01-18-2015, 05:08 PM
The dude is Old. Like older than what I expected. I guess that means I am prob older than what I realized. But as they say," You are only as old as you Feel"
View Full Version : Dr Hook/Ray Sawyer at Grand Casino 1/17/15 OKCRT 01-18-2015, 05:08 PM The dude is Old. Like older than what I expected. I guess that means I am prob older than what I realized. But as they say," You are only as old as you Feel" kevinpate 01-18-2015, 05:20 PM Sawyer, born in '37, was in his late thirties when I entered my teens, and well, yeah, that's been a while. Wonderful Soup Stone was one even Mama liked. We tended to not play Freaker's Ball when Mama was home. Of course, my being alive today probably makes that statement a tad redundant. OKCRT 01-18-2015, 09:36 PM They had a lot of hits back in the day,more than what people may realize. Soup stone I do remember. kevinpate 01-20-2015, 05:33 PM If you're someone who doesn't know Ray Sawyer and the fun that was Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show, please take some time and enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Dr.+Hook+and+the+Medicine+Sho w If my lovely had felt better, I would have convinced her we needed to be at Firelake this past weekend, even though I rarely feel a need to go join the masses for a live show. Such is the life of a self-taught hermit OKCRT 01-21-2015, 02:28 PM It was a great show and every seat was filled. Ray has a hard time hitting the notes but it was just great to see on of the true old rock groups on stage. Of course it wasn't the original group. Dennis Lecorrier was a Big star of the orig. group and I would like to see him come through with his version of Dr. Hook. He was the best singer of the group IMO and it wasn't close. Dubya61 01-21-2015, 02:49 PM The dude is Old. Like older than what I expected. I guess that means I am prob older than what I realized. But as they say," You are only as old as you Feel" My wife and I went to an Elton John concert. We were surrounded by old people. I looked at her and said, "but not us, right? We're not not old, right?" We both chuckled politely and never mentioned it again. OKCRT 01-21-2015, 03:57 PM There were people of all ages at Dr. Hook. More young and middle age than old by far. I was a little shocked by how many young people were there. |