View Full Version : 18 on Park
jerrywall 01-16-2015, 09:38 AM In fact this backs up several of the points..
jerrywall 01-16-2015, 09:40 AM You're now the one pulling the true scottsman debate. You originally said a drastic increase of traffic now you're claiming just an increase.
Traffic will increase. Assuming there is a 100 or so cars that rely on that road to get in and out, on average, that road will see 200 cars a day use it. Now it will be 236 cars a day. Wow. What a drastic increase. About 18 new cars going out and in which amounts to 36 new cars a day and 99% of the time there won't be more than one or two cars traveling the same way at the same time on that road. Like I said, I go on that road all the time, and there has been one or two instances where I've been behind someone or they've been behind me when I was driving on that road.
Do you even know what a true scottsman debate is? You've got some learning to do on fallacies.
As for traffic, that road feeds the park and what, 10 or so houses currently. You're talking about tripling the number of residences it supports, and it's a narrow road (narrower than most in that neighborhood.
jerrywall 01-16-2015, 10:00 AM And here's the thing... you seem to want to imply something nefarious or some plot intent to me. I'm honest, I do have an interest. I grew up in this park and neighborhood. My family still lives there, my friends live there, my kids play there, and some day my grandkids will, with luck, walk to this park and play there. And I don't just spit at a screen and rant and rave on message boards. I've been active in trying to help Edmond grow and be a wonderful, diverse, and vibrant community, my entire life. And before that it was my father, who as a councilman was very influential on much of the progress, and involved in projects like Arcadia lake. And my grandfather. And we've owned businesses in town, were some of the earliest grocers, and have setup and run multiple non profits.
Does any of this make me more qualified or make my opinion more valid than yours or anyone elses? Of course not. But it's to show that my opinion and feelings come from a place I hope yours do (although you've repeatedly made it clear youre leaving Edmond ASAP and you can't wait) - A desire to have the best Edmond possible. We just differ on how we think it will happen.
So quit taking things so personally, quit with the accusations of lying and trolling, and just understand that folks can have a difference of opinion without stomping off.
jerrywall 01-16-2015, 10:13 AM Just curious: what exactly confuses you about my posts? Perhaps I misspell my words, but I strive to use proper grammar whenever I notice I misspelled something. I am very careful about that and I notice you misspell words all the time. One area where I sometimes have trouble is properly using punctuation. Please let me know whenever that happens or I can't fix it if I don't know I'm doing that.
If you could be specific, that would help.
Well, for example, you asked me to provide a list of all the Edmond projects I support, and when I reply that the ones I don't support are very very rare, you said "That's pretty much what I thought." So not sure what your point was in the first place.
huskysooner 01-17-2015, 08:52 AM Hello everyone.
As you all have likely read. Lance and I decided not to proceed with the development. We came back to the City of Edmond with another revision (submitted the revised PUD on 12/23) after engaging in detailed conversations with the Edmond FD. They were explicit with what it would take to gain their buy-in (specific dimensions for a "hammerhead" turnaround for their trucks) for the first time in mid December, and we raced to implement these changes into the plan. Although we believe the revised site plan (slightly different than the one shown on the website) met every concern of the city's, we again received feedback ahead of the Planning Commission meeting that the plan would not be supported by the city staff due to perceived congestion issues. I again emphasized the word perceived, as every aspect of the plan complied with the letter of the law, including state and city code. The truth is, rezoning in Edmond requires that you go far beyond simply meeting those requirements. We didn't have the appropriate respect for this ambiguity and I think we learned our lesson, although it was a tough one due to the effort and care we put into this project. This neighborhood really was the perfect place - we just didn't have any advocates who also believed that.
To the points raised in the thread about the plan, you are likely working off of out-dated information and filings.
1) All utilities would have been handed on site, we had dedicated a 10' wide utility corridor on the northern property line to handle everything. No trees in Fink Park would have been affected and we long ago abandoned the idea of building a dumpster on Fink Park property that would be shared by the development and the park (an idea originally proposed by a city of Edmond staff person).
2) Including legal on-street parking on the 26' wide main street in the community and dedicated guest spaces, we could have accommodated 13-15 guest vehicles beyond the two garage spots per home that were going to be provided. This exceeds normal requirements.
3) The push back from the FD on committing emergency vehicles to the community was based on perceived potential congestion (which is subjective). We even offered to sprinkle certain or all units, but that did not satisfy. Upon submitting our final PUD app, we believed we had given the FD exactly what they asked for. They later rejected the plan - which remains confusing to us.
4) Half of the information in the newsok article was incorrect. This journalist never contacted Lance nor I for information...not once over her half dozen articles. We would have been happy to speak with her. Also, the quotes from Lance in her latest article came from an email Lance sent to the City Planning Dept. that he had no idea would be immediately made public. Not that it matters.
In sum, we are really disappointed by the city's lack of support for something beyond the status-quo as well as by their confusing process. We gave it our best shot, tried to give the powers that be everything they asked for, and lost a bunch of money in the process. We thought Edmond (and still believe) was ready for this, but it is going to require a mindset change at the city level. This project didn't get anyone excited in the least. This was a side project for the both of us, so I'm not sure that we will pursue something in the near future. Long term, we'd love to bring the pocket neighborhood concept to the metro.
Plutonic Panda 01-17-2015, 11:59 AM In fact this backs up several of the points..
You data is outdated and incorrect. A new variance was going to be requested. See Huskysooner's post. You are wrong again.
