View Full Version : Please show respect to business owners

02-16-2015, 10:12 AM
I posted this in another thread but it's an important point that I've wanted to emphasize for a while...

Virtually every business owner around Oklahoma City reads this site. So, when we post something about a restaurant or retail shop or development or any type of enterprise, we are discussing someone's passion and livelihood.

Please keep that in mind as you post comments. Constructive criticism is always welcomed and you've seen several owners come here to ask for more feedback, even if it's less than positive.

But please refrain from saying something 'sucks' or is 'fugly' or is 'garbage', etc. It comes across as petty and disrespectful and reflects badly on the entire site; and lessens the value of our discussions.

Imagine a business owner sitting across a table from you and what you might say to that person face-to-face. Because the reality is they are generally hearing everything you say here.


Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-16-2015, 10:47 AM
This site sucks and you should feel bad.

I shouldn't be a member of a site that allows members like me.


J/K Pete. I need reminders like this. I can be...Acerbic...


Jim Kyle
02-16-2015, 11:15 AM
I shouldn't be a member of a site that allows members like me.At least give credit to Groucho Marx for the inspiration...

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-16-2015, 11:35 AM
I was going to, but couldn't come up with something clever before I was done. Then I wanted coffee and forgot all about it. :D

/pretty much the story of all my posts

02-16-2015, 11:51 AM
I generally agree, but there are category exceptions, or should be anyway.

zombie debt collection groups and their snarling fear/arrest-warrants intimidation zombies.
boiler room 'charity' fundraiser groups that hang onto 80-95% of what they collect.
places with a drive through if they seemingly can not get an order right more than 1 out of 3 tries.

Most of the rest do deserve understanding and more than a modicum of slack.

02-16-2015, 11:05 PM
What's that thar Ye' Olde Sayin'? . . . No Statue Was Ever Erected to a Critic?. ('r something along those lines)
Then there was that other one . . . "The Quality of Mercy is Never Strained." Personally, I prefer MY soup Chunky, (geez)
OK: How about "The Proof o' The Puddin' is in the Eatin' Wifout the Bitchin', Eh?" (authentic Irish Pub Chat)

All that to underline Pete's Point: Don't Dis' What You Are Unwilling to Even Attempt on Your Own. If it isn't Great, Forgive. If it is, Praise.

Sidebar to The Point (as if anyone is paying attention to this thread):
Tonight, in traffic, I found myself
At the rear end of a fake SUV
With a license plate bearing the tagline

I tried to interpret the message
on a CR/V such as that
While waiting to make a left turn.

First, I thought Dr. M of New York City
And was immediately reminded of
That Seinfeld episode involving

Then I realized that the putz
Was wanting people to
Dream of NYC
In an OKC context.

Totally Bogus.
Sort of affronts
The Big Friendly
Don't it?

02-16-2015, 11:33 PM
I generally agree, but there are category exceptions, or should be anyway.

zombie debt collection groups and their snarling fear/arrest-warrants intimidation zombies.
boiler room 'charity' fundraiser groups that hang onto 80-95% of what they collect.
places with a drive through if they seemingly can not get an order right more than 1 out of 3 tries.

Most of the rest do deserve understanding and more than a modicum of slack.

Blimey, Couns'lor. . . that sounds a bit 'arsh . . . at least to me it does . . .
Yah, shure, yu betcha . . . give 'em what they deserve . . . doncha know . . .
As the Sun Rises in the West, Blocking the Sands of the Hourglass, So Are The Days of Our Lives . . .

Here's the Inside Low-Down: The Developers Always Win.
Without Exception.