolism of the flag is rooted in racism and fly it anyway for any other claimed reason, you are most likely a racist as well and probably a liar about why you fly it.

Bingo. The confederate flag is a symbol of racism no matter what "facts" you want to use.

That's fine, folks. We're not going to win each other over if people are so engrained in what they believe, true or false, opinion based or not. We'll leave it at that. I just don't think people should be attacking a flag as a few are as if it's the cornerstone of the actual issue.

There are areas where all of us agree, however: the perps are idiots (to put it as nicely as I think we can). Justice is being served, and a strong message needs to be sent that we will not tolerate these actions (which Boren is so far doing a good job of). People don't think beyond the current "fun" they're having at the time and the repercussions they have on not only their institution, but their state as a whole as well.
Lastly, this is embarrassing and hopefully the messages are sent and we can move forward.

03-09-2015, 03:54 PM
Absolutely not true and a major overreaction. It was one bus full of freshmen out of 5-10 total buses, even if some of them did want to do something about it, they weren't there to have a say. If they took issue with it in the past, and these guys did it on a separate bus anyway, how would this be their fault? I know a few good guys that are still in the house that absolutely had absolutely nothing to do with this and were as pissed as everyone else. There are 150 active members in that fraternity, some of which don't even live in the house anymore. There are always a variety of beliefs held when there are that many people involved. As I mentioned earlier, that has taken a turn lately but it doesn't mean there are not several people in the fraternity that aren't as pissed about this as you are. You don't just haul of and ruin 150 people's academic careers when many of them likely don't agree with what happened here and had nothing to do with it. There is also apparently an African American student that is an SAE right now ironically, should he be kicked out out of OU because of something some stupid freshmen did?

I agree with you. Easy to overreact and punish people who were not involved. Guilt by association is a slipperly slope. I think that is what Boren was saying today - they will investigate it and determine what is appropriate. OU is lucky to have David Boren at the helm. Bad day for him, OU and all of Okla. But expelling a bunch of kids with a broad brush stroke is not the answer.

03-09-2015, 03:55 PM
Absolutely not true and a major overreaction. It was one bus full of freshmen out of 5-10 total buses, even if some of them did want to do something about it, they weren't there to have a say. If they took issue with it in the past, and these guys did it on a separate bus anyway, how would this be their fault? I know a few good guys that are still in the house that absolutely had absolutely nothing to do with this and were as pissed as everyone else. There are 150 active members in that fraternity, some of which don't even live in the house anymore. There are always a variety of beliefs held when there are that many people involved. As I mentioned earlier, that has taken a turn lately but it doesn't mean there are not several people in the fraternity that aren't as pissed about this as you are. You don't just haul of and ruin 150 people's academic careers when many of them likely don't agree with what happened here and had nothing to do with it. There is also apparently an African American student that is an SAE right now ironically, should he be kicked out out of OU because of something some stupid freshmen did?

No doubt that the house should be shut down and academic action should be taken against the ones directly involved (F those guys for causing all of this), but don't let emotion override rationality.

I would agree. All Oklahoman's would have been kicked out of the U.S. dozens of times if all the dumb people in this state represented everyone. lol

Its not like the fraternity bylaws condone this behavior.

03-09-2015, 03:56 PM
Absolutely not true and a major overreaction. It was one bus full of freshmen out of 5-10 total buses, even if some of them did want to do something about it, they weren't there to have a say. If they took issue with it in the past, and these guys did it on a separate bus anyway, how would this be their fault? I know a few good guys that are still in the house that absolutely had absolutely nothing to do with this and were as pissed as everyone else. There are 150 active members in that fraternity, some of which don't even live in the house anymore. There are always a variety of beliefs held when there are that many people involved. As I mentioned earlier, that has taken a turn lately but it doesn't mean there are not several people in the fraternity that aren't as pissed about this as you are. You don't just haul off and ruin 150 people's academic careers when many of them likely don't agree with what happened here and had nothing to do with it. There is also apparently an African American student that is an SAE right now ironically, should he be kicked out out of OU because of something some stupid freshmen did?

No doubt that the house should be shut down and academic action should be taken against the ones directly involved (F those guys for causing all of this), but don't let emotion override rationality.

