View Full Version : 2015 Oklahoma Earthquake Discussion
venture 01-07-2015, 02:42 PM Leonard Geophysical Observatory - Home ( | Leonard Geophysical Observatory - Recent Earthquakes (
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Seismograms in Oklahoma
Wichita Mountains SeismogramTulsa Seismogram
Earthquake Records for the Year
MagnitudeJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugus tSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberTotalUnder 2.0114292143125129517524
9532.0 to 2.9111201294329278226319135
18933.0 to 3.91433435136493626
2884.0 to 4.901340450
175.0 or higher00000000
3151Avg Per Day7.7118.8215.5816.9714.2911.3514.0310.28
List Updated: 8/18/2014 4:45 PM CDT
Some important links...
Wilzetta Fault Map:
Oklahoma Geological Map w/ Fault: (
Oklahoma Seismic Stations Map: Leonard Geophysical Observatory - Oklahoma Seismic Stations (
John1744 01-07-2015, 08:10 PM I heard the one in Guthrie today out in Harrah. It was odd because I thought it was just a truck driving by but it lasted a good 45 seconds or so. I went outside and looked around and thought it was a plane or helicopter also but nope, never felt the ground shake either, I just heard the rumble.
Bunty 01-13-2015, 08:10 PM Dang, today, Tues., there has been, so far, 15 earthquakes over 2.0, counting three from Kansas. At least most of them have been under 3.0. Ten to 12 is more typical for a lively day. The way the people are becoming so complacent and accepting about earthquakes, it's like the frog being in hot water doing nothing as the temperature slowly increases. By the time the water boils over or a record breaking earthquake comes, it will be to late to take action.
ljbab728 01-19-2015, 12:35 PM 4.1 magnitude earthquake recorded in north-central Oklahoma | (
OKCisOK4me 01-19-2015, 12:37 PM Didn't feel that one...
Bunty 01-26-2015, 07:33 PM Didn't feel that one...
I didn't either. But I know this evening around 7:25pm that I heard the sound of distant thunder and then my house squeaked or creaked. It didn't seem a 4.1 or any worse than usual.
silvergrove 02-23-2015, 12:34 PM Ignore, didn't realize there was a discussion elsewhere, you can delete this.
Plutonic Panda 03-19-2015, 12:19 AM Went ahead and created this since we're into March now. :P
venture 03-19-2015, 11:17 PM Look 4 threads down. :)
Plutonic Panda 03-20-2015, 01:17 AM I have no idea how I missed that. Sorry.
oklip955 03-20-2015, 10:03 AM Felt two good shakes yesterday at 530 pm and 543 pm. 2.7 and 2.4. I think they were centered right under me. Last week had 2 nights with 4 each night. I'm having problems sleeping when you get hit with 4 during the night. grrrrr
Bunty 03-21-2015, 03:32 AM Oklahoma, the new New Madrid of the 21st century:
Bunty 03-25-2015, 02:58 AM Well, dang, 18 earthquakes took place Tuesday, 3/12/2015, with 3 of them in Kansas as reported by USGS. That's about as numerous as they get in a day. OGS had 20, all in Oklahoma. All were under 4.0 M. I try not to worry too much about them, but if an unusually strong one happens, like a 4.5, or greater, I'm going to be extra worried it could be the foreshock that comes before the big one. Considering the highly intense complacency and acceptance Oklahomans have developed toward the earthquakes, it's, no doubt, going to take a new record breaking big one to get the oil companies to try doing more to control them, unless they first stop their activity from the price of oil dropping to $20 a barrel.
As evidence of the complacency, little more than a hundred people showed up for the recent town hall meeting on earthquakes in OKC at Kerr-McGee Auditorium on the Oklahoma City University campus. Compare that to over 500 who showed up about a year ago for the same thing held in Edmond.
LocoAko 04-04-2015, 09:36 AM Quite the swarm since last night, including 4 exceeding 3.5 and 2 exceeding 4.0. I felt minor shaking from this morning's 4.2 here in OKC though it was barely perceptible. Wonder if the swarm will continue.
Hollywood 04-08-2015, 03:53 PM Nice little shake near 150th and Western.
mkjeeves 04-08-2015, 03:53 PM Shake rattle and roll!
Near Lake Overholser...
jerrywall 04-08-2015, 03:53 PM Just had a pretty strong one up in Edmond. My monitors shook on their stands, and my desk moved.
Ginkasa 04-08-2015, 03:55 PM Felt in Bricktown
RickOKC 04-08-2015, 03:55 PM Currently on the south side of OKC and felt it here, as well.
Dustin 04-08-2015, 03:55 PM That was a biggie. Or maybe the epicenter was closer to OKC this time... lol
rezman 04-08-2015, 03:55 PM Wow! .... 178th & Western. One good jolt followed quickly by a second, and finished off by a short shaking..... 3 seconds tops.
mkjeeves 04-08-2015, 03:56 PM I've felt and seen the jiggle before. We had one about a year ago that a boom at the beginning. This was the first time where it started with a strong side movement.
