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Swake 05-20-2015, 11:55 AM Route 66 Museum to open in 2018
The long awaited Route 66 museum at Cyrus Avery Plaza at Southwest Blvd and Riverside Dr has been announced. The $19.5 museum will sit on the east bank of the river above Riverside Drive at the southwest corner of downtown.
$19.5 million Route 66 museum for Tulsa is announced - Tulsa World: Downtown (
traxx 05-20-2015, 01:47 PM So how many Route 66 museums does that make in the state of Oklahoma? Three?
BG918 05-20-2015, 09:21 PM This has been in the planning stages since Vision 2025 passed in 2003 which included the original funding for it.
I like the design and it will definitely catch your eye from the highway. That area doesn't currently have the best connection from downtown (and really the entire riverfront has the same issue) so hopefully they plan on making improvements there.
Swake 05-28-2015, 09:03 AM
The Excalibur Building at 4th and Main will be converted to residential. Berkshire Hathaway Media Group (owner of the building and the Tulsa World) will convert the building, built in 1917, into 58 apartments. Tulsa County has approved tax credits to complete the project.
Snowman 05-28-2015, 05:48 PM
The Excalibur Building at 4th and Main will be converted to residential. Berkshire Hathaway Media Group (owner of the building and the Tulsa World) will convert the building, built in 1917, into 58 apartments. Tulsa County has approved tax credits to complete the project.
Neat, though do they plan to sell it after or shift it to something other than the Media Group?
Swake 05-28-2015, 07:21 PM No idea what they plan to do post conversion. The story by Tulsa Frontier is pretty thin, The World hasn't reported it yet.
Oddly, Tulsa Frontier is a new online Tulsa news site that hired a lot of the best people from the Tulsa World recently. Tulsa Frontier is owned by Bobby Lorton, the former owner of Tulsa World, who was about ready to tear this building down claiming earthquake damage right before he sold out. The World owns the building because it's right next door. The dark brown brick building to the right of the Excalibur Building is one of the World buildings.
TU 'cane 06-04-2015, 10:47 AM Had no idea this was already completed, and also had no idea it looked the way it did (photos in the story). I'm actually a big fan of the design and think it fits in downtown Tulsa:
New downtown Best Western opens; owners turn their attention to the Hartford, YMCA buildings
By ROBERT EVATT World Business Writer
"Once again, the Snyder and Bhow families have breathed new life into a disused downtown property.
Their latest success is the new Best Western Plus Downtown Tulsa/Route 66 Hotel, which was formerly an office building owned by the city of Tulsa. Though new hotels typically take some time to ramp up, Neal Bhow said it’s gotten a boost thanks to the neighboring Cox Business Center and the BOK Center.
“The reaction’s been overwhelmingly positive since we opened last month,” he said. “We had a strong start with the Rush concert, a volleyball competition and other events.”
The formerly red brick building now has a gray and blue paint job, and the offices made way for 79 rooms. Though renovating older buildings for new purposes can bring a number of quirks and challenges, Bhow said the structure of the building at 707 S. Houston Ave. lent itself well to a $5 million hotel transformation..."
“We feel the east end of downtown is going to explode, and we want to do the right thing.”
Source: New downtown Best Western opens; owners turn their attention to the Hartford, YMCA buildings - Tulsa World: Real Estate (
Also to note, the developers of this hotel are proceeding with additional work at the YMCA facility and the old Hartford building into more apartments, office, and retail.
Really neat investments this group is putting into downtown. Bolded from the story, I think many of us around Tulsa are not only feeling this way, but are literally witnessing the transformation that is ongoing, and it's only the beginning.
dankrutka 06-08-2015, 05:29 PM Another great development in Tulsa's core:
That development is by Bomasada, the same company developing the Metropolitan.
Spartan 06-08-2015, 07:29 PM Very exciting to finally see some new development along Riverside Drive. That whole corridor really should be their development focus.