You think those freshmen came up with this chant on their own? They are taught these chants by the upper class men, this chant has probably been passed down for decades. Hell they probably had to MEMORIZE this chant in order to pass pledge ship.

The only reason the upper class men are pissed is because they aren't supposed to do these racist chants in public.

03-09-2015, 04:05 PM
And I know legally OU can't punish people that weren't on that bus and participating in this one instance, but if I had my way they'd all be gone for fostering this attitude for what was probably decades. Who knows what kind of racist rituals they took part in over the years, go back and read the link I posted from a SAE member. This is a racist organization. We might as well have a fraternity called Kappa Kappa Kappa.

03-09-2015, 04:06 PM
You think those freshmen came up with this chant on their own? They are taught these chants by the upper class men, this chant has probably been passed down for decades. Hell they probably had to MEMORIZE this chant in order to pass pledge ship.

The only reason the upper class men are pissed is because they aren't supposed to do these racist chants in public.

If you would quit being stupid and read my last ten posts you would realize that that is not the case. I was a member there for 5 years and graduated in 2010...this is not something that has been passed down at OU for decades. If It was, it somehow missed my dad's time there in the 70s and my time there up until 2010. Someone either brought this in from another SAE or other fraternity chapter over the last 3 years. And don't tell me why anyone is pissed about this, you are ignorant to the facts.

Cut the bs and do not freaking tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about when I was actually there. You don't have a damn clue.

03-09-2015, 04:06 PM
And I know legally OU can't punish people that weren't on that bus and participating in this one instance, but if I had my way they'd all be gone for fostering this attitude for what was probably decades. Who knows what kind of racist rituals they took part in over the years, go back and read the link I posted from a SAE member. This is a racist organization. We might as well have a fraternity called Kappa Kappa Kappa.

Well good thing you aren't in charge.

I am also an SAE alum and while I can't speak for OSU, I completely disagree with his assessment of the fraternity as a whole being racist. I also know for a fact, that we never had any racist chants or songs when I was in the house at OU.

03-09-2015, 04:08 PM
If you would quit being stupid and read my last ten posts you would realize that that is not the case. I was a member there for 5 years and graduated in 2010...this is not something that has been passed down at OU for decades. If It was, it somehow missed my dad's time there in the 70s and my time there up until 2010. Someone either brought this in from another SAE or other fraternity chapter over the last 3 years. And don't tell me why anyone is pissed about this, you are ignorant to the facts.

Cut the bs and do not freaking tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about when I was actually there. You don't have a damn clue.

Oh well than, I guess you aren't biased at all. :rolleyes:

03-09-2015, 04:13 PM
Let's please calm down.

I know this is a high-charged issue but we should be to discuss this without getting personal.

03-09-2015, 04:13 PM
Oh well than, I guess you aren't biased at all. :rolleyes:

And as someone that graduated 5 years ago, if I knew that this was a long standing tradition...what motivation would I have to come here and lie about it?

03-09-2015, 04:18 PM
And as someone that graduated 5 years ago, if I knew that this was a long standing tradition...what motivation would I have to come here and lie about it?

Uh, because it was your life for 5 years & you probably used it as experience & connections to land your job?

If there was anybody that would lie about it, it would be a former or current member. I shouldn't even have to explain that.

I'll admit I'm totally just pulling stuff from my ass that this is a tradition that has been passed down for decades. I obviously have no proof of that, but do you honestly think just a few nitwits put this song together that night & started singing it all in unison? It has obviously been rehearsed & practiced & ingrained in their heads enough that they can remember every single word despite being plastered drunk. Every member that lives in that house & is active in that fraternity should be booted from OU & I stand by that statement 100%. The damage that house has done to MY school & MY state can not be fixed at this point & they all need to pay.

03-09-2015, 04:22 PM
They took the Greek letters down from the house today; you can see the faint outline above the door.

03-09-2015, 04:25 PM
Uh, because it was your life for 5 years & you probably used it as experience & connections to land your job?

If there was anybody that would lie about it, it would be a former or current member. I shouldn't even have to explain that.