Jim Kyle 04-08-2015, 03:58 PM One solid jolt at NW 122 and Council, but one of the three strongest I've ever felt (the other two being the top two for the state).
LocoAko 04-08-2015, 03:59 PM Felt nothing in south Norman.
OkieHornet 04-08-2015, 04:05 PM per usgs:
M 4.3 - 3km S of Guthrie, Oklahoma
Filthy 04-08-2015, 04:07 PM I'm going to guess 4.2 or stronger. I'm at 15th/Kelly in Edmond, and all of the glass in my office shook, my coffee even did the "Jurrasic ParK" vibrations. First time, that there's been an earthquake that I've felt while in my office.
Paseofreak 04-08-2015, 04:09 PM More of a wobble in this old wood framed house in Paseo.
okatty 04-08-2015, 04:19 PM One solid jolt at NW 122 and Council, but one of the three strongest I've ever felt (the other two being the top two for the state).
Exactly how it felt - Memorial and Macarthur.
Bunty 04-09-2015, 02:36 AM I didn't feel the 4.3 Guthrie quake, but I hope the legislators at the State Capitol did.
corwin1968 04-09-2015, 12:25 PM I felt the quake yesterday while sitting in my office. Normally, I don't feel them when I'm in there so I assumed it was pretty powerful. I felt two distinct periods of shaking, with the second one lasting longer than the first. It was the most powerful I've felt since the really big one hit several years ago. I remember that one because it was my first and I was sitting in a cinderblock room in the center of a large building and the walls were lined with steel shelving, all holding heavy books. Those shelves were literally rattling during that one. Blew my mind.
lwroberts 04-09-2015, 01:41 PM I grew up in Oklahoma (well, actually got bigger), in those days we only had tornados. Now, (I believe) the earthquakes have to do with "fracking". Is anyone in the government investigating? :omg:
I hope so...
TheTravellers 04-09-2015, 04:20 PM I grew up in Oklahoma (well, actually got bigger), in those days we only had tornados. Now, (I believe) the earthquakes have to do with "fracking". Is anyone in the government investigating? :omg:
I hope so...
There's a thread in the Politics forum called "Political discussion of Oklahoma earthquakes" (or something like that), lots of info on it there...
Bunty 04-11-2015, 11:21 PM The frequency of earthquakes have slacked off for the past two days. Makes me kinda nervous, in case that allows more pressure to build up in the faults needing released sooner or later.
Canoe 04-19-2015, 12:31 AM Just felt one 5 minutes ago.
catch22 04-19-2015, 12:54 AM Felt in SW OKC, seems to have been closer to Tulsa, as Tulsa's seismograph seems to have went off the chart and had a much longer resonance.
catch22 04-19-2015, 01:04 AM 4.1 magnitude
6 miles W of Langston, OK
Bunty 04-19-2015, 11:30 AM 4.1 magnitude
6 miles W of Langston, OK
A 3.9 happened shortly later. The Langston area has been very lively for earthquakes for the past few days. Maybe they will settle down like the Medford area ones did.
LocoAko 04-21-2015, 09:05 PM Just launched: Earthquakes in Oklahoma (
Fantastic website. This is a pretty big deal. Even made the NY Times:
KayneMo 04-27-2015, 05:26 PM Just felt an earthquake on the 3rd floor of Gould Hall down here in Norman.
Celebrator 04-29-2015, 12:27 AM Big single jolt up in Edmond just now!
Urban Pioneer 04-29-2015, 12:41 AM yep
zookeeper 04-29-2015, 12:44 AM 3.1 magnitude, 5 km depth - Near Guthrie
About this quake: (
Bunty 06-13-2015, 12:26 PM There have been over a dozen earthquakes centered to the west of Perry, OK for the last week, peaking out at 4.1 in magnitude. In other words, well out in the middle of nowhere. But can you imagine the uproar going on if those quakes would only center under the middle of Oklahoma City? The TV media would sensationalize the situation from showing damages. And the State Capitol, with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, would just be a short drive away for hordes of irate citizens. Since the earthquakes have mostly been centered where the coyotes and cottontail rabbits well outnumber the people, I think that explains more than anything else why not more is being done about stopping earthquakes in Oklahoma.
Last week a 3.2 earthquake centered only several miles to the northeast of me. Even at that low of magnitude, when they get that close, they make a rather startling impression. I can't imagine the near million people in Oklahoma County putting up with that nearly every day, if it was happening to them, without demanding immediate action. Fortunately, earthquakes here (Stillwater) are still usually staying centered far enough away not to be often felt. But one every once in a while is bad enough.
Celebrator 06-19-2015, 11:30 PM Huge jolt just now up in Edmond. Whoa. Made me jump. This California kid DOES NOT LIKE THESE THINGS.