Granted Riverside doesn't even have normal sidewalks, and the river trails wouldn't have direct access to anything, but then again it is Tulsa... baby steps.
Swake 06-08-2015, 08:39 PM Sidewalks are being added on the east side of Riverside as part of the street improvements for The Gathering Place. The Maple Ridge Homeowners Association and the mayor fought it but relented when plans were added to narrow the lanes of the street for traffic calming.
I think Riverside certainly is a focus with the $350 million Gathering Place, the $350 million dollar Margaritaville Casino Expansion, the upcoming $200 million bond issue for new dams, the Route 66 center, REI, and this Bomasada project. American Residential has also said they are looking for a location near downtown on Riverside. That's something around a billion dollars going in along Riverside.
Spartan 06-08-2015, 08:55 PM Glad to see the sidewalks not only stayed but that stretch of Riverside will be improved! I just remembered the coverage on Angie Schmitt's blog..
TU 'cane 06-09-2015, 09:38 AM It's interesting to note how quickly all of this is culminating.
The Margaritaville project has much potential to bring in a lot of people from around the region.
And then of course this gem of a park, the Gathering Place. Very exciting times for Riverside, Tulsa, etc. as we finally see some well deserved amenities start coming to fruition along our natural waterway that people have been wanting to see something done with for decades.
I've always said, develop the East side, and leave the West side natural, that way we have compromise for both sets of people in Tulsa.
TU 'cane 06-10-2015, 08:41 AM And yet another magnificent announcement for a pending development. We'll now have our own "OKSEA!"
Developer Using Shipping Containers To Create Tulsa's Next Hot Spot
Meagan Farley, News On 6
TULSA, Oklahoma -
"It's a development trend growing in big cities and internationally, and soon it will come to Tulsa.
What is now an empty lot downtown will soon be a place to shop, eat and listen to live music; and most of the buildings will be made out of shipping containers.
The 14,000-square foot lot near 3rd and Frankfort isn't serving much of a purpose now, but it sits in the middle of a block that is booming with construction and is directly next door to the popular Fur Shop bar.
Developer Casey Stowe said had a vision for the area after a recent trip to London.
"This would be the perfect thing for Tulsa. London, Tulsa, there is one in Dubai I believe," he said.
Now his vision is turning into a reality as The Boxyard, a mix of shops, restaurants and outdoor space made from old shipping containers, is coming to Tulsa."
Source: Developer Using Shipping Containers To Create Tulsa's Next Hot S - - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - | (
I'll refrain from uploading the pics here as I don't know the policy or if OKC Talk already has a built in function to credit the source...
Go Tulsa!
Looks likes the development pace is really starting to pick up and that's fantastic, especially considering the recent dip in price of oil.
shavethewhales 06-10-2015, 11:51 AM Am I the only one that thinks the shipping container building looks awful and is simply following a lame fad? OKSea looks interesting, but it's smaller and actually designed with some unusual geometry that makes it slightly impressive. This is just a cheap replication of a small strip mall, with blank walls surrounding it. I just don't see the advantage to building this vs. a real building except that it's a current fad.
I'll bet once freshness wears off this thing will truly look terrible.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of development in downtown Tulsa, but I've been noticing lately that we're getting more and more underbaked versions of things OKC has, which are often themselves less fancy versions of things world-class cities have done.
The Santa Fe Square development, on the other hand, is exceptional and something I'm truly excited for.
I've been told by developers and architects that using shipping containers does not result in any cost savings over traditional construction.
The main advantage is that they can be easily relocated.
So, in the case of OKSea, the project will likely be there for less than 10 years, then can be moved elsewhere.
Not sure of the long-term plans for this Tulsa site. Could be they just like the look and feel of containers and this may be a move permanent installation.
dankrutka 06-23-2015, 11:19 AM Interesting debate over the Davenport Lofts. Thoughts?
Please build Davenport Lofts literally anywhere else in Downtown Tulsa | The Lost Ogle (
Swake 06-24-2015, 09:32 AM Interesting debate over the Davenport Lofts. Thoughts?