I'll admit I'm totally just pulling stuff from my ass that this is a tradition that has been passed down for decades. I obviously have no proof of that, but do you honestly think just a few nitwits put this song together that night & started singing it all in unison? It has obviously been rehearsed & practiced & ingrained in their heads enough that they can remember every single word despite being plastered drunk. Every member that lives in that house & is active in that fraternity should be booted from OU & I stand by that statement 100%. The damage that house has done to MY school & MY state can not be fixed at this point & they all need to pay.

So you're calling me a liar?

Well again, I'm glad you aren't in a position of power and that those who are have much more common sense than you.

03-09-2015, 04:26 PM
Uh, because it was your life for 5 years & you probably used it as experience & connections to land your job?

If there was anybody that would lie about it, it would be a former or current member. I shouldn't even have to explain that.

I'll admit I'm totally just pulling stuff from my ass that this is a tradition that has been passed down for decades. I obviously have no proof of that, but do you honestly think just a few nitwits put this song together that night & started singing it all in unison? It has obviously been rehearsed & practiced & ingrained in their heads enough that they can remember every single word despite being plastered drunk. Every member that lives in that house & is active in that fraternity should be booted from OU & I stand by that statement 100%. The damage that house has done to MY school & MY state can not be fixed at this point & they all need to pay.

I think the point he's making is that he's anonymous on this forum so what point would he have in lying and trying to save face...

TU 'cane
03-09-2015, 04:30 PM
Uh, because it was your life for 5 years & you probably used it as experience & connections to land your job?

If there was anybody that would lie about it, it would be a former or current member. I shouldn't even have to explain that.

I'll admit I'm totally just pulling stuff from my ass that this is a tradition that has been passed down for decades. I obviously have no proof of that, but do you honestly think just a few nitwits put this song together that night & started singing it all in unison? It has obviously been rehearsed & practiced & ingrained in their heads enough that they can remember every single word despite being plastered drunk. Every member that lives in that house & is active in that fraternity should be booted from OU & I stand by that statement 100%. The damage that house has done to MY school & MY state can not be fixed at this point & they all need to pay.

First bold, come on now. I have no horse in this race, but you can teach a group of people a chant or song in a matter of hours, days, or even a week or two. We're stretching a little bit here, and as already alluded to, emotions are outweighing logic...

Here, take a read at this. Saving face? Possibly. Genuine? Possibly. Who truly knows?

..."In an Indiegogo campaign, Blake Burkhart is asking people to donate money to help house cook Howard, who has reportedly been working at the house for more than a decade.

“Those of you who lived in the house, undoubtedly came to love Howard and his infectious smile (if not his chili dogs). He was always there to chat with you and more importantly, to take care of Mom B,” Burkhart wrote."

After OU SAE chapter disbanded, fraternity alumni raise money for house cook | News OK (

Second bold, I 100% agree in regard to the damage it's done. I take this personally for a couple reasons, but also because of the perception it does to OUR state.

03-09-2015, 04:32 PM
So you're calling me a liar?

Well again, I'm glad you aren't in a position of power and that those who are have much more common sense than you.

Uh no, you asked me WHY you would lie about it & I gave you reasons WHY you would lie about it. You aren't going to bait me in to looking like the fool.

The only reason Boren didn't kick all of them out is because he knows there would be legal repercussions. I'm smart enough to know that too, it doesn't mean I can't post what I feel should happen to them.

Have fun carrying around the burden of being attached to such an amazing organization though. There will never be another SAE!

03-09-2015, 04:37 PM
Uh no, you asked me WHY you would lie about it & I gave you reasons WHY you would lie about it. You aren't going to bait me in to looking like the fool.

The only reason Boren didn't kick all of them out is because he knows there would be legal repercussions. I'm smart enough to know that too, it doesn't mean I can't post what I feel should happen to them.

Have fun carrying around the burden of being attached to such an amazing organization though. There will never be another SAE!

Screw off.

Uncle Slayton
03-09-2015, 04:38 PM
I remember 1981...well, scratch that. I don't remember it because I never drew a sober breath at college that year. We used Animal House as a baseline model for our exploits, right down to the toga party (we got "the gator" banned on campus).

Fraternities are essentially licenses to be stupid. That doesn't excuse it, but neither should these boneheads lives be ruined by an abysmally stupid act probably done in a drunken haze.

