Richard at Remax
11-11-2015, 09:21 AM
It was a 3.2 just north of where I am. Amazing how much stronger they feel when you are right on top of it
View Full Version : 2015 Oklahoma Earthquake Discussion Richard at Remax 11-11-2015, 09:21 AM It was a 3.2 just north of where I am. Amazing how much stronger they feel when you are right on top of it BBatesokc 11-11-2015, 10:36 AM Yeah, it really shook our house near East 15th and I-35 (Edmond). Went by really fast, but felt like a tree landed on the house. Actually went outside to check. Urbanized 11-11-2015, 10:38 AM Nothing downtown. Bunty 11-11-2015, 11:56 AM It was a 3.2 just north of where I am. Amazing how much stronger they feel when you are right on top of it It probably reflects why not all that much is being done about the earthquakes. They usually center out in the middle of nowhere and their strength doesn't travel far. Might as well hope the next hot spot for earthquakes centers under the State Capitol, if you want more done about them. Earthquakes have recently picked up in frequency having gone just over 60 a week rate. They are usually under that. OKCisOK4me 11-15-2015, 03:54 AM Just had a nice little shake rattle and roll about 5 minutes ago in NW OKC.... I'd say it probably lasted for 15 seconds. Haven't witnessed one in quite some time! Bunty 11-16-2015, 01:14 AM Just had a nice little shake rattle and roll about 5 minutes ago in NW OKC.... I'd say it probably lasted for 15 seconds. Haven't witnessed one in quite some time! No doubt, a lot of people slept through it, including myself. It was stronger than usual with a magnitude of 4.3, centered 19 miles northwest of Fairview. Well out in the middle of nowhere. It's good the frequency of the quakes have stopped going up, a reflection of the quake near Fairview having no after shocks, according to USGS data. Bits_Of_Real_Panther 11-19-2015, 01:44 AM a good shaker here in nw okc Mississippi Blues 11-19-2015, 01:50 AM Felt it here on NW 31st and MacArthur. catch22 11-19-2015, 02:38 AM Friend felt it in Tulsa. Bunty 11-19-2015, 03:19 AM If not downgraded, it was magnitude 4.7, centered SW of Cherokee in NW Oklahoma, so stronger than usual. I thought that was why my French doors where rattling. bchris02 11-21-2015, 03:13 PM I've seen a few articles recently predicting that OK will experience a 7.0 earthquake. Is this just hype or is it a likely scenario? I know with all fault lines, there is a maximum limit on how strong the quake can be. Tundra 11-21-2015, 05:35 PM This came from Erin Brockovich's Facebook page: This is a total failure of regulatory agencies to do their most basic jobs... last Wednesday, state officials said Oklahoma is now the top earthquake prone area in the world. The United States Geological Survey blames oil & gas fracking for the frequency of earthquakes in the Sooner State. Six Earthquakes in the past 24-hours over 2.5... mind-blowing!!! The State and Federal Government both agree... but dangerous fracking continues. Bull****... are you going to stand around and let them take your families property by shaking it to the ground? If you live in this part of Oklahoma or Kansas and have suffered damage or are afraid you might be next email me. I am here in Washington DC working on Drinking Water issues but think I need to start speaking up about this. I need your stories to share with your elected officials... enough is enough! A 4.7 magnitude earthquake struck Oklahoma Thursday morning around 1:42 a.m. It was centered in Alfalfa County and Cherokee, Oklahoma. It was felt as far east as Tulsa. There have been no reports of any injury or damage. 2.5 to 3.0 magnitude earthquakes are usually the smallest quakes felt by humans. 4.0 earthquakes cause real property damage. ljbab728 11-21-2015, 11:09 PM I've seen a few articles recently predicting that OK will experience a 7.0 earthquake. Is this just hype or is it a likely scenario? I know with all fault lines, there is a maximum limit on how strong the quake can be. I just don't think the kind of faults present in Oklahoma lend themselves to that kind of earthquake no matter what various articles say. Uptowner 11-22-2015, 03:13 PM And the 5.6 near Shawnee some years ago? bchris02 11-22-2015, 07:14 PM I just don't think the kind of faults present in Oklahoma lend themselves to that kind of earthquake no matter what various articles say. I tend to agree with this. Heck, even the San Andreas fault in California has its upper limits. A lot of people have been hyping