Please build Davenport Lofts literally anywhere else in Downtown Tulsa | The Lost Ogle (
The site is an empty lot next to Soundpony and very close to The Cains. The worry is about noise complaints. I'm not sure what to think about that, I certainly can see that being an issue. I think the idea that this building has no retail and just a garage on ground level being a problem is overblown, it's not that big a project and the current site is just a lot.
Swake 06-24-2015, 10:56 AM People are also taking issue with REI's development going into Riverparks at 71st and Riverside. It's being built in Riverparks but mostly ignores the river and creates a huge parking lot in the park. REI is the 27,000 square ft structure labeled "Riverfront Sports".
TU 'cane 06-24-2015, 11:17 AM Eh... I can see why so many are opposed to a giant surface parking lot right off the river.
The parks have done their best with what they have to keep available parking minimal. And while at many times this is a nuisance for those who have to drive there, it does in fact help keep the area green.
Now, I guess the only "positive" out of the proposal renderings above is that the parking will be for a restaurant plus additional retail. So it's not as if one single entity will be commanding that much parking.
This will become a popular parking destination given the location, much like Bass Pro or Harkins in Bricktown.
I wonder if they will mark parking as for "official" REI/restaurant use only?
Will be interested to see what becomes of this.
Swake 06-25-2015, 09:58 AM People are also taking issue with REI's development going into Riverparks at 71st and Riverside. It's being built in Riverparks but mostly ignores the river and creates a huge parking lot in the park. REI is the 27,000 square ft structure labeled "Riverfront Sports".
One of Tulsa's city councilors posted on TulsaNow that this development is a done deal as is and there's nothing the council can do about since the plan adheres to current zoning. The mayor and developer are not receptive to changes and the developer is actually going to forgo an available TIF because that would allow council oversight and input.
Spartan 06-26-2015, 02:23 AM The guy who has ran Tulsa forever is one of its biggest problems. Bartlett would only be competitive in James Greiner's ward.
Swake 06-26-2015, 09:01 AM The guy who has ran Tulsa forever is one of its biggest problems. Bartlett would only be competitive in James Greiner's ward.
Dewey has been mayor for less than six years so forever is a large overstatement, but he does suck donkey balls.
BG918 06-26-2015, 03:21 PM Dewey has been mayor for less than six years so forever is a large overstatement, but he does suck donkey balls.
Tulsa, as evidenced by this thread, has a good amount of new and planned development especially in the urban core. And this is with an ineffective mayor and overall poor city leadership, low population growth, lack of a major state university and the depressed energy economy. Fix a couple or all of those and the city will boom. .
Spartan 06-28-2015, 05:44 PM Tulsa, as evidenced by this thread, has a good amount of new and planned development especially in the urban core. And this is with an ineffective mayor and overall poor city leadership, low population growth, lack of a major state university and the depressed energy economy. Fix a couple or all of those and the city will boom. .
This is very well put. I'm just annoyed by these last few years, because if Tulsa could get its act together it will be exciting to watch.
Swake - six years is two terms. That's half as many terms as Cornett, who has been mayor foreverever.
Swake 07-09-2015, 12:57 PM The Coliseum Apartments are nearing completion and have started leasing.
The Hampton Inn at Place One across the street from The BOK Center is now starting construction.
TU 'cane 07-10-2015, 08:25 AM TulsaWorld put together a slideshow of the current and planned developments in downtown Tulsa. Some include renderings, other slides are just brief descriptions of what's expected.
The neat thing is that from what I saw, these are all pretty much green lit, I think some are just waiting on additional funding, permits, etc. before they begin later this year or early next. Will be super impressive for Tulsa if all of these do indeed come to fruition as planned. Lots of infill, lots of hotels, which means the probability of more events in the future, which in turn pumps money into the local economy.