I think there will be mass expulsions for the bus occupants, but as mortified as I was at seeing the predictable generalizations about my state made by commenters at news sites worldwide, all I could think of when Boren was giving that presser was this:

03-09-2015, 04:38 PM
If you would quit being stupid and read my last ten posts you would realize that that is not the case. I was a member there for 5 years and graduated in 2010...this is not something that has been passed down at OU for decades. If It was, it somehow missed my dad's time there in the 70s and my time there up until 2010. Someone either brought this in from another SAE or other fraternity chapter over the last 3 years. And don't tell me why anyone is pissed about this, you are ignorant to the facts.

Cut the bs and do not freaking tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about when I was actually there. You don't have a damn clue.

How many current members of the frat are black?

How many where black members belonged when you were there?

Uncle Slayton
03-09-2015, 04:43 PM
Was the tune in the video "If You're Happy and You Know It?"

I think so...

Why does this keep going through my head?

"oh there'll never be a Sooner SAE, There'll never be a Sooner SAE!

Boren dropped the hammer, now the frat is in the slammer,

Oh there'll never be a Sooner SAE.

03-09-2015, 04:45 PM

So proud of President Boren for making a strong and quick ruling on the issue.

While I don't think everyone on the bus should be expelled, I do think the two gentlemen standing up and yelling the chant should. Totally shocking and disgusting behavior.

BTW, according to twitter and some people on reddit, this is a song that is known all throughout the south and is sung by many frats.

03-09-2015, 04:45 PM
Why do we keep falling for the SAME crap time and time again? The media is just waiting for the next white-on-black story to keep racism going strong. Nobody gives two f*cks about any other form of racism. Only white-on-black.

The only time you see any BIG stories against a white person is a terrorist act.

The problem , aside from the media, isn't a white-on-black racism issue. It's an EVERYBODY (not literally everybody, just talking generalities) is racist issue. Take a person of ANY color/religion/"look" (clothing style etc)/whatever and if they don't know somebody, they are naturally going to trust the ones who "look" like them more than people who don't. It just happens.

People in general just suck. We live in a hateful world. :mad:

03-09-2015, 04:45 PM
Screw off.

That's exactly what Boren said to SAE.

Ok, lets compromise. How about all these renegade drunk freshman get kicked out for the racist chant, and then we track down all the older upper class men who bought the minor freshmen alcohol & throw them in jail for providing alcohols to minors which in turns leads to their expulsion. Problem solved!

03-09-2015, 04:45 PM
News 9 Kelley Ogle says that he went inside the house and talk to some of the members and they said that it was Freshmen that was on the bus and was in the video

Uncle Slayton
03-09-2015, 04:48 PM
Well, seeing that I got passed by no less than four remote news units on my commute home from downtown, it makes me wonder how the mechanics will play out. Will the press hang around the house waiting to see the entire evicted frat do the walk of shame? They're going to have to provide some sort of security to keep it from turning into a melee.

03-09-2015, 04:50 PM
But those freshman learned that song somewhere. They didn't know it before their association with SAE, I'm guessing. It's sad that innocent people are punished for the behavior of a few, but that kind of thing happens all the time when you belong to an institution. I suspect no one is going to be expelled who wasn't clearly on that bus - maybe clearly singing in the video. So everyone else has the same experience that every other fraternity member of other fraternities has had when something really bad happens - they suffer along with the guilty. It's a risk you take when you join any large group. If control isn't exercised by older members, then the risk increases.

03-09-2015, 04:53 PM
Oh and I wouldn't expect anything less from a school whose nickname glorifies that they stole land from native americans. ;)

03-09-2015, 04:54 PM
The sad reality is that, down the road, some of these boys will become leaders in their communities----judges, politicians, executives, etc..

03-09-2015, 04:54 PM
Bingo. The confederate flag is a symbol of racism no matter what "facts" you want to use.

Not only is it a symbol of racism it is also the flag of treason and traitors.