Plutonic Panda 01-17-2015, 12:00 PM My replies. I disagree with quite a bit.
Facts are facts. The only part that is opinion is my questioning of your motives and the traffic increase; the fact that homes were going to be for sale as with the rest of my post with the exceptions I pointed out, are facts.
Plutonic Panda 01-17-2015, 12:07 PM Do you even know what a true scottsman debate is? You've got some learning to do on fallacies.
As for traffic, that road feeds the park and what, 10 or so houses currently. You're talking about tripling the number of residences it supports, and it's a narrow road (narrower than most in that neighborhood.True Scottsman debate is where criteria is changed to defend yourself. If I say that all Scottsman cook their rice with milk and then you turn around and tell me you are a Scottsman and don't do that and I say "only true Scottsman do" then that is me changing the criteria to defend myself. I never specified exactly what it was I was actually talking about.
In this case you did in fact specify, but when challenged with the usage of the word 'drastically,' you were quick disregard that and removed it from your post when you then said it only increase traffic, but not drastically. You left that part out. You changed the criteria of your post in doing so. That is a perfect example of the True Scottsman debate.
Plutonic Panda 01-17-2015, 12:34 PM And here's the thing... you seem to want to imply something nefarious or some plot intent to me. I'm honest, I do have an interest. I grew up in this park and neighborhood. My family still lives there, my friends live there, my kids play there, and some day my grandkids will, with luck, walk to this park and play there. And I don't just spit at a screen and rant and rave on message boards. I've been active in trying to help Edmond grow and be a wonderful, diverse, and vibrant community, my entire life. And before that it was my father, who as a councilman was very influential on much of the progress, and involved in projects like Arcadia lake. And my grandfather. And we've owned businesses in town, were some of the earliest grocers, and have setup and run multiple non profits.
That's awesome. I to have family and friends that live over there. I to have developers that built homes, office complexes, and other developments in Edmond, Dallas, OKC, Norman, etc. One of my relatives owns about 10 different shopping malls in SoCal. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.
Does any of this make me more qualified or make my opinion more valid than yours or anyone elses? Of course not. But it's to show that my opinion and feelings come from a place I hope yours do (although you've repeatedly made it clear youre leaving Edmond ASAP and you can't wait) - A desire to have the best Edmond possible. We just differ on how we think it will happen.
Well sir, if you think Edmond is going to become great by more Walmarts, cookie cutter tract housing, endless strip malls with fast food restaurants all over the place and reserving parks to be surrounded by single family homes with no diversity in development, then I'm quite sure what to say.
So quit taking things so personally, quit with the accusations of lying and trolling, and just understand that folks can have a difference of opinion without stomping off.Sorry I care about the city and get pissed off when we keep denying the good stuff.
It's interesting to me you were in favor of most new developments this year in Edmond and that doesn't surprise me. Most new developments were the same cookie cutter tract housing, home style office complexes, fast food joints, and strip malls. We got a few good developments that were passed, but most that were actually really worth getting excited for were scrapped or denied. Now we find out Covell is likely going to be another worthless shopping center like the travesty that has engulfed Yukon. I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with the same sh!tty movie theater Yukon has as well.
Edmond loves to talk about big development and 'oh boy, this city is going places,' but it isn't. This city is growing, a lot of cities grow, doesn't make them great. Midland is growing, but that place is a wasteland. Edmond is just going to go the same place it has been. Edmond is more than likely going to be engulfed by crime and ghetto housing if they keep allowing this same crap to be built. Have you gone out and seen the quality of some of the new houses being built?
We get a wonderful proposal for a new housing development unlike anything in the city in a great location that will compliment a historic park by creating a community of people that will actually live right next to and care for the park unlike most who just park their car for a couple hours, this will be their backyard so to speak. You have yet to provide any solid facts other than the sole point that fire trucks won't be able to turn around yet are unable to respond to my questioning of if other places that have similar developments with narrow roads that are unsuitable for fire truck and ambulance access, how are they able to do it? That is a genuine question. I am not trying to be a smart ass. It is something I need to look up for myself.
The other part of it, fire sprinklers are being added. Why was that left out from most of the discussion I heard take place regarding this development? There are also fire hydrants as well.
There is dedicated guest parking. The dumpster will not be on park property. Guests will not park on park property. The homes are for sale. Could a homeowner decide to rent out a house? Sure. It's called freedom. Any home around the park could be rented out. The developer was going to sale them as for sale housing.
This campaign that the people opposing this development was nothing but the typical fear mongering that reminds me of a little girl sitting in the middle of a barren desert hugging a dead polar bear. These people, you included, are not doing their research. The link you provided about the proposal to be up for the planning commission was continued and was going to be brought before the city council as I understand and it was going to be revised and significant changes were going to be made. That's why they didn't approve it. So what you are reading, is not what they were planning on building in their latest proposals. What you are proving is either you are misinformed or intentionally spreading around misinformation.
I'm sure whoever Huskysooner is will take this concept, build it elsewhere, make a lot of money, and add value to a community that deserves it. That community obviously isn't Edmond. Edmond will probably end up with a single family home on this property that will be a run-down rent house in 10 years and provide a fourth of the tax dollars that would have been generated had this development gone through.
A huge change in leadership is needed in Edmond. Sad day and I Jerry, I really think you are probably a good person, but I do not understand why you object to some of the things you do and why you are not presenting proper information.
jerrywall 01-18-2015, 07:14 AM OK midtowner, er I mean plupan. Hard to tell the difference sometimes with the tone of your attacks.