14 downtown development projects you should know about (
Swake 07-10-2015, 01:11 PM The Ross Group, a Tulsa based development and construction company, is now taking part in the long, long delayed 1st Street Lofts project. Construction should resume soon and be completed within 15 months.
After nine years, 1st Street Lofts see rapid completion - (
Swake 07-10-2015, 01:18 PM The Ross Group is also building the Hampton Inn and Suites that is starting construction and they also are currently converting the former International Harvester building in the East Village downtown right next to Urban 8 and The Edge at East Village developments into a new corporate headquarters for themselves.
Swake 07-10-2015, 01:24 PM New details on the The View development from American Residential that is supposed to start construction later this summer. American Residential owns the Tribune Building and built the Metro at Brady and is currently building The Edge at East Village.{C7B666CC-EA59-4C3A-ACBF-5A778B920B83}_ColorARCHER%20ELEV%20SHT%2011x17%20( 2).jpg&w=1&mw=535&h=1&mh=265
The View will be across the street from Oneok Field and has 5 and 6 story buildings with 200 apartments, ground floor retail and a 5 story parking garage. The look is very similar to The Metro which is just a couple of blocks west down Archer Street.
Swake 07-10-2015, 03:31 PM Bomasada Group’s new apartments on Riverside are now called The Cosmopolitan. It will include 280 apartments with structured parking at Riverside and Denver Ave. The project is going before the planning commission next week.
Swake 07-11-2015, 11:44 PM Here's an image of the hotel:
The Ross Group is also building the Hampton Inn and Suites that is starting construction and they also are currently converting the former International Harvester building in the East Village downtown right next to Urban 8 and The Edge at East Village developments into a new corporate headquarters for themselves.
BG918 07-12-2015, 09:04 AM With the Hampton Inn going in what is planned for the remaining parking lot at One Place, the one directly across from the BOK Center? I seem to remember they were targeting residential but haven't heard anything announced.
Also in that area the Central Library is finishing up this summer a $53 million renovation that has been ongoing for a couple years.
Swake 07-12-2015, 11:18 AM With the Hampton Inn going in what is planned for the remaining parking lot at One Place, the one directly across from the BOK Center? I seem to remember they were targeting residential but haven't heard anything announced.
Also in that area the Central Library is finishing up this summer a $53 million renovation that has been ongoing for a couple years.
Yes, that's the location. They were supposed to have some residential as well, I have no idea why they couldn't get it done with the parking garage already in place and residential going in all over the place.
Swake 07-12-2015, 10:44 PM Berkshire Hathaway finalizing plans for Excalibur Building.
53 apartments with retail on the ground floor
Warren Buffett plans apartments, renovations for downtown... | (
TU 'cane 07-13-2015, 08:58 AM Here's an image of the hotel:
Excellent, won't look that bad at all. And I'm happy it's taking the place of surface parking.
Yes, that's the location. They were supposed to have some residential as well, I have no idea why they couldn't get it done with the parking garage already in place and residential going in all over the place.
Do we happen to know the vacancy rate of OnePlace, both the Cimarex tower as well as the five story attachment where Northwestern Mutual is? Because the times I've driven by or gone to an event at the BOK, there are a couple floors still being worked on. Not sure if they've been completed and leased at this point, though.
I imagine once that building is at 100% occupancy (if it's not already, in which case maybe we'll hear something sooner than later?), we'll see a suitor come forth with something planned for that parking lot. I didn't know residential had been discussed, that would make for a well rounded area.
Swake 07-17-2015, 01:19 PM The city council approves the last changes for an REI store to go in on Riverside:
Tulsa City Council approves amendment clearing the way for REI to come to 71st and Riverside - Tulsa World: Business (
Swake 07-17-2015, 01:24 PM There’s a new proposal to dam the Arkansas River in Tulsa, GT Bynum, Tulsa city councilor and head of the river task force is now proposing a smaller $200 million project to replace the dam at 33rd Street and add new dams at 49th Street and 103rd Street. The dams for Sand Springs and Bixby would be a later phase and vote.