03-09-2015, 04:58 PM
But those freshman learned that song somewhere. They didn't know it before their association with SAE, I'm guessing. It's sad that innocent people are punished for the behavior of a few, but that kind of thing happens all the time when you belong to an institution. I suspect no one is going to be expelled who wasn't clearly on that bus - maybe clearly singing in the video. So everyone else has the same experience that every other fraternity member of other fraternities has had when something really bad happens - they suffer along with the guilty. It's a risk you take when you join any large group. If control isn't exercised by older members, then the risk increases.

It is certainly possible the upper class man taught them the song, but I think everyone on this forum knows that the information can come from anywhere in this day and age.

03-09-2015, 05:06 PM
Why do we keep falling for the SAME crap time and time again? The media is just waiting for the next white-on-black story to keep racism going strong. Nobody gives two f*cks about any other form of racism. Only white-on-black.

The only time you see any BIG stories against a white person is a terrorist act.

The problem , aside from the media, isn't a white-on-black racism issue. It's an EVERYBODY (not literally everybody, just talking generalities) is racist issue. Take a person of ANY color/religion/"look" (clothing style etc)/whatever and if they don't know somebody, they are naturally going to trust the ones who "look" like them more than people who don't. It just happens.

People in general just suck. We live in a hateful world. :mad:

What year were you in sae?

03-09-2015, 05:19 PM
So much for there being a current black member of SAE

Last black member from OU?s ?racist? fraternity talks about time in SAE | (

03-09-2015, 05:34 PM
What year were you in sae?

Yeah, really....

03-09-2015, 05:34 PM
So much for there being a current black member of SAE

Last black member from OU?s ?racist? fraternity talks about time in SAE | (

The current member is half black.

03-09-2015, 05:46 PM
This was the LEAD story tonight on NBC national news.

Uncle Slayton
03-09-2015, 06:13 PM
This was the LEAD story tonight on NBC national news.

Yeah. Cringe-inducing. The White House press spokesman even mentioned it.

03-09-2015, 06:17 PM
The current member is half black.

The story says there are NO current black members. How many pledges do you have each year 40-50? And can't find a single black member to pledge in 13 years? 500+ pledges and no black kids at all says a ton about your group.

Watch the videos, it wasn't just a couple of kids on the bus. The whole bus was at it, with gusto. If they were all Freshman, who taught them the chant? I won's say the whole frat needs to expelled, but it goes a lot further than the two on video. I started to feel bad for these boys parents, but then thought better, because most likely, screw them too.

03-09-2015, 06:20 PM
This was the LEAD story tonight on NBC national news.

University of Oklahoma Boots Sigma Alpha Epsilon After Racist Chant Video - NBC News (

University of Oklahoma SAE Fraternity Building Vandalized - NBC News (

03-09-2015, 06:22 PM
I think this group now realizes the power of social media. I figure not everybody in that frat was guilty but a mass punishment is the only way to appease the e-mob.

03-09-2015, 06:29 PM
i won't be surprise if alot of the members that was in the video deleted his FB or Twitter accounts.

03-09-2015, 07:02 PM
I'm confused. SAE isn't the frat commonly referred to as "Sig Ep" is it?

no . SAE is Sigma Alpha Epsilon ("Sig Alp) . . . . Sig Ep is Sigma Phi Epsilon. . . (Sig Ep)

Jim Kyle
03-09-2015, 07:02 PM
Until a federal law was passed in 1964, mixed racial marriages were *outlawed* in many states; including Oklahoma.

Let that sink in for a minute.

In other words, when my family moved to Oklahoma in 1963, inter-racial marriages were still strictly against the law; *and* the state had to be forced by the feds to change.

Unbelievable.Quite believable -- and abhorrent -- to those of us who grew up in an atmosphere that was totally ruled by Jim Crow laws. I don't think our mandated state history courses in schools these days say much, if anything at all, about the power and influence exerted by the
Ku Klux Klan in our politics during the Twenties, nor do they paint a very accurate picture of Alfalfa Bill Murray, the author of our original state constitution.

However the laws HAVE changed, and that's a step in the right direction. Separating the religious and civil aspects of the marriage ceremony would be yet another, and would address a separate issue of discriminatory legislation. I'm glad that not everyone has abandoned hope. For that matter, I've not abandoned it for all eternity -- I just don't expect to see much in the way of major steps during what remains of my lifetime, and I think it will take at least a couple of generations past my own before significant progress is made.

