View Full Version : Not Sure Where This Fits . . .

02-03-2015, 12:30 AM
Accidentally encountered a version of this tune on NPR/APM a couple of days ago. It resonated with me. =~) Please be advised that this is the Youtube Version. And it's a good one, if not original. Excuse me: I meant NPR. (not PBS).

See what I mean? It's like Feel Good and Edgy and HIstorical all at the same time.
(sort of like Tokyo Bowl enjoyment, perhaps)
Those dudes are Canucks, like, from Toronto. (Detroit east)
OKC is a friggin' Radio Wasteland.

02-03-2015, 07:33 AM
They are pretty good.

02-03-2015, 10:13 AM
I hope that that band will be at the Blue Door
(only because VZD's has been "Ubper?-Yuppiefied and Uber-ized =)
Perhaps the Arts Council Stage
In the Myriad Gardens?

Nah . . . That ain't gonna happen . . .
(did you catch the pre-programmed applause for Mary F's speech the other day? =)
Sure glad that she didn't dis Tulsa . . . =)