BG918 07-17-2015, 01:39 PM There’s a new proposal to dam the Arkansas River in Tulsa, GT Bynum, Tulsa city councilor and head of the river task force is now proposing a smaller $200 million project to replace the dam at 33rd Street and add new dams at 49th Street and 103rd Street. The dams for Sand Springs and Bixby would be a later phase and vote.
Hyperlocal blog: Bynum offers new dam proposal - (
I think that has a better chance passing since Tulsans will be the main ones voting for it. How does that work since it's a county tax though, wouldn't Owasso and other county cities not on the river be paying for it as well?
I hope it can pass. The Zink Dam improvements will really enhance the Gathering Place especially the whitewater flume that is part of that project. Water in the river just makes the parks and trails along the river so much nicer.
Swake 07-17-2015, 01:47 PM I think that has a better chance passing since Tulsans will be the main ones voting for it. How does that work since it's a county tax though, wouldn't Owasso and other county cities not on the river be paying for it as well?
I hope it can pass. The Zink Dam improvements will really enhance the Gathering Place especially the whitewater flume that is part of that project. Water in the river just makes the parks and trails along the river so much nicer.
Not a county tax, only Tulsa and Jenks will be involved. And hopefully the Creek Nation since they have several hundred millions dollars invested in the area of the 103rd Street dam.
Swake 07-31-2015, 01:51 PM The Coliseum Apartments are complete. 36 Apartments in a renovated building in the East Village area by Nelson+Stowe Development (Eliot Nelson)
The tax credits for the Palace Building (also known as the Excalibur Building) conversion to residential have been approved. This project is by Berkshire Hathaway and will have 58 apartments at 4th and Main with retail on the first floor.
Demolition is underway for The View at Greenwood development, this is the 200 unit new residential building by American Residential across the street from Oneok Field
The Tulsa Public Facilities Authority may be trying to force some improvements to the REI development at 71st and Riverside. They have failed to approve the plan as is twice now.
The Sinclair Building at 5th and Main goes to auction for taxes owed on September 15th barring any other last minute maneuvers by its bankrupt out of state absentee owner.
Swake 07-31-2015, 02:10 PM The Coliseum Apartments are complete. 36 Apartments in a renovated building in the East Village area by Nelson+Stowe Development (Eliot Nelson)
The tax credits for the Palace Building (also known as the Excalibur Building) conversion to residential have been approved. This project is by Berkshire Hathaway and will have 58 apartments at 4th and Main with retail on the first floor.
Demolition is underway for The View at Greenwood development, this is the 200 unit new residential building by American Residential across the street from Oneok Field
The Tulsa Public Facilities Authority may be trying to force some improvements to the REI development at 71st and Riverside. They have failed to approve the plan as is twice now.
The Sinclair Building at 5th and Main goes to auction for taxes owed on September 15th barring any other last minute maneuvers by its bankrupt out of state absentee owner.
Here's a photo of The Sinclair Building. It has a great location and great potential in the right owners hands. The current owner did nothing but drive all the tenants out. He's the same guy that nearly ruined the Tulsa Club Building before he lost that building at auction.
Spartan 07-31-2015, 03:11 PM Not a county tax, only Tulsa and Jenks will be involved. And hopefully the Creek Nation since they have several hundred millions dollars invested in the area of the 103rd Street dam.
Tulsa and BA need to form an alliance to further a regional urban planning agenda. Jenks is great, but not the big kahuna. BA will be almost as big as Tulsa in a few decades, considering how much further east they could sprawl if they wanted to. BA already has its own freeway loop, practically. The day that they get serious about their downtown and historic hoods is when they'll be a serious competitor and potential ally; don't judge these large suburbs based on what they have done so far, because there are too many successful "transformed suburb" models out there, like Overland Park, Plano, et al.
They all start ****ty, hit critical mass, then amp up their development practices at the right time when they have a strong wind of growth behind them.
