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11-27-2014, 05:57 AM
City receives findings report regarding recent Community Survey | City of Midwest City (

City receives findings report regarding recent Community Survey

The city of Midwest City has received the findings report regarding the recent community survey that was conducted during August and September by ETC Institutes, one of the nation’s leading governmental research firms.

The seven page survey was sent to 2,000 randomly selected homes from throughout the city and asked questions pertaining to approximately 50 areas of current city government and services. Out of the surveys mailed, 491 were returned. The overall result was that the returned surveys indicated a 95% level of confidence in city services and programs.

Three major findings which indicated the highest level of satisfaction among those completing the survey are the quality of police, fire and emergency management services (85%), city parks and recreation programs and facilities (84%), and, quality of solid waste system (78%).

Additional findings included that 77% of respondents are satisfied with Midwest City as a place to live and 70% are satisfied with the overall quality of life in Midwest City.

When compared to similar cities across the country, the city rated at or above the national average in 31 of the 50 areas they were compared. Midwest City also rated significantly above the national average in 16 of the 50 areas they were compared.

The survey indicated that the top two priorities for the next two years should be the maintenance of city streets, buildings and facilities, along with the enforcement of city codes and ordinances.

“We are very pleased that so many residents took their time to complete the survey. Although the overall results of the survey are very positive, they also show many areas of city government that we can improve upon. This information will be used by our Mayor and City Council, along with our city staff over the next few months to help us determine which areas need improvement and which areas are priorities to our citizens. The survey results will be a great resource for us to refer as we prepare budgets and priorities for the coming years,” J. Guy Henson, City Manager said.

The Report ( _%281%29.pdf)
The Presentation (

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Here is the Community Survey done by ETC Institute.

In my opinion, it's a pretty worthless survey for the most part and a waste of tax payer money on the City's part. I know most of the time I sound like a negative nancy, but I feel anyone that can mail a letter and use Microsoft Office could have produced a better quality survey with more accurate results. Out of 55k+ residence, 2000 survey's were mailed out at random. (No mention of the number of online survey's completed.) ETC shows a goal of 400 returned surveys of which 491 were actually returned. (That is only 0.89% of the population, less than 1%) Yes, I did take the survey. The questions were leading, giving only a sample of options to select from. There were also 'scaled' responses, 1 to 5 on some prescribed views on the city itself. So what we got is a survey with very generalized questions with answers that may not accurately reflect the responders actual views.

ETC Institute compared information from 52 other communities (surveys taken over a 3 year span) against these survey results and some of those results are actually interesting.

The Presentation is worth looking at to get an overall picture.

...note to self, start community survey company, ETC makes it look too easy to make thousands for nothing.