the "big one" but California will never experience the 9.0+ earthquakes they get over in Japan because its above the maximum possible shake from that fault line. zookeeper 11-22-2015, 07:25 PM I tend to agree with this. Heck, even the San Andreas fault in California has its upper limits. A lot of people have been hyping the "big one" but California will never experience the 9.0+ earthquakes they get over in Japan because its above the maximum possible shake from that fault line.. Actually, it was the USGS that said as much. They quickly walked the "Emergency Warning" back under pressure. As for the "big one" in California, some of the faults run directly underneath major cities. An 8.5 could destroy major parts of Los Angeles county and another big fault could do the same to the Bay Area. So, potential for "The Big One(s)" in California is very real. Tundra 11-22-2015, 07:56 PM . Actually, it was the USGS that said as much. They quickly walked the "Emergency Warning" back under pressure. As for the "big one" in California, some of the faults run directly underneath major cities. An 8.5 could destroy major parts of Los Angeles county and another big fault could do the same to the Bay Area. So, potential for "The Big One(s)" in California is very real. Read this yesterday UPDATE: SCV canyon road continues to crumble ( Bunty 11-22-2015, 09:27 PM I think the earthquakes will have to step up their game by getting strong enough to kill people before the state will take more serious steps to try to stop them. I wonder if most old mid rise buildings in the earthquake prone counties can survive a 7.0M quake without collapsing? TheTravellers 11-23-2015, 09:50 AM . Actually, it was the USGS that said as much. They quickly walked the "Emergency Warning" back under pressure. As for the "big one" in California, some of the faults run directly underneath major cities. An 8.5 could destroy major parts of Los Angeles county and another big fault could do the same to the Bay Area. So, potential for "The Big One(s)" in California is very real. Cascadia fault is way scarier than the San Andreas fault: The Earthquake That Will Devastate the Pacific Northwest - The New Yorker ( ZYX2 11-23-2015, 03:25 PM Just felt one in Stillwater, shook pretty good for about 20 seconds. KayneMo 11-23-2015, 03:26 PM Felt it at work in Newcastle! OkiePoke 11-23-2015, 03:33 PM Felt it in Midtown... Looks like up near salt plains. That's pretty far away. KayneMo 11-23-2015, 03:41 PM 4.4 near Cherokee. Bunty 11-23-2015, 06:51 PM At least USGS thinks if they get worse that they will only be in the 5.0 to 6.0 range. USGS: Oklahoma has 'unheard of' seismicity that might produce 6.0 quake, but Cushing efforts indicate problem is manageable - Tulsa World: State ( zookeeper 11-23-2015, 07:12 PM Cascadia fault is way scarier than the San Andreas fault: The Earthquake That Will Devastate the Pacific Northwest - The New Yorker ( No question. zookeeper 11-23-2015, 07:18 PM At least USGS thinks if they get worse that they will only be in the 5.0 to 6.0 range. USGS: Oklahoma has 'unheard of' seismicity that might produce 6.0 quake, but Cushing efforts indicate problem is manageable - Tulsa World: State ( Is this supposed to be reassuring? In the right place, it could be really bad. The fact there are so many unknowns is frightening. McNamara described the number of magnitude 4s in 2015 as “unheard of in any other similar-sized region on the planet that we know of.” He explained that scientists see similar sequences or numbers associated with large earthquakes such as those in Nepal and Japan. What is “very strange” about Oklahoma is the number of magnitude 4s distributed over several different faults with no large quakes associated with them, he said. “Now we have as many as 13 different fault zones in Oklahoma with magnitude 4s occurring on them this year alone,” McNamara said. “And so just from the behavior of the Prague sequence, any one of these looks like it could produce a 5- or 6-magnitude earthquake, so we’re very concerned about a number of these fault zones.” This is the part of the article that bothers me the most... McNamara noted that the recent magnitude-4.7 temblor near Cherokee on Thursday and the 4.3 close to Fairview on Nov. 15 illustrate yet another challenge. Both appear to be on faults previously unknown to the U.S. Geological Survey. He said unmapped faults present difficulties in determining the maximum magnitudes that can occur on them and where the quakes could