Swake 07-31-2015, 03:28 PM Tulsa and BA need to form an alliance to further a regional urban planning agenda. Jenks is great, but not the big kahuna. BA will be almost as big as Tulsa in a few decades, considering how much further east they could sprawl if they wanted to. BA already has its own freeway loop, practically. The day that they get serious about their downtown and historic hoods is when they'll be a serious competitor and potential ally; don't judge these large suburbs based on what they have done so far, because there are too many successful "transformed suburb" models out there, like Overland Park, Plano, et al.
They all start ****ty, hit critical mass, then amp up their development practices at the right time when they have a strong wind of growth behind them.
You mean a regional planning group? Maybe something like INCOG (Indian Nations Council of Governments)
INCOG | Tulsa, OK | Regional Partners - Regional Solutions (
Broken Arrow does have it's own highway loop and is investing and growing it's very small downtown area, now know as The Rose District.
Home - Rose District (
The agreement on the dams between Jenks and Tulsa is because they share the river south of 91st Street, Tulsa is on the east bank there and Jenks is on the west bank.
Swake 08-23-2015, 12:35 AM The Tulsa Performing Arts Center owns the lot across the street from the center and have asked for proposals to develop the site.
Two of the three of the responding proposal include a new downtown Reasor's location. All three include condos/apartments and ground floor retail. One seems to replace Reasor's with a hotel.
Here's one of the renderings:
TU 'cane 08-23-2015, 03:45 PM To note, a couple of the proposals were from companies based in Indianapolis, including Milhause who has trekked around OKC.
When you look at the location, it's prime, bordering the edges of the CBD and Bluedome.
Definitely hope something becomes of this. Tulsa is quietly turning out many nice infill projects.
BG918 08-23-2015, 03:50 PM To note, a couple of the proposals were from companies based in Indianapolis, including Milhause who has trekked around OKC.
When you look at the location, it's prime, bordering the edges of the CBD and Bluedome.
Definitely hope something becomes of this. Tulsa is quietly turning out many nice infill projects.
I see one of the proposals includes a true full-service grocery store. Hope that happens as that is what is needed for downtown Tulsa to add even more residential density especially in the east end of downtown and Pearl District areas that are most ripe for redevelopment.
Swake 08-23-2015, 05:17 PM I see one of the proposals includes a true full-service grocery store. Hope that happens as that is what is needed for downtown Tulsa to add even more residential density especially in the east end of downtown and Pearl District areas that are most ripe for redevelopment.
Two of the three included Reasor's. Reasor's has also reported been talking to Brickhugger (the Mayo Hotel, aLoft and several other projects) about being in their Hartford Building conversion project. It looks like Reasor's has real plans for a downtown location pretty soon.
bchris02 08-23-2015, 05:45 PM A proposal like this would be a dream come true for anywhere in downtown OKC.
Swake 08-31-2015, 09:42 AM Berkshire Hathaway finalizing plans for Excalibur Building.
53 apartments with retail on the ground floor
Warren Buffett plans apartments, renovations for downtown... | (
The Tulsa World is reporting that The Palace (Excalibur) Building conversion starts construction today. 58 apartments with retail space on the ground floor.
