View Full Version : Fox News anchors express frustration over relief effort

09-03-2005, 10:16 AM
As many of you already know, I'm no fan of Fox News. However, I saw reports last night by Shepherd Smith and Geraldo Rivera from New Orleans. They, as well as anyone, express the desparation and utter unbelievability of the current situation and the painfully slow relief effort. ( offered the following comment:

Horror Show

Shepard Smith and Geraldo Rivera were livid about the situation in NOLA as they appeared on H&C. When Hannity tried his usual spin job and said "let's get this in perspective," Smith chopped him off at the knees and started yelling at him saying, "This is perspective!" It was shocking.

Geraldo who I'm no fan of was crying, holding a little child up to demonstrate the extremely inhumane conditions these people are forced to live under. Forced is the right word because they are locked in the dome by our government and can't leave. Troops are guarding the bridge.

This goes beyond political lines and it's as sad a situation as I've seen. Let's see all the happy politicians slap themselves on their backs after viewing this segment.
> Watch the video ( (Courtesy Crooks and Liars)

09-03-2005, 01:18 PM
I saw these newscasts last nite, and I thought of you, Scribe! (Never thought you'd be watching Fox!) I was impressed by Shepherd's reports...he didn't give in to the emotionless newscast. It was very touching to see.

I don't like Geraldo and think he's all about the drama, so I flipped the channel when he came on.

09-03-2005, 07:57 PM
Never thought you'd be watching Fox!
I watch and read a wide and diverse variety of news and information sources, including the Fox News Channel. This allows me a number of differing perspectives to help me get a more well-rounded and (hopefully) more complete picture about current events and also reveals the subtle biases, distortions and misinformation that's out there.

Besides, Fox News Channel can be very entertaining. In this case, it was very sobering. Although Geraldo can be a little sensational, I think his report was filled with geniune emotion and distress, especially since Sheperd Smith's report was filled with similar emotion.

09-04-2005, 01:25 AM
I too watch Fox (and listen to Rush, Sean Hannity, Bill Bennet, Hew Hewitt, Michael Medved and on very sadistic days - Michael Savage). I am a former hard right Republican who just realized that I could no longer dismiss history, socio-economic truths or the teachings of Christ enough to call myself a Republican any longer. Now I am stuck in the strange middle somewhere in a country of partisan hacks. Proud to be independent!!

I hold out that someday either labels don't matter or a viable third alternative comes along that I hope will lead us as the "City on a Hill" that we were intended to be. In the mean time, the Republicans are nuts, the Democrats are nuts and it is just kinda fun to listen to them both get all worked up (which often plays out on the evening "news"). Occassionaly, there is still some actual journalism in the middle of all of it (although I am not sure Fox News is contributing much to that).

It does say something though when someone from Fox is willing to express frustration regarding anything related to this administration.