strike, as well as whether they are isolated or connected to larger fault structures. hmmmm. bchris02 11-30-2015, 03:56 AM That earthquake woke me up. Achilleslastand 11-30-2015, 04:02 AM That earthquake woke me up. Ditto, even the dogs woke up and were like WTH? bchris02 11-30-2015, 04:08 AM Anybody know how big it was? bchris02 11-30-2015, 04:10 AM Looks like 5.4 and it was in Grant County. educator1953 11-30-2015, 06:58 AM It was a 4.5. KayneMo 11-30-2015, 09:00 AM It woke me up as well! bchris02 11-30-2015, 10:54 AM I wonder what its going to take before they start taking wastewater injection well policy seriously. OkiePoke 11-30-2015, 10:59 AM Confidence In Oil Hub Security Shaken By Oklahoma Earthquakes : NPR ( Bunty 11-30-2015, 01:44 PM I wonder what its going to take before they start taking wastewater injection well policy seriously. My state rep wanted to shut down all injection wells in 16 counties having earthquakes, but got nowhere with that. For now, it must be left up to the earthquakes to get strong enough so they start killing people to be taken more seriously. That could mean a bunch of lives at a time, if a well occupied old mid rise collapses. Meanwhile, I think young people, like those graduating from higher education, should take the earthquakes seriously by leaving Oklahoma. Besides earthquakes, the state has too many other bad problems not being taken seriously. We'll see how legislators deal with those problem in next session. Do they kick all or most of them down the road for another year or make things worse. LocoAko 11-30-2015, 02:54 PM It was a 4.5. Eventually got upgraded to a 4.7. I somehow slept through it in NW OKC, as usual, but that's quite a doozy. 9th >= M4.0 and 65th >=M3.0 this month. OKCisOK4me 11-30-2015, 09:03 PM Woke me up. Went back to sleep for another hour. Bunty 12-04-2015, 10:07 PM Stillwater had an earthquake shortly before 10pm that seemed stronger than usual. ZYX2 12-04-2015, 11:57 PM Weird, nothing has been reported by the USGS. ZYX2 12-05-2015, 12:02 AM A quick check of Twitter shows that other people felt it too. Very strange that nothing is on the USGS page. Bunty 12-07-2015, 08:18 PM A quick check of Twitter shows that other people felt it too. Very strange that nothing is on the USGS page. That quake shortly before 10 pm Friday eventually did get recorded by the USGS. It was only a 2.3, located 4 mi. northeast of Stillwater. It seemed stronger than that. Stickman 12-29-2015, 05:47 AM Shake, rattle and roll. About 5:40 this am. :Smiley099 corwin1968 12-29-2015, 05:52 AM That was the strongest I've felt at home and maybe equal to the strongest I've ever felt. I look forward to hearing the magnitude! BlackmoreRulz 12-29-2015, 05:53 AM That was either right under the house or it was a dang powerful one. rezman 12-29-2015, 05:56 AM Was getting ready to walk out the door. Pretty good shake. BBatesokc 12-29-2015, 06:08 AM Okay, I gotta break down and buy the insurance now. Looked into it before, went back and forth, ultimately passed on it. Not this time. BBatesokc 12-29-2015, 06:24 AM On a side note.... The one thing I've learned about earthquakes and social media..... Earthquake tweets are like fortune cookies, instead of adding "in bed", just add "that's what she said!" corwin1968 12-29-2015, 06:27 AM Looks like it was "just" a 4.3. I guess being right on top of it makes it feel much stronger. rezman 12-29-2015, 06:29 AM We just had our policy review a couple weeks ago and we discussed dropping it, but ultimately kept it on. It doesn't add a lot on to the premium, but it has a high deductible. BBatesokc 12-29-2015, 06:35 AM We just had our policy review a couple weeks ago and we discussed dropping it, but ultimately kept it on. It doesn't add a lot on to the premium, but it has a high deductible. That was our debate. Easily a $20,000 deductible and often doesn't cover things like the rock or brick that a house is made of. As long as the premium stays low I guess I'll be buying it though for that 'once in a lifetime quake.' Plutonic Panda 12-29-2015, 06:43 AM Wow bchris02 12-29-2015, 06:46 AM This one did some damage. Parts of Edmond are without power and from the looks of it, homes may have structural damage. I wonder if this will be the one to finally get the state's attention or if somebody is going to have to die before they do something about wastewater injection wells. Brownwood 12-29-2015, 07:16 AM The strategy of the oil companies is working perfectly as planned: Privatize the profits