View Full Version : Laura Nyro and others

02-23-2015, 07:51 PM
I'm a huge fan of Laura Nyro. Since lyrics were never a big part of my musical
upbringing I had no idea what she, or anyone else, was singing about. LOL

Just found out we weren't compatible, politically. I still love her and Joan Baez.

At any rate, here is a site that contains what they believe to be Laura's top 10
tunes. Any of Laura's are my Top 10.

Do you have others? I do but for the life of me I can't remember the titles.

Laura Nyro's Top 10 (

The most important thing is If she had met me she'd have married me.

02-24-2015, 12:18 PM
Haven't listened to any of her stuff, really, but ordered _Gonna Take A Miracle_ from recently, was very impressed, and the title track shows up as #9 on your list. Need to investigate her more...

02-24-2015, 06:39 PM
Gonna Take a Miracle has long been a favorite of mine, despite its utter lack of Nyro-penned tunes; still, as cover albums go, it's one of the best ever.

02-25-2015, 01:42 AM
I'm a big fan of Laura Nyro's work. My 2 favorite Nyro albums are New York Tendaberry and Christmas and the Beads of Sweat. Got a chance to see her perform about 25 years ago at The Birchmere in Alexandria, Virginia. She rarely performed in public because of her servere stage fright. She's considered an artist's artist.