Page A7 - Tulsa World: Tulsa World E-edition (
Swake 08-31-2015, 09:50 AM By my count that makes 21 projects under construction in downtown Tulsa right now:
Tulsa Central Library 5th and Denver Complete Rehab of Central Library
Urban 8 2nd and Kenosha 8 Residential for Sale Units
Avanti Building 810 S Cincinnatti Reconstruction of Office Building
YMCA Lofts 5th and Denver Residential Conversion of former YMCA
East End Village 2nd and Kenosha Residential Conversion of Bill White Chevy Dealership
Harrington's Lofts 7th and Boston Residential Conversion of former Department Store
Main and Cameron Lofts Main and Cameron Residential Conversion of Former Warehouse
Hampton Inn 3rd and Cheyenne New Construction Hotel
The Edge at East Village 215 S Greenwood New Residential Building
Hogan Assessments HQ NE Corner of 1st and Greenwood New Office Building
Mincks-Adams Hotel Building 403 S Cheyene Residential Conversion of office building on national register of historic places
Transok Building 2 W. Sixth St Residential Conversion of hotel on national register of historic places
111 W 5th Building 111 W 5th Residential Conversion of office building
Rehabilitation Center 13th and Trenton New Construction Rehab Center by Hillcrest Hospital
Dead Armadillo Brewery 1004 E 4th Microbrewey in converted warehouse space
Fox Hotel/Universal Ford Building Main and Brady Retail/Residential Conversion
International Harvester Building 2nd and Frankfort Conversion to Office Space
Gates Hardware Building Elgin and Brady Conversion to Office Space and Retail
400 S Boston Building 4th and Boston Conversion to Residential
Palace Building 4th and Main Conversion to Residential
Residence Inn 5th and Cheyenne New Construction Hotel
The site for a 22nd project, The View at Greenwood, just finished demo work and should start very soon. These 22 projects have a total 869 residential units, 230 hotel rooms, 50,000 sq ft of retail and 325,000 sq ft of office space.
Spartan 09-13-2015, 07:06 PM The Tulsa Performing Arts Center owns the lot across the street from the center and have asked for proposals to develop the site.
Two of the three of the responding proposal include a new downtown Reasor's location. All three include condos/apartments and ground floor retail. One seems to replace Reasor's with a hotel.
Here's one of the renderings:
This will be a phenomenal development. Getting a real grocery store will make downtown housing a lot more marketable, especially if Reasor's invests in a unique atmosphere to distinguish the location from its other stores (which are all pretty decent).
I like the green roof, but my experience with grocery projects is that they present a unique opportunity for rooftop parking. On one hand you generally have a large column-supported building, and a legitimate need for on-site parking. Perfect combination of forces for a little site plan innovation.
I know Kroger has been experimenting with the idea. Toured a really cool project such as this in Lexington nearby UK.
Bunty 09-22-2015, 11:03 PM Margaritaville hotel tower reaches the halfway mark - Tulsa World: Real Estate (
bchris02 09-22-2015, 11:58 PM This will be a phenomenal development. Getting a real grocery store will make downtown housing a lot more marketable, especially if Reasor's invests in a unique atmosphere to distinguish the location from its other stores (which are all pretty decent).
Living in OKC, I have to say I am very jealous of this development. I am hoping the 4th and EK Gaylord development turns out to be similar to this, even if its on a smaller scale.
TU 'cane 09-23-2015, 05:53 PM Margaritaville hotel tower reaches the halfway mark - Tulsa World: Real Estate (
Was driving around town a few nights ago. You can see this from a few vantage points across town in a few directions... And it's only half way done. This will dominate the river view and be a decent visual landmark and link between the city's two tallest towers (Cityplex vs. BOK), stretching miles from South to North.
Pretty cool.
Swake 10-12-2015, 02:47 PM The Tulsa Performing Arts Center owns the lot across the street from the center and have asked for proposals to develop the site.
Two of the three of the responding proposal include a new downtown Reasor's location. All three include condos/apartments and ground floor retail. One seems to replace Reasor's with a hotel.
Here's one of the renderings:
PAC Trust has selected a developer for the parking lot east of the PAC. Indianapolis-based firm Flaherty and Collins proposed a development that includes parking, apartments and a new downtown Reasor's store.
PAC Trustees, Developer Continue Talks To Transform Downtown Par - - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - | (
TU 'cane 10-13-2015, 09:58 AM Thanks for the updates Swake.
Downtown Tulsa is going to be red hot if that follows through if even at least 95% of what we're being told could happen.
A development like that becomes a catalyst very easily.
bchris02 10-13-2015, 10:15 AM I am very jealous of this development. Hopefully something like this can be proposed here eventually.