View Full Version : Question about city easement

11-24-2014, 11:56 AM
I just purchased an investment property several houses down from my own and the lot setup is kind of screwy. I've provided a picture below for reference (The picture is oriented with west on top).

I have a relatively small lot width-wise because the city owns an alley just to the west of my property. On the east side, there is an easement for a shared common drive between my property and the property to the east. On the west side, the city has an alley. The previous owner recently received a ticket for parking on a small gravel drive that is just to the west of the property line and owned by the city. I would like to address this situation as soon as possible because otherwise future tenants will have to use the common drive shared with the other owner and that could be a major hassle.

When I closed, the closer mentioned that I could ask the city to vacate the alley altogether, but I would think that is less likely than somehow gaining permission to park on the gravel drive. That being said, there is a fence on the alley so asking them to vacate the alley may be the best option yet.

Anyone who has dealt with this kind of issue already, I'd greatly appreciate some insight. Outside of that, if someone could inform me the exact department I need to reach with the city to try and address the matter, it would be greatly appreciated.


11-24-2014, 02:49 PM
I know when we looked to buy a house years ago with a shared driveway we inquired with the city about simply adding our own driveway since there was plenty of land, or, to pay to have the curb moved back to make a parallel parking space - we were told (without much explanation) that that would not be possible. That's my only experience with such matters.

11-25-2014, 05:40 AM
OKC Planning: 297-1624 Ask for a meeting to review your question.

11-25-2014, 07:32 AM
Step 1. Start an Energy Company
Step 2. Ask

If Step 1 will take too much time, follow dwellsokc's suggestion.