View Full Version : Leslie Gore passes at age of 68

02-16-2015, 02:46 PM
'It's My Party' singer-songwriter Lesley Gore dies at 68 (

I had the good fortune to see her in concert just a couple of years ago. She seemed to be in excellent health at the time and was looking very good.

02-16-2015, 03:13 PM
68 is not that old. Sad. She had a great voice. RIP.

02-16-2015, 09:00 PM
Condolences to Al.

02-16-2015, 09:16 PM
'It's My Party' singer-songwriter Lesley Gore dies at 68 (

I had the good fortune to see her in concert just a couple of years ago. She seemed to be in excellent health at the time and was looking very good.

My SweetWife, more of a Leslie Gore contemporary than I (that is, a little older than me) informed me of this passing. I admitted to Kathy (my SoulMate, aka SweetWife) that I had a major crush on Leslie G, when I was a kid. I mentioned, in passing, that a person who I respected on many levels and who shared my affection for this entertainer, probably took the news on a deeper level than did I. I mentioned "The Braum's Connection" . . . prepped and prepared dinner, did some dishes, smoked a fine cigar (CAO Brazillia The Gol!) and posted this. Leslie Gore was Extra Special. At least to me. When I was about 13 years old. And today at the age of 62, even moreso. Go Ahead: Argue with that.

Edited to Add (yet, I repeat myself/get a sense of deja vu):

The Rick Nelson Version was excellent.
This one is Better.
(it goes without saying: imho)


02-16-2015, 09:41 PM
68 is not that old. Sad. She had a great voice. RIP.

68 is pretty old. She had a great voice. She left a legacy of feeling good in her wake.
For what more could a former teen idol ask?
Yes. I'm sad too. I would have liked to see her appear at The Blue Door in OKC.
But that would have been selfish.
Edited to Add: It was selfish. To even suggest something such as that.
oh well . . .

It probably would have been better than being trapped on a SkiBus with Dwayne Hickman . . . (click the EZ-Vids on the Youtube Linx fer cryin' out loud. geez.)

02-17-2015, 01:52 AM
Condolences to Al.

No relation to Al