and nationalize the losses. The energy companies denial of cause and effect is similar to what the tobacco companies used for years as it is extremely difficult to show a direct, provable, predictable link. However, our state government at least acknowledges there is some correlation with injection wells as there are mechanisms for asking producers to cease injecting within certain depth parameters. That is, if we say pretty please and the energy company agrees to the state's "order". If we truly believe there is causation, the Governor should sign an executive order to immediately cease this practice. Unfortunately this would cause our esteemed Attorney General to divert resources from fighting the removal of the 10 Commandments or suing the state of Colorado for their pot laws. You voted for it Oklahoma, you live with it. Bellaboo 12-29-2015, 08:19 AM The strategy of the oil companies is working perfectly as planned: Privatize the profits and nationalize the losses. The energy companies denial of cause and effect is similar to what the tobacco companies used for years as it is extremely difficult to show a direct, provable, predictable link. However, our state government at least acknowledges there is some correlation with injection wells as there are mechanisms for asking producers to cease injecting within certain depth parameters. That is, if we say pretty please and the energy company agrees to the state's "order". If we truly believe there is causation, the Governor should sign an executive order to immediately cease this practice. Unfortunately this would cause our esteemed Attorney General to divert resources from fighting the removal of the 10 Commandments or suing the state of Colorado for their pot laws. You voted for it Oklahoma, you live with it. Shouldn't this be in the political thread ? okatty 12-29-2015, 08:20 AM A couple of notes on the insurance issues. First, there is a waiting period for companies to write coverage after a quake of certain magnatide within a certain distance from your home - I think it is 3.5 on the scale and a 30 (maybe 60 day waiting period). If another quake happens during the waiting period then you start the clock over. Second the coverage is pretty cheap but has increased some since I first took it out about 2 years ago - still very cheap coverage (less than 10 a month). Finally, the Ins. Commish has recently forced companies to clarify their policies to state that there is no exclusion for quakes which could be arguably caused by oil and gas activities. There was an issue as to whether these types of quakes were covered as not truly a natural cause but influenced by man made activities. All companies were required to send out a notice to people with this coverage that states there is no exclusion related to oil/gas issues. That was a doozy this morning! Felt it strong in NW OKC - rattled the timbers so to speak. BBatesokc 12-29-2015, 08:35 AM Anyone have any current earthquake coverage endorsement info they could share? Just called liberty mutual and the endorsement would be $209 annually with a 15% of total coverage deductible. Its the high deductible that has me always deciding against the coverage so far. Examples: $250,000 home ($37.5K deductible) $500,000 home ($75k deductible) sooner88 12-29-2015, 08:44 AM The quake woke me up this morning... it shook the whole building for 5-10 seconds. BBatesokc 12-29-2015, 08:48 AM A couple of notes on the insurance issues. First, there is a waiting period for companies to write coverage after a quake of certain magnatide within a certain distance from your home - I think it is 3.5 on the scale and a 30 (maybe 60 day waiting period). If another quake happens during the waiting period then you start the clock over... I asked specifically about that when I called liberty Mutual and the agent told me I would not have any waiting period. They said that would only be in the case of flood insurance. OkiePoke 12-29-2015, 09:03 AM So, how will they prove that it wasn't natural? And if it wasn't natural, wouldn't the company who cause it have to pay out somehow? okatty 12-29-2015, 09:05 AM I asked specifically about that when I called liberty Mutual and the agent told me I would not have any waiting period. They said that would only be in the case of flood insurance. Interesting....I guess that is a company by company deal then. State Farm at least initially had one but those could be a thing of the past now. I bet they will be getting some calls today! |