Celebrator 06-19-2015, 11:36 PM And another! Just now!
BlackmoreRulz 06-19-2015, 11:43 PM Yes, that was a pretty good jolt, woke both of the dogs up.
Celebrator 06-20-2015, 12:11 AM And yet another! WTH! That was the biggest and longest of them all. Swarming earthquakes! No thanks! Seriously.
bchris02 06-20-2015, 12:11 AM Pretty big earthquake at 12:10 PM in far NW OKC.
Achilleslastand 06-20-2015, 12:14 AM My computer desk just swayed side to side for a sec........
bchris02 06-20-2015, 12:16 AM And yet another! WTH! That was the biggest and longest of them all. Swarming earthquakes! No thanks! Seriously.
There must be some serious wastewater injection happening tonight.
ljbab728 06-20-2015, 12:51 AM I'm in NW OKC near 63rd and Meridian and didn't feel a thing.
clz46 06-20-2015, 01:36 AM felt a pretty good jolt at NW Expressway and Rockwell.
Jim Kyle 06-20-2015, 08:30 AM Felt the 00:11 jolt (a 4.2 up near Guthrie) at NW 122 and Council, but none of the other six listed on the "recent quakes" page. Seems that all were around 3 miles down...
Bunty 06-20-2015, 11:18 AM I'm in NW OKC near 63rd and Meridian and didn't feel a thing.
As long as the earthquakes continue to center out in the middle of nowhere while staying weak, don't expect the state to get aggressive in experimenting with ways to try to make them subside. And look near the top of this page. The table hasn't been updated since August, quite a clear symptom to me of Oklahomans becoming more and more complacent of the earthquakes as something serious to be worried about. It would have been interesting to know if the rate of earthquakes of 4.0 or more in magnitude have been going up this year, compared to last. People should get earthquake insurance, if they haven't already, because some people have been experiencing costly damage, up to around $75,000, to their homes in areas where the centers of the earthquakes have been relentlessly persistent, such as between Edmond and Guthrie. It will be a nightmare should a swarm of earthquakes of 4.0+ ever decide to migrate directly under Oklahoma City.
oklip955 06-21-2015, 09:02 AM I'm not sure how many of the over night earthquakes there officially were. I counted 8, the last being around 6 am. These were different,no swaying or rolling just a severe shaking, kind of like being on a paint shaking. The last one left me with a good head ache. I don't know if anyone else didn't get any sleep. I had a long, day long trip to Dallas yesterday without a decent night sleep. Seems to me they are getting worse. I think they were just under my house.
Easy180 06-21-2015, 02:37 PM I guess us south siders get to enjoy tornadoes while north siders have fun with earthquakes. Everyone gets in on the fun!
Zorba 06-21-2015, 09:43 PM I'm not sure how many of the over night earthquakes there officially were. I counted 8, the last being around 6 am. These were different,no swaying or rolling just a severe shaking, kind of like being on a paint shaking. The last one left me with a good head ache. I don't know if anyone else didn't get any sleep. I had a long, day long trip to Dallas yesterday without a decent night sleep. Seems to me they are getting worse. I think they were just under my house.
Yeah, there were 8 on the USGS website. I felt all of them up in North Edmond.
Zorba 06-21-2015, 09:50 PM As long as the earthquakes continue to center out in the middle of nowhere while staying weak, don't expect the state to get aggressive in experimenting with ways to try to make them subside. And look near the top of this page. The table hasn't been updated since August, quite a clear symptom to me of Oklahomans becoming more and more complacent of the earthquakes as something serious to be worried about. It would have been interesting to know if the rate of earthquakes of 4.0 or more in magnitude have been going up this year, compared to last. People should get earthquake insurance, if they haven't already, because some people have been experiencing costly damage, up to around $75,000, to their homes in areas where the centers of the earthquakes have been relentlessly persistent, such as between Edmond and Guthrie. It will be a nightmare should a swarm of earthquakes of 4.0+ ever decide to migrate directly under Oklahoma City.
I agree that people are getting more used to them, but it is ridiculous for the state to do nothing about it man-made earthquakes. Oklahomans' are basically subsidies the companies producing the earthquake by buying their own earthquake insurance and fixing the damage on their own dime. Not to mention that ODOT has push out much higher earthquake standards for bridges, which will significantly increase the cost of road construction throughout the state. All because we are unwilling to pass a law saying you can't run injection wells near faults.
Bellaboo 06-22-2015, 08:21 AM I agree that people are getting more used to them, but it is ridiculous for the state to do nothing about it man-made earthquakes. Oklahomans' are basically subsidies the companies producing the earthquake by buying their own earthquake insurance and fixing the damage on their own dime. Not to mention that ODOT has push out much higher earthquake standards for bridges, which will significantly increase the cost of road construction throughout the state. All because we are unwilling to pass a law saying you can't run injection wells near faults.
If an injection well is within 6 miles of a 4.0 quake, the injection well is shut down.