The most significant step to be taken, IMO, would be for the racist (and sexist, drug-fearing, and all other extremist) leaders of all colors to lose their positions of power and leave things up to ordinary everyday human beings. However power corrupts, so that's unlikely to happen...

03-09-2015, 07:29 PM
I saw this online, with all the news we've been getting recently...thought it was relevant.

03-09-2015, 08:13 PM
I wonder if The Society of Automotive Engineers will look to renaming. <sarcasm

03-09-2015, 08:21 PM
But those freshman learned that song somewhere. They didn't know it before their association with SAE, I'm guessing. It's sad that innocent people are punished for the behavior of a few, but that kind of thing happens all the time when you belong to an institution. I suspect no one is going to be expelled who wasn't clearly on that bus - maybe clearly singing in the video. So everyone else has the same experience that every other fraternity member of other fraternities has had when something really bad happens - they suffer along with the guilty. It's a risk you take when you join any large group. If control isn't exercised by older members, then the risk increases.
When I was a freshman many years ago; we went on retreat and created our own pledge class songs. They were raunchy but not racist. Just saying these might be this classes songs. Plus it was a function with plenty of sorority freshman as well. They need to be disciplined as well.

03-09-2015, 08:34 PM

03-09-2015, 09:42 PM
When I was a freshman many years ago; we went on retreat and created our own pledge class songs. They were raunchy but not racist. Just saying these might be this classes songs. Plus it was a function with plenty of sorority freshman as well. They need to be disciplined as well.

Evidently, one of the women has been identified as a Tri-Delt.

Sorority Also Investigated in Racist University of Oklahoma Frat Video - NBC News (

03-09-2015, 10:22 PM
Λοιπόν, τι wiil σημαίνει αυτό;

03-09-2015, 10:55 PM
If the ACLU doesn't get involved in This Entire First Amendment/Fiasco---like, immediately/right now----on behalf of The Greeks on the bus, it will prove that ALL of us are/be Bozos on the Bus and the ACLU will have lost all street cred regarding stuff that really matters. No? Ditto t' Mel ^

03-09-2015, 10:55 PM
The chant had essentially 2 lines...It probably didn't take much time to learn it.

03-09-2015, 11:04 PM
The problem is three-fold:

1) You will never go broke telling people what they want to hear.
2) It's fun to be self-righteous.
3) It's also fun to be a dickhead.

I bet that two-thirds of the guys on that bus, chanting along, aren't actually racist. What they said was racist, but remember point #3, it's fun to be a dickhead. Somebody starts up a chant, and they're gonna sing along. As long as it's offensive, they're gonna think it's funny. After all, they're drunk, they're there with their buddies, and who is ever gonna know, right?


The response to this little song is a combination of numbers 1 and 2. Is this national news-worthy? Front page of NBC and CNN? Breaking news, spoiled drunk white kids using racial slur, news at 11. But it's fun to be self-righteous. We can all sit back and feel how much better we are than these terrible people in the video. And you won't lose money telling people what they want to hear -- that a) (to white viewers) you're better than these people, and b) (to African Americans) the boogeyman is still out there, racism is alive and well. This feeds a mob mentality to pile on, didn't we just have a thread about social media punishment just like last week?

Look, racism is real, and it's out there. I'm not denying that. But there's a lot more power in the accusation of racism than there ever was before. And just like there are black people who get pulled over when they didn't do anything wrong, there are white people who get called racist for doing nothing at all. I'm probably going to be called a racist for this post. It's a powerful weapon, and it stirs people up -- because it's fun to be self-righteous and people love being told what they want to hear, and because some actual racism is still out there and is a horrible thing.

As far as Boren's reaction goes, it's entirely appropriate. The frat had to go. The university can't be associated with that kind of behavior. Fortunately this is going to be completely off the radar in about two days. It will be on to the next media outrage. Just last week we had cops in Missouri sending racist e-mails to each other. By Wednesday we'll have a teacher in Florida or something who makes a racially insensitive comment.

03-09-2015, 11:16 PM
More videos popping up. Hard to confirm if authentic but bet they will start going viral if they get verified. And probably if they don't.